Chapter 836 Efficiency

Mikami Shinji and Falfort asked questions at the same time on the other end of the phone.

The former said again, "Is it like the "Man-eating Flower"?"

"Piranha" is a relatively popular grid game in the mouth of Shinji Mikami. Players need to control the character to eat a specific mushroom to pass the level. In the process of breaking through the level, they need to avoid the obstacles of the piranha.

Yu Dong said with a smile, "You can think in this direction. In this game, any plant can become a weapon. It depends on how you design it. In fact, plants are just a more acceptable appearance for players. Let me give you an example, you try to imagine a pea plant turned into a cannon, it will shoot out peas to kill the enemy. You can also imagine a dynamite bag that looks like a pepper, and a cactus with thorns... Of course, it is also possible Put the piranhas in. What the player has to do is to put these plants in the right position and eliminate the zombies through a reasonable combination.”

After listening to Yu Dong's words, Falfoy made a gesture to Shinji Mikami and asked Shinji Mikami's attitude.

After listening to Yu Dong's explanation, Falfoy didn't think this game was very good. He thought that this game was essentially no different from those grid games.

But according to past experience, the game plan provided by the boss will always be successful, so Falfort will seek the opinion of Shinji Mikami as soon as possible. After all, Shinji Mikami is a professional.

But at this time, Shinji Mikami didn't have time to respond to Falfort. He frowned, thinking about whether the gameplay Yu Dong said would work.

Even though Shinji Mikami is a professional, Yu Dong gave too little information, and he couldn't construct a complete game picture in his mind.

After a while, Shinji Mikami asked, "How to get these weapons? Do they appear randomly, or do they need to be exchanged for gold coins?"

This is the second time Shinji Mikami has asked this question, and it can be seen that he is very concerned about this point.

Yu Dong replied with a smile, "Of course it needs to be exchanged, but not with gold coins. Because our weapons are plants, if we want to obtain weapons, we need sunlight to exchange them. There are two ways to obtain sunlight. The first one is when the game When the background is daytime, a certain amount of sunlight will be automatically generated every once in a while. In addition, we can also get sunlight by planting sunflowers. When the game background is night, there will be no automatically generated sunlight. Sunshine can only be obtained through sunflowers. In addition, if we want to obtain weapons, we need not have sunlight, we need to obtain the weapon card first, and after passing the level, we can obtain the card.”

Shinji Mikami listened very carefully to Yu Dong's explanation of the gameplay of this game. When he heard Yu Dong's explanation of how to obtain sunlight and weapons, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows. There are tower defense and card collection, and even real-time strategy.

Because of the different weapons, different tactics need to be used when combining them. The complexity of this game may be much higher than they imagined.On a certain level, as long as the design is reasonable, the strategic complexity of this game is definitely not low.

As a professional, Shinji Mikami knows that most popular games have one characteristic, that is, they are easy to learn and play in a variety of ways.

Easy to learn can increase the number of new players as soon as possible, and the variety of gameplay can ensure that players will not lose interest in the game.

Obviously, the game Yu Dong mentioned has such potential.

"There are different types of weapons, so there are also many types of zombies?" Mikami Shinji asked.

Yu Dong smiled and nodded, Shinji Mikami was indeed a professional, and all the questions he asked were on point.

"That's right, in order to increase the test for players, there are also many kinds of zombies. We can imagine plants and zombies as two races that continue to struggle. During the long struggle, each will evolve different skills according to each other's characteristics. For example, there is a kind of nut, which has no attack power, but is relatively strong. It can block zombies for a long time and buy time for the long-range attack plants in the back row. In order to deal with this kind of nut, a kind of nut that can jump over is born among zombies. Zombies, they can jump over the nuts and directly attack the more vulnerable plants in the back row."

"In addition, although players get a lot of cards, they can only carry a fixed number of cards in each level. In this way, players need to choose the cards to use in the level according to tactics. The types of cards they carry will affect The situation at this level."

Shinji Mikami said with a smile, "In this way, the strategy of the game is increased. Of course, the most important thing is to adjust the character's durability and attack power to achieve a dynamic balance, so as to enhance the strategy of the game." This game is very interesting, but there are still some things I need to figure out, for example, after the player selects a card in a certain level, can it be exchanged infinitely, or is there a limit to the number of exchanges?"

Yu Dong pondered, "Well... I don't think it makes sense to limit the number of redemptions. It's better to set the cooling time for card redemption."

Shinji Mikami snapped his fingers, "That's right, it's obviously better to set the cooldown time for exchange, so that you can also adjust the priority of exchange. Oh, yes, you just said that when the game background is at night, you can't Automatically generate sunlight, so does that mean giving the player some starting capital? Otherwise, they won't be able to continue the game in the first place."

"You can give start-up funds, and you can also design a plant that does not require sunlight to be exchanged, but its attack power is relatively weak, so it can be used for players to make the transition in the early stage."

"Well, this is a good method. Also, if the game map is a five-by-five grid, will the zombies only come from one direction? Or will they come from all directions?"

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows. He hadn't thought about this problem before, because in the levels he played, the zombies appeared from the right and attacked from the left.

If zombies could come from other directions... then the game would suddenly become complicated.

"I think it's better to come from one direction. Of course, if you think it's better to add a few directions, you can also give it a try."

"Okay, let's put this question aside for now. Suppose there is only one direction in this game where zombies appear, and they attack from right to left. Can zombies change lanes freely on these five roads?"

"Will changing lanes freely add too much randomness?" Yu Dong asked.

"Yes, if you can change lanes freely, it will increase randomness and reduce strategy. Well, then don't change lanes freely, then the basic map of the game will probably come out now. On a map, in the middle is There are five by five grids in the combat zone, and a plant weapon is placed on each grid...Of course, the specific number of grids can be determined later after testing. Players first select the cards in the level, and plant them on the cards after obtaining sunlight. plants to fend off zombies. Zombies can only appear from the right, and cannot change lanes midway.”

Yu Dong said with a smile, "That's right, that's probably what it means."

"Okay, I probably understand, but boss, can you tell me your thoughts again. When you designed this game, you must have thought of many plants as weapons and many types of zombies, right? "

"Of course." Yu Dong looked at his watch, and it was almost ten o'clock before he knew it, "However, it's getting late now, it's getting late with you, go back to sleep early, I'll sort out a document for you later. You, if you have any questions, you can email me. These things cannot be finished in a few words."

Shinji Mikami said, "Boss, this kind of communication is too inefficient. I don't think it's better for me to go to Jinling these two days and talk to you about this game in person, and try to make this game as soon as possible. The creativity You can’t delay planting something, sometimes, it’s obviously a good thing, but if it’s delayed for too long, it will become worthless.”

Yu Dong nodded. Shinji Mikami was right. Naturally, the sooner the better for this kind of thing, lest there would be long nights and dreams, and nothing would happen.

"Okay, come here. After you come, let's have a good chat. Before you come, I will also do some preparations. I will contact the visual design studio and ask them to draw some games according to my ideas. The drawing will come out, which will save you time."

"Then thank you boss."


After hanging up the phone, Shinji Mikami clenched his fist. He felt that the company was about to release another explosive game. After asking a few questions just now, he felt more and more that this is a very playable game .

And this kind of game is not difficult to make, there is no requirement for the game screen and engine at all, the most difficult thing is the parameter design of props and characters.

Seeing that Shinji Mikami was so excited, Falfort asked, "Is this game really that good?"

Shinji Mikami glanced at Falfoy and laughed, "Of course, you have to believe in the boss's creativity. Don't look down on this kind of game that looks very simple. Many times it is precisely this kind of game that can bring you surprises." .”

"Of course I won't look down on games with simple gameplay." Falfort smiled, "After all, "Lianliankan" and "Xiaoxiaole" have already explained everything."

In one sentence, Falfort expressed the characteristics of Deep Space Corporation's games. Except for "Resident Evil", the other popular games of Deep Space Games are all games with very simple gameplay.

But in fact, the gameplay of this zombie game is not simple at all, but the scene may be simpler, which cannot be compared with those big productions.And its strategic complexity can be higher than those exciting shooting games.

"In the past this time, I will have a good chat with the boss, and try to get out of his mind as much as possible."

Falfo nodded and said, "Well, I'll ask someone to arrange your itinerary for you as soon as possible, and make this game as soon as possible. The reason why the boss designed this game at this time is probably for the sake of space. He definitely hopes to hurry up. Let this game go live."

"For space?" Shinji Mikami asked puzzled.

"Well, I heard that the performance of the space after its launch is mediocre. The boss may hope to attract more players with the new game. If my prediction is correct, this new game should be exclusive to the space after it is developed." Falfour said.

Shinji Mikami raised his eyebrows, he paid little attention to space affairs, but he believed Falfort's analysis.Although Falfort doesn't understand games, he is good at analyzing such things.

"I originally thought that the bosses didn't pay much attention to space. After all, after the platform was launched, it didn't get any marketing from the group."

Falfoy shook his finger, "How is this possible, the space was designed by the boss himself."

"What else?" Shinji Mikami asked in surprise.

"Well, I also heard from my colleagues at Deep Space Computer that the boss kept a low profile on this matter and did not announce it to the public. Now the group has not promoted this platform. There may be two reasons. One is that the boss thinks that Xueleshan can not rely on the group. Resources, the ability to do marketing by yourself, and the second, maybe the boss thinks the time has not come yet.”

"What kind of timing?" Shinji Mikami asked curiously.

"It's an opportunity for the platform to mature. I heard that the 2015 studio is developing a game, and it is very likely that it will be exclusive to the space in the future. In this way, when the new game designed by the boss is launched, the group can borrow This game vigorously promotes the space platform, and soon there will be other games to continue, so that space can continue to gain popularity. The publicity at that time was much better than the current publicity.”

"Well, it really makes sense to hear what you said. In this way, it is very likely that our company's games will be placed in space in the future."



Shinji Mikami was very efficient, and he showed up in Jinling within a few days after the conference call ended.

After seeing Yu Dong, Mikami Shinji transformed into a tormenting "little goblin" and pestered Yu Dong to ask a lot of questions.

Yu Dong thought at first that Shinji Mikami would only ask some more important questions, but he never expected that his questions were very detailed.

"The barrel of the iron barrel zombie will be knocked out first. The sound effect must be different when the barrel is still there and after the barrel is knocked down, right?"

"Frost Pea Shooter, does it have a splash effect?"

"Will the ground be damaged after the pepper bomb is blown?"

"Some maps have swimming pools, so how do we grow plants? Can the fire-type plants still be activated, and will their power be weakened?"


Yu Dong is not a game expert, and he can't remember many details, so he just let Shinji Mikami figure it out for himself, and do whatever he wants.

As for game props and characters, Yu Dongrang's visual design studio produced dozens of original paintings.

When seeing those original paintings, Shinji Mikami burst into tears. If every game can have this efficiency, then he will be crazy.

 Now I have a feeling of morning sickness every day. Does anyone have the same sequelae as me?
(End of this chapter)

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