Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 855 Chapter 1 No Famous Novel

When Deep Space promotes its music, it tends to focus more on promoting it to children under the age of 14.Because in childhood, the music you hear has a vital influence on your later music taste.

In fact, many companies can think of this kind of thing, and many companies are doing it, but no company has been able to do it as hard as Deep Space.

Of course, "heart" is just exchanged for money.

Many people know that providing these people with music albums or even music players for free will make more people fall in love with their music, but this kind of thing is very slow and cost-effective for a company.

How many companies are willing to invest a lot of manpower and material resources in the works of their singers, but they will not see the effect until ten or twenty years later?If there are so many resources, it is better to spend them on media publicity, so that the benefits can be seen in a short time.

Or, some large companies may do similar things in order to build their own long-term IP.

For example, Disney, they have exhausted all means to market their IP, including free distribution of leaflets, pictures and even peripheral toys to some places in the third world, trying to make their IP as close to users or as possible to potential users .

"It's interesting." Alice Munro suddenly said, "In the small town where I live, I have heard Jay Chou's songs a few times. To be honest, most of these songs are not suitable for me. It's more like the music that young people like to listen to, but there are a few songs that sound good. I mentioned this to explain that being able to hear these songs in a remote town like ours proves that Jay Chou is already a famous singer in North America. A very popular singer. Usually, the popular songs in our area are a little slower than in the big cities."

"He is quite well-known in France, maybe not as famous as in the United States, but many young people have heard of him." Clerzio said with a smile, "For a young man like Jay Chou, it is very important to be able to achieve success at this age. Such an achievement is quite remarkable.”

Yu Dong said with a smile, "If I remember correctly, when you published "Litigation Notes", you were only 23 years old, not much older than Jay Chou."

When he was eight years old, he went to Africa with his mother to visit his father, and started his writing journey.

"Hello everyone, it seems that I am the last one to come."

When he was a teenager, he studied literature at the University of Bristol and the Faculty of Letters in Nice, France. At the age of 23, while receiving a Bachelor of Arts degree from the Faculty of Arts, he published his first novel "Litigation Notes".

In the beginning, Yu Hua and the others gave basically the same version every time, all of which were real experiences before, with a little artistic processing added.

The youngest winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature is Kipling. When he won the Nobel Prize for Literature, he was 42 years old, and his ability to win the Literature Prize at the age of 42 is also related to the times.

Among these people, Clezio and Alice Munro have the highest odds. Regardless of their age and influence, both of them have a relatively high probability.

Yu Hua edited the most versions, and the most outrageous one was when Jinling TV invited him and Su Tong to appear on the show. He told the host that the reason why he embarked on the road of literature was because when he was working in the hospital, there was a When he went to the bathroom in the sky, he saw an endless novel on the toilet paper. He squatted down and read it until his legs became numb.

The program group invited hundreds of college students. These students first signed up and then were selected by the program group.

In China, Yu Hua and Mo Yan had the highest odds. Everyone believed that if China would produce the first writer to win the Nobel Prize in Literature, it would most likely be between these two.

There is a row of seats in the studio. Since there are seats, there must be a problem with the number of seats.

To determine these hundreds of students, various factors must also be considered.

After him, the youngest should be 44-year-old Camus.

And everyone present has hope of winning the Nobel Prize in Literature, whether it is Clezio, Alice Munro, or Wang Xiaobo, Yu Hua, or even Yu Dong, everyone has hope.

"That's right." Oe Kenzaburo nodded, "I just arrived in New York yesterday. To be honest, I'm still a little dizzy because I haven't managed jet lag well. When the interview starts later, if there is anything Where the performance is not good, I see everyone forgive me a lot.”

Like most programs, the on-site director arranged for Yu Dong and the others to record an opening scene together with the host, and then everyone sat down, and then entered the mode of a literature discussion. The host initiated a topic, and then Yu Dong and the others started discuss.

Although Yu Dong is young and lacks the title of the Nobel Prize for Literature, his status in the literary world is not low, let alone his fame, so putting him in the same position as Kenzaburo Oe, the program group did not Think there is a problem.

Regarding the arrangement of the program group, Oe Kenzaburo had no opinion, Yu Dong had no opinion, and no one else had any opinion, but some viewers at the scene had opinions.

And between the two of them, Mo Yan's odds are much higher than Yu Hua's. The reason for this situation has little to do with literature itself, but mainly because Mo Yan is much older than Yu Hua.

After reading it, he really wanted to know the ending of the novel, but no one could give him an answer after asking around, so he had to look for books everywhere.

This is related to Kenzaburo Oe's experience. He studied French literature at the University of Tokyo, so he is proficient in French. In addition to French, he also studied English very hard.

Therefore, in the impression of most people, if you want to win the Nobel Prize in Literature, you must be at least 44 years old.

Clezio was not annoyed by Yu Hua's ridicule. We have known each other for a long time and are very familiar with each other, so we often joke together.

Kenzaburo Oe studied French literature when he was in university, so he is very familiar with French literary works and writers, including Clezio, who became famous after he graduated.

By this time, the recording of the show had already begun.

Clezio is indeed humble. Among many writers, he is definitely a genius type, and he has laid the foundation since he was a child.

As a representative work of existential literature, "The Stranger" has a high status in the French and even European literary circles. People discuss "Litigation Notes" with it, which shows how optimistic they are about this novel.

There is another interesting thing. Yu Dong has been on the list every year for the past few years. The odds are very low every year, but the odds are higher every year than the previous year. The reason why this happens is also related to his age. , Yu Dong grows older every year.

Some gaming companies open a handicap every year, listing every writer who is likely to win the Nobel Prize in Literature, and each writer has corresponding odds.

When Yu Dong learned that he was going to sit in the middle, he gave way. After all, he was relatively young, so he should give way to the old comrades. However, under the insistence of the program team, Yu Dong agreed to their arrangement.

Many talk shows like to let writers talk about their own literary path, and Yu Hua and the others have talked about "my literary path" several times before.

"No." Yu Dong waved his hand, "You're not the latest one. There are still a few guests who haven't arrived yet, so it might take a while. Mr. Kenzaburo Oe, did you come here from Neon?"

But after a lot of times, a few of them felt that it was really meaningless to keep talking about it, so they started making it up with others.

Several people were chatting and laughing, and after a while, a short Asian man with white hair and black-rimmed glasses, about 60 years old, walked towards them with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, Yu Dong and the others all laughed.

In addition, before coming, Yu Dong and the others had already obtained the list of all the guests for this interview, so they naturally knew that Kenzaburo Oe would be there.

Clezio, Alice Munro, Joyce Oates, Yu Hua, Mo Yan are all on this list, even Yu Dong is there, but Yu Dong's odds are very low, very few people will buy him , Someone really bought it, and he was also a reader.

The first topic initiated by the host was well-established and old-fashioned, called "My Path to Literature".

After Oe Kenzaburo joined the conversation, the atmosphere became a little more serious. After all, everyone was not very familiar with Oe Kenzaburo, so they couldn't make jokes at will. The content of their conversation changed from the original messy topic to literature.

Although he is already the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, Kenzaburo Oe's attitude is still very low-key, and he bends over and nods when he speaks.Neon people speak in this style, even Oe Kenzaburo is no different.

Since he won the Nobel Prize for Literature a few years ago, Kenzaburo Oe's appearance rate has become higher and higher, and his face has been recognized by more and more people.

After chatting for about half an hour, all the guests were present.

He also has some knowledge of Chinese literature, but only limited to Chinese writers before the 40s and Yu Dong and others.

The accompanying staff hurriedly introduced Yu Dong and the others, "This is Mr. Kenzaburo Oe."

This novel is not as famous as he himself said, but it shocked the French literary circle at that time, and even many people in the critics compared "Litigation Notes" with Camus' "The Stranger".

According to common sense, the more important the person, the more the seat must be in the middle. In the arrangement of ABC, Kenzaburo Oe, who won the Nobel Prize in Literature, and Yu Dong sat in the middle.

When Kipling was awarded, the Nobel Prize in Literature had just been awarded for a few years.

After seeing the seat arranged by the program group, Shang Chuan Zhenxiu was very unhappy. He thought that according to Oe Kenzaburo's qualifications, he should sit in the middle position alone instead of sharing the middle position with Yu Dong.

"Hypocritical." Yu Hua even directly said that Clezio was hypocritical.

Clerzio smiled and waved his hands, "It's just a little-known novel, not an achievement."

Considering that Oe Kenzaburo was present, the program team also invited several neon-born students, and Masahide Uekawa was one of them.

However, because it was the recording site of the program, Masahide Uekawa was relatively restrained and did not make a big scene, but just looked at the stage with a displeased face.

In fact, Yu Dong could recognize Kenzaburo Oe without any special introduction from the staff.

If it weren't for Yu Dong being too young, I am afraid that the past two years would also be the favorite for the Nobel Prize in Literature.

Yu Hua is 40 years old this year, which is a bit too young. Mo Yan is 45 years old and has just reached the standard. Therefore, Mo Yan's odds are higher than Yu Hua's.

Kenzaburo Oe always smiled when he spoke. His smile was a bit stylized, but it didn't make people feel hypocritical.He said this sentence in English. Compared with most neon writers, Kenzaburo Oe's English is pretty good.

The staff of the program team came over and arranged for Yu Dong and the others to be seated in the studio.

Of course, if he is really proud because he won the Nobel Prize in Literature, Yu Dong and the others will ignore him. After all, in the eyes of Yu Dong and the others, although the Nobel Prize in Literature is a very important and desirable award, but It is by no means the most important thing.

In his opinion, Yu Dong is just a popular popular writer who has made some achievements in popular novels. How can he be on the same level as a literary award like Kenzaburo Oe?

In order to find books conveniently, he began to write by himself.

The one who was in charge of interviewing them that time was a little girl in the station. Maybe it was because I didn’t do enough homework. I didn’t know that Yu Hua had said other versions, so when I heard this version, I was taken aback for a while and believed it was true. up.

This time, after hearing the host's question, Yu Hua and the others looked at each other and smiled, their eyes seemed to say: I'm going to make up a story again.

This time it was Yu Dong who started editing first... Answering the question, he took the microphone and said with a smile: "I have always been a loyal reader of Chekhov. When I was in college, my main research object was also Chekhov. In our class, there were a few students who liked Ibsen but not Chekhov. This was an unacceptable thing to me at that time. So, I started talking about Chekhov in these people’s ears every day. Khove’s advantages, trying to make them like Chekhov. But unfortunately, I failed in the end. These people not only did not like Chekhov because of my recommendation, but even because of my non-stop chanting, the attitude towards Chekhov From disliking to hating. At that time, these students were still pursuing avant-garde literature. After learning about this, they thought, since I can’t defeat Ibsen, but I can try to defeat avant-garde literature. So, I Published an article and criticized many problems of pioneer literature. Later, when I went to teach at Jinling Art Institute, I met my senior brother Su Tong. He knew me because he had read my article and invited me To collect manuscripts, from then on, I really embarked on the road of literature.”

After Dong finished speaking, Yu Hua and the others secretly gave a thumbs up, secretly praising the level of Yu Dong's story is really high, all the things in it are true, but they are all false if connected together.

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