Chapter 847 We Sing Together

On the afternoon of July [-], Yu Dong and his wife arrived at the entrance of the Los Angeles Convention Center in a vehicle arranged by the company.

As soon as the car stopped, the reporters on the scene began to frantically press the shutter, lest they miss even a second of the picture.

As the last group of guests to appear today, Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu naturally received a lot of attention.

The meeting place in Los Angeles was quite big, but it was already crowded with people. Yu Dong looked at the red carpet through the car window, and saw crowded and dense crowds.

There are a lot of people here today, and the red carpet is not wide. Of course, the guests can't walk the red carpet calmly like a general awards ceremony. No matter where they go, they will be surrounded by a group of reporters. The scene is noisy, which is a bit like It is a farmer's market in the morning market.

Taking a deep breath, Yu Dong pushed open the car door and led Cheng Yanqiu out of the car.

Before the couple's eyes could adapt to the extremely high-frequency flash, the reporters had already surrounded them.

They also knew restraint. Although they surrounded them, they kept a distance of nearly one meter from Yu Dong and his wife.

When attending formal occasions, Yu Dong usually only wears two sets of clothes, one is a well-regulated black suit with a white shirt, and the other is a somewhat Chinese-style gown. Today, on this occasion, he chose a black suit.

Cheng Yanqiu didn't attend many events, but she had a lot of dresses, and she didn't need to rent clothes, as each set was individually customized.

However, Cheng Yanqiu's dresses are relatively simple and elegant, and the difference from the clothes that are often worn in daily life is not particularly exaggerated. Apart from formal events, they can also be worn in life sometimes.

For example, the off-white dress that Cheng Yanqiu wore today cost tens of thousands of private orders, and it was the style that could be worn everyday.The main reason is that she is naturally beautiful, which also adds a lot to the dress.

Yu Dong looked at the crowded crowd on the red carpet in front of him, and instead of going any further, he simply stopped and waved to the reporters as a greeting.

Of course, the reporters would not miss the opportunity. As soon as Yu Dong waved his hand, several microphones were already in front of the two of them.

"YU, is this the first time you have attended a movie premiere?"

Yu Dong shook his head and said with a smile, "No, I have attended many premieres, but this time there are more people. You should not have been there in the previous few times."

"I heard that Zhang is the director you hand-picked to shoot "Golden Dreamland". May I ask what advantages you like in Zhang that you choose him to shoot "Golden Dreamland"? Prior to this, Zhang had never proven himself in Hollywood. Do you have confidence in him?"

"If you have seen director Zhang Yimou's previous works, you should be able to understand why I chose him. If you have not seen his films before, then I believe that after today, you will be conquered by his images. As for his never proved himself in hollywood, in my opinion, he doesn't need to prove himself in hollywood, on the contrary, hollywood has to prove that he has the ability to accommodate all good directors. If "Golden Dreamland" can be a commercial success, it will be It's a step forward for Hollywood."

Hearing Yu Dong's words, Cheng Yanqiu next to him pursed his lips and suppressed a smile.After all these years of marriage, she discovered more and more that her husband was not only a great writer, but also a big fool.

The reporters present were all veterans, so of course they wouldn't be fooled by Yu Dong's words, but they couldn't ask further questions about this.

"YU, the sales of "Wall-E" are as good as your other works. Do you have any idea to adapt this novel into a movie?"

Regarding this question, Yu Dong said frankly, "Many directors and screenwriters have come to ask about the adaptation of "Wall-E", but for the time being, I have not seen a shooting plan that makes me excited. If you ask me if I have any ideas for adaptation, then Of course there are, but it still depends on whether there is an opportunity, if there is a more suitable shooting plan, I will directly hand over "WALL-E" to the other party."

"There are rumors that the game store space that was launched a month ago originated from your idea. Is this true?"

Yu Dong nodded and said, "Yes, it's my idea."

The rumor was confirmed by Yu Dong himself, and the reporters present were very excited.

A reporter continued to ask, "However, the performance of Space after its launch can only be described as mediocre...I say mediocre, compared with the Internet products you have planned before. Before that, as long as you participated in the planning, whether it is games or The website is deeply loved by the majority of netizens. Although the data of the space platform after its launch is not bad, it is far inferior to other products you participated in planning. Is this within your expectations, or is it that you are interested in the space platform? The data performance after the launch is also disappointing?"

Yu Dong pondered and said: "The data performance of space is within my expectations. First of all, I want to say that it is impossible for every product I participated in to produce to be a great success. There are also failure cases, but the failures Cases often don’t get the attention of many people. In addition, my expectations for space are long-term, although I also hope that it will become a hit as soon as it goes online, but I am willing to spend a few years waiting for it.”

"So, you still have a lot of confidence in Space, can you tell me where your confidence comes from? What are the advantages of Space?"

Yu Dong said with a smile, "It's a long story. Today is the premiere of "Golden Dreamland". I hope you will still ask more questions about the movie."

Seeing that Yu Dong didn't answer, the reporters didn't ask further questions, but they didn't listen to Yu Dong's question related to "Golden Dreamland".

"YU, Deep Space Corporation acquired BenQ Dentsu, and now there are rumors that BenQ Dentsu is planning to create its own mobile phone brand. In this way, the relationship between BenQ Dentsu and Motorola, and the relationship between Deep Space and Motorola will change again. How has it changed? As we all know, you and Motorola have always cooperated closely, and now, will Deep Space and Motorola change from friends to enemies?"

Yu Dong shook his head and smiled: "You should ask Jimmy about this kind of question. I may not know as much as you about business matters. For example, BenQ Dentsu wants to make a mobile phone brand, and I also get it from your mouth. I know, no one has told me this news before."

The reporters all nodded, they were still willing to believe Yu Dong's words.

At this time, another reporter turned his attention to Cheng Yanqiu next to him, "Cheng, we all know that you are the person in charge of the soundtrack of "The Martian", and you have also participated in the soundtrack work of "Sea Pianist", and we have all heard of it." Your song "Jinghong". Did you participate in the soundtrack work in "Golden Dreamland"?"

Cheng Yanqiu nodded with a smile, "I have participated in a little work, but not too much. The main tone of the soundtrack of "Golden Dreamland" is still the "Golden Dreamland" suite. There is not much work I can do."

"May I ask when we can see "The Martian"? It was rumored that we could see it in August, but now it's mid-July, but it hasn't been decided yet."

Cheng Yanqiu glanced at Yu Dong, and then said, ""The Martian" will definitely be able to meet you this year, please wait patiently for a while. Before that, you can watch other movies of Deep Space Company, such as "Golden Dreamland" coming out soon."

"Excuse me, apart from "The Martian", do you have any other works that you participated in the production to meet with you recently?"

Before Cheng Yanqiu could speak, Yu Dong next to him smiled and said, "Yes, but it's not a movie, but a pop song."

"Pop songs?"

All the reporters were stunned for a moment. Although Cheng Yanqiu did sing "The Roof" on stage before, and he sang it very well, the reporters did not expect Cheng Yanqiu to record a popular song.

Cheng Yanqiu majored in piano, under the tutelage of pianist Liu Shikun. She took a classical approach, and she had never heard of her composing pop music.

Seeing the puzzled expressions on the reporters' faces, Cheng Yanqiu rolled his eyes at Yu Dong, and then said with a smile, "He's right, I did record a pop song, it's a Chinese song, but the composition isn't Me, but Jay Chou."

When they heard jay chou, everyone was stunned.

Jay Chou is now gaining momentum in American music festivals. Ordinary foreign-language singers may gain a large audience in the United States, but they are basically niche singers.

It has never been possible for someone like jay to occupy a place in the American pop music scene with his Chinese albums.

Some people have analyzed that the reason why Jay's Chinese album is accepted by everyone is not only the excellent album itself, but also has something to do with the Chinese culture boom in recent years.

Now in the United States, there are many more Americans who are interested in Chinese culture and learning Chinese than a few years ago. From the beginning of the Chinese science fiction craze, to the Chinese classical poetry craze in the past two years, to the current Chinese pop songs craze, The environment changes step by step.

If Jay appeared ten years ago, it would be basically impossible for his songs to achieve the current results in the United States.

And everyone knows that jay was discovered by Cheng Yanqiu.

There are many versions of the story about Jay Chou being excavated on the Internet, one of which is the most widely circulated.

In this version, Cheng Yanqiu and Yu Dong participated in an event in Baodao, during which time they went to a restaurant for dinner.In this restaurant, there is a piano, and the boss also invited a pianist to play piano music for the guests during the meal.

On the same day, the pianist who was stationed in the store did not come because of illness. When the boss was anxious, the young man who was in charge of delivering boxed lunches in the store volunteered to take over the pianist's class and talk with the restaurant all afternoon.

The boss looked at the young man suspiciously, thinking that the young man was usually taciturn and not a big talker, so he nodded in agreement.

In fact, the boss's idea is very simple, that is, let the young man go up and have a try, and if he finds something wrong, invite the young man down.

If the music played by the young man is acceptable, then let the young man deal with it all afternoon, and then find another pianist in the afternoon.

The boss thought, even if the young man really knows how to play the piano, he is probably an amateur, and his level is very average.

But what the boss didn't expect was that as soon as the young man sat in front of the piano, his whole demeanor changed and he became very confident.

Immediately afterwards, the young man finished the third song of Liszt's "Dream of Love" very smoothly.

Although the boss didn't know much about music, he also knew that the young man's level was good, so he was relieved and handed over the piano to the young man.

And when the young man was playing the third piece of "Dream of Love", Cheng Yanqiu had been paying attention to him.

The third piece of "Dream of Love" is a very popular piece, which can be heard in many restaurants. The difficulty of playing this piece is not too high, and it is not difficult to complete it.

However, the same piece of music can be completed very differently by different people.

Cheng Yanqiu was very surprised when he heard the young man's performance. This young man's piano level is very high, and it is impossible for him to be an ordinary resident pianist.

Because he heard about the young man's talent, Cheng Yanqiu became curious about the young man. After eating, he dragged Yu Dong to look for the young man, but the boss told them that the young man who played the piano just now was just a delivery man of their shop. The pianist came on stage temporarily, but now because delivery is more nervous, I went to delivery again.

Hearing what the boss said, Cheng Yanqiu was very surprised. She didn't understand why a young man who played the piano so well wanted to work as a delivery boy in a restaurant.

Of course, the young man "runs away like a monk but can't run away from the temple", the couple got the young man's contact information from the boss, and then contacted him that night.

The next day, Cheng Yanqiu met the young man Yu Dongyue, and they found that this young man not only played the piano very well, but also wrote popular songs.

With a wave of their hands, the couple signed the young man to their company to explore his musical talent, and this young man is called Jay Chou.

This story is of course false, Cheng Yanqiu met Jay Chou when he followed Yu Dong to Alpha, not at any restaurant at all.

But this story is not all false, Cheng Yanqiu really fell in love with Jay Chou after listening to him playing the piano, and Jay Chou did talk about piano in a restaurant before, and even worked as a delivery boy.

All the elements in the story are true, but all these elements put together make a false story.

This story was fabricated by a reporter from an entertainment newspaper based on his own conjecture after listening to the gossip, but the Deep Space Company and several parties involved did not come forward to deny the authenticity of this incident. Versions circulated.

And the reason why this version can be circulated is also because the audience really likes to watch this kind of story.

No matter what, everyone knows that Cheng Yanqiu is Jay Chou's bole, and they are kind to him.

That being the case, it is reasonable for Jay Chou to write a song for his Bole.

Because of Cheng Yanqiu's special status, the reporters were all very interested in her song and asked questions about it.

"What type of song is it, please?"

"When will I meet the audience?"

"Are there any other songs?"

"There will be an English version."

Cheng Yanqiu was very patient and answered the reporters' questions one by one. At the end, Cheng Yanqiu suddenly smiled slyly and said, "Actually, I sang this song with Yu."

(End of this chapter)

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