Chapter 84 is wonderful (plus 7\16)

After learning about the relationship between Yu Dong and Hu Yueming, Cheng Yongxing's attitude towards Dong became more enthusiastic.With people who know each other, there will be more topics for each other.

And the relationship between the two does not stop there. Cheng Yongxing, as the editor who promoted the publication of "Wives and Concubines" in "Harvest", has a very good relationship with Su Tong.

So their topic of conversation changed from Hu Yueming to Hu Yueming and Su Tong.

After chatting for more than an hour, Cheng Yongxing said with a smile, "I'm glad we can have an excellent young writer like you in Shanghai, and chatting with you is also very enjoyable, but I have a lot of work at hand, so I'm afraid I can't accompany you any longer. You talked."

Yu Dong apologized: "I'm sorry, I've delayed your work."

"It's obvious, you and I are both locals in Shanghai and have mutual friends, so we have a lot of fate. In addition, although I have a good relationship with your teacher Hu Yueming, the two of us are not far apart in age after all. There are still more common topics. In the future, as long as you have time, come over and sit down, and treat this as your home. "

Saying that, Cheng Yongxing lit the cigarette on his mouth.

Seeing Cheng Yongxing lighting the cigarette, Yu Dong was relieved.

Cheng Yongxing is addicted to smoking, but if he wants to quit smoking, he likes to keep the cigarette in his mouth and not light it.

Now this cigarette has been in Cheng Yongxing's mouth for half an hour, and during this half hour, Yu Dong has a large part of his attention on this cigarette, just thinking about when Cheng Yongxing can light it on.

"Oh, that's right." After lighting up the cigarette, Cheng Yongxing seemed to suddenly remember something, and he patted his head: "There is something I almost forgot to tell you. On the day of 27, Yan Geling was going back to Shanghai. I have invited Wang Anyi, Ge Fei and several other writers to come to the magazine office, do you have time then?"

"I should have time." Yu Dong thought for a while, and there should be nothing to do on the 27th.

"Then come here too, let's chat together."

"Of course I'm fine, but why did Yan Geling go back to Shanghai at this time?"

Yu Dong asked this for a reason. Although Yan Geling was born in Shanghai, she didn't stay in Shanghai for a long time, probably only a few years.

No one has ever labeled Yan Geling as a "Shanghai writer".

Cheng Yongxing shrugged: "I don't know. She published two long articles on "Harvest" before, and we have been keeping in touch. During the last telephone chat, she mentioned that she would go back to Shanghai to see it a year ago. , I naturally invited her to sit in the magazine."

"Okay, I see. I will definitely come over on the 27th." Yu Dong nodded, then stood up, "I won't bother you today."

"I send you."

"Need not……"

Cheng Yongxing's vigorous and resolute actions will be shown at all times, even the matter of sending Yu Dong. Yu Dong just opened his mouth to refuse, but Cheng Yongxing has already dragged Yu Dong out of the door.

Yu Dong was pulled out by Cheng Yongxing, staring at Cheng Yongxing pulling his arm, and he couldn't help feeling that this way of giving away is really super hardcore.


After walking out of the Shanghai Writers Association Center, Yu Dong was still thinking about Yan Geling.

Yan Geling is definitely the most commercialized female writer in China in the next few decades.

This "commercialization" is not a derogation, but an affirmation of Yan Geling's work.

In China, even if someone doesn't know Yan Geling's name, they have probably seen the film and television drama adapted from her work, and there is a high probability of more than one.

For example, "The Thirteen Hairpins of Jinling", "Youth", "Heavenly Bath", "Auntie Many Cranes", "The Ma Pavilion is a City", "Return" and so on.

Each of the above-mentioned works is very out of the circle.

It is also worth mentioning that Yan Geling is one of the few writers in China who can write bilingually because of her family background and living abroad all the year round.

Although Yu Dong was a little doubtful about Yan Geling's coming to Shanghai during the New Year's Eve, he was still looking forward to the party on the 27th. It was a joy to meet other writers.


Rongcheng, "Science Fiction World" magazine.

Tan Kai ran to the president's office excitedly and reported the good news to Yang Xiao: "President Yang, Yu Dong's letter has arrived, and he told me that the copyright matter has been negotiated. It's just about the specific details, such as price, He didn't say the identity of the other party, he just said that he would not be able to disclose it until the other party announced the official news."

Yang Xiao nodded and expressed his understanding, "This is normal. Anyway, we only need to know that things are indeed negotiating. Let's not worry, just wait for the other party to announce. This is also just in case, people bought the film and television adaptation rights, it may not be It will be filmed, and we are eager to publicize it everywhere, and then we will make an oolong and make people laugh."

"I think so too, just wait for the other party to announce first, then we just need to push it." Tan Kai nodded, and then handed another document to Yang Xiao: "Look at this, yes According to the estimated sales volume, the sales volume of this period has exceeded [-], and there is still the possibility of growth.”

Yang Xiao took the document, read it carefully from beginning to end, and then showed a satisfied smile, "After holding back for more than half a year, the rally has finally become a little fiercer."

After speaking, she stood up again, pointing to the sofa and motioning for Tan Kai to sit down.

After the two of them were seated, Yang Xiao continued: "This year is not in vain, from the World Science Fiction Annual Conference in May, to choosing to serialize a novel and changing from bimonthly to monthly, this is an extraordinary year for us. During this year, we have made a lot of efforts and made a lot of breakthroughs. Fortunately, these efforts have not been in vain, and these breakthroughs have not failed."

Tan Kai was also very happy with the magazine's achievements this year, he said with a smile: "I don't think it's luck, but the efforts of the past few years have finally begun to bear fruit. The success of "Science Fiction World" has always been Our beliefs."

"Old Tan, you are right, but I still think we are lucky enough, and Yu Dong is our biggest luck this year. I believe "Sci-Fi World" will definitely get better and better, but Yu Dong has accelerated our Step." Yang Xiao said with emotion, "I sometimes recall what happened in the past few months during this time, and I have this feeling. It seems that Yu Dong appeared out of nowhere. He has never published science fiction. Fiction, but he can write a long novel as soon as he comes up, and he originally took the pure literary path. Now not only is he willing to write science fiction, but he also writes so well."

Hearing what Yang Xiao said, Tan Kai couldn't help but nod his head, "It's really amazing to think about it like this."




Thank you for the 600 reward of [Blinking and hitting the wall]
Thank you [Ghost Valley Holy Word] for the 105 reward of the boss
Thanks for the 100 reward of [Yilianyoumengdi No Sleep] boss
Looking for recommended tickets and monthly tickets, I will give you ▄█▔▉●

(End of this chapter)

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