Chapter 838 I Don't Know
At six o'clock the next morning, not long after the sun had risen, Hans heard a rumbling sound coming from outside the tent.

Hearing this sound, it sounded like the agricultural machinery in the farm was working. In a daze, Hahns thought he had returned to the American farm.

When he opened his eyes, he remembered that he was in the Mars base.

They had a great time last night. As soon as the sun set, they started to drive around in the off-road vehicle provided by the base. After it was completely dark, the tour guide took them to see the photography set up during the filming of "The Martian" shed.

In order to film "The Martian", they not only built a road, but also built a very large studio to complete the scenes that required indoor scenery shooting.

This studio cost a lot of money, and the additional investment of deep space salary was basically spent on this studio.

It is said that they held many meetings for this studio.Jimmy was opposed to the decision to build a studio at the beginning, because the studio was basically wasted after it was built, and they wouldn't run here for filming later.

But because of Spielberg's insistence, the shed was erected.

The studio covers an area of ​​more than 5000 square meters, and [-] tons of three-color sand bodies are piled up in the studio, which perfectly simulates the landscape on the surface of Mars, even comparable to the scenery outside the studio.

The inside of the studio can accommodate a life capsule with a diameter of 12 meters, and also includes a living cabin attached to the life capsule and a 360-degree rotating radar on the roof.

And not far from the studio, there is a set of exactly the same thing, used to shoot the location.

When the tour guide introduced the studio to Hahns and the others, he told them that because the studio is large enough, a 13-meter-long Mars rover can drive from one end to the other at a speed of more than 30 kilometers per hour in the studio.

In order to simulate the Martian dust storm, the crew also got a set of powerful fans, which can evenly blow up tons of dust and microcrystalline particles.

Next to the main studio, there are several small auxiliary studios, which also contain the interstellar spacecraft that was filmed and built at that time.

When Hahns and the others saw the huge "Hermes" in Studio No. [-], everyone was shocked.

Although the Hermes displayed in the studio cannot be compared with the real interstellar spacecraft, standing in front of it, one can still feel a huge sense of oppression.

The tour guide told them that if the studio were to make other films, the starships in the secondary studio would be dismantled or moved to the main studio.

When he heard the news, Hahns also asked the tour guide Xu Guangwen with great concern, if someone wanted to shoot a new movie in the main studio, would the facilities such as the life capsule built inside also be dismantled.

But Xu Guangwen couldn't tell him the answer, and no one knew what the future fate of the main studio would be.

Of course, the good news is that even if the life capsule inside the studio is removed, there is still an identical set outside the studio.

Hahns and the others studied in the studio until very late, and they didn't leave the studio until after eleven o'clock.

After returning to the tent, Hans and the others were so excited that they couldn't fall asleep, and they discussed for a long time, and they didn't force themselves to sleep until after two o'clock.

Therefore, Hans and the others were a little upset when they heard the roar of machinery outside at around six o'clock.

Cardi stood up straight away, rubbed his eyes and walked out, "I'll go and see what's going on, who the hell is making noise in the morning."

Ten seconds later, Hahns and the others heard Kadi's screams.

After another ten seconds, Cardi rushed in, pointed to the outside and said, "Quick, come and see, the space vehicle, there is a space vehicle."

Hearing the space vehicle, everyone in the tent sat up, and those with quick legs got up and ran outside.

Hans also stood up quickly, but after running for two steps, he suddenly remembered that he was wearing only one pair of underwear all over his body, and hurried back to put on his pants and jacket.

Among the forty people they came this time, there were about a dozen girls, but these girls were arranged to live in the space capsule, and the tents were all men, so they slept casually.

After putting on his clothes, Hans ran out hastily.

When he walked outside the tent and looked at the behemoth not far away, he became sober.

The original novel of "The Martian" did not list the specific size of the rover, so everyone's imagination of the rover is different. In Hahns' imagination, the rover must be not small, but when you really see it Still amazed by its size.

The people in the team had already surrounded the car, and the person who knew more about cars walked around the car several times, and finally said with a smile, "It's really a genius design, who can see that this probe car is actually an all-terrain vehicle. Modified agricultural vehicles?"

Many people shook their heads. They shook their heads not because they didn't see that this probe vehicle was modified from an all-terrain agricultural vehicle, but because they didn't know what an all-terrain agricultural vehicle was at all.

Hahns has seen all-terrain agricultural vehicles. Some of them are really big, but they look very different from the probe vehicle in front of him. The only thing that is more similar may be the oversized industrial wheels. There is a person tall.

Seeing everyone's reactions, the guy who knows cars said with a smile, "Come and see, there are hydraulic gull-wing doors, transmissions, and diesel engines... Although there are solar panels embedded in the body, it is obviously just Decoration, it should be completely diesel-powered. If you don’t hear the sound of the engine, it looks basically the same as the probe car in the poster. I have to say that the change of the prop group is really clever. I don’t know if I made a movie before Did you use this car when you were in the car?"

While talking, he walked to the front of the cockpit, pointed to the cockpit and said, "Look at the design inside, it is completely made according to the space vehicle..."

Halfway through this guy's introduction, Wally walked into the crowd and said, "This is a new project of this base. If you are interested, you can experience driving a space vehicle. If you need it, please go to the service desk for consultation."

Someone asked, "We can all drive this thing, can we do it without a driver's license?"

"No problem, we will have professionals to accompany you all the way, please rest assured to experience. In addition, this event does not involve any traffic violations."


The driving experience of the probe car is not cheap, and the fee is 100 RMB per kilometer. Although the road conditions here cannot be driven too fast, a few hundred yuan will be gone if you play casually. It is really not something ordinary people can afford.

But this thing is too attractive to men. Which man would not want to drive a probe car that is several meters high, ten meters long, and has a cool appearance, galloping in the slightly bumpy desert?

This is definitely an extension of the power of perfection.

Almost every man signed up.

Because the road near the Mars base was too flat, they felt that it was not enjoyable, so they simply drove the car to a place with more potholes.

If anyone finishes the experience, the car doesn't need to drive back, there are other cars that come to pick them up.

Because there are too many applicants, the base stipulates that each person can only experience for a maximum of 10 minutes at a time. If you want to play after the time is up, you must continue to queue at the back.

Most people basically stop playing after playing for a few minutes, after all, this thing is not cheap.

But there are also those who love to play, such as Cardi, who played for 10 minutes for the first time, and then continued to line up behind.

By the time of the second round, he played for another 10 minutes.

Then line up for the third time.

Because there are fewer and fewer people playing, Cardi's queuing time is getting shorter and shorter each time.

Until the end, after everyone stopped playing, Cardi was still playing.

And since no one is queuing, Cardi can keep playing.

Later, when new tourists arrive, he ends up.

In the end, Kadi did the math, and he spent more than 7000 yuan just to experience driving, and it took him more than an hour to experience it.


When Hans and the others were having fun at the Mars Base, Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu had already arrived at Beishi, Baodao.

Their itinerary was very full, and they were going to visit Shi Zhengrong at his residence on Jinhua Street in Beishi that afternoon.

Tomorrow they will attend the signing event of Sun Yanzi's new album, and the day after tomorrow, they will go to the countryside of Beishi to visit the crew of "Flower and Grass Lover".

After a short rest at the hotel, the couple went to Jinhua Street.

Shi's family is relatively large, and all three children live with them.

When Yu Dong and his wife arrived at their home, Shi Zhengrong specially introduced his three children to Yu Dong.

Afterwards, Shi Zhengrong invited Yu Dong to the study alone, while Cheng Yanqiu was accompanied by the female family members of the Shi family.

After arriving at the study room, Shi Zhengrong first took a copy of "Curse" from the bookshelf and handed it to Yu Dong with a smile, "Mr. Yu, I wonder if I have the honor to get your autograph."

Yu Dong took out a pen from his pocket with a smile, and said while signing, "This is my honor."

After receiving the autograph, Shi Zhengrong seemed very happy, holding the book in his hand and unwilling to put it down.

"Mr. Yu, the book "Curse" has had a great influence on Baodao. Among your many novels, I think "Curse" is definitely the most important book in the hearts of the people of Baodao. Of course, "Old Book" is also very good. Over the past few years, people on the island have come into contact with more and more cultural and entertainment works from the mainland, and their feelings have gradually changed."

Yu Dong smiled, and looked at Shi Zhengrong's bookshelf again.

Shi Zhengrong's bookshelf is very neat, and every book is placed meticulously. Yu Dong noticed that the page size of each grid in this bookshelf is the same, and there will never be two books with different page sizes in the same grid. exist.

Because of this, the bookshelf looks so neat.

Such a neat and clean bookshelf shows two things. First, Shi Zhengrong pays great attention to details. Second, Shi Zhengrong should rarely read these literary works.

In fact, this is also easy to understand. After all, busy people like Shi Zhengrong don't have much time to read literary works.

Seeing Yu Dong looking at his bookshelf, Shi Zhengrong smiled and said, "Compared with the collection of books in Mr. Yu's house, my few books must be insignificant."

Yu Dong smiled, and did not follow Shi Zhengrong's words, but turned the topic to the serious matter, "President Shi has been inviting me over, and I have always wanted to come and visit, but it has never been a coincidence, and it took so long It's been a long time coming."

Shi Zhengrong said with a smile, "It's never too late if you can come. It's my honor that you can come. In fact, I have no other purpose in inviting you to Treasure Island. I just want to do something for a while. Please come and have fun." ,have a look."

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows and said, "Before coming, Jimmy called me. He learned that I was coming to visit, and asked me to say hello to you on his behalf. Besides, he also told me not to miss such a good opportunity. I want to ask you some experience in person. Deep Space Company has been doing business in the entertainment industry before, and has relatively little experience in the physical industry. This time it is also an adventure to take over BenQ Dentsu. At the helm, we should turn to you most of all."

Hearing Yu Dong's words, Shi Zhengrong waved his hands again and again, "Don't talk about asking for advice, just say that we can learn from each other. Although I have been in the real industry for a little longer than you, emerging industries change rapidly, and we can easily fail to keep up. Rhythm. The so-called experience is nothing but what has been eliminated in the past. It is us who really need to learn, and we should learn more from you young people. I have been in business for so many years, and I claim to have some achievements, but these achievements are the same as yours. For example, it is not worth mentioning. How long has the Deep Space Corporation been established? It has grown to such a scale in less than ten years, and we are still researching many things, but to be honest, we can't understand it at all. "

"Boss Shi, you are too modest. We also ran into each other by mistake. It's just luck."

Shi Zhengrong laughed, "Mr. Yu, let's not be humble to each other. In fact, I invited you here because I wanted to have an in-depth chat with you. The meeting in Jinling was too hasty. Today It is a rare opportunity for us to sit down face to face, and I hope that Mr. Yu will not hesitate to enlighten me. I have been paying attention to the US stock market recently. People are confused. I have read many analysis reports written by so-called financial experts, but there is no unified direction at all, so I want to ask the parties.”

Yu Dong was quite surprised. He didn't expect that Shi Zhengrong's biggest concern was not BenQ Dentsu, but Deep Space Corporation's operations in the US stock market.

In fact, Deep Space does not have many operations in the stock market, and the reason why it has attracted attention is because it has not taken action to save Amazon before, but now it is a bit counterintuitive to take action in this situation.

Yu Dong pondered: "For this kind of thing, Mr. Shi can ask Jimmy. Although Jimmy and I are partners, he is basically in charge of the company's affairs, especially in North America. No question. Maybe I don’t know as much about the U.S. stock market as you do, Mr. Shi.”

(End of this chapter)

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