Chapter 841 Emergency Plan

Lin Kexin's voice was so loud that many people standing near her heard it.

"It's really Yu Dong."

"Who is Yu Dong, the one wearing the hat is Yu Dong?"

"Yu Dong is so young?"

"Is that the great writer Yu Dong?"

"Is it his wife next to him, the pianist Cheng Yanqiu?"

"It seems so."

"Yu Dong can play musical instruments?"

"Is it the great writer Yu Dong, the one who wrote "Curse"?"

"What is "Curse", isn't he writing "Resident Evil"?"

"It's obviously "Second World"."

"Crap, Yu Dong wrote "The Martian"."

"Oh, yes, The Martian movie is coming out soon."

"What The Martian movie?"

Compared with the name "Yu Dong", Yu Dong's face is much unfamiliar to the people of Baodao.

Unlike actors or singers, there are relatively few videos of Yu Dong. Many people have heard of this name and read his books, but they just don't know what he looks like.

Many people don't even know Yu Dong's age, and think that Yu Dong is already very old.

In fact, this is not bad. At least most people know that Yu Dong is still alive. Some time ago, it was rumored that Yu Hua and Wang Xiaobo had passed away. That would be terrible.

The reason for such rumors is that on the one hand, the media is relatively unscrupulous, and on the other hand, it is also because these two guys are doing badly every day, and there have been no new works released in the past few years.

Many Baodao people know Yu Dong's appearance because of the video of the couple singing "The Roof" together in the United States.

Similarly, many people know Cheng Yanqiu because of that video. In the eyes of those who don't know Yu Dong, Cheng Yanqiu is the one who deserves the most attention in that video.

On the stage, Cheng Yanqiu walked around the keyboard and put his arms around Sun Yanzi's shoulders with a smile.

When Sun Yanzi was recording in the recording studio of the Deep Space Park, she often met with Cheng Yanqiu. Cheng Yanqiu was a consultant of Deep Space Music, and the two had a working relationship.

Sometimes, Cheng Yanqiu would help with arranging the music, and sometimes, he would also tutor Sun Yanzi in singing, and the relationship between the two of them was quite good.

Sun Yanzi was dragged by Cheng Yanqiu, tears of excitement almost came out, she covered her mouth and said, "Mr. Cheng, why are you here?"

Cheng Yanqiu said with a smile, "Isn't today the signing event of your first album? Mr. Yu told me to take a look. We are very optimistic about you. No singer in our company has ever been treated like this. He will show up at the signing event, in fact, he has never been to the singer's signing event."

Sun Yanzi raised her head, and asked out of nowhere, "Isn't Senior Brother Jie Lun?"

Hearing Sun Yanzi's question, Cheng Yanqiu couldn't help but smile, she didn't expect this little girl to be quite competitive.

Sun Yanzi is actually older than Jay Chou, and the two do not belong to the same company, but because Alpha and Deep Space Music belong to the same faction, and Jay Chou made his debut earlier than Sun Yanzi, so Sun Yanzi called Jay Chou a senior It's also reasonable.

Cheng Yanqiu patted Sun Yanzi's shoulder lightly, and said with a smile, "Well, even Xiao Zhou has never been treated like this."

At this time, the host Kang Jinrong came onto the stage, "Hey, the audience who came to the scene today will make a lot of money. I don't need to introduce you. You should know two of them, Mr. Yu Dong and Ms. Cheng Yanqiu. I can assure you , The appearance of the two of you was definitely not arranged in advance. I didn't know about it in advance. I was drinking water just now, and someone told me 'your boss is here, and you still drink water', I told him 'Cut it off, my boss won't be here', that's why I didn't come up right away."

Kang Jinrong is also an employee of Alpha, so he said that Yu Dong is his boss.

Yu Dong also came over at this time, and a staff member quickly came up and delivered two microphones to him and Cheng Yanqiu.

Holding the microphone, Yu Dong said with a smile, "Hi everyone, I'm Yu Dong. It's a pleasure to meet you here."

Cheng Yanqiu also greeted, "I'm Cheng Yanqiu."

The audience in the audience, whether they knew them or not, applauded cooperatively.

In fact, the most excited ones at the moment should be the entertainment reporters. Originally, they were only here for Sun Yanzi, but they didn't expect the surprise of Mayday.

Let alone Mayday, now even Yu Dong and his wife Cheng Yanqiu appeared on the scene.

Yu Dong is very famous, but he does not attend public events frequently. Throughout the year, the longest time you can see him is the Deep Space Annual Meeting at the end of the year.

In ordinary times, people often hear Yu Dong's name and his works.

Just two weeks ago, Yu Dong just released his new book "Wall-E".From the day the book was released, the No. 1 book sales list on Baodao has not changed during this period, and it has always been "Wall-E".

Not only is No.1 "Wall-E", because of the new book, Yu Dong's old books have also become more popular. Among the ten books on the ranking list, four or five are Yu Dong's, and No.1 and No.2 is basically occupied by "Wall-E" and "The Martian".

Although everyone generally believed that Yu Dong should belong to the literary and art circles, reporters from all walks of life paid great attention to him, especially Yu Ji, because the name Yu Dong now represented too many things in the entertainment circle.

After Yu Dong and his wife showed up, the frequency of flash lights on the scene increased significantly.

Since he came to the scene, Yu Dong naturally couldn't come in vain. After Cheng Yanqiu introduced himself, he said, "Thank you very much for coming to Yan Zi's first album signing. Congratulations everyone, because you are very lucky to find a treasure girl. Sun Yanzi is the most promising new female singer I have seen in recent years. Her singing voice has a special charm and can control various types of songs. She has just There is still a long way to go after her debut, I hope everyone can accompany her along the way, and she will definitely give back to everyone with more good music."

Speaking of this, Yu Dong paused, first looked around the audience, and then continued, "It's not the first time for me to come to Baodao, but it's the first time for me to participate in the signing event in Ximending. I've always I heard that the fans here in Beishi are very friendly. I personally experienced it today and found that this is indeed the case. Finally, as the boss, I give Yan Zi a small benefit for the audience. At the end of the year, Yan Zi will be in Beishi There is a concert in the memorial hall. Friends who bought the album on the spot today can participate in the lucky draw with a small ticket. We will draw 668 lucky audiences, and each lucky audience will get a concert ticket for free. In addition, in addition to the concert tickets In addition, lucky viewers can also get [-] deep space points."

I heard that there is a lottery, and the prizes are quite generous.

Concert tickets plus 200 deep space points, let alone thousands of Baodao coins, and buying an album only costs more than [-] Baodao coins. If you are lucky, you can earn back the money.

Moreover, a total of 668 lucky viewers will be drawn, and the probability of being selected is quite high.

Seeing the excitement of the audience, Cheng Yanqiu looked at Yu Dong with a smile, and said in his heart that no matter where they are, people like to draw prizes.

The lottery draw is really simple and rude. Of course, if you want to attract people's attention, the premise is that the prizes must be rich enough.

After saying this, Yu Dong didn't say anything else. He put down the microphone and asked the staff to make arrangements, clean up the scene, and let Sun Yanzi start signing sales as soon as possible, and make more time to sign more.

The staff over there were cleaning up the scene. Yu Dong smiled and said to Sun Yanzi, "Looking at the current situation, the number of signings today will definitely not be small. If you can't finish signings, you can work overtime at noon and sign more. You You just made your debut, and this is your first album and first signing, data is still very important to you.”

"Yeah, I know." Sun Yanzi nodded and asked again, "It's nothing more than what you said about my concert just now, teacher."

"Oh, you don't know about this yet. I've already told Zhou Jianhui that he will book a venue for you at the end of the year and give you your first concert. I heard from Li Weisong that you will have a second album at the end of the year, so I just Let’s strike while the iron is hot, start a concert early, and build up the fan’s stickiness early. After the concert is over, I will arrange for you to hold concerts in the mainland and other Asian countries.”

Listening to Yu Dong's plan for herself, Sun Yanzi blinked her eyes, a little surprised. After all, she has just released her first album, and the market hasn't even verified it yet.

What if the album doesn't sell well?
If the sales are not good, will there still be audiences at the next concert?If there is no audience, wouldn't it be a joke to sing, let alone go to the mainland and other Asian countries to hold concerts.

Is this development speed too fast?
Yu Dong said with a smile, "This speed is not fast. Jay Chou has already entered the European and American music circles in the second year. Some things are not better step by step, but need explosive development. Your style has no advantage in Europe and America for the time being, but It can be developed in East Asia and Southeast Asia now, and in two years, with the changes in the European and American markets, it can be considered to develop in Europe and the United States.”

Sun Yanzi looked at Yu Dong in surprise, she obviously didn't speak, and Yu Dong seemed to have heard the doubts in her heart.

Now that Yu Dong said so, Sun Yanzi could only nod, "Well, I will definitely work hard."


Zhou Zhaohui immediately received a call from the on-site staff of the signing event, and the staff reported to him the situation at the scene.

Hearing that Yu Dong showed up at Sun Yanzi's signing event, Zhou Jianhui was also very surprised.

But this is also good news for Zhou Jianhui, at least it proves that Yu Dong is not partial to Alpha.

And Zhou Jianhui also understands what Yu Dong's appearance means to Sun Yanzi. Tomorrow, no, the news of Yu Dong's appearance at the signing event this afternoon will appear all over the world.

For a person of Yu Dong's level, his every move has attracted the attention of countless people, which means that Sun Yanzi will also get a huge amount of exposure.

Moreover, Yu Dong was not only as simple as showing up, he also appeared on stage suddenly, and also played the role of a triangle musician. At the same time, his wife, the famous musician Cheng Yanqiu, also personally accompanied Sun Yanzi.

There are too many topics that can be fried.

Thinking of this, Zhou Jianhui immediately called the marketing department and called Liu Huacheng, the person in charge of the marketing department, to his office.

Liu Huacheng is from Shanghai. He used to work at the China headquarters of Deep Space, and was specially sent by the group.

At first, Zhou Jianhui was a bit resistant to such an assignment. He would think that the headquarters interfered too much with him, but after getting in touch with him, he found that Liu Huacheng was a very high-level person.

In fact, this is not difficult to understand. After all, the marketing plan of Deep Space Company has always been very powerful, and many times the marketing plan has been used by others for research.

When Liu Huacheng heard Zhou Jianhui's call, he rushed over, "Mr. Zhou, what's the rush? Could something happen in our company?"

Normally, the boss would be in such a hurry only if something happened to the company's artists.

Under normal circumstances, Deep Space Company will not have any urgent matters that require the participation of their marketing department, unless there are some special circumstances, such as the "defection" of Xu Zheng, a popular niche student of Deep Space Film Arts a few months ago, which forced the marketing department to quickly dispatched and implemented the emergency plan.

Their marketing department is also responsible for public relations, so they are more anxious when something happens to the company.

Zhou Jianhui curled his lips, "Can't you think of something good? Can't there be any great joy?"

Liu Huacheng carefully looked at Zhou Jianhui's expression, and said with a smile, "Looking at your expression, Mr. Zhou, there shouldn't be any bad news, but for general good news, you don't have to rush to find me, do you?"

Zhou Jianhui didn't hold back anymore, and said directly, "It's good news, but it's also a matter of urgency. The boss has come to Baodao, and he's at Sun Yanzi's signing event."

Liu Huacheng raised two thick black eyebrows. There is only one person who can be called the boss by Zhou Jianhui, and that is Yu Dong.

There are two bosses in Deep Space, one is Yu Dong and the other is Jimmy, but in China, everyone calls Jimmy the boss and Yu Dong the boss.

"Why is the boss here? I haven't heard that he has this itinerary?"

"The boss's itinerary, do you still have to report to you?"

"Haha, that's not what I mean. I mean that the boss is so low-key that he didn't even tell us when he went to the signing event for new singers. If we tell us in advance, we can prepare better."

"So I am in a hurry to call you over. What I mean is that you hurry up and take someone to the scene to understand the situation. It is best to ask the staff at the scene for some video materials, and then design a marketing plan as soon as possible to maximize the effect of this incident. .”

"I understand, I'll take people there now. Sigh, I'm the one who suffers the most when the boss appears. The previous publicity plan has to be overthrown and redone."

Zhou Jianhui said with a smile, "You'll have to work harder these two days, and when things are done, I'll reward you with a drink."

Liu Huacheng rolled his eyes, "You know I don't drink..."

(End of this chapter)

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