Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 850 Infinite Challenge Mode

Chapter 850 Infinite Challenge Mode
The development of the Internet has a great impact on the speed of news dissemination. The dinner party for the premiere ceremony of "Golden Dreamland" has not yet started, but the news about the premiere ceremony scene on the Deep Space Tribe is already flying all over the sky.

Among the many news, there is a piece of news that quickly attracted the attention of netizens.

[YU is about to release a new song, and his wife Cheng Yanqiu will sing with him! 】


Knowing that the premiere ceremony of "Golden Dreamland" will be held today, Caitlin has been staying in front of the computer after eating at noon, wanting to see any news related to the premiere ceremony.

When she suddenly saw this news, Kaitlyn couldn't help but rubbed her eyes, she thought she was seeing it wrong.

"YU is releasing a new song?"

Isn't this world too crazy? YU is going to release a new song!
As a "30-year-old book fan" of YU, Caitlin has naturally heard YU sing, but even if she is a "30-year-old book fan", Caitlyn can't say against her will that YU is talented in singing.She felt that YU's release of the song was even more absurd than Schwarzenegger's becoming the President of the United States. There were rumors that Schwarzenegger was going to run for the governor of California.

The 30-year-old book fan is a meme, from the deep space Chinese website.

Not long after the Deep Space Chinese website was established, some people discussed "Cucumber Garden Essay" in the website's literature forum. If you have nothing to do and are full, you do these things every day.

Once you hear this, other netizens on the forum will definitely stop doing it. If you have different opinions, just raise them. You can't come up with a set of brainless output.Netizens caught that netizen and insisted on him telling one, two, three.

But that netizen didn't talk about the content of the article at all, and just said that the essays were not good. Then he said, "I have been a book fan of Yu Dong for 30 years, and I have the right to speak."

This remark directly confused many netizens, because Yu Dong was not even 30 years old at that time.In other words, Yu Dong's parents have not known Yu Dong for as long as this netizen has known Yu Dong.

The co-author is not a literature lover at all, but a pretender who accidentally pretended too much.

Since then, the meme of "30-year-old book fan" has been circulating on the Internet.

In the beginning, this stalk was used by netizens to satirize those braggarts, but it gradually evolved, and some real readers would also ridicule themselves as 30-year-old book fans.

Later, the Deep Space Tribe opened in the United States, and this meme was also spread here.

Caitlin carefully read the content of the news, and then showed a dazed expression. It turned out that it was not YU who released a new song, but his wife Cheng who released a new song.

Compared with YU's release of new songs, his wife Cheng's release of new songs is not so surprising. After all, Cheng is originally engaged in music. The song "Jing Hong" she composed before was very popular. This song is not only in "Sea Pianist" "appeared, and also appeared in several other movies.

In some movies, when the hero and heroine meet for the first time, they will choose to use the song "Jinghong".

In addition, the singer JAY that Kaitlyn likes very much was also discovered by Cheng, so now that Cheng is releasing a new song, Caitlyn is not surprised at all.As for YU, I'm afraid he only sang a few lines in this song, but it was exaggerated by the media that he came to release the song.

Looking further down, Caitlin's eyes widened again, and it turned out that this song was composed by Jay.

It has been more than half a year since the release of Jay Chou's last album. Kaitlyn has listened to the songs in "Fantasy" countless times, and she is also looking forward to hearing new songs soon.

Although it's not jay who sings it himself, it's okay if he wrote the song.

In addition, Jay was discovered by Cheng himself, and the songs he wrote for Cheng will definitely not be bad, and Cheng's singing level is obvious to all, so Kaitlyn is looking forward to this new song very much.

Of course, in addition to looking forward to Cheng's wonderful performance, Caitlin is also curious about how many lines YU will sing in the new song.

Could it be that like "The Roof", the new song is a male-female duet, and YU plays half of the scene?

Caitlin shook her head, she thought it was unlikely.

After reading the news, Caitlin found Nick's profile picture and clicked in.

Nick is a first-line big tribe pig in the deep space tribe. He usually pays more attention to YU and can always get first-hand information, so Caitlin often goes to his homepage to see if there is any new news about YU.

When Kaitlyn arrived, she found that Nick had also seen the news that YU was about to release a new song, so Nick also posted a tribal message.

[Guess, everyone, how many words YU will sing in the new song, there will be a prize for guessing correctly. 】

There are already quite a few comments below. Most of the netizens' guesses are between one and ten words. Most people don't think how many sentences Yu Dong can write in this song.

After browsing Nick's homepage, Caitlin went to jay chou's homepage again.

Although jay’s account rarely posts tribal posts, it usually only posts once a month or two, and it’s all work information, such as where to hold a concert, where to hold a book signing, etc. There is no content related to personal life .

But even so, his account still has a lot of attention. After the news that Cheng Yanqiu will release a new song in this drama, Jay Chou's account also became lively.

Under his latest blog, there are many more comments, all of them are asking about the new song and how many lines Yu Dong will sing in the new song.

Although everyone's attention is a bit biased, the popularity of the premiere ceremony of "Golden Dreamland" has increased a lot because of this.


The day after the premiere ceremony, Jimmy called Yu Dong early in the morning.

"Make time for the evening, and I'll treat you and your wife to a meal."

Yu Dong said very unexpectedly, "You invited us to dinner? What the hell are you doing?"

"Besides us, there is one more."

Hearing what Jimmy said, Yu Dong immediately understood that Jimmy and his girlfriend Britney Spears should invite him to dinner tonight.

"Of course I'm fine if you invite me to dinner, but I made an appointment with the Williams couple to go to their company in the afternoon. Even if I don't have dinner with them, I'm afraid it will be a little later."

After learning that Yu Dong was coming to the United States, the Williams couple warmly invited him to visit the company.

It would be fine if Yu Dong was only in New York, but now that he's in Los Angeles, he naturally has to go there.

Jimmy also knew about Yu Dong's schedule in the afternoon. He said with a smile, "It's not easy. If you go there now, you can free up the afternoon. And if you go early, you can also make a surprise attack and see the company. Are the employees lazy, don't forget, you are the boss."

Yu Dong thought for a while and said, "I'd better call Williams and talk about it."

Jimmy couldn't help feeling, "You're such a nice boss."

After hanging up Jimmy's phone, Yu Dong called Ken Williams again, but no one answered the phone.

Yu Dong thought for a while, and decided to go directly there. Anyway, there is nothing to do in the company, and a stroll inside is enough to give Williams and the others face.

Someone arranged a car, and Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu rushed towards Xueleshan Company.

The office location in Sierra Mountain is relatively remote, not because the company has no money to put the office in a prosperous place, but Ken Williams and the others like this kind of "paradise" feeling.

After driving for more than an hour, the car finally arrived at the park where Xuele Mountain is located.

The campus is not very big, there are only a few buildings in total, and it seems that many offices in these buildings are empty.

No way, it's too far from the city center.

Yu Dong and the others came in two cars, and the security guard let them in after just a glance.

When the couple arrived at Xueleshan's office, they both sighed.

Xuele Mountain originally had three floors, but now the company's employees can't even fill one floor.

Standing at the door on the second floor, the office looked empty, and there was no one at the front desk.There was only one person working in the hall, and he was very serious at the moment. He might have noticed someone coming in, but he didn't turn his head to look this way.

Yu Dong walked slowly behind the employee. After seeing the computer screen of this person clearly, Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu couldn't help twitching their mouths. It turned out that the employee was so serious that he was looking at him repeatedly.

But, if you think about it carefully, there is nothing strange about playing games in a game company, maybe this is their job.

This is a new mode of "Lianliankan", called "Infinite Challenge" mode. In this mode, the tiles are constantly generated. The competition is the eyesight and hand speed. Players need to fill the entire screen with tiles. Connect more of the same tiles as quickly as possible before.

This mode is divided into five difficulty levels according to the length of the tile generation interval.

Moreover, in the same difficulty level, the further you go, the time interval of block generation will gradually shorten, and the rhythm will become faster and faster.

This kind of gameplay is just like Tetris. The purpose of the game is not to die. As long as you don't die, the higher the score, the better.

This mode just came out last month, and it was welcomed by the majority of players as soon as it came out. However, the production difficulty of this mode is much higher than that of the previous modes, because the generation of tiles must be reasonable, otherwise it is easy for players to The gaming experience deteriorates.

It can be seen that the difficulty of the young man in front of him is quite high, and the block generation speed is very fast. Yu Dong tried to find and figure out the picture, but every time he was one step slower than the young man.

After watching it for a while, Yu Dong couldn't help but sigh with emotion, if he was sitting in front of the computer playing, he would probably have gg already.

Cheng Yanqiu has the same expression. She has played this game many times, but she rarely plays the racing mode. After all, in her opinion, this game is just a way to kill time. If she plays the time-limited mode, it will just put pressure on herself.

They watched behind the young man for a while, and the tiles were generated faster and faster. At first, the young man could barely handle it, but in the end, he couldn't handle it either, because he couldn't find the same picture, and all the tiles were replaced on the page. Complete, game over.


Looking at the characters "Game Over" on the screen, the young man leaned back and stretched.

Only then did he notice that there were two people behind him, "Look for..."

Halfway through speaking, Pique was stunned, because he turned around and saw the faces of the two.

Although Pique is a little face-blind when looking at Asians, he has seen these two faces too many times before him, especially this man's face, which he can see every once in a while.

"You are...YU, and Cheng."

Being recognized, Yu Dong was not surprised, and said with a smile, "You play the game very well. I just watched it for a while, and my reaction was very fast. I couldn't keep up at all."

Pique Game said embarrassingly, "My infinite challenge score can only be ranked No.7 in our company."

Cheng Yanqiu encouraged with a smile, "Seventh place is pretty good, you don't have to be first in everything."

"There are only eight people in our company playing this mode now..."


Cheng Yanqiu also realized that there are not many employees in Xueleshan's entire company.

Yu Dong coughed lightly and asked, "Are you usually the only one working in this hall?"

Peak shook his head and said, "No, there are five people in the hall, but the other four people have been called to a meeting at this moment, and they are now in the conference room inside."

"Why didn't you go?"

"The content of today's meeting has nothing to do with me, I'm from the testing department."

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows and said, "You are the only one in your testing department now?"

Pique nodded, "Well, I'm the only one."

Yu Dong frowned and thought for a while, this matter can make sense, after all, Xueleshan basically does not make games now, it mainly releases games. When Vivendi held the controlling stake, many people were laid off, and the testing department must have been passive Broadsword.

Originally, when the company still had a game production business, the testing department was needed for testing after the game was produced, but now the company has almost no game production business, and the testing department seems to be useless.

"Shall I call Ken out for you?" Peake asked.

Yu Dong looked around, then shook his head and said, "Since they are in a meeting, don't bother them. I'm here today, it's not a big deal, I just want to take a look around in the company, do you... oh, sorry, I still don't know what to call you."

"Just call me Pique."

"Well, Pique, do you have time now, do you take us around the company?"

Peake didn't hesitate, nodded and smiled, "Of course, but if you want to enter Ken's office, there's nothing I can do."

Yu Dong waved his hand and said, "You don't need to go to anyone's office, just take us for a stroll wherever you can, and please tell me about the company's situation. I thought Mr. Williams would let the company more people."

"The game production business has been cut, and we don't need so many people anymore. But after we take over the space completely, and the games in the space become more, the company will definitely increase the number of people." Speaking of this, Pique laughed He smiled, "But I think that I'm probably enough for my department."

Yu Dong also smiled. Peake is right. If there is no game production business, even if Xue Leshan takes over the space completely, what is needed is network testing, not game testing.

(End of this chapter)

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