Chapter 849
It was also the first time for Yu Dong to see the finished film of "Golden Dreamland". Although he had never doubted Zhang Yimou's ability before, after seeing the finished film, he was still a little moved. Zhang Yimou's talent for making commercial films is still very high.

Zhang Yimou can definitely be regarded as a director who can watch off the plate, as long as he is given an excellent script, he is capable of filming the story well.Some people say that he lacks the ability to shoot commercial films. In fact, it is not that he lacks the ability to shoot commercial films, but that he lacks the ability to find scripts.

I have to say that Zhang Yimou, who is a professional in photography, has a good grasp of the film screen, absolutely.

At first glance, the screen tone of "Golden Dreamland" is no different from other movies, but after watching it, you can find that the screen is full of golden brilliance everywhere.

This golden brilliance was not done in post-production, but the effect achieved by borrowing the natural light and shadow of the scene during live shooting, so this effect looks faintly visible and not deliberate.

Zhang Yimou's use of color is so good because he firmly believes that color is the most important thing in a movie.

He once said that from the perspective of human physiological characteristics, color can quickly arouse people's emotional fluctuations because it is primary.

Obviously, his theory is inseparable from his studies in the photography department. Needless to say, the importance of color in photography.

It is said that during the filming of "Golden Dreamland", even the clothes of the group performers were selected by Zhang Yimou himself, in order to make all the people and objects in the shots match with him to achieve the desired color.

"If you want a sunset, shoot in the evening."

Zhang Yimou is obsessed with color and doesn't fully believe in post-production technology, so he has high requirements for the environment when shooting. The direction of the sun, the type of trees around, the height of the building, and the number of vehicles are all factors that he will consider. .

The most interesting part of the movie should be the ending.

At the end of the movie, the protagonist gets the help of the female star he once saved, changes her face, breaks through the siege, and escapes to heaven.

At dawn, he climbed a deserted hillside alone, and after he climbed over with difficulty, he saw the sunrise.

But this rising sun feels a little strange, it looks more like a sunset.

At this time, "Golden Dreamland" sounded.

"There used to be a way home"

"There Was a Way Home"

"Sleep, baby, don't cry"

"I'll sing you a lullaby"


Amidst the beautiful music, the movie came to an end.

Because the picture is so beautiful and the music is so beautiful, the audience was reluctant to break the perfect everything, and they didn't applaud until "Golden Dreamland" was broadcast.

Zhang Yimou, who was sitting in the front row, stood up, turned around, folded his hands together, and bowed to thank the audience.

Yu Dong was about to put down his clapping hand, but was grabbed by McCartney next to him.

Turning his head in surprise, Yu Dong saw McCartney with an excited face.

Sir McCartney, who is nearly [-] years old, looked at Yu Dong with tears in his eyes, "YU, thank you, thank you for making such an excellent work. After watching this movie, I even found the song I wrote in the past. feeling. I have to admit, Zhang is definitely a great director.”

Yu Dong smiled, "Mr. McCartney, you should tell Zhang Yimou about this. I think he will be very happy after hearing this. I heard that in order to be able to better complete "Golden Dreamland" ", Zhang Yimou listened to "Golden Dreamland" no less than a thousand times. And I have reason to believe that the last scene was inspired by the song "Golden Dreamland..."

"Ah? What did you say?" McCartney asked with his ear sideways.

Yu Dong said a lot, but McCartney didn't hear a few words clearly, because the scene was rather noisy, except for applause and congratulations.

After Yu Dong finished speaking, the scene finally quieted down, but Zhang Yimou came to the stage, and he was going to give a speech of thanks next.McCartney wanted to say something more, but seeing Zhang Yimou on stage, he held back.

Although Zhang Yimou stayed in the United States for several months because of the filming of "Golden Dreamland", his English level is still very bad, so he had to bring a translator to the stage.

However, the translator he brought was not an outsider, it was Matthew McConaughey, the hero of "Golden Dreamland".

Matthew McConaughey has been cooperating with Deep Space Corporation for four years, and Matthew McConaughey started learning Chinese four years ago.

At the beginning, Matthew McConaughey didn't study hard, and his Chinese level improved very slowly, but since two years ago, he has become serious and went to Deep Space Corporation every day.

If you want to learn Chinese, Deep Space Company is definitely a good place, not only because there are many ethnic Chinese there, but also because the learning atmosphere there is better, and most of the employees are learning Chinese.

In Deep Space, you can meet Chinese learners at various learning stages, and you can also meet various problems encountered in Chinese learning.

It is often joked that even if the old employees of the Deep Space Corporation can no longer get along in the Deep Space Corporation, they can go out and give a Chinese training class in the future, and the level will definitely not be inferior to those professional Chinese teachers.

Matthew McConaughey's Chinese level has been rapidly improved in Deep Space Corporation.

At the beginning, he had a Chinese name called Matthew. Later, when his Chinese improved, he thought the name was meaningless, so he changed his Chinese name to Zhang Luhe.

Someone asked him why he was called Luhe, and he said that he hoped that he could be convinced enough and live a peaceful life.

I also asked him why he chose the surname Zhang, and he said that it was because he hoped that when people asked his surname, he would not have to say "no expensive".

Now every time Matthew McConaughey goes to China for an event, when he introduces himself, he will say that his name is Zhang Luhe, which makes the media at the scene stunned, because the name Zhang Luhe is too Chinese.

Seeing Zhang Yimou on stage with Matthew McConaughey, the audience in the theater thought it was the director and the leading actor who wanted to talk together, instead of thinking in the direction of translation.

After Zhang Yimou came to the stage, he held up the microphone and said, "Everyone, good afternoon everyone."

Matthew McConaughey translated this into English.

Seeing Matthew McConaughey translating, many people at the scene laughed. They did not expect Zhang Yimou to bring Matthew McConaughey up to be a part-time interpreter.

So many translators at the scene did not find Zhang Yimou, but found Matthew McConaughey. Naturally, they also wanted to achieve results, so Zhang Yimou was quite satisfied with the audience's reaction. He laughed, "People always ask me, Is the actor of "Golden Dreamland" decided by me or by Yu Dongding? Today I will answer again, all the actors are determined by me. Especially Matthew McConaughey, he is the hero I believe. Of course , the reason why he was chosen as the male lead was not only because of his excellent image and work ability, but also because of his Chinese proficiency, because we chose him, we saved a translator today."

When Matthew McConaughey translated the words, the audience laughed even louder.

Many people didn't expect that Zhang Yimou, a man with a very serious face, could talk so funny.

Of course, in addition to being interesting, people have also discovered that Matthew McConaughey's Chinese is really good.

More and more American stars can speak Chinese. Although there are not many at the level of Matthew McConaughey, many stars can speak some simple sentences.

After making a joke, Zhang Yimou officially started his thank you speech.

"I have a lot of people to thank for finishing this movie, but if I want to say who I should be most grateful to, then I will say his name without hesitation——Yu Dong."

"If you compare the movie "Golden Dreamland" to a child, then all I did was dress the child in decent clothes, and Yu Dong was the one who gave birth to the child. Without him, there would be no "Golden Dream" "Dreamland" novel, and there is no "Golden Dreamland" movie."

There was another burst of laughter at the scene, and many people turned their gazes in Yu Dong's direction.

Zhang Yimou continued, "When I decided to take over the filming of this film, I was under a lot of pressure. I know the weight of "Golden Dreamland" in the eyes of readers, and I know the status of Yu Dong in the hearts of readers. If a movie is made well, it will definitely be criticized by a large number of readers. Moreover, I myself lack the experience of shooting movies in Hollywood, let alone the achievements of commercial movies that conquer audiences."

"But after thinking twice, I still decided to take this movie, because I really can't refuse such an excellent story. A director can only meet a limited number of good stories throughout his life, such as "Golden Dreamland" Good stories are even rarer. I was lucky enough to meet them, and if I didn’t catch them, I would regret it for the rest of my life.”

"There is an old saying in China, if you take what you want from heaven, you will be blamed. If the time is not right, you will be blamed instead."

After saying this sentence, Zhang Yimou regretted it. He forgot that the translator today was Matthew McConaughey. This sentence may be too difficult for Matthew McConaughey.

But what Zhang Yimou didn't expect was that after hearing this sentence, Matthew McConaughey translated it into English without any haste: God gave you something, if you don't want it, you will suffer instead.

Although this translation does not express the Chinese meaning very accurately, it is not bad, at least it shows that Matthew McConaughey can understand that Chinese sentence.

Hearing Matthew McConaughey's translation, Yu Dong in the audience couldn't help applauding. He didn't expect that Matthew McConaughey's Chinese level is so high now.

When we met at the last deep space annual meeting, Matthew McConaughey's Chinese level was not so high. It has only been half a year, and he has improved a lot.

Zhang Yimou’s thank you speech was quite long. He talked about his experience of filming "Golden Dreamland", and finally expressed his gratitude to the audience who came to the scene, and invited them to the dinner together.

Many of the audience who came to the scene were film critics and some well-known media people. Of course Zhang Yimou hoped that they could write a few good words for the film on the column after they went back.

And Yu Dong, as the author of the original work and the boss of the company, of course also had to go on stage to solicit votes for "Golden Dreamland".

After Zhang Yimou finished his thank you words, Yu Dong stepped onto the stage.

When he spoke on stage, he naturally didn't need Matthew McConaughey as an interpreter.

Adjusting the height of the microphone up, Yu Dong said, "Zhang Yimou said that I am the most grateful person, but he was wrong. On the contrary, I should thank him more. I want to thank him for putting on my child's clothes."


Loud laughter broke out at the scene.

Although Zhang Yimou is already quite humorous, Yu Dong is obviously even more humorous.

Amidst the laughter of the crowd, Yu Dong said with a smile, "Besides, Zhang Yimou not only puts on my children clothes, but also the best clothes. I maintain this kind of good relationship with many directors, because the director has Talents that I don’t have, they have the magic power of turning words into pictures and directly stimulating the audience’s attention. And there are different types of directors, each of which has its own specialties. Zhang Yimou, he is obviously a colorist Master, this point has been fully proved in his previous works, and today when I saw "Golden Dreamland", this idea is even more firm..."

Yu Dong's words of thanks are actually a complete collection of rainbow farts. His task today is to praise the movie so that the film critics and media will follow suit when they go back.

Of course, Yu Dong is not exaggerating, "Golden Dreamland" is indeed worthy of these praises.

The film critics are not stupid, and they can naturally see the excellence of "Golden Dreamland". They have already discovered the color Yu Dong said.

Although the golden color throughout the film is not particularly obvious, as a professional film critic, he still has this ability.

And what impressed the film critics the most was that at the end of the movie, the sun that the protagonist saw when he turned over the hill was whether it was the rising sun or the setting sun.

From the perspective of time, it is undoubtedly the rising sun that appears at dawn.

But the last sun that appeared, no matter its light, angle or movement, was more like a sunset.

This is a very contradictory sun.

Many film critics are now thinking about that picture in their minds, trying to find a subtle interpretation, but their own review articles are more exciting than others.

There are many things in the movie that are worth discussing, such as family, friendship, love, and discussion of public opinion.

The discussion of social public opinion is the same as in the novel.As mentioned in the novel, the news never broadcasts information that is contrary to mainstream opinions, public opinion, or audience interests.

Of course, Yu Dong's hard work "Yo He" also played a role, at least it gave the film critics a direction to praise, and for Yu Dong's face, they will take care of it to some extent.

It means that after Dong finished his thanks, the part in the theater is over, and then they will go to the dinner together.

(End of this chapter)

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