Chapter 846 Origin
Yu Dong had no objection to Hearst's editing of the building, so it was basically settled.

Before coming to Yu Dong, Jimmy had actually contacted the person in charge of the Hearst Group.

He came to Yu Dong after he was sure he could buy the editorial building from the Hearst Group, because he knew that it was easy to persuade Yu Dong, but it was not easy to win Hearst .

Hearst is a big group, and this editorial building is just a small building of Hearst's media group.

It sounds like the editorial building is not particularly important to the Hearst Group.

But the problem is that this six-story building, built in 1928, has a very special location.

This is the intersection of West 57th Street and Eighth Avenue in Manhattan. Compared with this building, the location here is what the Hearst Group really values.If it wasn't for special circumstances, they certainly didn't want to give up this old building easily.

As early as decades ago, Hirst envisioned building another iconic building based on this building, but this plan has been stranded and never realized.

This time Jimmy personally went to their Hearst Group and proposed to them to buy the building, the other party had no interest at all at first, but as the negotiation progressed, Hearst began to waver.

There are two reasons for the wavering. First, Deep Space Corporation is willing to form a strategic alliance with several magazines under Hearst to counter Hearst’s other rivals; Investing 1 million U.S. dollars, this price can be said to be very high. The construction area of ​​the editing and editing building is only more than 1 square meters. If the final transaction price is [-] billion U.S. dollars, then the floor price of the editing and editing building can reach more than [-] U.S. dollars One square.

Of course, the reason why the price is so high is also because the editorial building itself is really not high, and the non-building area accounts for a relatively high proportion, and Deep Space Corporation particularly wants this building, so it is normal for the price to be high.

For the Hearst Group, although they had plans to build the building decades ago, the address cannot be changed. Now that Deep Space is willing to pay [-] million US dollars in cash, they can take the money Find a place to build a building.Although the land in Manhattan is tight, it is not that there is no place for them to build buildings.

In addition to the relatively attractive price, there are actually some connections between Deep Space Corporation and the Hearst Group. From a certain level, the two companies can be regarded as partners.

This matter is about the cooperation between Deep Space and Walt Disney. There are many cooperations between Deep Space and Walt Disney, involving various movies, animations and IP peripheral products.

In the cooperation between the two parties, Deep Space acquired 15.00% of EPSN's shares.

EPSN is a 24-hour cable TV network dedicated to broadcasting sports programs. At first ESPN also broadcast entertainment programs, but gradually, they found that broadcasting entertainment programs did not make much money and distracted their energy and the attention of the audience. Later, they simply gave up broadcasting entertainment programs and turned to fully develop sports programs.

Walt Disney acquired 1995% of the shares of ABC in 80.00, and as a subsidiary of EPSN, like the parent company ABC, 80.00% of the shares were acquired by Disney, and the other 20.00% of the shares were acquired by Hearst in 1990. The group took it.

Last year, Walt Disney transferred 15.00% of the shares of EPSN to Deep Space Corporation at a discount of [-] million US dollars in exchange for the copyrights of some literary works under the name of Deep Space Corporation.

In this business, both Deep Space Corporation and Walt Disney are not losing money.

In Walt Disney's view, although EPSN is developing well, it was acquired by acquiring ABC. Their main goal is to discount ABC to Deep Space, so that they can get the adaptation copyright of those literary works as soon as possible.

Deep Space Company will not feel that it is at a loss. Whether it is Yu Dong or Jimmy, they are all very optimistic about EPSN.And if the 15.00% stake in EPSN is not discounted to [-] million US dollars, it is impossible for Walt Disney to spend so much money to buy the adaptation rights of those works of Deep Space Company at this time.

As a result, the shares of EPSN are held by Hearst Group, Deep Space Corporation, and Walt Disney with 20.00%, 15.00% and 60.00% of the shares respectively.

In this case, the Hearst Group's attitude towards Deep Space Corporation is certainly not bad.

After talking about the Hearst Building, Jimmy took back the information about the building. Just as he was about to say something, the phone in his pocket rang.

Jimmy connected the phone, "Hi, hello... Oh, Mr. Yang."

Having said that, Jimmy gave Yu Dong a look, turned on the handsfree of the phone, and put the phone on the coffee table.

Yang Qing's voice came from the other end of the phone, "Mr. Ji, I didn't disturb your work."

Jimmy said with a smile, "No, no, I usually have a lot of free time, and other people do my work. Why did Mr. Yang remember to call me? I think your phone number is from New York. Are you in New York? "

"Yes, Mr. Ji, that's why I thought of calling you to ask, are you in New York now, is it convenient for me to visit you?"

"Well..." Jimmy glanced at Yu Dong, smiled and said to the phone, "I'm in New York, but I'm busy today, I'm afraid I don't have time to entertain you. What are you doing in New York? You'll stay for a few days. If you don't If you mind, wait two days after I finish my work here and find a time to entertain you, since you have come to New York, let me do my best as a landlord."

Yang Qing said with some regret, "I came to New York to do some business. I will leave New York for Los Angeles tomorrow. If I have time later, I'm afraid it will take more than a week."

"That's a pity. Mr. Yang came to see me for something. Is it convenient for Fang to talk over the phone?" Jimmy asked.

Yang Qing pondered, "There's nothing special about it, but I just came to New York, so I wanted to visit Mr. Ji. Since Mr. Ji doesn't have time, let's make an appointment later."

Jimmy nodded and said, "Okay, I'll make an appointment later when I have time."

After hanging up the phone, Jimmy said with a smile, "There should be something, but it's not convenient to say it on the phone. Yang Qing and the others should have heard some news about us and Acer, so they are starting to be a little anxious, but they don't know. , how would they react."

"You didn't see Yang Qing, do you want to hang him? Or are you not going to give Lenovo a chance at all?" Yu Dong asked.

"I'm not going to hang him, nor am I not going to give Lenovo a chance. Although our relationship with Lenovo is tense, as long as Lenovo can bring us enough benefits, we still have the opportunity to cooperate. But no matter what, we If the two companies really want to talk about cooperation, Yang Qing is not qualified enough, and it is impossible for Liu Chuanzhi to hide behind."

Yu Dong shook his head slightly, "Lenovo is used to it. It is impossible to convince them to such an extent, especially Liu Chuanzhi. He is good at making money, and he can't compete in business. He has other means. We still have to be careful."

"I know that." Jimmy nodded, "But we don't have to be afraid. No matter how good he is at making money, it is unlikely that he will try to trick us. The charity of the Deep Space Corporation these years has not been done in vain. Roads are not built in vain.”

This is also where Jimmy has always been confident in China. Over the years, Deep Space has worked hard and spent money, continuously contributing to China's basic education, and later spending a lot of money to help the country build roads. Both things are quite successful. If this In ancient times, the state had long issued iron coupons for Yu Dong and the others to avoid death.

"In addition to dealing with us and Acer, Lenovo is probably also busy with the shareholding issue."

Jimmy nodded, "That's for sure. China is now preparing for the reform of the national shareholding system. This reform must be piloted. If Lenovo can become a pilot unit for this reform, they hope to buy their own equity."

When Lenovo started its business, the Chinese Academy of Sciences contributed 20 yuan to make Lenovo a state-owned enterprise. However, in 1993, Yanagawa and the others believed that a high-tech company should have shares and the right to dividends.

Therefore, Liu Chuanzhi and the others proposed to the Chinese Academy of Sciences that they wanted shares. After discussion, although they did not get the shares, the Chinese Academy of Sciences agreed to give Lenovo employees 30.00% dividend rights.

The 30.00% dividend right is not given to individuals, but is managed and stored in the employee stock ownership meeting.

In 1998, Lenovo changed its name to Lenovo Group and became the first shareholder of Xiangjiang Lenovo. At the same time, it was also planning to convert the 30.00% dividend right into equity.

Now that the country is preparing to reform the shareholding system, Lenovo certainly hopes to become a pilot reform unit and directly convert dividend rights into shareholding rights.

Yu Dong said with a smile: "It's human nature to want some shares. How do you think they will operate to get these shares?"

"Buy." Jimmy smiled, "This is the most direct and decent way. But if Lenovo's current valuation is used to get them to buy, it is naturally impossible. I guess they will eventually use the previous dividends to pay for it. purchase."

"In this way, it means that what Yanagawa and the others got in 93 was not dividends but equity."

Jimmy clapped his hands and said, "That's right. If I were me, I would definitely do the same. Yanagawa and the others asked for dividends back then, which paved the way for today's things. It is a good layout. Of course, it is also possible that They have no choice but to pay dividends, and there is no plan."

Yu Dong added, "Actually, it's nothing, because these shares are held by the employees. From a certain level, Liu Chuanzhi has done a good thing."

Jimmy chuckled, "My lord, you still don't know enough about business warfare. Now employees hold shares, but can Liu Chuanzhi let go of these shares? It's actually very simple. The real power of the company is in the hands of Yanagawa. There are thousands of ways to get this kind of shares in your own hands. You only need to make a series of purchases and purchases through some shell companies. There is nothing complicated about this. The only point is to keep calm and not do It’s too fast, of course, it must be legal and compliant, after all, the so-called rules are used to make money.”

Hearing Jimmy's words, Yu Dong couldn't help feeling that laws and rules are used to restrict their behavior in the eyes of ordinary people, but in the eyes of some people they are used to make money. This is the difference in the world.

Yu Dong thought for a while, and said, "Even if Liu Chuanzhi and the others can get the 30.00% of the shares, the Chinese Academy of Sciences is also a major shareholder, and they can still maintain control over Lenovo Group."

Jimmy pondered, "Well, if nothing special happens, the Chinese Academy of Sciences can still use 30.00% of the shares to control Lenovo Group. But no one knows what will happen later, just like this time, no one expected The shareholding system reform gave Yanagawa and the others a reason to exchange dividends for equity. If there is another policy in a few years, or there is something wrong with the Chinese Academy of Sciences, it is not impossible for Yanagawa to take advantage of the loopholes. "

Speaking of this, Jimmy looked at Yu Dong with a smile, "I found that you are very interested in this matter, are you worried that Yanagawa's control of Lenovo Group will be even more detrimental to us in the future, after all, he has always had opinions on Deep Space Corporation Haha, actually, don’t worry, the current situation is similar, Liu Chuanzhi has already competed with us. It’s a pity, if it weren’t for the Chinese Academy of Sciences, my style of play must be more aggressive.”

Deep Space Corporation has charity and road construction as their golden body, and Lenovo Group naturally has a golden body. As a company controlled by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, they have natural advantages compared to private enterprises.

In fact, the reason why Yu Dong asked Jimmy these things was because he wanted to know how he would operate from Jimmy's perspective.Now after hearing what Jimmy said, Yu Dong discovered that Yanagawa probably wanted to privately own Lenovo from the very beginning.

It's no secret that Liu Chuanzhi wants shares this time, and the outside world basically knows the news.

There is also a gossip saying that in order to exchange dividend rights for share rights, Yanagawa ran to the office of the leader of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and shouted: If you don’t give me shares, I will quit.

There is nothing the Chinese Academy of Sciences can do about this kind of coercion, because the Chinese Academy of Sciences can only engage in technology, not business. If Liu Chuanzhi really wants to take the pick, he will definitely take away all the backbone of the company and start a new one.

At that time, Lenovo Group will definitely be paralyzed.

In this case, the Chinese Academy of Sciences had to agree to Yanagawa's request.

In fact, in Yu Dong’s opinion, if Liu Chuanzhi really asked for shares for himself and the employees, or even just for himself and the founders back then, there would be nothing to be criticized.

However, it was not shameful to get the shares of the Chinese Academy of Sciences out through special means in the future.

If the shares of the Chinese Academy of Sciences can be listed and transferred in a fair and just manner, 90.00% of Yanagawa will not be able to get it.

(End of this chapter)

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