Chapter 842 Exaggerated Data
After explaining the matter to Liu Hua, Zhou Jianhui himself did not delay, he simply cleaned up and left for Ximending.

The big boss can come here without saying anything, but he has to meet him when he gets the news.

When Zhou Jianhui arrived at Ximending, Sun Yanzi had already sat down to sign for fans.

Looking at the long queue at the scene, Zhou Jianhui smiled gratifiedly. Sun Yanzi made a very good start.As a newcomer who just released an album, she didn't even have the qualifications to hold a signing event, but now Sun Yanzi not only held a personal signing event, but the scene was so popular that it surpassed most qualified singers.

Yu Dong and his wife were chatting with Mayday and Kangkang on the side of the stage, and Zhou Jianhui walked over.

Kangkang was the first to see Zhou Jianhui, and said with a smile, "Mr. Zhou is indeed here."

When they were chatting just now, Ashin proposed to find a quiet place to sit and chat, but Yu Dong told them that Mr. Zhou would come later.

Not long after I said this, Zhou Jianhui came, so I said this after seeing it.

Zhou Jianhui came to the front, nodded to the others first, then smiled and said to Dong and Cheng Yanqiu, "The boss and the boss's wife are coming, why don't you tell us in advance so that we can prepare in advance."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "I just heard that Sun Yanzi is going to sign the autograph, so I came over to have a look. What do you need to prepare?"

Zhou Jianhui laughed, "I heard that the scene just now was very interesting. Boss, are you still on stage?"

"Yeah." Yu Dong nodded, "The triangle iron I just learned from Teacher Cheng at home has come in handy today."

Zhou Jianhui regretted, "It's a pity that I didn't hear the boss' performance live."

"It's okay." Yu Dong waved his hand, picked up the triangle iron and knocked on it, "Listen, this is exactly the same as the performance on the stage just now, just this one sound, nothing else."

"Uh...hahaha, the boss's triangle iron level can completely enter the golden hall." Zhou Jianhui slapped a blunt flattery, and then said, "Boss and my mother, do you have other plans in Baodao? Do you want to go to the company?" Sit down? The artistes in the company heard that you came to Baodao, and they all looked forward to meeting you."

Yu Dong smiled and nodded, "Okay, then let's go and have a look."


Yu Dong and his wife played around in the company. At noon, Zhou Jianhui called the Bao brothers and the Li brothers, and they had a meal together.

The Bao brothers refer to Bao Xiaobai and Bao Xiaosong, they are also a pair of twin brothers like Li Sisong and Li Weisong.

Sun Yanzi's first album of the same name "Sun Yanzi" was mainly produced by these two twin brothers, and Bao Xiaosong and Bao Xiaobai are also the managers of Deep Space Music. Bao Xiaosong opened a studio in Deep Space Music , his younger brother Bao Xiaobai is the director of the production and artist development department of Deep Space Music.

The Bao brothers have a close relationship with Zhou Jianhui. When Zhou Jianhui was at the helm of Science Art EMI, Bao Xiaosong was the director of the production and artist development department of Science Art EMI.

Not long after Zhou Jianhui moved to Deep Space Music, the Bao Brothers were also recruited.The two brothers went in two directions. The older brother Bao Xiaosong opened a studio, and the younger brother Bao Xiaobai participated in the management and operation of Deep Space Music.

In fact, the music scene in Taiwan is just that small, and everyone has some relationship with each other, such as Bao Xiaobai and Mayday.

Before coming to Deep Space Music, Bao Xiaobai was signed by Rolling Stones. Rolling Stones has a ferryman music studio. Bao Xiaobai worked as a producer in this studio. At that time, Bao Xiaobai and Mayday often met, and they It is also the deep space music from almost the same period.


That night, there was news of Yu Dong's appearance in Ximending on the Deep Space Tribe.

[YU turned into a triangle musician and accompanied his wife Cheng to accompany the new singer. 】

【YU and his wife suddenly appeared in Ximending, and it was for her! 】

[Being more valued than jay, why is this new female singer? 】

[Sun Yanzi, how sacred is this woman? 】

[For her, Deep Space Music has waited for two years! 】


The news headlines were exaggerated one by one, and many headlines seemed to focus on Dong, but in fact the focus was on Sun Yanzi.

Ordinary media, the focus is actually on Dong, and the news that focuses on Sun Yanzi is basically written by the Deep Space Music Marketing Department.

After leaving Zhou Jianhui's office, Liu Huacheng went to the signing event non-stop, and understood what happened from the beginning to the end.

At the signing event, of course there were photographers, and they recorded the whole process with impact.

Liu Huacheng intercepted a lot of pictures in the video, and then asked someone to edit the news, and quickly posted them on the Internet.

Facts have proved that Liu Huacheng's work was not in vain. After these news came out, the name Sun Yanzi attracted the attention of many netizens.

Especially in the mainland, because there is no jet lag problem, when the news first came out, it was the most active time for mainland netizens.

[No. [-] Black Under Heaven: Mr. and Mrs. Yu actually went to a new singer's signing event. Jay didn't get this kind of treatment before, right? 】

[Shangguan Luojun: What do you mean you didn't have this treatment before?Classmate Zhou doesn't have this kind of treatment now, when did you see Yu Da appear at Classmate Zhou's autograph? 】

[Electromagnetic Cooker: That's right, but then again, Jay Lun doesn't have many autographs, and he can't even line up at the scene. If Yu Da goes again, he won't even be able to line up. 】

[Flying bird man: To be honest, the reason why Jay was not in line for the autograph event is not only because of his high popularity, but also because his autograph is too complicated.If he signs one name, other singers can sign four or five names. 】

[Cousin Nalan Xingde: You can’t say that. Although classmate Zhou’s signature is complicated, it’s not as complicated as Sun Yanzi’s. 】

[He Shouwu: I have heard a song by Sun Yanzi before, it is called "Super Pleasure", and it feels pretty good. 】

[East City Boy: I guess Deep Space Music will praise Sun Yanzi. I read the news that Mayday also went to the scene.A rookie who just debuted, engaged in such a big fight. 】

[God of the keyboard: Of course, which newcomer have you seen hold a signing party on the day the album is released?The song playing in the early stage is also in place, and Deep Space Music must praise this one.I think, in the future, the main fans of Deep Space Music will be Mayday and Sun Yanzi. 】

[Soda water bath: What do you mean, you can't hold Jay Chou anymore? 】

[Water in a plastic bag: I see clearly, it is about deep space music, and Jay Chou belongs to Alpha. 】

[Air conditioner remote control: I thought Alpha was deep space music, but there is a difference between the two? 】

[Pure Fragrance Fangtang: I'm the only one who is curious, can Yu Dong really know how to strike a triangle? 】

[The disaster of acupuncture and moxibustion: The triangle iron is so simple, can Yu Dan not?I heard that Yu Da can also play the piano. 】

[Printer: Yu Da can also play the piano?real or fake? 】

[Princess Workshop: This could be false, he played a song "To Alice" at the deep space annual meeting. 】

[Green Inkpad: I remember that time, at first I watched the text live broadcast, and thought Yu Da played well, but then I watched the video...]

[Man in the Sky: Where can I watch this kind of video? 】

[Vagra: Sometimes the company’s videos will be broadcast in the Deep Space Park. I seem to have seen this video. The sound of Yu Da’s piano in it... To be honest, it took me a while to realize that it was "To Alice" .Every sound is correct, but it just feels weird. 】

[Prince Huacheng: Except the sound is correct, everything else is wrong, hahaha.Besides, the triangle is not simple at all, I suspect Yu Da will not be able to do it, he must be making a fool of himself today. 】

[Chinese input method: Where can I buy Sun Yanzi's new album?I said genuine. 】

[480: There should be a regular audio-visual store, and there is also Xinhua Bookstore. If you are in Jinling, you can go to the Deep Space Park.Today, two rounds of "Sun Yanzi" were played at the music hall during the day. I also said that the new singer's song is very nice, and I saw the news when I came back. 】

[Mouse Immortal: I also heard the songs in "Sun Yanzi" in the Deep Space Park today, and I also bought an album.At the counter on the east side of the music hall, it is very cheap to buy albums. It only costs 20 yuan to buy "Sun Yanzi" today. 】


In addition to the news related to Yu Dong, Deep Space Music also used data to speak, and they announced the signing data of the day that night.

Sun Yanzi signed in Ximending for more than four hours, and signed a total of more than 900 [-] records.

Netizens who are used to seeing Yu Dong's signing data, seeing more than 900 signing data, still think it is quite ordinary. After all, Yu Dong's subsequent signings were several thousand, and even tens of thousands.

However, after someone made a data comparison, netizens discovered that it is a very powerful thing for a rookie singer to sign and sell more than 900 copies on the day of the first album release.Previously, there was no singer who had signed [-] copies on the day of the release of the first album.

Not to mention newcomers, even if they brought in a bunch of well-known singers, not many of them could do this.

The reason why Sun Yanzi was able to achieve such a result has nothing to do with her own excellence, it is mainly because of Yu Dong's sudden appearance and the lucky draw held by Yu Dong on the spot later.

If it is necessary to divide, among the more than 900 signed records, the singer's own talent will account for [-]%, the assistance of Yu Dong and his wife will account for [-]%, and the lucky draw will account for [-]%.

People are actually quite realistic. Many people are willing to support Sun Yanzi because of the generous prizes in the lottery.

In fact, many people have benefited.

They only need to queue up for a period of time at the scene, and then they can get the star's signed album, and they can also get free concert tickets and [-] points.

Yu Dong said that 660 eight lucky viewers will be drawn at the scene, so naturally they will not deceive everyone, and there will definitely be so many people drawn.

A total of more than 900 records were signed out today. On average, the probability of winning can reach one-third.

Everyone at the scene can buy up to two albums, that is to say, if someone buys two albums, then the probability of winning can reach [-]/[-], which is more than [-]/[-].

To buy two albums, you only need to spend more than 500 Treasure Island Coins, and there is a five-ninth chance of winning a prize, and the prize exceeds [-] Treasure Island Coins. No matter how you calculate it, it is actually a good deal.

If this is a gamble, if you invest more than 500, there is a five-ninth probability of getting one or two thousand Treasure Island coins, then the gamblers will definitely be able to calculate the winning rate and be crazy about it.

If you calculate carefully, if a person queues up for two rounds and buys four records in total, then his probability of being drawn is 81 out of [-]. In a sense, it can basically be said that he will definitely win .

That is to say, as long as a person queues for two rounds and buys four records, the probability of being drawn at least once is 80.00%, and the probability of winning is very high.However, what he invested was only a little over a thousand Treasure Island coins, but he got close to two thousand Treasure Island coins, which was tantamount to a guaranteed profit.

In other words, Sun Yanzi's signing event this time did not make money at all, and the more she signed, the more she would pay.

After the number of more than 900 came out, not many people questioned the authenticity of the data. After all, Yu Dong and the others did go to the scene.

However, many media jumped out to criticize, saying that the data of Sun Yanzi's more than 900 signed albums was "scraped".

Although it is not yet the digital age, it is not uncommon to brush data.

For data such as signing and sales, if the company wants to use it, it is very simple. Find a few more people to line up and line up back and forth. Let alone one or two thousand data, even tens of thousands of data can be produced.What the company needs to pay is only a little tax and labor costs.

However, these media did not accuse Sun Yanzi of getting her stats, but said that her stats were all drawn by Yu Donghe.

These media believe that if Yu Dong and his wife hadn't appeared suddenly, and if Yu Dong hadn't said that they would draw a lottery, the on-site signings would only be a few hundred records at most.

In this case, it can be regarded as "brushing".

Because of this situation, the two parties began to argue. One party argued that the sudden appearance of Yu Dong and his wife and the lottery draw were just normal activities, and there was no such thing as swiping.

Neither of them could convince the other, so they formed two camps on the Internet and started a heated debate.

Seeing this situation, the bystanders began to stand in line. Some people agreed with the former point of view that Sun Yanzi's signing data of 900 copies was false, while others believed that Sun Yanzi could obtain these signing data. Although it is with Yu Dong's help, it is also a proof of her strength, and Yu Dong's ability to value her is also a manifestation of her strength, so she deserves more than [-] pieces of data.

But what netizens don’t know is that no matter it’s pro or anti, they are all on one side, and those so-called opposing voices are all made by the Deep Space Music Marketing Department.

Regardless of whether they are pro or anti, they have one goal, which is to stir up the heat of this topic, and it turns out that their goal has been achieved.

(End of this chapter)

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