When Shinji Mikami left Jinling, he was carrying a suitcase in his hand, which contained materials related to "Plants vs. Zombies", various paintings, and various data.

Regarding the name of the game, Shinji Mikami suggested that the new game could be bound with "Resident Evil", which would be conducive to the promotion of the new game, and also provided several names for Yu Dong to choose from.

However, Yu Dong still wants to draw a clear line between the new game and "Resident Evil", because he knows that binding with "Resident Evil" may be beneficial to the promotion of the new game at the beginning, but it is easy to be backlashed later.

In the end, Yu Dong decided to use the original name "Plants vs. Zombies".

When Shinji Mikami left, he also issued a military order with Yu Dong, saying that he would strive to make the game within three months, and it would not exceed six months at the latest.If it exceeds six months, he resigns.

Although "Plants vs. Zombies" is not a large-scale production game, it is not that simple to make it. The reason why Shinji Mikami is so confident is because Yu Dong has paved the way for them. They have a lot less to do.

Of course, even if Shinji Mikami didn't make the game within six months, Yu Dong wouldn't let him resign. Such an outstanding talent cannot be compared with a single game.


When Shinji Mikami was flying to the United States, a group of people were flying towards China.

When it was reported on TV that the Mars base in Mangya was open to the public, Hahns said that he would play once. After half a year of planning, he organized 40 people to book a tour of the Mars base.

The Mars base now only has [-] space capsules open to the public, and each space capsule can only sleep one person, but it doesn't matter, they can set up tents when they get there.

Because it is a private room, the Mars base also specially sent a staff member to connect with them.The staff is very responsible, planning routes for them, helping them find cars, and renting tents for them.

Their itinerary lasted seven days in total. They first went to Dunhuang, visited the surrounding attractions, and went to the Mars base on the fifth day.

On the afternoon of the fifth day, the minibus that Hahns and the others took left Shuangse Lake and headed for the Mars base.

"Look at that street sign."

When Hans heard someone talking about the street sign, he looked out the window and saw a blue street sign with a few Chinese characters written on it from a distance.

Before he could see clearly what these Chinese characters said, he heard someone shout again: "Shenkong No. [-] Road, this is Shenkong No. [-] Road!"

The forty people who came to the Mars base this time are basically loyal readers of YU, and many of them have learned Chinese, so they can recognize Chinese characters.

Xu Guangwen, the tour guide who was in charge of leading them, pursed his lips when he heard them speak Chinese, and he got used to it.

Xu Guangwen is a tour guide contacted by the staff at the Mars base. He usually visits the attractions around Dunhuang. The reason why the Mars base finds him is because he has a good command of English and has a lot of experience in receiving foreign tourists.

When receiving this list, Xu Guangwen also paid more attention to it. After all, there were forty people on the other side, and they were still forty foreigners.

But after the meeting, Xu Guangwen discovered that many of these foreigners could speak Chinese, and some of them spoke very slippery.

Not only that, several of them have a special understanding of Chinese culture, and they have obviously done their homework. They are very familiar with the local attractions and know the historical stories behind the attractions.

Therefore, there is no need for Xu Guangwen to bother to introduce, these foreigners have already finished the work for him with enthusiasm.

"Xu, is this the road built by the Deep Space Company?" someone asked.

Xu Guangwen nodded, "That's right, behind this blue sign is the Deep Space No. 94 Highway, which was completely funded by the Deep Space Corporation, with a total length of 200 kilometers. , more than [-] kilometers were jointly funded and constructed by the Deep Space Corporation and the government, and all of them have been opened to traffic now."

"No wonder, this section of the road is much better than the previous one in Dunhuang." Hahns said with a smile.

"The newly built road is of course better. After you play here, don't you want to go to Jinling? The road over there is better. I went there at the end of last year, and the changes are very big. The high-rise buildings in Hexi are like mushrooms after rain. The same, keep coming out, you will be surprised after watching it.”

Hearing Xu Guangwen's description, Hahns and the others were not very interested.

No matter how many buildings there are in Jinling, it is impossible to have more buildings than New York.They went to Jinling mainly to visit the Deep Space Park and feel the cultural atmosphere there.If they want to see tall buildings, they don't go anywhere, just go around Manhattan for a while.

I heard that well-known authors can often be seen in the Deep Space Park, such as Yu Hua, Bi Feiyu, and Liu Cixin are regular visitors, as well as Clezio and Joyce.When Hahns and the others went this time, they especially wanted to meet the writer by chance.

Seeing that Hahns and the others were not interested in the high-rise buildings in Jinling, Xu Guangwen changed the topic to the Mars base again, "At this time of year, the Mars base is very beautiful in the evening. The tents you live in tonight, the base staff have already After setting it up for you, you can rest for a while when you get to the place, and come out to see the scenery when the sun goes down."

"I heard that the base is going to add a Mars rover?" Hahns asked.

Xu Guangwen nodded with a smile, "I heard that there is such a plan, and it seems to be developed in cooperation with a certain car company."

"Then do you know what this rover looks like?" Hahns asked again.

"I don't know." Xu Guangwen shook his head, and then said, "But I heard from Gong Yang at the base that the Mars rover looks the same as the space rover in "The Martian."

"Is it?"

Hahns raised his eyebrows. Although "The Martian" hasn't been released yet, a space vehicle appeared in the released poster.

A person in the team who knows more about cars said, "I also noticed the space car in the poster. The design is very interesting and very close to reality. The car adopts a modular design, and the whole is composed of a six by six chassis module. It is composed of a cockpit module, which is somewhat similar to a pickup truck, that is, a non-load-bearing body in popular terms. The front half is used to place the cockpit, and the rear half can be used to carry cargo or carry different character equipment modules. I think that if we really It is also possible to use this design to land on Mars. Of course, there is only one picture on the poster, and we will learn more details about this car after watching the movie, and the function will definitely be shown in the movie.”

Hahns said with a smile: "The ones produced by the base should only require the appearance, and there must be no other functions."

"Of course, I hope that when the car comes out, we can do it again and experience the thrill of driving a space car."

"There will be that day." Xu Guangwen said with a smile, "I heard from Mr. Yang that this car is already being built. If you only want to look like it, it shouldn't take too long. Oh, by the way, when we set off this morning , Yang Gong told me that there is a surprise for you."

"What surprise?" Hahns asked.

"I don't know exactly what the surprise is. He didn't tell me. Besides, even if I knew, I couldn't tell you. Otherwise, how could it be called a surprise?"

Hearing what Xu Guangwen said, Hahns and the others became interested, discussing what kind of surprise Yang Gong was talking about.

As they discussed, the car slowly approached the Mars base.

It didn't take long for people to see the Mars base in a canyon.

Looking at the Mars base from a distance, one of them said, "President, I didn't feel anything at first, but now that I see the base, I really feel like I'm on Mars."

Xu Guangwen said with a smile, "The light is not right now. If the light is right, it will feel better."

They all know that Mars is farther from the sun than the earth is, so the daytime on Mars will appear darker, and at sunset, the sun will even emit blue light.

At this moment in the afternoon, the sunshine on Mangya is quite strong, so it feels like it is almost there.

After sunset, the light becomes weaker, and it will definitely be more interesting to look at the base.

Although I saw the base, the car still drove for a while before reaching the base.

The two buses stopped at the gate of the base, and Xu Guangwen arranged for everyone to pack their luggage and prepare to walk into the base.

But as soon as they got out of the car, a robot "walked" out of the base.

With sharp eyes, Kadi spotted the robot immediately, "Wow, it turned out to be WALL-E."

Everyone looked in the direction Kadi pointed, and saw a tattered robot with two big eyes "walking" this way.

Wali walked up to the crowd, first tilted his head, and then said, "Welcome to Mars, everyone, please follow me to pack your luggage."

Kadi wandered around Wall-E in amazement, "This workmanship is much more refined than it looks in the picture. Is this the one that appeared in the Deep Space Park before? Or is it another one? Where does its sound come from? The speaker is in the Is it in the head?"

Wally glanced at Cady, "Please pay attention to your feet, and it's impolite to stare at a robot like this."

Cardi quickly apologized, "Sorry, sorry, I'm just curious about you."

"I accept your apology."

Next, Wally took everyone to the space capsule first, and then to the tent.

After settling them down, Wally waved his hands smartly, "If you have any questions, just call my name, and I will show up to solve the problem for you."

After saying that, Wally left in a cool manner.

After Wali left, Kadi laughed, "This Wali's English has a strong Chinese accent, and it sounds like Yang Gong."

Xu Guangwen smiled and said: "It should be Gong Yang. There are not many people in the base, and even fewer can speak English. Although the voice has been changed, the accent is that of Gong Yang. The surprise he told me before should be Wall-E. "

Hans nodded, "It's really a surprise. We went to the deep space park for one important purpose, which was to see Wall-E. I didn't expect to see it here. Although I knew the size of Wall-E before, I really saw it. , I still think he is big."

"He must be very heavy, after all, the whole body is made of steel. But having said that, Wall-E's appearance in the Mars base does not violate the peace at all, and it feels like it belongs here." Cardy said.

Hahns laughed, "But in fact, Wall-E is a robot on Earth. Deep space sent Wall-E here. Will he be responsible for receiving tourists in the future? If so, it would be quite interesting."

Cardi suddenly patted his head, "By the way, I forgot to take a photo with Wally just now, and I missed such a good opportunity."

Hans curled his lips and said, "There will be opportunities in the future. After the sun goes down, I will call out Wal-E for a group photo. Didn't he just say that if you have any questions, just shout his name."


In the evening, several tourists came to the Mars base.

Although the space capsule requires an appointment, there is no need to make an appointment to come to the Mars base. As long as you are willing to set up a tent, you can drive here at any time.

The few tourists who came were also very surprised to see a large group of foreigners at the base. After learning that they belonged to the YU Umbrella Association, they quickly chatted together.

Hahns and the others also heard more things about the base from these tourists. The reason why these tourists came directly without making an appointment for the space capsule was because they had come here once before and experienced the space capsule that time.

The experience is not bad, but the price is too high.

It is said that the initial price of the space capsule was 350 US dollars, but after it was actually opened, the price was set at 1000 RMB, which was much less than the 350 US dollars originally reported.

This price is the same all over the world, no matter where the tourists come from, it is the same price, and the group purchase is not discounted. Groups like Hahns and the others are still 1000 RMB per person.

1000 RMB per night is unaffordable for most Chinese tourists.

In comparison, living in a tent is much more cost-effective. If you don’t bring your own tent, you can live in the tent provided by the base for only 100 yuan per person per night.

In addition to the special experience of living in a space capsule, the only advantage is that you can take a bath. In addition, the base will provide material packages for tourists living in the space capsule.

There are not many things in the material bag, they are all food and drink, and there is more drinking water.

Although the Mars base looks boring, there are quite a lot of projects that can be played, and the most popular one is probably to grow potatoes.

At the base, there is a room left over from the filming of "The Martian" before. There are many potatoes planted in it. After tourists come, they can also plant a potato in it by themselves.

Growing potatoes here in Mangya is much easier than on Mars, and basically it will succeed if you plant them.

Because the base has such projects, potatoes are frequently included in the meals provided by the base to tourists.

In fact, besides potatoes, the base will also grow other things, but they are basically more troublesome than growing potatoes, and the survival rate is not high.

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