Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 840 Keyboard Player and Triangle Musician

Yu Dong and his wife had dinner at Shi's house. When they were saying goodbye, Shi Zhengrong asked with a smile, "What's your itinerary for tomorrow? If there's nothing special, I'll take you around Beishi."

"No need, Mr. Shi, we are going to participate in the company's singer's signing event tomorrow." Yu Dong said.

Shi Zhengrong raised his eyebrows and said, "The singer you're talking about can't be Jay Chou."

For the current music scene in Taiwan, Jay Chou is the most impressive thing for Shi Zhengrong. This young singer has been very popular in the past two years. Even if Shi Zhengrong doesn’t pay much attention to pop songs, he can always see or hear Jay Chou’s name in various places. , heard Jay Chou's song.

Sometimes Shi Zhengrong also wants to keep pace with the times, so he will ask young people what they like, and he can always hear young people say Jay Chou's name.

"It's not Jay Chou, it's a newcomer in our company, a female singer, and this is also her first album. It's not a coincidence that I came to visit Mr. Shi, so I stopped by to have a look."

"In that case, then I won't force it. When you come to Treasure Island in the future, give me more time. I'll take you around Beishi."



Early the next morning, many people gathered in Ximending.

At the crossroads in Ximending, Deep Space Music temporarily set up a very large stage, behind which was a huge poster with a photo of Sun Yanzi holding a guitar, and three large characters: Sun Yanzi.

Sun Yanzi also added the title of the book, not only introducing the name of the singer, but also telling the audience the name of the album.

Like Jay Chou before, Sun Yanzi's debut album is also the album of the same name.

Although he is a newcomer and the album has just been released, but in the previous month, three songs in the new album have met the audience, so it is possible to gather some fans.

Of course, most of the audience around the stage at this time are not fans of Sun Yanzi. They don’t even know who Sun Yanzi is. Everyone loves to join in the fun, and Baodao is no exception.

The signing will start at nine o'clock in the morning, including the performance for a total of two and a half hours, and end at eleven o'clock.Such a length of time is relatively normal, not many people like Yu Dong have a signing event for one day.

At nine o'clock, the host came on stage on time.

Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for a newcomer to find a well-known host to help, but the host Kang Jinrong who came to the scene today is quite famous.

Kang Jinrong is also engaged in music, but he didn't have much achievements in music. Last year, he released an album and didn't make a lot of splashes. On the contrary, he was recognized by many audiences in terms of hosting and became a well-known comedian. coffee.

As soon as he came out, many audience members recognized him.

"Kangkang." Someone in the audience shouted.

Kang Jinrong on the stage said with a smile, "Hello everyone, I am Kang Kang, the host of today's autograph session."

As a host, Kang Jinrong's speech speed is relatively slow, and he speaks slowly, and he doesn't look like a comedian.

However, there may be some viewers who often watch his shows, so as soon as he said something, some viewers in the audience started laughing, and other viewers didn't know what was going on, but they also laughed.

"I found that the audience who came today had a low laugh. I just said a word. I don't know if the audience who likes to listen to Sun Yanzi's songs are happier."

Although Kang Jinrong spoke slowly, he was quite professional. The second sentence brought out today's protagonist, Sun Yanzi, and then he started talking about Sun Yanzi, "Speaking of Miss Sun Yanzi, I'm actually not very familiar with her. After finishing work a few days ago, Brother Xian suddenly asked me to help a newcomer's signing. I said I was not free, but Brother Xian said she was a pretty girl, so I came. Although Brother Xian It’s usually unreliable, but this time it didn’t lie to me, it’s really pretty.”

"I also specially found a few songs from her to listen to, oh well, the newcomers are amazing now, and they are all so good when they just debuted. Especially the title song "Dark Black", when I heard this song, I thought My brother who is three years older than me. I remember, when I was young, my brother and I often played together, usually he ran in front, and I chased after him with bricks until it was dark before going home."

Kang Jinrong said this passage slowly, but people just found it funny, and some viewers who had never heard "Dark Sky" also remembered the song.

By this time, the scene had almost warmed up. We don't have much time today, so Kang Jinrong couldn't say too much, so he said with a smile, "Next, let's invite today's protagonist, a beautiful and capable singer——Sun Yanzi."

As soon as Kang Jinrong finished speaking, Sun Yanzi, who had short hair, walked onto the stage. She smiled and waved to the audience. There were not many voices of support, but the scene was not too cold.

"Hi everyone, I'm Sun Yanzi."

Although she is a newcomer, Sun Yanzi has a lot of stage experience, so she didn't have much stage fright, and her performance was quite natural.

After interacting with the host Kang Jinrong for a few words, it was time for the performance. Sun Yanzi walked to the side of the electronic piano and put the microphone down. "The next song is "Dark and Dark", I hope everyone likes it."

When it came to "Dark Darkness", many people in the audience laughed, because Kangkang's words just now had a deep impact on them.

However, the audience soon stopped laughing.

"Dark Sky" is a very touching song. The lyrics tell the growth experience of a little girl, and it also incorporates folk songs, which can quickly bring the audience's memories back to the past.

In real life, when faced with multiple complicated things, people will have many troubles.People struggle every day to live, and life gives us a lot of what we want, what we don't want, what we can have, and what we can't.

The little girl in this song, through the melody of nursery rhymes that her grandmother sang casually in her ears when she was a child, expresses her longing for her grandmother, her fear of unknown journeys and her courage to face setbacks alone.

Although the song has a soothing tone, it is very inspiring and inspires people to move forward bravely.

Sun Yanzi's voice is very special. This song can be said to be custom-made for her "voice". She sings it, which adds more charm to this song.

The audience at the scene, whether they have heard it or not, all held their breath and kept silent, for fear that their voice would affect the stage performance.

This is the charm of music. The melody and notes can quickly enter people's hearts.

When the song "Darkness and Darkness" ended, the audience couldn't help applauding Sun Yanzi.

The host Kang Jinrong also came out, "I thought the tape was the best song, but I didn't expect you to be different. Obviously, today's scene is even better than the tape."

"No, no, facing so many audience friends today, I am still a little nervous."

"I can sing so well even when I'm nervous, but I can't imagine how good it would be if I wasn't nervous. Everyone has listened to "Dark Black" and learned more about Sun Yanzi. Then tell me, do you want to sing?" Listen to more songs, see more performances?"

The atmosphere at the scene was much better than before, and many people shouted in unison: "I think."

Kang Jinrong was very satisfied with the audience's reaction. He said with a smile, "Today you will definitely see more and better performances by Sun Yanzi, but next, instead of Sun Yanzi's solo, there will be a few other friends coming over. They will Together with Sun Yanzi, bring us the second song and the third song, and then, let us have a favor——Mayday!"

When Mayday came to the stage, the atmosphere suddenly exploded. The young audience was very enthusiastic, and many of them stood on tiptoes and stretched their necks to call Mayday's name.

Although Mayday has only debuted for a year, they have already accumulated a lot of fame.

In particular, the second album "Long Live Love", which was released in May this year, is especially loved by the audience. There are several songs in it, such as "Tenderness" and "Reverse", which are highly popular.

The themes of Mayday's songs are usually friendship and love, and the style is very bright and brisk. They are very popular among young people, especially many young couples like to listen to their songs.

When Mayday came to the stage, there were more and more people below the stage.

Mayday is now the key training object of Deep Space Music, and Sun Yanzi is also a newcomer that Deep Space Music strongly recommends, so it is natural and reasonable for Mayday to stand for Sun Yanzi at Sun Yanzi's signing event.

Zhou Jianhui wants to cultivate newcomers who are more phenomenal than Jay Chou, and Mayday and Sun Yanzi are his focus. This time, Mayday is also appointed by him to cheer on Sun Yanzi's new album signing.

Mayday sang "Tenderness" with Sun Yanzi. Compared with "The Sky is Dark", when they sang "Tenderness", there were many audiences who could sing along with them.

I have to say that Sun Yanzi is quite suitable for the song "Tenderness". Their chorus makes people feel that Sun Yanzi and them are in a band, and Sun Yanzi is also one of the lead singers.

After "Tenderness" was sung, Mayday and Sun Yanzi sang the song "Super Pleasure" in "Sun Yanzi".

I have to say that Mayday is also quite suitable for the song "Super Pleasure", and there is no sense of discord when singing the chorus.

The two choruses ended, and the atmosphere at the scene had reached a climax.

According to the process, Sun Yanzi will also sing "Certificate of Love" solo, the performance will be over, and the next step will be the signing.

And the last song "Certificate of Love" will also be performed by a band on stage with Sun Yanzi.

After communicating with the band, Sun Yanzi walked to the front with the microphone in her arms, ready to start performing, but what she didn't notice was that the band's keyboard suddenly changed, and there was an extra triangle.

The audience in the audience saw it, but most of them didn't take it seriously.

Of course, there are also some people who feel very strange.

Lin Kexin went shopping in Ximending with his friends in the morning. Hearing that there was a singer signing autographs today, he ran over to join in the fun. Unexpectedly, this singer was quite surprising. The song "Dark and Dark" almost brought Lin Kexin to tears.

In addition, Lin Kexin is still a fan of Mayday, so today is definitely worth the ticket price for her, let alone she didn't buy a ticket.

Lin Kexin was going to line up to buy an album after watching the performance, get an autograph, and support this new singer.

Just when she was about to enjoy the music, she saw a different keyboard on the stage.

It's okay to replace the keyboard, which is not a strange thing, but what is strange is that a triangle came up.

In the general pop band, you can't see the triangle iron.

Although there is no distinction between high and low musical instruments, the triangle iron does give people a very advanced feeling, because it always appears in some advanced occasions.

Moreover, the triangle is considered an unpopular instrument, and there are relatively few people who really know this instrument. Lin Kexin did not expect to see the appearance of the triangle in a pop music band today.

This triangle musician looked quite mysterious, wearing a peaked cap with the brim pressed very low, and after taking the stage, he kept looking down at the ground, not looking down at all.

The same goes for the female keyboard player who came in, wearing the same cap and looking down at the keyboard.

Soon, just as the performance was about to begin, the triangle musician suddenly knocked on the triangle.

The triangle made a pleasant and crisp sound, and the keyboard and guitar also rang.

When Sun Yanzi heard the sound of the triangle iron, she was a little confused, but now she has no time to wonder, so she can only start singing along with the music.

Lin Kexin had been staring at the triangle musician, but the musician didn't make any other moves except for hitting the triangle at first.

Is it possible that this triangle player only hits that one the whole time?In that case, is it necessary to arrange the triangle musicians on stage?

"Certificate of Love" was very nice, but Lin Kexin looked puzzled, she really couldn't figure out what was going on with this band.

Not only was she puzzled, but Sun Yanzi on the stage was also very puzzled. She had already turned her head and saw the replaced keyboard player and the extra triangle player.

Sun Yanzi didn't understand why the keyboard player would return it, and there was an extra triangle.

Both of them lowered their heads and couldn't see their faces, but Sun Yanzi felt that the two of them gave her a sense of familiarity, especially the female keyboard player, she played the piano so much like...

Because she was still performing, Sun Yanzi suppressed the speculation in her heart and tried her best to sing well.

In this way, it is very difficult to hold back nonsense while trying to sing seriously. Sun Yanzi felt that her heart was beating very fast, and her brain began to become a little blank.

After finally finishing singing a song, Sun Yanzi quickly ran to the back and leaned down to look at the face of the keyboard player, and then covered her mouth in surprise.

She ran to the triangle musician again, and before she could squat down, the triangle musician raised his head.

Seeing the face of the triangle, Sun Yanzi almost threw away the microphone, and fell into extreme surprise.

The audience in the audience didn't know what Sun Yanzi's reaction was at first, but after Yu Dong raised his head, the sharp-eyed audience recognized him.

Lin Kexin, who has been following the Triangle musicians for a long time, was the first to call out, "My God, Yu Dong!"

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