Chapter 853 You Are a Genius

Shanghai cuisine is relatively acceptable to Americans.And Jimmy should also know Britney's taste, so all the dishes she ordered are acceptable to her.

As for Yu Dong and the others, there is no problem with eating Shanghai cuisine.

While Britney complained that she had gained a lot of fat recently, she stuffed food into her mouth, and she didn't seem to have any intention of body management at all.

After eating for more than an hour, Britney happily suggested that everyone go out for a walk together, but Jimmy said, "Yu Dong and the others have come to the United States for the past few days, and they don't even have time for jet lag. They come here and there every day. To run, to participate in activities, and to deal with company affairs, let them go back to rest early, and we will talk about shopping when we have a chance later."

Hearing what Jimmy said, Britney was very regretful. She took Cheng Yanqiu's hand and said, "I should have met you when I was in Jinling. Jimmy is right, you are too busy these days. I'm too tired, so I won't waste your time. Let's hang out together when we have time later."

Cheng Yanqiu smiled and said, "How about this, next month the Deep Space Park will hold a sci-fi themed event, if you have time then, you can go to Jinling, I will take you around Jinling."

"Is it possible? When is your sci-fi themed event? I'm not particularly busy in August, so I should have time." Britney looked at Jimmy, her eyes full of anticipation.

Although Britney is very lively, she relies heavily on others to make decisions for her in most things. When encountering any problems, she must first ask Jimmy.

If Yu Dong didn't know Jimmy very well, he would have wondered if Jimmy was Britney.

A young woman under the age of 20, together with a 40-year-old rich man, will always make some people think differently.

So after separating from Jimmy and the others, the couple went back to the hotel to rest.

Britney was nodding her head when the cell phone in the bag suddenly rang.

Being photographed with Britney has no effect on Jimmy. After all, he is a businessman, and he is also a man. Not only can the lace news in the entertainment media fail to defeat him, but it will even become his "" medal".When people talk about this kind of diamond tycoon, they certainly hope that he can have more talk about him for their entertainment, and those women who are rumored to be gossip are talk.

When she came back, Jimmy asked with concern, "What's wrong?"

"Well, you really need to pay attention. But he's recuperated for the past two years, and he looks much better. By the way, you said you had something to talk to me last night. What is it?"

After finishing speaking, Jimmy turned his head to look at Yu Dong again, "Go back by yourselves, I will take Britney home."

"No, don't compare me to them. Except for Fei Yu who is a little bit more diligent, the others are doing nothing all day long and not doing business. Especially Yu Hua, who brags every day about how fast she can type on the computer, But his typing speed is used for chatting with people, and when he actually writes, he may not be able to make a loud fart in a few months. As for me, it’s not an exaggeration to say that I can’t stop writing?"

In order to make Britney happier, he planned to have the company officially invite Britney to a sci-fi themed event.

Because I had no other arrangements for the next morning, I slept very well this time.

"His heart is not very good, it is better not to make him too tired."

"You keep talking."

Britney smiled, "It's nothing, my dad asked me where I was."

Rao is Jimmy who has experienced many storms and was praised by Britney, and his heart is a little unstable, "Ahem, no, no, it's just a routine operation. At that time we can go there together, and Matthew McConaughey and the others, There will be many artists together, and you will not be too conspicuous."

Not letting Britney go out with them is Jimmy's way of protecting Britney, and in order not to let Britney feel that she is being controlled, Jimmy will say that Yu Dong and the others are tired and don't bother.

But Britney was different, she was a pop star, she was a woman, and if she was photographed with Jimmy, all sorts of weird, nasty things would come out very quickly.

"Look at what you said, for whom do I do so much?" Jimmy took a sip of coffee with a smile, and then said, "Don't talk about the bald monks, when I arranged jobs for Yu Hua and the others, I also specifically asked your opinion, and it was you who told me to put more burdens on their shoulders and let them contribute to the cause of promoting Chinese culture. Why is it different when it comes to you?”

Yu Dong didn't wake up until the phone by the bed rang, and it was almost nine o'clock.

"That's right, Jimmy is probably worried that she would be rebellious if she directly said that she wouldn't let us go out together because she didn't want her to be photographed. Putting it this way, she might be more receptive."

"Genius, Dong, you really are a genius."

"it is good……"

"okay, see you tomorrow."

Moreover, if this game can finally be developed according to the ideas of the Williams couple, the degree of freedom of the game must be higher than those of the previous games.

Jimmy clapped his hands excitedly, expressing his sincere admiration.The so-called genius idea is the kind that you can't think of when you don't say it, but once you say it, you can immediately react, just like many magic tricks.

Although Jimmy was making excuses, saying that Yu Dong and the others were tired and needed to rest, they were not wrong. Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu basically didn't have much rest after landing in the United States these two days, and they were indeed quite tired.

"A seminar, the participants are you, me, and the Williams couple. It doesn't need to be too long, just two or three hours."

Yu Dong asked in surprise, "So many?"

"Hey, looking at you, the complaints are quite big. If I knew this earlier, I should have arranged more work for Yu Hua and the others. Let them sign sales during the day and participate in TV interviews at night. Except for ABC interviews , and many media sent us invitations, hoping to conduct TV interviews with you, but I rejected them all.”


After Yu Dong washed up, the two met in Jimmy's room.

"Well, reverse thinking. Whether it is the Williams couple or you, when thinking about solving this problem, they should think about how to improve computing power and solve the problem of module design. Things are constantly complicated. But we can reverse Come to think of it, why not make the module design simpler?"

"It's not a big deal, you arrange a schedule for me, just when we are leaving the United States."

After apologizing, Britney stepped aside to answer the phone.

"Seminar?" Jimmy raised his eyebrows, wondering: "What is the theme of the seminar, what did you talk to them about yesterday?"

"When you build a house, what you think is that you need materials such as bricks, concrete, wood, steel bars, etc., or walls, roofs, doors, windows. But we can think more simply, a house Use only one thing to build. It’s like wanting to compose a picture, you need pixels one by one.”

Jimmy became interested, "What kind of game idea?"

I don't know who called. Britney didn't look very good. Before she said a few words, Britney hung up the phone.

These remarks are likely to have an impact on Britney's career.

"Talk about two things, one is to allocate some funds to them. I went to the company to see it yesterday. There are too few people, and many things in the company have been moved by Vivendi."

"Yeah." Yu Dong nodded, and said, "I'll find you tomorrow morning, and I have something to tell you."

Jimmy's room is much better than Yu Dong's room. It doesn't mean that Jimmy's room is of a higher standard than Yu Dong's. Both rooms are luxury suites in the hotel, but Jimmy booked this room for a long-term.

After making a cup of coffee for Yu Dong, Jimmy smiled and sat down opposite Yu Dong, "Well, yes, it looks like your condition is much better today than last night. Next time you come here, you should take a longer time. Rest for a few days before starting work."

The hottest game this year is undoubtedly the "Sims" released at the beginning of the year. This game has already sold out.

Yu Dong explained to Jimmy, "This idea was originally thought up by Ken, after he watched "The Martian"..."

"Why is Wang Xiaobo excluded?" Jimmy asked.

Yu Dong said with a smile, "It's actually very simple. To solve this problem, we need a little reverse thinking."

After telling Jimmy about the idea of ​​the game and the problems encountered in the game, Jimmy couldn't wait to ask, "Then what is the solution you think of to solve the problem?"

After Britney and Jimmy left, Cheng Yanqiu said with a smile, "It can be seen that Jimmy still cares about Britney very much, he probably doesn't want Britney to go out with us and be photographed, deliberately saying that we are tired Go back and rest."

Jimmy nodded, "It's fine, I'll take you back later, Yu Dong and the others have their own car to go."

After an explosive game comes out, all people in the industry will study it carefully.

"Excuse me."

"I have calculated carefully, and it really needs so much, and there will be investment in the follow-up. My idea is to let Xueleshan retain a studio, be responsible for maintaining the previous games, and develop new games. Although the focus of Xueleshan's future work It’s distribution, but the production part can’t be lost, spend some money to support this business, and it’s very likely to win big prizes.”

"That's right, it's a good idea. There are many people participating in the event. After you pass, I'll take you to hang out with other people." Cheng Yanqiu said with a smile.

Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu looked at each other, and both twitched the corners of their mouths. This kind of green tea lines, spoken from Britney's mouth, didn't seem to be so green tea. Maybe it's because Britney gave people the impression that she was a little silly. .

As long as Jimmy comes to Los Angeles, he will live in this room, so a lot of things have been placed in the room, and the curtains, sheets, and quilts have all been changed. When you walk in, it doesn’t feel like a hotel, but like a home. .

Yu Dong thought for a while and said, "Well, in the future, except for Wang Xiaobo, the others will arrange more TV interviews."

Judging from all the signs, Jimmy and Britney are really likely to go to the palace of marriage.

"Reverse Thinking?"

Hearing what Jimmy said, Yu Dong couldn't help laughing, "It seems that the hero sees the same thing, and I also want Roberta to set up a studio. In addition, the topic to be discussed in this seminar is also related to this matter. They told me about a game idea yesterday, and I think the idea is pretty good, but this game has a problem that Roberta and the others can’t solve, so they don’t plan to do it. But I have an idea that might solve their problem.”

After research, people came up with a new term—sandbox game.

Jimmy smiled and nodded, "No problem. In fact, I have already made a funding plan for them. It is divided into three phases, 500 million in August, 1000 million in October, and 500 million in November."

Although Jimmy doesn't make games, games are one of the company's main businesses after all. Of course, he has a good eye for games, so after hearing Yu Dong talk about the idea of ​​this game, he knows the charm of this game .

Britney hugged Jimmy's arm and said excitedly, "You are too good to think of such a way."

And the problem faced by this game is also real, and this problem is very difficult to solve. All Jimmy is eager to know what method Yu Dong can think of to solve this problem.

The idea of ​​this game proposed by the Williams couple is in line with the sandbox game proposed by people now.

"What itinerary?"

Seeing Britney looking at him, Jimmy smiled and said, "Go back and confirm the itinerary. If you have a schedule, you can go there, but don't keep it private. I will ask the company to send you a formal invitation letter. Just treat it as a running notice. In this way, you can play around in Jinling openly and aboveboard, and you don’t have to worry about being photographed.”

Yu Dong blew on the coffee foam in the quilt, curled his lips and said, "Then why can't you arrange a little less work for me? In this way, I can have more time to rest."

When Yu Dong said the previous paragraph, Jimmy was still confused, but when he heard Yu Dong said that pixels are needed to form a picture, he suddenly understood what Yu Dong meant.

And Yu Dong's idea was definitely a genius idea.

This method not only solved the problems that Williams and the others encountered, but also further improved the degree of freedom of the game, because the simpler and more primitive the mod, the more diverse and free the gameplay.

For example, in a house-building game, you pre-designed doors for the player. No matter how many types of doors you design, it is a limitation.

But if you only provide wooden boards and let players make doors by themselves, there will be more types of doors than you can imagine. This is the charm of the degree of freedom of the game.

(End of this chapter)

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