After the term sandbox game was established, the Williams and his wife also paid close attention to it. It happened that Ken Williams proposed to adapt "The Martian" into a game. After thinking about it, the two thought about sandbox games.

Roberta believes that whether it is "Legend of Zelda" or "The Sims", these games cannot actually represent sandbox games in the true sense, because the degree of freedom of these games does not meet the requirements.

A real sandbox game is to throw a world to the player, throw a set of logic, and then not put any other framework, so that the player can play freely in the game world.

Making this kind of game requires a lot of technology. If it was a few years ago, even if you want to make this kind of game, you can't do it, because the technology is not up to it.This kind of game with a high degree of freedom has particularly high requirements for computing power.

Yu Dong pondered for a while, and said, "Since you have such an idea, you can try it, and maybe you can make an excellent game. If your idea is better, I will definitely consider making "The Martian" The right to adapt the game is given to you."

Roberta sighed slightly, "The idea is very good, but it is more difficult to realize."

"Is it because the current technology can't meet the requirements?" Yu Dong asked.

"Technology is achievable, but if we want to achieve the effect we just described, the workload is too great. To build a camp, there are too many types of materials and complex shapes. Even if the computing power can support it, we still have to The design of these items cannot be completed. If it is some special buildings, the difficulty will be even higher."

Yu Dong nodded, probably understanding the problem Roberta said.

He pondered again, and began to recall the sandbox games he had seen, and then thought of "Minecraft". This sandbox game has absolutely one of the best degrees of freedom.

Cheng Yanqiu said with a smile, "It's a good division of labor. Although you always say that you don't participate in the company's management, you still worry about the company's management from time to time."

Britney should be regarded as a child star debut. When she was ten years old, she officially started her acting career after participating in the Disney Channel's youth talent competition "Mickey Mouse Club".

Pixels can be pieced together into anything, and on the other hand, as long as there are enough pixel blocks, buildings can be made "high-definition".

At the beginning of last year, she released her first music album "Baby Baby One More Time". With this album, she was nominated for the Grammy Award for Best Newcomer and Best Pop Female Singer, but she did not win any of the awards.

A month after its release, the album was certified platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America.

Jimmy and Britney are in a relationship. If it is made public later, someone will definitely criticize Jimmy. After all, the age gap between the two is quite large, and when the two start dating, Britney probably hasn't arrived yet.

So how does "My World" solve this problem?

"He didn't say it directly, but the meaning is already obvious, otherwise, why would he invite us to dinner. Jimmy and this celebrity girlfriend have been talking for a long time, and it's time for us to meet."

Once before, Jimmy took Spielberg and the others to the countryside he often visited.

Soon, Yu Dong frowned. The way to solve the problem in "Minecraft" is to simplify the problem. The creators of the game never thought of making complicated accessories, but directly replaced them with pixel blocks.

Before Yu Dong came, they had been thinking for a long time.But since Yu Dong said so, they also have to give face.

Jimmy and she met at the record company more than two years ago, when Spears and the rest of the studio were already worrying about the album.Although their studio has received a lot of support, this support is limited after all, and sometimes encounters some difficulties that are difficult to overcome.

Seeing the two playing vigorously, Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu looked at each other and smiled. They didn't expect that Jimmy and Britney were playing with a handheld computer together.

When Yu Dong and the others arrived at the box, Jimmy and Britney were playing with a handheld device, and the sound effects sounded like Pokemon.

There are other relatives who rarely move around. This situation is actually quite common in the United States. At Jimmy’s age, if he does not have a family, there are not many people who need to move around.

Americans are not used to eating in private rooms, and some people even dislike private rooms, thinking that private rooms are very dark and dirty places.

The Britney standing next to Jimmy is very different from the Britney who appeared on TV. She only put on light makeup and looks younger than she looks on TV.

Jimmy is also a lively person, so he spends the Spring Festival in China every year, either with his host or in the countryside where he often goes.

Jimmy has been in China for so many years, but he is used to eating in a private room.Especially in today's situation, it is also more private to book a box.

The reason why he chose this restaurant was that on the one hand, Jimmy wanted to invite Yu Dong to try authentic Shanghai cuisine in Los Angeles, and on the other hand, it was really hard to find a restaurant with private rooms.

"It is true that they have some ideas, but they are still immature. In addition, their own ideas are relatively scattered. I want them to integrate them first, and then I will go back and sort out my own ideas, and then touch them later. It's better than chatting a lot today."

After hearing the story of the two, Yu Dong couldn't help raising his eyebrows. According to his understanding of Jimmy, the reason why this guy helped Britney and the others back then was probably not because he fell in love with the little girl, but because he thought that they A few of them are very talented, so I would like to do a little favor and want some good luck. Maybe the next few people will become popular, and he will be rewarded.

Although the pixel block looks a bit rough, it perfectly solves the problem of architecture, and it is a method of retreating.

Britney interrupted Jimmy's introduction with a smile, "Jimmy, no need to introduce, of course I know them. Yu Cheng is a great writer and a pianist. I don't think there are many people who don't know them?"


On the way, Cheng Yanqiu asked curiously, "Looking at your expression today, it seems that you have already thought of a solution to their game problem, why didn't you say it?"

This cough attracted the attention of Jimmy and Britney, they looked up immediately, and when they saw Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu, they put down the phone.

There was no need for them to ask, Britney herself told about her encounter with Jimmy like pouring beans through a bamboo tube.

If it was two years ago, Britney would have been too small.

A white T-shirt with space on the chest, a pair of blue jeans, and a pair of espadrilles, this is the daily wear of the pop star Britney, no different from the ordinary girl next door.

Looking at Jimmy again, I have to say that Jimmy seems to have become a little younger recently.

Speaking of Jimmy, Cheng Yanqiu asked curiously, "Jimmy invited us to dinner tonight, will Britney definitely come?"

It has now been a year and a half since the album was released, and the album has sold more than 1000 million copies.

The following things were not too complicated. Britney fell in love with Jimmy and took the initiative to confess to Jimmy, and Jimmy agreed.

In fact, the latter was the main reason. After all, Yu Dong didn't particularly want to eat authentic Shanghai cuisine in Los Angeles.

Hearing this, Yu Dong laughed, it seemed that it was quite difficult for him to hide something in front of Cheng Yanqiu.He originally thought that his expression was well managed, but he didn't expect Cheng Yanqiu to see through it at a glance.

Jimmy is a single-parent family, only his mother is left alive, and his mother is now settled in Spain, and they rarely meet each other.Once before, Yu Dong heard Jimmy say that his mother got married again in Spain and got divorced not long after. Whether it was marriage or divorce, her mother would call him to tell him, but she didn't invite him past.

"I know, Ken doesn't care too much about it, he's actually given the idea a death sentence, but his wife Roberta certainly cares. Roberta is clearly more passionate about making games than her husband is, and more I have ideas. Ken is better at company management, so I plan to set up a studio in Sierra Mountain in the future, let Roberta take charge of the studio and be responsible for making games, and Ken will do a good job in game distribution and operation of the space platform with peace of mind. "

Britney is a very lively girl. Yu Dong and the others entered the box, and when they were seated, she never stopped talking and kept talking.

She talked about many topics, from the sky to the earth, from the South Pole to the North Pole, from Yu Dong to Cheng Yanqiu, from herself to Jimmy.

Cheng Yanqiu nodded suddenly, "It makes sense, but I don't think Ken Williams is too serious. When you meet again, he may not be ready yet."

At noon, the four of them had a meal together, and then Yu Dong said goodbye to the Williams couple and headed to the city center.


In Los Angeles, it is not easy to find a restaurant with private rooms, because most western restaurants do not have private rooms.But Chinese restaurants are different. Many Chinese restaurants will reserve a few rooms as boxes.

Yu Dong shrugged his shoulders, "I can't help it. I'm used to it. Jimmy and Yu Yue always come to ask me for advice. After a long time, I've become used to thinking about these things."

Jimmy was a little fat before, which is not surprising for a 40-year-old man, but because of his weight gain and lack of care, he looks a little rough.

When Jimmy heard they were having trouble, he offered a little help.

"No problem." Ken Williams nodded, but he didn't take Dong's words seriously. He didn't think the problem the couple was facing could be solved after a few days of their meeting together.

Although Britney did not win the award in the end, this album sold very well, and its sales volume absolutely surpassed all other albums released in the same period of the year. at the top of the list.

Sometimes Yu Dong also wondered when Jimmy and Britney came into contact and got together.If it was a one or two year contact, Britney is so busy, still have time to fall in love with Jimmy?

Jimmy arranged the place for dinner in a restaurant that specializes in Shanghai cuisine. The name of the restaurant is also very straightforward, called "Shanghai, Shanghu".

It can be said that this single album made her a pop superstar.Now I am walking on the streets of the United States with a microphone to interview ten teenagers at random. Nine out of the ten teenagers probably know her.

Looking at Jimmy's state, Yu Dong couldn't help feeling that the power of love is really great, and it can change people so easily.

Jimmy's small effort is very important to Britney, she will express her gratitude every time she sees Jimmy, and the two get to know each other after going back and forth.

Cheng Yanqiu said with a smile, "From your tone, it sounds like you're meeting relatives and friends."

But it is different now. First of all, she has lost a lot of weight, and her face has been taken care of. No one doubts that she is in her early 30s.Moreover, Jimmy's own appearance is quite high, whether in China or the United States, he is the kind of appearance that conforms to the public's aesthetics.

Thinking of a solution, Yu Dong didn't say anything immediately, but said to Roberta with a smile, "Don't rush to deny this plan, you can always find a solution to the problem. Well, think about it these days and see if I can find a good solution, and sort out my previous thoughts. When I leave the United States, we can have a meeting to discuss this game. Maybe this game can really be done. If there is hope, you should hurry up Form a studio dedicated to making this game."

The old cow eats tender grass, and what's more, it eats the tender grass "Xiao Tiantian", which is popular all over the world. It is impossible not to be scolded.But based on Jimmy's psychological quality, no matter how others scold him, it won't have any effect on him.

"We are like relatives and friends."

"You guys are here." Jimmy smiled, and introduced Britney to Yu Dong, "This is my girlfriend, Britney. Britney, here are two..."

Since last year, Britney has been doing a world tour. She was photographed in China before, and someone asked her if she was planning to hold a concert in China.

"Cough cough." Yu Dong coughed lightly.

But Jimmy never expected that his gang would help out a girlfriend.

It may be because of her young age, or it may be because of her natural personality. Britney seems relatively innocent, unguarded, and even a little outspoken.

This is very different from Jimmy. Jimmy is a person with a heart full of eyes. When talking to people, few people can tell the truth from the fake.

Yu Dong has been with Jimmy for so many years, and he thinks he knows Jimmy better, but if Jimmy wants to deceive him, he can't tell the difference.

These two are a good match together, and Jimmy has the advantage of having a good heart, which can protect the brainless Britney from harming her.

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