Chapter 832 One step too late

Li Kunyao's proposal made Qi Chenggong a little moved. There is no way. Anyone who hears such a proposal will be moved. No matter from which angle you look at it, this proposal is beneficial to them and has no harm. There is absolutely no reason to refuse.

After pondering for a while, Qi Chenggong said, "Mr. Li, this is indeed an irresistible proposal, but I can't make a decision on this matter alone. We need to have an internal meeting before we can decide. In addition, no matter what we finally have Since you didn’t sign this letter of intent, I hope you can keep this matter a secret.”

"Yes." Li Kunyao nodded.

Li Kunyao also expressed his understanding of Qi Chenggong's worries.Regardless of whether Xotech will give up the mobile phone business in the end, they don’t want people to know that they have signed a letter of intent with BenQ Dentsu. If people know, no one will have confidence in their mobile phone business, which will directly affect their subsequent development.

Qi Chenggong took a sip from his teacup, and then said, "There are rumors that Deep Space Corporation acquired BenQ Dentsu to enter the mobile phone market. I didn't quite believe it before, but now it seems that this news should be true. Oh, and the boss of Deep Space China even personally accompanied him. But if this is the case, the cooperation between Deep Space and Motorola..."

Yu Yu smiled and shook his head, "I believe that the friendship between Deep Space and Motorola will not be changed because of this incident."

Qi Chenggong smiled and raised his eyebrows. He felt that what Yu Yu said was completely polite and unrealistic at all.

Judging from the current situation, Deep Space and Motorola will part ways sooner or later.

Not only deep space, but also BenQ Dentsu.

Motorola has always been a major customer of BenQ. Now that BenQ wants to develop its own mobile phone brand, the foundry business will no longer be the focus of their work, even if they do not completely abandon it. Their cooperation with Motorola will also be reduced or even terminated.

Li Kunyao also picked up the teacup at the side. He didn't speak, but he knew in his heart that whether it was Shenkong or BenQ, they would definitely go farther and farther with Motorola.


After drinking tea in Qi Chenggong's office, Yu Yu and Li Kunyao went to live in a local hotel, while Qi Chenggong was busy recruiting the board of directors.

After their board meeting was over, Qi Chenggong met with Li Kunyao and the others again, and began to formally discuss the letter of intent.

Finally, after two days of negotiations, the letter of intent was finalized. The general content is that BenQ Dentsu will acquire the mobile phone business of PrimoChina. BenQ Dentsu will invest RMB 5000 million. The two parties will establish a new company. Renminbi, the former accounts for 5000% of the shares, and the latter accounts for 70.00% of the shares.

Within two years, Xoceco has the right to activate the letter of intent at any time.

After two years, if there is no activation, the letter of intent will be invalidated directly.

Judging from the signing conditions of the letter of intent, BenQ Dentsu must be at a disadvantage, because in this matter, only XoChina Electronics has constraints on BenQ Dentsu, but BenQ Dentsu has no binding force on XoChina Electronics.

Within two years, as long as XoChina Electronics thinks that their company's mobile phone business is not developing well, they can prepare a letter of intent for BenQ Dentsu to take over at any time, or they can find another company. It is not necessary to cooperate with BenQ Dentsu.

But Li Kunyao is not a fool, there is a reason why he can sign such a letter of intent.

Shopping malls are not ruthless at all. Now that they have signed a letter of intent, as long as the price of others is not much higher than that of BenQ, BenQ still has the priority, and BenQ will be able to keep in touch with Xoceco and continue to pay attention to Xoceco’s dynamics .

Besides, even if Xoceco did not choose BenQ Dentsu in the end, BenQ Dentsu did not lose a dime, and it also sold Xoceco to save face.

After signing the letter of intent, Qi Chenggong smiled happily, "Bosses, don't go back in a hurry. Let's have dinner together in the evening and take the two of you to experience the customs of Xiamen."

Yu Yu shook his head and smiled, "Mr. Qi, you can eat this meal anytime. I really have to go back today. I was suddenly pulled over by this guy, and many things in the company have been left behind. How about this, we will hold a meal in our park in August." Science fiction theme day, if you have time, you can go there to play, isn't your son in junior high school, he should like it, and then bring him to play together."

Qi Chenggong laughed, "Then you really know that kid very well. I learned about your sci-fi themed day from him. He told me several times that he wanted to go and have a look."

"Isn't that great? Let the children broaden their horizons without delaying their studies. Later, I will ask someone to give you and your family a few deep space cards, and then play casually in the park with the cards."

Qi Chenggong waved his hand and said, "Mr. Yu, I really don't need your help. My kid already has a star card, and he got one for me and his mother. Not only did he get us a card, he also let us We must carry it with us, and we also told us to ask if we can save points when we buy things. He just wants to save points to go to Jinling in summer. I guess, he should have accumulated a lot of points in his card now , enough for him to play in your park."

"It seems that Young Master Ling is still a loyal supporter of our deep space."

"Not only is he a supporter of deep space, he is also a loyal reader of your boss. A few days ago, he complained to me that the signing meeting was too early, and he couldn't go there. It would be better if it was held in the summer vacation."

Yu You said with a smile, "It's okay, I'll ask our boss to write a special signature for Mr. Ling later and send it over."

"Will this be too much trouble for the boss?"

"No, our boss has always treated young people very well. Let alone Mr. Qi's son, even if he meets an ordinary middle school student, he will encourage him as much as he can. He often does things like giving books."

"That is, that is, Boss Yu has contributed a lot to the education of our young people in China. Everyone can see that China still needs more entrepreneurs with a conscience and a sense of responsibility like Boss Yu. Boss Yu is not only a role model for young people, but also We are role models for business people. If Xoceco is lucky enough to cooperate with BenQ, I naturally hope that Shenkong can help a lot, and I will definitely go to Jinling to visit Boss Yu face to face when I have time."

Yu Yue smiled and nodded, "I will bring Mr. Qi's greetings to our boss."


Coming out of Xoceco Electronics, Yu Yu said to Li Kunyao with a smile: "How about it, don't you feel more at ease?"

"It's a lot of peace of mind." Li Kunyao nodded, "But when Xohua Electronics will give up the mobile phone business is really uncertain, we still have to do a lot of preparations. Otherwise, Xohua Electronics will let us dove, we will There is no place to cry."

"Actually, the boss and Mr. Ji are not so anxious about the development of the mobile phone business. They are more concerned about the merger of Dage Electronics and Lianyou Electronics."

"It's not a big problem. The merger should be completed next year. I am also very concerned about the merger of these two companies, because it will become the core of our group in the future."


Li Kunyao and Yu Yue separated after a few games, Yu Yu must have returned to Jinling directly, while Li Kunyao was going to inspect the factory in Wuxi.

Not long after they left, Qi Chenggong received a call from Yang Qing.

Like Li Kunyao and the others, Yang Qing also came to discuss cooperation when he heard that Xoceco wanted to give up the mobile phone business, but Qi Chenggong, who had already signed a letter of intent with BenQ, covered his mouth tightly.

No matter how Yang Qing asked, Qi Chenggong kept saying that their company had no plans to give up the mobile phone business at all, and told Yang Qing not to think about their license.

Originally, the news that Xohua Electronics was about to give up the mobile phone business was a gossip, and Yang Qing was not sure whether it was true or not. Now that he heard Qi Chenggong's firm attitude on the phone, he also muttered, could this news be fake?
Regardless of whether the news was true or false, since Qi Chenggong's attitude was so firm, Yang Qing didn't ask any more questions.

Lenovo now really wants to enter the mobile phone market. At the beginning of the year, after Lenovo split Digital China from the group, it went to the world-renowned management consulting company McKinsey to give them advice.

McKinsey pointed out two development paths for Lenovo, one is to enter other fields besides PC manufacturing, and the other is to enter the international market.

After getting McKinsey's "tips", Lenovo decided to enter the mobile phone market, because domestic mobile phones have developed very well in the past two years, and everyone can see the potential of this industry.

In recent years, technology has developed rapidly, and the threshold for mobile phone production has become relatively low. There are actually many companies that can make mobile phones.

But if you want to make a mobile phone, you need a mobile phone production license. The first thing Lenovo needs to solve is the license issue.

Therefore, when Yang Qing heard that Xoceco was about to give up the mobile phone business, he directly contacted Qi Chenggong. If the news was true, they certainly hoped to obtain a mobile phone production license from Xoceco.

But what Yang Qing didn't know was that he came a step late, and BenQ Dentsu had already contacted Xoceco first.

Of course, Qi Chenggong couldn't just hang himself on the tree of BenQ Dentsu, but they just signed the letter of intent, and he still felt that he needed to give his allies a little trust.Moreover, they haven't decided to give up the mobile phone business yet, and they don't need many companies to bid. It's better to wait until they really want to give up the mobile phone business later, and then contact Lenovo.

But the problem is that they can wait, but Lenovo can't.

In addition to Xoceco Electronics, Yang Qing is also preparing to contact big-name mobile phone companies such as Center, TCL, and Kejian during this period of time, seeking cooperation with these big-name mobile phone companies.At the same time, they are also preparing to apply for a license.

Lenovo's mood is very urgent, they hope to launch the company's first mobile phone within two years.


On the third day after the global release of "Wall-E", the online sales of this book on Amazon exceeded 200 million copies, making it the fastest novel on Amazon to sell 200 million copies.

But under such circumstances, Amazon's stock price began to fall again. Some of the previous gains were all lost, and it is still falling.

Shareholders who were still heaving a sigh of relief, after seeing that YU's new book sales could not save Amazon, also despaired of Amazon, and then sold Amazon's stock, which made Amazon's stock fall even faster.

Of course, Amazon is not the only one that has fallen. Since mid-March, no Internet company's stock has looked good.

From mid-March to mid-April, the entire market fell by a quarter directly, and there is no sign of stopping the decline at all.

Now there are all kinds of shouts. Some people say that the Nasdaq can stabilize at more than 3000, while others say it will fall below [-].

Of course, there are more extreme claims, saying that the Nasdaq may fall below 1 this time and return to the era at the beginning of [-].

This level of turmoil has affected even people who don’t speculate in stocks. After many people bought "WALL-E" on Amazon, and saw the news of Amazon's stock plummeting, they were a little worried about whether their books might be sold. less than.

[I just bought "Wall-E", is it possible that Amazon went bankrupt before the book arrived? 】

[It is possible, I heard that Amazon is reducing logistics and warehouses. 】

[Don't worry, even if it goes bankrupt, the book money will be refunded to you. 】

[Should I return the Amazon book and go to the bookstore to buy a copy? 】

[Amazon won't go out of business, and Deep Space won't let them go out of business. 】

[If Amazon continues to lose money, as experts on the Internet say, there is no reason for Deep Space to save it. 】

[Deep Space still holds so many shares in Amazon, so it must be optimistic about Amazon. 】

[I feel that it’s not that Deep Space wants to hold it, but that it can’t sell it. Before, they had been selling Amazon’s stock secretly, and they stopped after they were discovered. 】

[Deep Space Corporation's assets have shrunk a lot, has YU's personal assets also shrunk? 】

[That depends on how much shares YU holds in Deep Space, but in my opinion, YU can make money just by selling books.The sales volume of this "Wall-E" exploded again, and there were a lot of royalties. 】

[I heard that "Old Book" made YU [-] million US dollars, I don't know if it is true. 】

[This is impossible, the sales volume of "Old Book" has not reached this level, but there must be tens of millions of dollars. 】

[YU's most profitable book should be the "Resident Evil" series. This series must have earned YU more than [-] million US dollars. 】

[Let me predict that "WALL-E" will also become YU's money-making tool. I heard that WALL-E's figures have already come out. 】

[It's not a figure, I saw a video from Jinling, there is a one-to-one model of Wall-E. 】

[It's not a model either, it's a real Wall-E. 】

[Your news is really behind. Wall-E has already registered the account of the Deep Space Tribe, you can go and have a look. 】


After seeing this news on the Internet, Hozier quickly searched for WALL-E in the search bar, and sure enough, he saw WALL-E's official account.

Click in and see that Wally has already sent a video. In the video, Wally introduces himself clumsily, with funny movements and strange tone of voice.

 Thanks for the 100 rewards from [The book is a passer-by]
(End of this chapter)

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