Chapter 857

ABC just retweeted Khaled Hosseini's tribe, and dozens of new comments appeared under their forwarded tribe, and the speed of netizens was very fast.

[Finally there is new news, I have been waiting for a long time. 】

【Hey, what is this? It's not related to the interview. We've been waiting for you at home. 】

[Is this title a bit too exaggerated? Is this novel really certified by YU? 】

[Is this forwarding a novel?It's so short, and many people say it's not good. 】

[Since it was recommended by YU, let me take a look first. 】

This first wave of comments did not read the content of the tribe. They just waited for ABC’s official release of new news related to the literature seminar. Now after seeing the news, no matter what the content of the news is, they will comment Just a wave.

After that, most netizens began to seriously read the tribe reposted by ABC.

Because the article is very short, the first batch of netizens read it quickly, and started the second round of feedback.

Seeing everyone looking at him, Yu Dong laughed.

"Kadler, take a look at your deep space tribe."

Their purpose is to make netizens think that Yu Dong talked about a lot of things related to the new work in the show, so as to attract netizens to watch the show after it airs.

Netizens started a heated discussion because of "The Kite Runner", and the interviews in the studio are still going on.

Yu Dong nodded, "If you have to give it a definition, you can say it is an expressionist work."

[Why would YU recommend this essay?I admit that the story guides me, but it has little to do with literature. 】

When he chatted with Bi Feiyu before, he did mention this matter. The idea of ​​the new novel he mentioned was actually the science fiction novel "The Ninth District". At that time, Yu Dong just casually said something to Bi Feiyu. Thinking that Bi Feiyu remembered it in his heart, and brought it up at this time.

Here, Yu Dong just finished talking about his new novel, and on the other side, ABC's network platform operation department began to think about writing a new tribe, including Yu Dong's new novel.

The host asked at the right time, "YU, can you tell everyone about when this novel will be finished? I think that after today's program airs, many viewers will definitely be interested in your new book. Although the last new book has only been released for a few days, many people are already looking forward to your continued release of new books."


Although the movie has been released long ago, it still brings continuous and considerable profits to Deep Space Company every year.

[It's hard to imagine what life in Afghanistan would be like. 】

Joyce Oates said with a smile, "There are many types of science fiction, but I don't think Africa has nothing to do with science fiction. For example, some biochemical novels can be set in Africa, where there are many exciting stories. Viruses that cause headaches, these things can become the material of novels. In addition, since it is expressionism, it will definitely involve some bloody and violent plots.”

Even if all the main actors agree, their schedules may not be able to get together.

"Sci-fi? Africa?"

While chatting, Bi Feiyu suddenly looked at Yu Dong and said, "When we talked about "Metamorphosis" before, didn't you say that you had an idea for a new novel? One point? How about telling us all?"

Now that the first one was such a success, Deep Space is definitely going to make a second one.

After answering Kenzaburo Oe's words, Yu Dong looked at Clezio again, and said with a smile, "I heard you talk about traveling in Africa during the chat just now. I'm actually very interested, because this new work of mine, It has a lot to do with Africa. If I have the opportunity, I would like to go to Africa to see it, maybe it will be beneficial to my writing, so I would like to consult with you, whether the safety issue is guaranteed.”

But the host is definitely not worried about YU's strength, and the story will definitely not be bad.

This is the most recognized statement. In fact, there are many other theories. Except for Yishen Yudong, the positions of several other people have changed.

Oe Kenzaburo asked, "Excuse me, is your new novel an expressionist work?"

After everyone shared the books, the content of the chat became more free, and everyone began to play freely.

The host nodded and didn't mention "Men in Black". After all, few of the writers present have anything to do with science fiction.If this was not considered, the host would even have to ask about "Men in Black 2".

"But, you really should read it." Fergie was a little anxious, "And I can't control me now, it's a break time, you can take the time to read it. Your short article was given by ABC. Reposted, and the title of the repost also said that your article was recommended by YU. Now your short article has tens of thousands of views and hundreds of comments, and it will increase every time it is refreshed. After a while, there are more than a dozen comments, and the growth rate is getting faster and faster."

"Well, I have some ideas, but what I am going to write is a science fiction novel."

[I hope the author can tell the story in more detail and write the work longer. 】

[Kite chasing is definitely an interesting game, but we never played it when we were young. 】

However, the sequel is much more troublesome than the first one, and many things are not controlled by the director or even the production company.

When filming the first work, if the actor encounters a situation, it is a big deal to replace the actor.Few directors stick to a certain actor. After all, there are too many good actors in the world, but good scripts are hard to find.

Some time ago, Deep Space Company has also been negotiating and planning this matter. If there is no accident, the film is expected to start shooting in the first half of next year.

One God, Three Kings, Four Flying Tigers.

[The story is too short, can you write more? 】

"Men in Black" is definitely a big leak that Deep Space Company picked up in the early days. When the copyright was taken down, the money was not much, and the production cost was not particularly high, but the film finally won more than [-] million The global box office in US dollars, if "Titanic" hadn't turned out, "Men in Black" would have been the box office champion of the year.

But Will Smith has performed very well in both aspects in the past two years, winning various awards.

[Isn't it? It's thousands of dollars. 】

[Uh, the story is very interesting, but it feels too short, it doesn't feel like a novel at all. 】

[Not only the number of readings, but also the number of fans of Tribal Pig, which was only in the single digits just now, but now it is in the hundreds. 】

Before the interview started, Oe Kenzaburo and Clézio were discussing expressionist literature, and their discussion had not yet ended. After a free discussion, they started the previous topic again.

Because everyone can only discuss together in the talk show, there is no group discussion, so Yu Dong and the others also joined the discussion among them.

Hearing the two letters "YU" coming out of Fergie's mouth, Hosseini raised his eyebrows and asked, "Really, why did YU recommend my essay?"

"It means that you read less science fiction." Yu Dong smiled and said, "If I have time in the second half of the year, I will go to Africa to visit. Before that, you didn't give me any advice, so that I can Stop loss."

【I even wonder if Tribal Pig belongs to Deep Space Company, this wave is YU's intention to bring in newcomers. 】

The host asked again, "Can you tell me the general content of the story? Or the themes involved in the novel, besides Africa, what else is it related to? We all know that you just released a science fiction novel, The content of this novel is related to robots, so will this new novel have some new attempts?"

Generally, in the sequel, the main actors will not be changed. After all, no one wants to waste the popularity that was so hard saved in the first film.

Fergie shrugged her shoulders with a smile: "I don't know, maybe he accidentally saw your novel while surfing the Internet? Or, the Deep Space Company really has a team that specializes in searching for good articles, Is it because they found your novel and recommended it to YU? Apart from these two points, I really can’t imagine any other possibilities. You really don’t want to read it? Now your tribe is very lively, and it’s not too late now. There are no patients, so you can take 5 minutes to see if there is nothing wrong."

[The tribal pig is Afghan?Are the things in the article experienced by Tribal Pigs themselves?I feel that the content written in it is a bit of a waste of money. 】

Hearing Bi Feiyu's words, everyone turned their eyes to Yu Dong.

Yu Dong shook his head and said, "I'm not sure about the release of the new book. I can only say that I try to finish writing him this year. I still hope to go to Africa before starting to write, so that I can have more inspiration and make the story more interesting." The background is more realistic."

Although Yu Dong is going to write a science fiction novel, everyone's interest has not diminished, especially knowing that Yu Dong was inspired by "Metamorphosis", they are even more interested.

Especially Will Smith, he has been crazy busy in the past two years, making movies and music.

[I also paid attention, waiting for Tribal Pig to update the follow-up story. 】

Whether it is making movies or making music, if ordinary people can do one of these things well, it is already very awesome.

But when it came time to shoot the sequel, the casting issue became very tricky.

"There is no relationship between these two works. In addition, the original author of "Men in Black" is Cunningham. I just suggested that the company take its copyright."

Hearing this, Hosseini thought about it and finally decided to accept this suggestion.

After the rise of Chinese science fiction, people with good intentions gave titles to such science fiction writers as Yu Dong.


Expressionism literature is a genre of literature that Yu Dong and his colleagues usually discuss most, so everyone is very familiar with it.Some time ago, when they were discussing the Kafka Prize for Literature, they discussed expressionist literature in depth, and this time they just consolidated what was discussed at that time.

Since the popularity of "Men in Black 1", in the film, whether it is the protagonist or the supporting role, they have received many invitations from the film studios. There have been more and more announcements, and it has become much more difficult to coordinate their time.

Hosseini was writing something, and when he heard Fergie's words, he said without raising his head, "Fergie, at this point in time, you shouldn't watch the Deep Space Tribes. Of course, you are the same, Hunter told you before This happened three times in my mind.”

Clezio showed a puzzled expression, "Are you sure that your new work, a science fiction novel, has a lot to do with Africa? I really can't imagine what Africa has to do with science fiction."

[Wow, the number of readings has suddenly increased so much. It was only a few hundred when I read it just now. 】

[This is not a novel, it should be the memoir of a tribal pig, it feels quite real. 】

The host added, "As far as I know, the reason why Deep Space Corporation bought "Men in Black" was also because of your proposal. Will the aliens in the new novel have anything to do with "Men in Black"?" ?”

[I can't tell whether it's a real memory or a fake meeting. 】

In science fiction, aliens are frequent visitors, and it can even be said that they have been written badly. Now it is not easy to write alien novels to be brilliant.Therefore, when the host heard that the novel was related to aliens, the host was worried that something might go wrong.


In addition, the salaries of many actors have also increased dramatically. For the same group of people, their salaries have also increased by at least 50.00%, which means that the production costs will be much higher.

Some time ago, Deep Space Company released news that it was preparing to produce a sequel to "Men in Black".

The one god here is naturally Yu Dong, and his existence is more powerful than Wansan combined. The three kings are Hu Changqing, Liu Cixin, and Wang Jingkang, and the four flying tigers are He Hongwei, Yang Peng, Han Song, and Liu. Yang four.

Kadler Hosseini had just seen a patient when Fergie, the nurse, rushed to his office excitedly.

Clerzio said with a smile, "If you really want to go, the two of us can talk in detail about my experience in Africa and the things you need to pay attention to when going to Africa. Or, when the time comes, we will go there together and let me Come to be your guide, to be honest, I am still looking forward to your new novel."

Hearing that Yu Dong said it was a science fiction novel, everyone was not surprised. After all, Yu Dong is still the top of the science fiction world. He had stopped writing science fiction for two years, and now he started writing science fiction again.

Yu Dong laughed, "The new novel has something to do with aliens, and the earth will welcome some guests from alien planets."

The box office alone has allowed Deep Space to make a lot of money.

There is a computer in the office, and Hosseini directly opened the Deep Space Tribes website and logged in with his account.

As soon as he successfully logged in to his account, he saw the red number "99+" in the upper right corner of the message, and there were more and more messages.

There are several types of these messages, private messages, tribal comments, and some likes.

Seeing this, Hosseini began to believe that what Fergie told him just now was true, and ABC actually forwarded his tribe.

(End of this chapter)

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