Chapter 834 Summer Wind
After seeing the house, Yu Dong and the others didn't go home, but had a meal at the nearby restaurant next to the community.

The boss and the others all knew each other. He was Lao Wu who opened a restaurant in Jinyimen before, and was also a relative of their principal Wu Changxin's hometown. According to the genealogy, Wu Changxin wanted to call him Grandpa Nine.

There are not many restaurants near Jinyi. The old Wu's food tastes very good, and they are relatives of the boss, so Yu Dong and the others will go to his restaurant if they don't have high requirements for dinner.

Not only the teachers love to go to his restaurant, but the students also love to go there. On Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, the private rooms in his restaurant have to be reserved, otherwise they won't be able to eat private rooms at all.Sometimes, not to mention the boxes, even the tables in the lobby cannot be lined up.

In the past few years, the business of stalls has been getting better and better, and Boss Wu's ambitions have followed suit. The shop in the Shen Kong Talent Apartment here just started to sell out, so he came here to buy a relatively large one and opened a branch. .

And as soon as he got the store, he started looking for someone to decorate it, and now his restaurant has opened.

Although the talent apartment has just started to be sold out and there are no people living there, Lao Wu's restaurant is already in business, because there are many Deep Space employees who come to see the apartment every day.

After these people came to see the house, they would naturally not go back to the company to eat, and they would look for a place to eat nearby, and Lao Wu's restaurant was also the nearest place to eat, so of course people would choose this place.

In addition, all the staff in the talent apartment are already in place, and these people also need to eat.

When Yu Dong and the others were eating, the boss came in to say hello.

Seeing the happy face of the boss, Bi Feiyu said with a smile: "Grandpa Ninth, there are not many people living in the talent apartment, and your business is quite good."

Because according to seniority, the boss is Wu Changxin's ninth grandpa, so Bi Feiyu and the others always jokingly call him ninth grandpa. called.

"Haha, Mr. Bi, coming early also has the advantage of being early. My family is the only place where they can eat nearby, and they have no other place to go."

"Your business is still in the back when it is good. When there are more people in the community, I suspect that your small shop will be overcrowded."

The boss shook his head and said, "Hey, by then there will be more restaurants around, and the competition will definitely be fierce, so we need all the bosses to support us then."

Yu Dong said with a smile, "Grandpa Nine has such a good craftsmanship that he is not afraid of competition. But now that you have moved here, what about the Jinyi store?"

The boss said with a smile, "My son is guarding over there. After the situation here stabilizes, I will go back and replace him. I will guard the old store by myself and hand over the new store to him. Isn't the Shanshuiju next to it It's time to hand over the house, and the family will live here by then."

"The house in Hexi Shanshuiju is not cheap." Bi Feiyu said.

The boss nodded, "It's not cheap, more than 600 yuan per square meter, and the quality of the house is not as good as that of the talent apartment. The reason why we can sell such a high price is because it is close to the talent apartment. When we went to see the house, the sales department Take this as a selling point and say that you can share resources with the talent apartment."

Yu Hua said with a smile, "The sales department is actually right. The talent apartment is better equipped. Hospitals, schools, and businesses are all planned, and the surrounding communities can also use these things. But having said that, Times are changing fast. When I came to Jinyi, I valued Jinyi’s accommodation conditions. At that time, no one thought about buying a house outside. It’s only been a few years, and more and more people are buying houses. , and this house costs more than 20 to [-] yuan, there are so many people who can afford it."

"Isn't it?" The boss was also very emotional, "If someone told me a few years ago that I would spend 20 yuan to buy a house, I would not believe it at all. Thinking that I can take out more than [-] yuan. I don’t know about other places, anyway, Jinling has really changed a lot in the past few years.”

Hearing the boss's emotion, the others also nodded.

Not only Jinling, but every city in the country has undergone great changes in recent years. Of course, in Yu Hua's view, Jinling's development in recent years must definitely rank among the top in the country.

In the development of Jinling in the past ten years, the Deep Space Company has definitely played a big role.

Especially in the area of ​​Hexi, it basically changes every day.

In the past few years, the proportion of students staying in Jinling from major universities in Jinling has increased year by year. The first reaction of students from universities such as Jinling University before graduation is to choose to go to coastal cities.

In the past, there were many job opportunities in coastal cities, and wages were much higher than those in Jinling, so many students would rather travel far away than stay in Jinling.

But the situation is different now. College students, especially those majoring in computer science, art, and literature, will first choose to stay in Jinling and Deep Space Corporation after graduation.

It doesn't matter if you can't stay in Shenkong Company, because of the existence of Shenkong, Jinling's computer industry and media industry are relatively developed, and there are many such companies, and many of them are here in Hexi.

Students can also choose to enter other related companies after being unable to enter Deep Space. Although the salary is lower than that of Deep Space, it is much better than before.

Of course, apart from job opportunities and salaries, life in Jinling can keep graduates. The deep space park alone makes many graduates reluctant to leave.

For Jinling people, it is a very pleasant thing to go to the Deep Space Company on weekends, and it is also something they are used to.In most places in Jinling, you can take a bus directly to the Deep Space Park, and the transportation is very convenient.

And it only takes [-] points to enter the deep space park, which most families can afford.

If you live in other cities, you may not find a place like the Deep Space Park.

In addition, there are some college students who are reluctant to part with Jinling because of the speed of the Internet in Jinling.

In the past few years, Deep Space Company has proposed cooperation with telecom operators to directly reduce the initial installation fee of Jinling ADSL to 1000 yuan, and there is news recently that it will be lowered. The ultimate goal of Deep Space is to reduce the initial installation fee of Jinling ADSL. to zero.

Because of this policy, the number of adsl users in Jinling took off immediately, and it became the city with the highest popularity of adsl in the country.

Precisely because of the large number of users, telecom operators are more active in updating equipment, making Jinling's network speed much faster.

Many people have stayed in Jinling for a long time, and they will feel very uncomfortable when they go to other cities. They feel that the Internet speed in other places is very slow.

Yu Hua said with a smile, "Jinling has undergone such a big change, and it cannot be separated from Yuanwai. We really have to thank Yuanwai."

The boss nodded again and again, "That's right, that's right, I must thank Teacher Yu for his contribution to Jinling, how about this, I'll invite you for today's meal, and let me express my gratitude."

Yu Dong quickly waved his hand, "No, no, if you want to do this, then we will be embarrassed to come here in the future."

"That's right, Grandpa Ninth, whenever Yuan Wai asks others to invite him to dinner, he pays the bill." Yu Hua took over the conversation and said.

Hearing this, Yu Dong immediately rolled his eyes, "Don't think about it, you bastard, we are accompanying you to look at the house today, and you must invite you for this meal. I said you are also a person who lives in a mansion, Why are you still so picky and searchy?"

Yu Hua smiled mischievously, "Isn't it because I just bought a luxury house, so I have to save money on food and expenses?"

Seeing his digging look, Yu Dong curled his lips and said to the boss, "Master Jiu, do you have any stinky mandarin fish? Serve us a dish. I haven't eaten for a few days. I just want this one. Serve us another two bottles." Wine, do you have Moutai? If so..."


After returning home from the talent apartment, Yu Dong heard the sound of the piano coming from the room, and when he was thinking about what piece Cheng Yanqiu was playing, he heard Cheng Yanqiu sing it.

"The wind in July is so lazy that even the clouds become hot"

"Shortly after tomorrow, there will be a dull cloud and then rain"

"Temperature climbed to unbearable level"

"Simply close your eyes and let your imagination run wild..."

Hearing this song, Yu Dong couldn't help raising his eyebrows. Isn't this "Summer Wind"?

Walking gently to the edge of the study, Yu Dong leaned against the door frame, looking at his wife who was sitting in front of the piano playing and singing "Summer Wind", with a gentle smile on his face.

Every time she hears Cheng Yanqiu's singing, Yu Dong feels like a breeze is blowing on her face. Although she is a vocal teacher, she can't hear the technical traces when she sings pop songs.

Of course, the reason why Yu Dong couldn't hear the traces of technology was not because Cheng Yanqiu didn't use technology, but because her technology was very strong, and Yu Dong's ability to recognize technology was too poor.

The first time I heard Cheng Yanqiu sing "Summer Wind", Yu Dong couldn't help feeling that this song really suited her.

The style of this song is relatively brisk and lazy, and with Cheng Yanqiu's slightly rustling voice, Yu Dong suddenly remembered that summer, he was walking on the small road in Rongcheng with Cheng Yanqiu on his back, listening to her singing that song on his back. "Your Eyes".

A gust of wind blows in from the window, sweeping through Yanqiu's hair and blowing to the tip of Yu Dong's nose, as if the wind from that night flew across time and space.

A few minutes later, the music stopped, and Cheng Yanqiu looked at Yu Dong with a smile: "I'm back."

Yu Dong nodded with a smile: "Well, it's just right for me to come back. After listening to the whole song, what's the situation with this song?"

Cheng Yanqiu explained with a smile, "This song is called "Summer Wind". It was written by Xiao Zhou, and it was delivered this morning. I tried to sing it, and it's pretty good."

"Will he put this song in his album?" Yu Dong asked.

"No, his new album is already full, and he said he sang this song for me."

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "It's considered that this kid has a heart, this song is very suitable for you, go back to the recording studio and record it."

Cheng Yanqiu nodded, "Well, Xiao Zhou really has a heart, but I thought, I usually don't sing much on stage, so it's better not to waste this song, and I can give it to the female singers that the company needs to train to sing."

Yu Dong waved his hands again and again, "No, absolutely not. Since it's Xiao Zhou's wish, don't refuse. Besides, you just don't appear on stage less often, it's not that you don't appear on stage. Next time you go on stage, you can sing this song. Yes, didn't Li Hong ask you about the theme song of "Flower and Grass Lover" two days ago? The style of that TV series is relatively relaxed, and most of the filming is summer scenes, which fits well with this song. I think Just like that, find time to go to the recording studio to record "Summer Wind", and then give the song to Li Hong, I think she will be very happy."

"Flower and Grass Lover" is a TV series written and directed by Li Hong. It has just started filming. The heroine is Qian Xiuyan and the male protagonist is Tong Dawei.

Compared with Li Hong's other TV dramas, the story of this "Flower and Grass Lover" is relatively relaxed. It mainly tells the story of a rich man who deliberately creates the illusion of family bankruptcy in order to cultivate heirs, and finds someone pretending to be a creditor to collect debts and chase the hero to the countryside. heroine's story.

Hearing Yu Dong's suggestion, Cheng Yanqiu pondered for a while, and finally nodded, "That's fine, Li Hong asked me about the theme song several times. "Summer Wind" is really suitable for the TV series "Flower and Grass Lover" , In this way, I will sing the theme song, and I will ask Qian Xiuyan to come and learn this song later, and she can also sing it during the promotional period later."

"It's a good idea. Later, I'll ask someone to write a Korean version for Qian Xiuyan to sing."


Cheng Yanqiu smiled, and then raised her hand to play a melody on the piano. After she finished playing, she shook her head and said, "I still need to add drums, otherwise I always feel that something is missing. Go to the company tomorrow to compose a song for this song and have a look." The feeling after adding drums."

Having said that, she looked at Yu Dong again, "Mr. Yu, you said that if you add a whistle at the beginning, you will play the chorus part. What do you think? Does it feel more like summer?"

Yu Dong tilted his head and thought for a while, and felt that what Cheng Yanqiu said was very reasonable, as if he thought of Xia Tian when he heard the melodic whistle, as for why, he had no way of knowing.

"Maybe you can try."

Cheng Yanqiu looked at Yu Dong and said with a smile, "Don't you know how to whistle? Go to the company with me tomorrow. I'll record your whistle and try it out."

Yu Dong didn't refuse, and said with a smile, "If the whistle is used in the end, does this song count as the two of us singing together?"

Cheng Yanqiu laughed, "Forget it."

"Okay, then I'll try."


When Yu Dong stood in the recording studio and whistled over and over again, his mouth almost cramped, he really regretted it.

Why did you agree to come and record whistles?

He originally thought that if he whistled, he could do it with one recording, and even if the requirements were higher, it would definitely be enough to record several times, but what he never expected was that the recording would last for four or five hours.

Yu Dong couldn't remember how many times he played the chorus—no, not just the chorus, he played every paragraph of the whole song.

Cheng Yanqiu wanted to try the effect of adding different paragraphs in front, so he asked Yu Dong to play each paragraph once.

After trying every verse, it is determined that it is more appropriate to add the whistle of the chorus, and then the nightmare begins.

(End of this chapter)

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