Article 83 Yongxing

Wang Yu knew that Yu Dong was from Shanghai, so he specially invited him to the editorial office.

Yu Dong did not reply to Wang Yu's letter. On the one hand, as he explained himself, when he received the letter, he was about to go on vacation.On the other hand, he was not sure at the time whether he would definitely come.

After all, he was full of things about the subscription certificate before, and he didn't know if he had time to be invited.

Now that the subscription certificate issue has come to an end, he has time to come to find Wang Yu.

Taking advantage of the time he poured water for Yu Dong, Wang Yu secretly looked at Yu Dong.

He knew about Yu Dong's approximate age, so he was not surprised that Dong was so young, but Yu Dong's youth showed a calmness and composure.

Generally, a young man as big as Yu Dong, when he comes to a place like "Harvest", either seems shy and does not speak well, or he is eager to express himself and talks too much.

But as a writer, some special things seem to be normal.

Wang Yu was looking at Yu Dong, and Yu Dong was actually looking at Wang Yu.

The literary editor of "The Harvest" gives the first impression that he is ordinary, about thirty years old, of medium stature, neither fat nor thin.The only thing that impresses people is probably his ridiculously thick glasses.

Yu Dong even doubted whether Wang Yu could still see after taking off his glasses.

"Mr. Yu came back to Shanghai only two days ago?" Wang Yu brought water to Yu Dong and sat down on the sofa on the other side.

"It's only been two days since I came back." Yu Dongchong looked at the editorial office at the door, "Editor Wang, when are you on vacation? Before I came, I was worried. I was afraid that you were already on vacation, so I'd miss it."

"Hey, how can there be such a beautiful thing, let's not say that we will stay here for five or six days, and those who are unlucky will still be on duty." Wang Yu said with a smile, but there was no complaint about the intensity of the work.

Also, being able to work at Harvest is something to be proud of in itself, and what else to complain about.Since Yu Dong stepped into the Shanghai Writers Association Center, everyone he met, no matter what they were doing, exuded confidence.

Compared with other people, Wang Yu seemed less confident.

After drinking two sips of water, Wang Yu said again, "Your 'Death of a Widow' was sent a little late, otherwise the first issue of this year can be published, and now it can only be postponed to March."

"It's alright, I don't really care about it early in the morning, didn't you already send me your royalties?" Yu Dong laughed.

Wang Yu also smiled, he just thought Yu Dong was joking.He has also submitted manuscripts himself, and he naturally knows that the author can't wait to turn his work into type after the manuscript is finished.

"Mr. Yu, you are so talented and have a good foundation. You should really create more. And your style is very compatible with "Harvest". Our magazine needs more writers like you. I also believe that we can also help your turn."

Although Wang Yu looked dull, he was not ambiguous at all in holding people up.

Yu Dong smiled and replied: "Creation also pays attention to fate, and it is difficult for me to control myself. Anyway, thank you editor Wang for your appreciation. Speaking of which, I would also like to thank you for writing to me twice before. Otherwise it would not have contributed to the publication of The Widow's Death in Harvest."

"This is my job..."

Halfway through Wang Yu's words, a long-haired man in a jacket pushed open the door on the other side of the lounge.

The long hair is not particularly long, and it is all carried behind the back. There is no bang on the forehead, but it looks very clean.She looks about 30 years old, a little thin, and walks hurriedly.

Seeing him, Wang Yu stood up immediately, and seeing Wang Yu like this, Yu Dong also put down the teacup and stood up.

"Editor-in-chief Cheng." Wang Yu greeted the other party.

Cheng Yongxing nodded to Wang Yu, then looked at Yu Dong again, and asked with a smile, "A guest?"

"This is Yu Dong, the author of "Death of a Widow". He is a native of Shanghai, so I asked him to come and sit down." After introducing Yu Dong to Cheng Yongxing, Wang Yu said to Dong again, "This is us. Editor-in-Chief."

"I'm Cheng Yongxing, Deputy Editor-in-Chief." Cheng Yongxing took two steps forward and shook hands with Yu Dong, "I have something to do right now, so I can't accompany you. You can talk to Wang Yu first, if you don't rush to leave, half an hour later. How about going to my office and sitting down?"

"Okay, editor-in-chief Cheng, I'll visit you later."

"If you don't visit, let's chat." Cheng Yongxing smiled heartily, and said to Wang Yu, "Wang Yu, please sit with Yu Dong first, I have something to ask Li Ming here."

After finishing speaking, Cheng Yongxing hurried through the lounge and went to the editorial department.

From Cheng Yongxing's entry to his departure, the whole process took no more than 1 minute, but it left a deep impression on Yu Dong.

As early as when Yudong was still in school, he had heard of Cheng Yongxing's name.At that time, Yu Dong's teacher Hu Yueming also asked Yu Dong to submit the article to "Harvest" because he had a good relationship with Cheng Yongxing. After that, Yu Dong asked Hu Yueming about this matter.

Cheng Yongxing's resolute action is written on his face, giving people the feeling that he is full of energy and can stay awake for 24 hours.

"Editor Cheng is decisive, very smart, and has a very keen sense of literature. I don't know if you have heard of Teacher Yu."

"I heard it." Yu Dong nodded: "My brother Su Tong's "Wives and Concubines" was published in "Harvest", and he is the editor in charge."

"Oh, I almost forgot about this. You and Editor-in-Chief Su belong to the same school, and they both graduated from the Department of Chinese. But it's been a few years since you two have communicated before, right?" Wang Yu asked casually. .

Of course, he will not forget that Yu Dong and Su Tong are in the same school. After all, Yu Dong published novels in "Zhongshan" before.

It's just that he doesn't know what the relationship between Yu Dong and Su Tong is.

"I didn't have much communication before, but after I went to Jinyi, there were more contacts."

"Oh, that's it." Wang Yu nodded.


After chatting with Wang Yu for nearly an hour, Yu Dong went to Cheng Yongxing's office.

Cheng Yongxing laughed and dragged Yu Dong to chat about "The Death of a Widow" for a while, and greatly appreciated the novel in his words.

After chatting, Cheng Yongxing suddenly asked Yu Dong: "You are studying in Yanshi University, are you familiar with President Hu?"

Yu Dong nodded and replied, "Editor Cheng, are you talking about President Hu Yueming?"

"It's him."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "He is my teacher, and he has always taken good care of me at school."

Hearing Yu Dong's answer, Cheng Yongxing groaned for a long time, and suddenly said: "I just said why your name is so familiar, you posted an article on "Harvest" before, and later Lao Hu called me to talk about it. past you."

"Did you talk about it after posting it?" Yu Dong asked.

"Yeah." Cheng Yongxing nodded and said, "I remember clearly, he only called after I posted it, probably to show off to me. This old man, Hu, is good at everything, he just likes to show off."

Yu Dong could hear that Cheng Yongxing had a really good relationship with his teacher Hu Yueming, otherwise it would be impossible to say this.But as a student of Hu Yueming, Cheng Yongxing said this, and Yu Dong was not easy to talk to.



ps: I'm asking for a recommendation ticket and a monthly ticket for you ▄█▔▉●

 Thank you [maybe be quieter] for the 500 reward from the big guy
  Thank you [the storyteller] for the 500 reward
  Thanks for the 433 reward from the [white-robed monk]
  Thank you [Bookworm zore] for the 100 reward
  Thank you [Lost Wolf King] for the 100 reward
(End of this chapter)

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