Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 854 Clezio's Discovery

Jimmy stood up, circled around Yu Dong, finally returned to his original position and sat down, looked at it with a smile, and said, "Tsk tsk, my Dong, you can always surprise me, the scary thing is , I have gradually begun to get used to this feeling. I believe that in a few days, when the Williams and his wife hear your thoughts, they will definitely open their mouths. I can't wait to see their surprise. Maybe, if I look in the mirror now, I'll see."

"I don't have many ideas to offer. The key is to rely on Roberta. She seems to have a lot of ideas for this type of game. After her studio is established, let them focus on making this game as their main task." Yu Dong said .

Jimmy snapped his fingers, "That's right, I thought so too. If this game can be done well, then Xue Leshan won't need to make other games in the future, this game alone will be enough for the company. By then, with this Games, coupled with the space platform, the scale of Xueleshan will not be small."

Yu Dong nodded, "Let's do this game well first. If you want to do this game well, Xue Leshan's current manpower alone is still quite difficult. The company basically has no people who make games now. We want to form a mature The game production team is not an easy task, and Roberta and the others need to work hard. When we hold a discussion meeting later, we will talk to Roberta and the others about this matter, so that they can form a team as soon as possible and start production Work."

With that said, Yu Dong stood up with a cup of coffee and walked to the window.

There is a large floor-to-ceiling window in the suite. Standing by the window, you can see the Hollywood sign in the distance.

Jimmy also walked over with a smile, pointed at the huge Hollywood sign, and asked, "How about it, standing here and looking at that sign, do you have the feeling of stepping on the whole of Hollywood? Or is it a feeling of looking down? Feel like all of Hollywood is in your hands?"

Yu Dong looked at Jimmy with a smile, and joked, "The reason why you booked this room is because standing here and looking at the Hollywood sign, you will have the feeling of stepping on the whole of Hollywood?"

Jimmy shook his head, "Of course not. The goal of deep space is no longer limited to Hollywood. Now, Universal, Warner, Fox...every company regards us as competitors, but our deep space company's competitors will always be It will not be these companies. In the past two days when "Golden Dreamland" is released, the most concerned is not ourselves, but the companies I mentioned. They will even get the box office data of "Golden Dreamland" earlier than us .”

"Don't tell me, I forgot to ask, how about the box office data of "Golden Dreamland"?"

However, these are all predictions before the movie is released. After the later data comes out, the range of prediction will definitely change according to the existing data.Now they only have approximate data for the first day, which is not of much reference value. It is best to have data for a week, so that they can compare box office trends.

Therefore, the box office is not the focus, and the income after the film is released is also very considerable.


Like "Two Smoking Barrels", the box office is not too high, but after the film is released, it can still bring Deep Space Corporation nearly 1000 million US dollars in revenue every year.

At the end of the one-week signing tour, Yu Dong and the others met again in New York. Before leaving, they were going to participate in the ABC talk show.

This was a good publicity opportunity for Deep Space Corporation, so Yu Dong didn't refuse. As for the Williams and his wife, he could only trouble them to make a trip.

Clezio was very happy to see Yu Dong and the others, and talked about his travels in Africa during this period. At the end, he said with a smile, "In many places in Africa, there is no literature, let alone us The existence of people. But what is interesting is that once I discovered the existence of Chinese characters in a village in South Africa, guess what it is?"

The reason why the music album is released is of course not to let Africans enjoy the right to listen to music as Yu Dong said, but to let Chinese music spread on the land of South Africa.


If he didn't pay attention, Yu Dong naturally had no time to pay attention. After chatting with Jimmy, he started to go to various places to sign sales, just like Yu Hua and the others.

ABC has two headquarters, one is in Los Angeles and the other is in New York. Yu Dong originally wanted to hold the interview in Los Angeles, so that he could directly hold a seminar with the Williams couple after the interview.

"I haven't got the specific data yet, but according to estimates, the box office on the first day yesterday should have exceeded 1000 million US dollars, and it was more than a lot. This is enough. If the box office of "Golden Dreamland" can reach two I am already satisfied with 800 million US dollars, and now it seems that the goal of 800 million US dollars in the first week should still be achievable."

I believe that after the movie is released, this sales figure will increase a lot.

Jimmy has never had high expectations for the box office of "Golden Dreamland".

The first-week box office of "Golden Dreamland" came out quickly, with a total of just over 3000 million US dollars. This figure exceeded Jimmy's previous expectations, but not by much.

Hearing Yu Dong's words, Clerzio opened his eyes wide, with an incredulous expression on his face, "How did you guess it? It was the album "Fantasy". When I saw this album, I was very surprised. .Although I don’t know many Chinese characters, I do know the person on the album cover. It’s Jay Chou. We met each other at the Deep Space Annual Meeting. I took a photo of the album cover with a camera and asked I only found out that it was the album released by Jay Chou last year. I asked the kid who held the album where it came from, but no one could tell clearly. Tell me, how did you guess it? of?"

Deep Space released music albums, not randomly, but purposefully according to the region.A large part of the albums are not released to the countryside, but to the cities. Even if they are distributed to the countryside, they are some villages that are not particularly far from the city.

Deep Space Corporation now holds the copyrights of so many movies, even if it doesn't make new movies, it can still survive on its own.

After chatting, I found out that the two had already arrived in New York yesterday, and they also stayed in the same hotel with Yu Dong and the others, but they didn't know each other.

However, ABC proposed to visit the Deep Space Company, shoot some material in the company and broadcast it on the program, and wanted to put the interview in New York nearby.

According to Jimmy's estimate, the North American box office of "Golden Dreamland" should be between [-] million and [-] million US dollars, neither too low nor too high.

The final calculated cost of this film is less than 3000 million U.S. dollars. If the North American box office can reach 7000 to [-] million U.S. dollars, it will basically be a steady profit.

These arrangements make the studio look less like a studio than the scene of a literary event.

Then everyone guessed a few more answers, but to no avail.

"Then what are you talking about? If it wasn't for his novels, it would be even more impossible for the few of us."

Music communication is the simplest and most efficient.

When Yu Dong and the others arrived at the ABC headquarters, Clerzio and Alice Munro had already arrived.

Yu Dong explained with a smile: "It's actually very simple, because the album was released by Deep Space Company. In order to let the poor tribes in Africa enjoy the right to listen to music, Deep Space Company distributed a total of [-] tapes in South Africa. I sent out some tape recorders. The [-] albums are not all Jay Chou’s, there are several other singers, but Jay Chou’s accounted for half, so you said you saw Chinese characters, I guess it is Jay Chou’s album.”

Whether it is novels or television, there are thresholds for dissemination.

Clezio couldn't help sighing, "Your deep space company's public welfare has reached Africa, which is really admirable. What you have done is very good. In such a village, it is a great thing for children to be able to listen to music." A very happy thing. Let alone music, anything that can make sound can make them happy. They did have a radio there, and I didn’t think much about it at the time. After all, the village is not particularly far from the city. It’s also possible that someone brought it from the city, but I didn’t expect it to be sent by you.”

At this moment, Yu Dong suddenly said, "I think what you saw should be the music album "Fantasy", right?"

Before the movie was officially released, the book market had already received feedback. In the previous week, the sales volume of "Golden Dreamland" on Amazon was 30.00% higher than that of the previous week[-].

The movie will be released in China next month, and the box office should not be low, but the box office in China will not make much money, because this movie was introduced as a blockbuster, and the share it can give to Deep Space is very limited.

After all, "Golden Dreamland" is a film adapted from a novel, and the original work is so famous, the novel will naturally bring many viewers to the film.

The most exaggerated is "Resident Evil". The four films in the entire series can bring in an annual income of [-] million US dollars for Deep Space Corporation, and this part of the income is growing every year.

"Clezio didn't say it must be books, or something else. Isn't Lenovo Computer planning to enter the African market? Maybe they have already started? What he saw was a computer?" Wang Xiaobo spoke again. He denied his guess, "That's not right, the probability of computers appearing in rural South Africa is much smaller than the probability of appearing books, and besides, there are no Chinese characters on Lenovo computers."

Jimmy's prediction for the film is that the box office will be around 800 million US dollars in the first week, which is not low.The reason for this prediction is that the publicity of "Golden Dreamland" is good, and the original novel and Matthew McConaughey are added, so the early box office will definitely not be low.

Wang Xiaobo shook his head and denied Bi Feiyu's guess, "Even if Yu Dong's novels sell well in South Africa, they should be limited to the cities. It should not be the Chinese version."

In addition, the film can also be regarded as a promotional film for the novel.

For this interview, ABC rearranged one of their studios. They removed the table where the anchor was originally sitting, and then put a row of seats directly in the studio, and posted a huge one behind. A poster that reads "The Conversationalist."

In fact, it's not just this movie. Even for many popular movies, it's not difficult to get more than [-] million US dollars at the box office, but it's much more difficult to get more than [-] million US dollars.

For example, last year, among the movies released in North America, 23 films had a box office of more than 8000 million U.S. dollars, but only four of them had a box office of more than [-] million U.S. dollars, and only one-sixth of them could pass the [-] million hurdle.

"Chinese characters? That can't be Yu Dong's novels, I heard that some of Yu Dong's novels sell very well in South Africa." Bi Feiyu guessed, holding his chin.

Moreover, Deep Space Company gave "Golden Dreamland" a lot of publicity resources, and the leading actor of the movie is a popular fried chicken like Matthew McConaughey, so there should be no problem with the movie's box office guarantee of [-] million.

After looking at the first week's box office data, Jimmy didn't pay attention to the data anymore. He has a lot of things to do every day, and it's impossible to focus on a movie every day.

In addition, ABC also specially invited hundreds of current students from major universities. Not only can they watch the interviews up close, but they also have the opportunity to have a direct dialogue with the writers.At the end of the show, there will be a question-and-answer session from the audience.

What the movie "Golden Dreamland" is aiming at is also the follow-up income.

Many people go to the movies because of the novels, but there are also many people who buy novels because of the movies.

Yu Dong smiled, and what Clezio said hit an important point.

For movies like "Golden Dreamland", what Jimmy valued was not the box office revenue, but the continuous copyright income in the future.

But if it wants to exceed [-] million, it will be a little difficult.

Needless to say the latter, first of all, if you want to watch TV, you must have electricity, if you have electricity, you must also have a TV, if you have a TV, you must also have a program, and if you have a program, you must let them understand it.

For the former, at least others must be literate.

But music is different. People don't need any threshold when listening to music, just wear an ear, and it can be passed on by word of mouth.

In fact, Deep Space Company is not only doing this in South Africa, they are doing this in many countries. Even in the United States, many places have received albums from Chinese singers.

Of course, Clezio can also think of Deep Space Company doing this, which means promoting Chinese music, but in his opinion, even though Deep Space Company is to promote the music of its own singers, their behavior has brought great harm to the local people. The happiness of going is real.And the cost that Deep Space needs to pay is also very high. These albums and recorders can cost a lot of money.

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