Chapter 831 Letter of Intent

Thompson put down the book, raised his hand and looked at his watch. It was already past twelve noon, and he got up to go to the cafeteria for dinner.

He has been in the deep space park for two or three days, and he is already familiar with the cafeteria.

However, he hadn't taken a few steps when he heard a commotion not far away, and this commotion was accompanied by a slight sound of crawler belt transmission.

Thompson looked towards where the sound came from, and saw a group of people gathered together, seeming to be watching someone or something.

Driven by curiosity, Thompson walked towards the crowd, stepped outside the crowd, stood on tiptoe, and soon he saw a half-human tall robot in the middle of the crowd.


Thompson cried out in surprise. The robot surrounded by the crowd looked like WALL-E, with a head like a telescope, a body like a cube, and worn out tracks.

Before Thompson figured out what was going on, Wall-E was already moving—it could still walk.

However, compared to the speed described in the novel, the WALL-E in front of me moves relatively slowly, and its tracks rotate slowly, like a leisurely old man.

In addition to walking, Wall-E's mechanical arms and head can move, and the eyes flicker as if they can see people.

Just as Thompson was studying Wall-E's eyes, Wall-E suddenly said, "Please... let it go, let it go."


The people around shouted out in unison, none of them expected that the half-human-tall robot in front of them could talk.

The standard robot tone, the pronunciation is not very standard, and the expression is not particularly smooth.

Someone couldn't help but ask, "Who are you?"

The others looked at the person who was asking the question, and felt that this person was a bit stupid. How could this robot answer the question?
But what people didn't expect was that Wali actually answered, "Hello, I'm Wali."

"It can really answer questions."

"Is this robot so powerful?"

"Is the technology level of Deep Space Corporation so high? The United States doesn't even have this stuff."

Someone asked again, "Are you the Wall-E in the novel?"

"Of course." Wally replied.

"Where's your Eva?"

"Eva cooks at home. I will go home after work. Thank you for your concern. I will send your greetings to Eva."

"You robots still want to eat?" Someone teased.

"Whether it is a human or a machine, it needs to be supplemented with energy."

Wall-E's expression became more and more fluent, and the people around him became more and more surprised.

Thompson stared at Wall-E, and was also very surprised. He has some research on robots, and he has never heard of anyone making such a highly intelligent robot.

Could it be that the computer level in deep space has reached a level that others cannot match?

This possibility is not ruled out, but Thompson is more willing to believe that there is a real person behind the robot in front of him.

There should be a camera and an audio receiver installed in this Wall-E's head. The person who controls it can get the surrounding information through the camera and the audio receiver, and complete the dialogue with the people around.

The reason why the pronunciation is not very standard and not particularly smooth, it should be intentional, to create the feeling of artificial intelligence.

Thompson is not the only one who sees this. Visitors to the Science Fiction Museum know a little more about this than ordinary people, and they can naturally see a little clue after watching it for a while.

Of course, Deep Space Corporation never thought of using this kind of thing to lie to everyone that it is an advanced artificial intelligence. It just wants it to act as Wall-E to enliven the atmosphere.Indeed, as Thompson thought, someone was controlling Wall-E with a remote control, and the conversation with tourists was also done by the staff.

In fact, it is not easy to make such a small robot. Although it is not artificial intelligence, its mechanical performance is still good, and it also cost Deep Space Company a lot of money.

Although this Wall-E runs relatively slowly, its overall movement is quite smooth, and its head and neck are also very flexible, so Thompson was also taken aback by it when he first saw it.

In addition, Thompson also noticed one thing, that is, in addition to "WALL-E" on WALL-E, there is a line of English letters on his right arm: BenQ.

Most people may not recognize this line of English letters when they see it, but Thompson knows it. This is the logo of the self-owned brand that BenQ Dentsu has just established.

Before, BenQ has always used the Acer logo, but now that BenQ is acquired by Deep Space, it is not appropriate to use the Acer brand, so this new brand logo was used.

This logo was released on the official account of BenQ Dentsu two days ago. Thompson happened to see it when he went online, so he remembered it.

Thompson couldn't help feeling that BenQ Dentsu was different after changing to a new owner. It had its own brand all of a sudden from a foundry.

In fact, the strength of BenQ Dentsu is not weak, but it has been doing OEM, not only for the former parent company Acer, but also for Motorola, Nokia and other big companies.

After independence, Acer took back the PC business, but the OEM of peripherals is still in the hands of BenQ, including now that Deep Space has acquired BenQ, and it is still doing OEM for these big companies.

A few days ago, Thompson heard that Deep Space might be hoping to enter the mobile phone industry by acquiring BenQ, but according to Thompson's research, this is obviously unreasonable.

Although BenQ Dentsu has the technical strength to produce mobile phones, it does not have a "brand".

The so-called brand refers to a mobile phone production license. Since the year before last, domestic mobile phone manufacturers can only engage in mobile phone manufacturing if they have obtained a mobile phone production license issued by the Ministry of Information Industry.

And because of various reasons, BenQ Dentsu did not obtain a mobile phone production license.In fact, among all Baodao enterprises, only the Dibbitt family was photographed.

Therefore, although BenQ Dentsu already has a mobile phone production line with a monthly production capacity of hundreds of thousands of units, it still can only do OEM work for others and cannot establish its own brand.

In fact, after Deep Space Corporation acquired BenQ Dentsu, it is good news. At least BenQ Dentsu is no longer a pure treasure island company, and there are more possibilities in this matter.

But even so, it is very difficult to obtain a license.

In Thompson's view, the only way for BenQ Dentsu to develop its own mobile phone brand is to borrow a license.

Compared with making mobile phones, Thompson believes that BenQ Dentsu is more likely to make PCs. Now that BenQ has its own production capacity and has a new brand, if it wants to do it, it will be launched in the next year or two.


Thompson's idea is actually correct. He also has a good understanding of the domestic situation in China. If the normal situation is followed, it will be difficult for BenQ Dentsu to obtain a mobile phone production license.

However, there will always be some special circumstances in this world.

Today Yudong Xinshu is on sale, and he himself is still holding a signing event in the park. This is naturally an important thing for Deep Space, but as the company's general manager, the margin does not appear.

The reason why the margin did not appear was because he had already rushed to Xiamen with Li Kunyao, the general manager of BenQ Dentsu. The destination of their trip was the headquarters of Xiamen Huali Electronics Co., Ltd. in Huli District.

A week ago, Deep Space Corporation received a message that XoChina Electronics, which holds a mobile phone production license, has the idea of ​​giving up the mobile phone business.

Hearing this news, Li Kunyao, who was busy borrowing cards everywhere, suddenly regained his spirits.

For BenQ Dentsu, isn't this just a pillow for sleepiness?If they can get the license from Xoceco, they don't need to borrow licenses everywhere to engage in OEM production.

In order to make this possible, Li Kunyao also added the margin. The parent company has so much power in the country, of course they have to use it, and the margin can also make the other party realize that BenQ will no longer It is a treasure island enterprise and a mainland enterprise.

Yu Yu had been very busy these two days, when Li Kunyao invited him, he shied away a bit, saying that he would talk about it after finishing the two days.

From Yu Yu's point of view, there is no need to rush this matter. After all, the news that Xohua Electronics is about to give up the mobile phone business has just come out, and it is not yet known whether it is true or not.Besides, even if it is true, people are just preparing to give up. As for when and how to give up, they still don't know.

But Li Kunyao couldn't wait, so he went directly to Jinling to bring the surplus to Xiamen.

Xohua Electronics is also very confused. They received a call from Li Kunyao a few days ago, asking about the mobile phone production license, but the people from Xohua Electronics also told Li Kunyao that the so-called giving up the mobile phone business is completely nonsense It is absolutely impossible for XoChina Electronics to give up the mobile phone business, and to ask Li Kunyao not to go to Xiamen, otherwise he will definitely return without success.

But what they didn't expect was that Li Kunyao not only came, but also came so fast, and brought the boss of Deep Space China with him.

In the general manager's office of XoChina Electronics, the general manager Qi Chenggong held a teacup and said: "The two bosses have come from a long way, let's have a drink first, let's chat slowly if there is anything to do."

Yu Yue nodded, and picked up the teacup, they rushed all the way too fast, he was tired and thirsty.

Li Kunyao was not in the mood to drink water at all. He put down the water glass and said straight to the point, "Mr. Qi, I didn't come all this way to drink tea. I heard some news about your company, so I came here on purpose." ..."

Qi Chenggong raised his hand and said with a smile, "I already know Mr. Li's purpose, but still the same sentence, our company has no plans to give up the mobile phone business at all, and there is no reason to give up the mobile phone market. Our The mobile phone has only been mass-produced for a year and a half, and the situation is very good. Last month, our mobile phone sales ranked among the top five in the country. Mr. Li, tell me, under this situation, what do we have? Reasons to abandon the mobile phone market?"

Li Kunyao also knew the news. If it were him, he would definitely not give up the mobile phone business under the current situation, but Xohua Electronics may not.

Xoceco's mobile phones have indeed gained some limelight in the past two years. The sales volume in the first half of this year is good, and the momentum is also quite strong.

They started making mobile phones five years ago. At that time, they also reached a cooperation with the Yangcheng Communication Research Institute, determined to achieve breakthroughs in the localization and industrialization of gsm mobile phones, and develop national mobile communications.

After several years of preparation and a lot of investment, mass production finally started at the end of the previous year.

But in the past year and a half, Xoceco has been losing money in the mobile phone business, which is obviously different from what they thought before.

Before coming here, Li Kunyao was dubious about Xoceco's plan to give up the mobile phone business, but after coming here and seeing Qi Chenggong, he felt that the credibility of this matter was much greater.

Although Qi Chenggong said that it is impossible for his company to give up the mobile phone business, his behavior is more like there is no silver 300 taels here.Sometimes explain too much, but appear to have no confidence.

Xohua Electronics should have the idea of ​​giving up the mobile phone business, but it has not yet made up its mind to give up, and there is no complete plan, so this kind of tweaking occurs.

Li Kunyao can see it, and the surplus can also be seen naturally. He drank two sips of tea, and then said slowly, "Your company has been thanks to the mobile phone business for more than a year. After all, the color TV industry has become more and more difficult to do in the past two years." , the competition is getting more and more fierce, even a leader in the industry like PrimoChina should face a lot of pressure, but fortunately these pressures can be shared by the mobile phone business.”

Hearing this, Qi Chenggong's mouth twitched.

Their company is now in an embarrassing situation, the mobile phone is not doing well, and the TV market is losing ground.

Whether to give up the mobile phone and computer business, focus on the TV industry, or continue to invest in the mobile phone industry, this is already a survival problem that Xoceco needs to solve urgently.

Some people in the company think that as long as they keep going, they will soon see the day of profitability, but the problem is that no one knows when that day will come. If this day does not come, Xohua Electronics will be dragged down.

Seeing the tangled expression on Qi Chenggong's face, Li Kunyao secretly gave Yu Yu a thumbs up. Yu Yu's trick was so clever that it directly uncovered the scars on Xohua Electronics.

After a while, Qi Chenggong sighed slightly, "You two, there are indeed voices in the company to give up the mobile phone business, but this does not mean that our company will make such a decision. Even if there is such a possibility in the future, you come now It is too early to talk about this matter, to be honest, you are too impatient."

Li Kunyao and Yu Liang looked at each other, and then said with a smile, "Mr. Qi, I don't think it's too early at all. It's just right for us to come here now. The current Xiahua needs us."

Qi Chenggong narrowed his eyes, "Mr. Li is a little too confident."

Li Kunyao shook his head, "This has nothing to do with self-confidence, it's a fact. Your company is struggling right now and can't make a decision. And we came here to give you a way out."

"The back road?"

"That's right, it's the way to go. If you don't want to give up now, it's okay. You can wait and see, but we can negotiate the price first. In this way, even if you give up later, you don't have to worry about not finding a buyer. We will take care of it. In short, we both sign a letter of intent, if you want to give up within two years, we will give priority to cooperation, if you don’t want to give up, the letter of intent will be invalid after two years, and you won’t lose anything.”

 Thank you for the 1500 tip of [Affection is also lonely]
(End of this chapter)

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