Chapter 833 Talent Apartment
The video posted by Wali is very short, only eight seconds in total, but this account already has more than 6 fans, and the only tribe has more than 1000 comments.

Hozier probably checked the comment section, and the netizens had everything to say, most of them regarded the owner of the account as Wal-E.

[Wali, where's Eva? 】

[Wali, the garbage in my house has piled up into a mountain, come and help me clean it up. 】

[Quickly tell me, what story does "Pounding Heartbeat" tell. 】

[Are you powered by electricity? 】

[What else do you do besides dispose of garbage?Do you fight? 】


Seeing netizens booing in the comment area, Hozier also found it very interesting, and Wally would appear in the comment area and reply to netizens from time to time.

It can be seen that the Deep Space Company should be managing this account with great care. Maybe it won't be long before the movie "Wall-E" is on the agenda.

In fact, it is not the first time for Deep Space to create social accounts with virtual characters. There have been many cases before that. After the opening of the Deep Space Tribe, Deep Space itself registered many virtual character accounts.

It's just that before that, no one, including Deep Space Corporation, put their heart into managing these accounts.

Now that Wall-E has gained so many fans on a social networking site, it can be regarded as the only virtual character.

Hozier also paid attention. He was going to observe for a while to see how far the virtual character of Wall-E could develop. At the same time, he also wanted to see how the Deep Space Company wanted to manage this account.


"Hongfei, don't eat yet."

Ren Hongfei looked up at the colleague who asked him a question, and said with a smile, "There are too many people in the cafeteria at the moment, I will go down later and read the information later."

The colleague smiled, "Take it easy, don't work too hard, reading materials is important, but your body is more important. Our company has made the canteen so good, it's not a waste. Eat early, and you can rest for a while when you come back. It's not a lunch break. For work."

"Understood, Sister Li, I will go down in a while."

After Sister Li left, Lin Sports, who was sitting next to Ren Hongfei, joked, "Ren Hongfei, did you see the announcement made by the company today, so you worked so hard?"

Ren Hongfei looked up at Lin Sports, showing a puzzled expression, "What announcement?"

Now it's Lin Sports' turn to be puzzled, "No way, you don't read the company's announcement? I thought you were stimulated by seeing the announcement, but I didn't expect you didn't even see the announcement. Quickly open your mailbox and read it." Let's see."

"What announcement, I heard you say so powerfully."

Ren Hongfei logged into his mailbox with curiosity, and then saw a group email sent by the company, and he was stunned when he saw the title of the email.

[About the sale and lease conditions of talent apartments]

Elit's Appartement……

Ren Hongfei had heard before joining the company that Shenkong Company was building talent apartments. He said that these talent apartments were provided to the company's employees, but he didn't know how to provide them.

In this title, Ren Hongfei is actually most concerned about the word leasing, because he knows that for a new employee like him, the qualification to purchase a talent apartment is far away from him, and he cannot meet the conditions.

On the contrary, leasing is very practical for him now.

Ren Hongfei lives in the company's staff dormitory, a four-person room, and the conditions are actually not bad, but there is a lack of private space.If there is a house in the talent apartment for them to rent and the price is reasonable, he will definitely be willing to move from the dormitory to the talent apartment.

I heard that the commercial area over the talent apartment has been completed, and it is very convenient to go out and buy anything.

"What are you doing in a daze, hurry up and take a look." Lin Sports urged from the side.

Ren Hongfei clicked on the email without thinking too much.

The content of the email was very long, and the explanation of the conditions was very detailed. Ren Hongfei directly skipped the sale and skipped to the lease part.

Compared with the buying and selling part, the content of the leasing part is much less.

There are different leasing plans for employees in different situations. Single employees are different from married employees. Dual-career employees are different from single employees. Having children is different from no children. One year of employment is different from two years of employment. A year is different.

The same conditions, different ranks will also be different.

Ren Hongfei found the job he met. He was single, had just graduated, and had been employed within three months.Then he was pleasantly surprised to find that in his situation, he could live in a single suite of more than 30 square meters for free.If he is not satisfied with living in a [-]-square-meter bachelor suite, he can also choose to live in a larger room, but he needs to pay for it himself, and the company will reduce part of the rent.

And if he chooses to live in a single apartment with an area of ​​80 square meters, he still needs to pay after three months of employment, but the company provides a lot of subsidies. If the total is calculated, his monthly rent is only more than [-] yuan. The rent is nothing to him.Although the water and electricity are self-conceited, they are all civilian water and electricity, and he can't use much money alone.

Although he has just joined the job, his monthly salary is more than 2000, and the housing does not put any pressure on him.

However, a room of more than 30 square meters is enough for him to live in. After all, he is single now. After he has a partner, he can consider changing to a bigger one.

Of course, when he has a partner, he can also consider buying a flat in the Shenkong talent apartment, and his salary will rise soon.

He took a look at the conditions for buying a house again. As long as he has been in the company for three years, he is eligible to buy a house.The house price of the Deep Space Talent Apartment is not cheap, most of the apartment types are priced between [-] and [-].

If employees have a long service life, they can get subsidies. The longer the service life, the more subsidies. If the level reaches a certain level, the company will directly allocate housing.

If the husband and wife both work in the company and have worked for more than five years, the house purchase subsidy can reach 30.00%.Moreover, the houses in the Deep Space Talent Apartment are not considered public housing, and the area is real. After all, they are internal supply houses, so it is meaningless to count them as public housing.

The price difference in Hexi is still quite large, because the location is relatively remote, and the price cannot be compared with the city center. Some newly opened properties can only be sold for [-] or [-] yuan per square meter during pre-sale.

However, the average price of Hexi Shanshuiju, which is close to the Shenkong Talent Apartment, can be sold for [-] yuan, and the apartment with a good layout can even be sold for [-] yuan per square meter.

People still have a biased impression of Hexi, but they have a completely different impression of the surrounding areas of Shen Kong Talent Apartment, because the surrounding businesses have done well and the traffic is also very good.

The most important thing is that this is the cultural center of Jinling, and it is convenient to go to school.

The salary of employees of Deep Space Company is generally higher than that of other companies of the same type, and the company has many people in the computer industry, so the salary is even higher.

For example, ordinary employees of Deep Space Computer can buy a house of more than 100 square meters after working in the company for three years. Their annual salary of [-] to [-] is normal, and the company takes care of food and housing, so there are relatively few places to spend money.Not to mention older employees, their wages have to be doubled, and there is no pressure for them to buy a house.

Compared with recent graduates, it is actually much easier for current college students to buy a house after graduation.

After reading the house purchase conditions, Ren Hongfei raised his head and asked Lin Sports, "Brother Lin, how long have you been with the company?"

Lin Sports smiled and shook his head, "Hey, two and a half years, I just got stuck, otherwise I can go to see the house type now. However, even if it has been three years, I still hesitate, I don't know whether I should buy it or not. "

Ren Hongfei asked strangely, "Why didn't you buy it? Brother Lin, do you think the house in Talent Apartment is not good? Or is there financial pressure?"

"Not at all." Lin Sports shook his head, "Although my salary is not high, I have saved some money in the past two years. I can't afford more than 100 square meters, but I can still build a house for seventy or eighty square meters. As for the house, then It must be no problem. I heard that the materials of the houses in the talent apartment are very good, the greening rate is high, the surrounding environment is good, and there are no shared stalls, but there are two or three households with two ladders. That is, internal supply, otherwise the house is not worth [-] Can't buy it."

"Then why are you still hesitating?"

"I'm mainly wondering if we have to wait until five years, when the company will give us a house purchase subsidy, which can save us a lot of money."

Hearing that Lin Sports was thinking about this, Ren Hongfei said with a smile, "Brother Lin, I think it's time to buy a house. Don't hesitate. The price of a talent apartment can only go up, not go down." , if you buy more than two years later, there is a subsidy, but the house price may rise by then, and the gain outweighs the loss. Let me do the math for you, even if it doesn’t rise much, the house price will increase by [-] a year, and [-] in two years. One hundred, a house of one hundred square meters will increase by [-]. We can save [-] after a year of hard work, right? If your partner is not a company, but you are alone, the house purchase subsidy for five years is [-]% , you can save [-] to [-] yuan, and it hasn’t increased much. Unless you think that the price of a talent apartment will not increase by [-] yuan in two years.”

"Unless the company has been holding down the price, it is impossible not to raise it. But the price is already very low now, and it is not a good thing to keep pushing down."

"Well, and there is a time limit for the company's house to be traded after it is bought, so buy it early and sell it later."

Lin Sports nodded, "After listening to your analysis, I suddenly became enlightened. I heard that the boss is going to look at the apartment layout on the weekend. Do you want to go together? Do your homework in advance, and you can buy it in two or three years." .”

Ren Hongfei thought for a while and said, "Okay, let's go and have a look on the weekend."


When Ren Hongfei and the others were discussing this matter, someone was already looking at the house in the talent apartment.

After the delivery of the talent apartment, Shenkong Company released the house inspections, and employees can go to the property department to register at any time to get the keys to view the house.

There are many types of apartments, and they are divided into decoration and rough decoration, and the decoration can be divided into fine decoration and simple decoration.

Originally, I didn't plan to build a renovated house, but considering the needs of some employees, I made a part of the renovated house.

Yu Hua took a fancy to a well-decorated large flat, with a total area of ​​180 square meters. Without subsidies, the price would be 50, which is on the high side in the entire talent apartment.

The Deep Space Talent Apartment is open to all Deep Space employees, writers like Yu Hua are also included.

Moreover, Yu Hua received a high subsidy for buying a house, because his family is a dual-employee, and Chen Hong also signed a brokerage contract with Shenkong Company, and the contract period of both of them exceeded five years.

As soon as the house was opened, Yu Hua and the others came to see the house, and he immediately took a fancy to this large flat.

Everyone stood on the flat floor, Yu Hua looked out the window and said to Dong, "Do you live in that single-family house?"

Yu Dong walked over and looked in the direction he pointed. Looking down from his flat floor, he could vaguely see a group of single houses.

"The building I live in is a little further inside, blocked by trees."

Yu Hua pouted, "I thought I could see your house directly."

Bi Feiyu smiled and said: "If you can see his house, then you can see it on these floors. Yu Dong will definitely not choose this kind of house."

Bi Feiyu was right, Yu Dong had considered privacy when choosing a house.

In fact, it is not considered when choosing, but it has been considered when designing drawings.

The single building where Yu Dong lives is quite special, and it is difficult to see them in other buildings.

Yu Hua searched in the single-family group, and finally shook her head and said, "It's better to be a single-family house."

Yu Dong said with a smile: "If you think the detached house is good, you can spend money to buy one. Anyway, the detached house here is also open to you."

"It's so expensive, who can afford it?" Yu Hua said in shock, "A house costs tens of millions, how dare you ask for it."

"You can't afford tens of millions."

"After buying it, I will go bankrupt. I'd better live in the Daping floor."

Yu Dong took a look at the large flat, and said with a smile: "Your flat is not small, 180 square meters, and you get two balconies, the area is about the same as some houses with [-] to [-] square meters."

"That's true." Yu Hua chuckled, "Let's talk about it, your house is really well done. I've also visited other neighborhoods, and it's completely incomparable with your building. If I didn't see the house here, it would be really good. , I would not be tempted to buy it, after all, the house at Jinyi is enough for our family of three to live in."

Hearing Yu Hua mention Jin Yi's house, Yu Dong narrowed his eyes and smiled.

Jin Yi's apartment for faculty and staff seems to be a bit dilapidated now, and it is quite inconvenient to live in. The school is considering building a new apartment building in the open space behind the original single dormitory.

This time, the building will be completed in one step, and the building will be higher, so as to solve the housing problem of all teaching staff as much as possible.

Yu Dong's idea is that after the new building is built, they will not compete with other teachers for houses, and they will still live in the old faculty apartment. If they feel that the house is not easy to live in, they will live in the talent apartment. .

The main reason is that Jinyi's place is too small. Although the school has been relatively rich in finances in recent years, it takes a long time to plan to build a dormitory.

Moreover, at the current location of the school, it is unrealistic to expand it to a large extent. We can only optimize it on the basis of the original as much as possible.

 Thanks to [Xuefeng Weiyu] for the 100 rewards
(End of this chapter)

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