Cheng Yanqiu knew what the reporters wanted to hear, and also complained that Yu Dong was in a hurry to tell the story of her recording, so he broke the news for the reporters.

When the reporters at the scene heard this, Qi Qi showed a surprised expression, darling, YU is going to show off his singing voice again?

These reporters have all seen the video of Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu singing "The Roof" at the Hollywood Bowl before, and there are two things about that chorus video that deeply affected them.

One, YU has a wife who sings really well.

Two, God opened many doors for Yu, but at the same time, he closed the window of music, and it was very closed.

Yu Dong was also thick-skinned. Before the reporters could ask, he smiled and said, "That's right, I sang the song "Summer Wind" with Mr. Cheng. This is the first time I entered the studio to record. Song, I didn't expect to be so tired, I remember it very clearly, I recorded for four or five hours in a row that day, and I was almost exhausted."

Hearing Yu Dong said that he recorded five or six hours in a row that day, the reporters all secretly sighed, it seems that there are quite a lot of male voices in this song.

After the question was over, Yu Dong saw a space in front of the red carpet and led the reporters forward.


It took a long time before Yu Dong and the others walked to the indoor venue.

Even in the venue, there are still many reporters interviewing the main creators and guests.

Yu Hua and the others were also on the guest list. They walked the red carpet before Yu Dong and entered the infield a step earlier. They were chatting with the reporters with Zhang Yimou at the moment.

Matthew McConaughey and Cameron Diaz walked the red carpet in front of Yu Dong and the others. They had seen Yu Dong and his wife a long time ago. After arriving in the infield, they waited for a while at the entrance.

Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu got rid of the siege of the reporters and headed towards the infield. They saw Matthew McConaughey and Cameron Diaz looking at them with smiles.

When he came to the front, Yu Dong said with a smile, "Matthew, Ms. Diaz, it is not easy to deal with the enthusiasm of the reporters."

Matthew McConaughey replied with a smile, "Obviously, most of the reporters' attention today is on you, and it's easier for us to deal with it."

Yu Dong smiled, Matthew McConaughey's words were obviously modest.He also looked around Matthew McConaughey just now, and the number of reporters was no less than that around him and Cheng Yanqiu.

Of course, most of the reporters' attention was on Matthew McConaughey.

Compared with Matthew McConaughey, Cameron Diaz's popularity is much weaker.

Cameron Diaz worked as a model for several years before entering the show business circle, but he has not had any outstanding results. Later, under the company's suggestion, he tried to turn to an actor.

However, Diaz had a very high starting point in the showbiz circle. The first film and television work she entered the showbiz circle was "Ghost in Disguise" starring Jim Carrey, which was a movie that earned 94 million US dollars in box office Phenomenal comedy.

In the past few years after "Ghost in Mask", Cameron Diaz's film career has been a bit flat. Except for "My Best Friend's Wedding", the performance of other films in which he participated is average , she did not create any impressive role.

The past two years can be regarded as the busy two years for Cameron Diaz. During this time, she has participated in three films in a row. In addition to "Golden Dreamland", she participated in the other two films "Lonely City" It will be released in October and November respectively with "Charlie's Angels".

In addition, Cameron Diaz will also voice the animated film "Shrek" produced by Deep Space Corporation.

It is not the first time that Cameron Diaz and Yu Dong have met. She also went to the deep space annual meeting last year.

"In fact, a reporter just asked me a question about you." Diaz said with a smile.

Matthew McConaughey took over, "That's right, I did ask. They were more curious. Did the director or you choose Diaz as the heroine?"

Hearing this question, Cheng Yanqiu pouted.

Reporters sometimes ask Yu Dong such questions, which are related to some female celebrities, and they seem to want to dig up some scandals about Yu Dong before giving up.

That is to say, Cheng Yanqiu was at the scene today, so the reporters were restrained and didn't ask such questions just now, but what Cheng Yanqiu didn't expect was that the reporters went to ask Matthew McConaughey and them.

Yu Dong waved his hand and said, "There is no way to avoid it, there will always be people who catch such silly questions and ask them all the time."

It is enough to ask this kind of question once or twice. The key is that reporters ask each time, obviously with ulterior motives.

The four walked into the venue, and Yu Dong asked Cameron Diaz, "Have you seen Scorsese recently?"

"I just met last week."

Cameron Diaz is about to star in the movie "Gangs of New York" directed by Martin Scorsese, so Yu Dong asked this question.

"When does Gangs of New York start filming?"

"The director told me that the filming will start after October. The specific time has not been determined yet. The director asked me to wait for his notice."

Yu Dong couldn't help but sigh with emotion, this is a great director who invites actors to act in a movie, doesn't confirm the schedule with them, and asks them to wait for the announcement.

Actors who are a little bit famous will schedule their schedules in advance, and the famous ones may be full in the next few years, so it is not easy to ask big stars to make movies.

If an ordinary director didn’t set a schedule with the actor and asked people to wait for the notice, the actor would have ignored the director long ago, but Martin Scorsese is different. Who wouldn’t want to act in his movie?
The same is true in China. If Zhang Yimou invites someone to participate in his film, let alone asking the actors to wait for the notice, they are willing to let them reject the film they have in hand.

The reason why Yu Dong asked when the filming of "Gangs of New York" will start is because in the plan of Martin Scorsese and Spielberg, after the filming of "Gangs of New York" is finished, the remake of "Infernal Affairs" will start.

Before coming to the United States, Yu Dong talked to Spielberg about this matter on the phone.

In Spielberg's plan, it is planned to start filming next fall, and then the film will be released the following year.

While talking, Yu Dong and the others knew that Zhang Yimou and the others were nearby. When the reporters saw Yu Dong and his wife coming with the two protagonists, they turned their guns and began to besiege the four of them.

After a casual chat with the reporters, the premiere was about to begin.

The premiere ceremony was very simple. The main creators came on stage to talk, and then took questions from reporters.

After this set of procedures is completed, the ceremony is over, and in the next time, all the guests will go to the screening hall to watch movies together.

McCartney was sitting next to Yu Dong. Before the movie was shown, McCartney said with a smile, "I have been waiting for this movie for a long time. Unfortunately, I asked him to watch the movie for me before, but he has always disagree."

"You should have found me." Yu Dong smiled.

McCartney raised his eyebrows, "Will you let me see the movie in advance?"

Yu Dong shook his head, "That's not true, but if you look for me in advance, I will tell you that Zhang Yimou will definitely not let you watch the movie in advance, so that you don't have to look for Zhang Yimou again."

McCartney scratched his head, "Why don't I still look for you, it doesn't make any difference."

Yu Dong waved his hand at McCartney in a serious manner, "You are wrong, there is still a difference. If you had approached me first, you would not have sought Zhang Yimou, nor would you have been rejected by Zhang Yimou. If you had not been rejected by Zhang Yimou Reject, when we meet today, you won't tell me that you were rejected by Zhang Yimou, and I won't say these meaningless words to you."

McCartney scratched his head harder.

The point is, he actually felt that what Yu Dong said made a little sense.

Yu Dong didn't mean to tease McCartney on purpose, but the movie hadn't started yet, so he was a bit bored, and McCartney usually liked to joke, so he was talking nonsense with McCartney.

The two chatted casually for a while, when the lights in the auditorium suddenly went out.

As soon as the lights went out, the whispering audience fell silent and turned their eyes to the big screen.

After the opening animation of Deep Space Company ended, a piece of familiar music penetrated into the ears of the audience. McCartney, who was next to Yu Dong, looked at the screen with very bright eyes.

After the suite "Golden Dreamland" came out, McCartney had a different feeling every time he heard it. As time went by, they had a new understanding of their past selves and their past works. A lot of insights.

And after the novel "Golden Dreamland" came out, his feelings about the song changed again. Now every time he hears "Golden Dreamland", he would think of the scene where the hero kept running away in the novel, and remembered The past that the hero has missed, and the future he is about to face.

The sound of the song gradually faded, and when the screen changed, a convoy appeared on the screen.

Inside the convertible car, an extraordinary man was waving to the surrounding crowd of onlookers. With the police clearing the way, the convertible car drove slowly on the spacious avenue.

It can be seen that the man in the convertible car waving to the public should be a popular politician, and the surrounding people are also enthusiastically waving and cheering at the convertible car.

The lively scene was very short, and the sound of the explosion came to an abrupt end.

Just when the audience was guessing what happened, the scene turned and a young man—the actor played by Matthew McConaughey was walking comfortably on the street with his friends.

There are far fewer pedestrians on the usually bustling streets. The friend told the hero that in another block not far from here, Mr. President is on a parade. Many people got the news and rushed to the scene to watch.

The male protagonist is not interested in the president's affairs at all. Instead, he said that he would like to thank Mr. President for making this street a rare tranquility.

The two bought coffee and were about to drive home when they suddenly heard an explosion from a distance.

The male protagonist looked at his friend, "Did you hear that? There was some noise."

The friend said with a smile, "Where is it, you must have heard it wrong."

The male protagonist didn't think he had heard it wrong, but he didn't think that any major event would happen, nor did he think that this matter would have something to do with him.

Soon, the police issued a wanted warrant, announcing that the male lead was the murderer of the president.

The male protagonist who was wronged escaped repeatedly with the help of his friends under the siege and interception of the police.

There are many differences between the movie and the novel. In the novel, there are five parts in total. The last two parts are from the perspective of the hero himself, and the first three parts are from the perspective of a bystander.

At the beginning, readers can only understand the assassination of the president from the perspective of a bystander, but these perspectives are somewhat subjective and objective, like a ball of wool, and you need to find the end of the thread before you can understand the truth of the story.

However, movies definitely cannot be shot like this. It is very difficult to show this kind of structure through the screen.

In fact, for movies, whether it can reproduce the structure of the novel is secondary. What is important is to express what the novel expresses in the movie.

No matter what shooting method is used, it will ultimately serve the core of the story.

In the novel "Golden Dreamland", the most touching thing is the process of the hero's escape. He has no ability to contend with the huge organization that framed him, but he has not compromised with the other party either.

The male protagonist is not a hero beyond ordinary people, he is no different from every ordinary person, sometimes, he is even a little slow, such a male protagonist, readers hope to follow his footwork to find out.

The movie also shows this point, and even does a better job in terms of rhythm. It can be seen that compared with previous movies, Zhang Yimou has done a good job of transition this time, and he has adjusted the rhythm of the story very clearly.

Especially at the beginning of the movie, it already has a very Hollywood taste, or in other words, the taste of a commercial movie.

In addition, compared to the novel, some action scenes are added to the movie, including a bit of drag racing and gun battle scenes. Although there are not many, it also adds a little eye-catching thing to the movie.

Of course Yu Dong knew that these things were all for the market.

Zhang Yimou is not a director who rejects business, he is willing to make adjustments for the market to a certain extent.

In addition to the ups and downs of the escape process, there is another important part of the novel, which is healing.

Why such an ordinary male protagonist can escape from birth in the end is naturally inseparable from the help of his friends. In the relationship between the male protagonist and his friends, people can feel the sincere warmth.

However, after the novel came out, some readers commented that it is not a miracle that the male protagonist can escape the pursuit of many policemen.The real miracle is that those friends of the hero are willing to help him like that.

The pace of modern life is getting faster and faster, people have more and more friends, but there are fewer and fewer sincere friendships, so that many people do not believe that the friendship described in the book really exists.

But just like this, people are more willing to see in books what they have never seen and yearn for.If people all over the world have such sincere friendship, the things described in the book will not have any appeal.

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