Chapter 830 Lin Musen

If Xu Zheng could have a good chat with Yu Dong in advance, the relationship between the two parties will definitely be better than now, and there is still possibility of cooperation in the future.Anyway, there is still friendship between Yu Dong and Xu Zheng. They are not only fellow villagers, but also have been in touch with each other for a long time.

Deep Space Company has never thought of establishing a monopoly in the entertainment industry, otherwise it would not have cooperated with Zhao Baogang, and some good artists have also been handed over to Zhao Baogang's company.

When they can eat meat, Deep Space Company is also willing to give soup to others. Although it treats artists with some parents, it is also to enable them to go further.

Therefore, if Xu Zheng can bear it a little longer, and then have a good chat with Yu Dong, maybe Yu Dong will support Xu Zheng to start his own company and cooperate with Deep Space.

But in this situation, it would be considered magnanimous for Yu Dong not to destroy him.

The reporters below were still waiting for Yu Dong's answer. He smiled and said, "I don't ask much about the company's operations. I just found out about it not too long ago. From a personal point of view, I'm quite surprised." , Xu Zheng has always been a very smart and easy-to-learn young man in my heart. He has his own style in acting and his own ideas in life. I haven't had a chance to communicate with him yet, so I don't know his specific thoughts, but No matter what, I hope he can do a good job in the future.”

"This is also the first time that an artist has voluntarily left the Deep Space Company. Does this mean that there will be a second, third, or even more Xu Zheng in the future? Do you have any opinion on this situation?" Not worried?"

Yu Dong helped the microphone, "Shenkong is a legally operated private company. The door is open, and outstanding talents are always welcome to join this big family. Of course, if anyone feels that this place is not suitable for him, he can also Leave at any time. I believe that those who can stay in the end are naturally like-minded people, and only with like-minded people can the company continue to make progress."

Many reporters quickly picked up their pens and began to write: Yu Dong implied that Xu Zheng was not a like-minded person, and it would be better if he left.

The reporter from continued to ask, "Although Xu Zheng left this time, he paid Deep Space a large amount of liquidated damages, but according to his current reputation, these liquidated damages are far from enough to make up for the losses of Deep Space. Can deep space bear it?"

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows, showing a surprised expression, "Could it be that our Deep Space Company can't afford to lose even one actor in your eyes?"

"No, no, what I mean is, will this kind of loss allow you and Mr. Ji to strengthen the control over the artists under your banner, such as increasing their liquidated damages and years, if you set a higher default for Xu Zheng before? Jin, then there is no way for him to leave Deep Space Corporation."

Yu Dong shook his head: "Shenkong's contract standards for artists have been set long ago, and they may be revised in the future, but they will not be revised because of Xu Zheng's departure. Setting liquidated damages is based on reciprocity and should not be a The means of retaining artists is at least not the only means. Also, please pay attention to your words, Deep Space Corporation has never thought of controlling anyone, so naturally it has not strengthened control. It is still the same sentence, Deep Space, come Go as you please."

"Although Xu Zheng left Shenkong, everyone in this circle looked up and down. If Shenkong meets Xu Zheng's company in the future, what kind of attitude will Shenkong face him?"

The meaning of this question is obvious, it is to ask whether Shen Kong will target Xu Zheng.After all, in the eyes of the outside world, Deep Space suffered a lot this time. The company invested a lot of resources in Xu Zheng, and gave him two popular TV series in a row. Now Xu Zheng left suddenly. It was in vain.

Yu Dong stared at the reporter in front of him, looked up and down, and then said with a smile, "It's hard to say what will happen in the future, but what I can tell you is that the posture of Deep Space does not depend on who you face, but on who you are. Because of our own goal of Deep Space. And our goal of Deep Space is always to produce excellent works and present them to all audiences.”

"Is it possible to invite Xu Zheng to participate in the film and television dramas produced after Deep Space?"

Yu Dong looked at his watch, "You have too many questions. If you are very concerned about Xu Zheng's affairs, you can make an appointment with my assistant. We can have a good chat when we have time. After all, today is my new book release meeting. We Let’s talk a little bit about books.”

The reporter wanted to say something, but in the end he opened his mouth and didn't say anything.

The question and answer will continue, because Yu Dong clicked a sentence, so no one will ask questions related to Xu Zheng, and they will all be asked around the novel.

When it was almost nine o'clock, the question-and-answer session ended, and Yu Dong took the time to send his autographed books to the reporters.

These books were all signed in advance, and Yu Dong just sent them one by one. If he was in a good mood, he would write a special signature to a certain reporter.

After doing this, the reporters dispersed, and the security personnel let the readers who lined up outside come in in an orderly manner.


"Sir, the autograph session has started, you can go in now."

When Thompson, who was at the front of the line, heard what the staff said, his eyes burst out with joy.

"Thank you."

Thompson nodded to the staff and strode into the infield.

Along the landmark line, Thompson walked to the signing table. It was not the first time he participated in the signing meeting, but at this time he was holding two books and didn't know what to do, because it was the first time he was ranked first. One.

Yu Dong was a little surprised to see that the person in the front row turned out to be a foreigner, and then he said in English, "Hi, what's your name?"

Thompson answered him in Chinese, "My Chinese name is Lin Musen."

The fairly fluent Chinese made Yu Dong nodded, "Your Chinese is not bad, and your name is also very good. Did you go to school in China?"

"No, this is my first time in China."

Thompson's words surprised Yu Dong, "Did you learn Chinese by yourself?"

"No, I have a few Chinese friends, and I have learned a lot from them. I wanted them to come with me, but they thought they were too far away and didn't come back."


"Well, Chicago."

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows, "It's really far away. Is there anything else to do when you come to Jinling this time?"

"Mainly to get your autographed book, luckily I was first in line. Now, I can see the book earlier than other people in other places."

Yu Dong smiled. He knew that it was not as simple as being lucky to be ranked first, but it took a lot of hard work.

To a certain extent, this Lin Musen in front of him is also an avid book fan. He flew all the way from Chicago to Jinling just to read the book first.

Thinking of this, Yu Dong felt that it was not easy for this buddy, and asked again, "Is there anything you want me to sign?"

Thompson was taken aback. He didn't expect that the signature could be customized. After thinking for a while, he tentatively asked, "You can write 'When you haven't seen this flower, this flower will die with your heart. The colors become clear for a moment.'”

He said it word by word, for fear of pronouncing a certain word wrong.

Yu Dong smiled, "It's quite long, do you like Wang Yangming?"

"Well, Mr. Wang Shouren is my second favorite writer in China." Then Thompson added with some embarrassment, "The first is you."

Yu Dong rubbed the goose bumps on his body, and without saying anything, he directly signed Thompson's name, and wrote Wang Yangming's words on it.

Thompson knew the rules, and quickly left the scene after getting the signed book, leaving room for the people behind.

The people behind all cast envious glances at Thompson. Everyone knew that Yu Dong's first signings were basically special ones. Seeing that Thompson chatted with Yu Dong for a while, they naturally had special ones.

Holding the signed book, Thompson headed directly towards the Science Fiction Museum. On the way, he kept looking at the line written by Yu Dong on the title page.

He didn't lie, Yu Dong and Wang Shouren, two people of different eras, were indeed his two favorite Chinese writers, but at this time, his two favorite Chinese writers traveled through the world in this way. Time and space are connected together, which naturally makes him very excited.

This time he will come to Jinling to participate in the signing event. Many friends say that he is too impulsive, but in fact he is not impulsive, but has been planning for a long time. He has always wanted to visit China, but he has not been particularly good. Chance.

It happened that this time YU held a book signing event in Jinling, so he flew over directly. First he saw the new book, got the book signing, and then played around in China.

After Thompson arrived at the Science Fiction Museum, he took out a box from his schoolbag, carefully put the two signed books in his hand into the box, and then put the box back into the schoolbag.

After finishing all this, he went to the front counter to buy a new copy of "WALL-E". He couldn't bear to take out the signed book.Moreover, the two copies of "WALL-E" he took to sign for Yu Dong were both Chinese versions, and his Chinese level was not enough for him to read a complete long science fiction novel.

This is also the advantage of Deep Space Park compared to other bookstores. You can buy "WALL-E" in various languages ​​here.

Finding a corner with relatively few individuals on the second floor of the Science Fiction Museum, Thompson began to explore the world of the new book.

Like him, there are still many people holding "WALL-E". Most of the people who came to deep space today came for this book. Some people lined up to sign books, and many people just came to read the book .

Thompson felt that the picture was very familiar just after watching the first paragraph, and then he remembered the video released by the Deep Space Tribe, which turned out to be the scene at the beginning of the novel.

The beginning of the novel gave Thompson a feeling of desolation and loneliness, as if the little robot had become the last guardian of the earth.

Why the earth became like this, and why Wall-E stayed, was not introduced in detail at the beginning.

Although the beginning feels very lonely, the language rhythm of the novel is very fast. The description of Wall-E's series of actions is smooth and smooth, just like watching a video.

After watching a few more paragraphs, Thompson let out a low cry of surprise, "Is your heart pounding?"

That's right, it's "Pounding Heartbeat". There was news before that Thompson paid special attention to a movie that Deep Space was making.

Wally seems to like this "old movie" from 800 years ago. As soon as he got home from work, he couldn't wait to turn on the TV and plug in the video tape, and then watched the movie, looking fascinated.

The scenes described in the book make Thompson very interesting. A cute-looking "sweeping robot" likes to watch pure love movies after work. Thompson is even a little jealous of Wall-E, because none of them have watched "Pounding Heartbeat" yet. Wally has already watched the movie, and this kind of jealousy makes Thompson feel strange and interesting.

Soon, in Wall-E's world, besides the garbage, there appeared another robot——Eve.

But Wall-E called Eve's name Eva.

Until then, Thompson suddenly realized one thing, that is, after reading it for a while, there was not a single line of dialogue in the book, and he didn't even think about whether Wall-E could speak.

Of course, even when Eve comes, there is no dialogue in the novel, and Thompson sees more of Wall-E's antics.


A few hours later, Thompson gently closed the book in his hand, showing a comfortable smile, YU still did not disappoint this time.

Before reading this book, many pictures related to robots flashed in his mind, and he also had various conjectures about the content of this novel, but after actually reading the book, he was still pleasantly surprised.

There are many hard-core scientific theories mentioned in this novel, but it is obviously not a hard-core science fiction novel. It seems that in order to ensure the smoothness of the story, YU deliberately reduced the mention of those scientific concepts.

But if you want to say that it is a science fiction novel that is not hard at all, it seems to be unreasonable. The knowledge about power and environment is very rigorous, and it will leak from the text from time to time.

The first part of the novel is very different from the later plot. The first part is more like a warm mime, and the focus is on Wall-E's personal performance, his work, his life and his love.

The second half is inside the spaceship, obviously there are more thoughts on other aspects, about environmental protection, about artificial intelligence, and about future technological development.

But Thompson can see that YU doesn't have much ambition to discuss the future of the earth in this novel. The topic of environmental protection is just a tool for him to construct the story. What he really wants to express is Wall-E The relationship between the robot and Eve.

This kind of inhuman and irrational love may not be as deep as some love stories, but it is refreshing and very interesting.

After a few years, Yu Dong started writing science fiction novels again, and there were indeed quite a few changes compared to before.

(End of this chapter)

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