Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 86 Writer's Bookstore

Chapter 86 Writer's Bookstore
On the 27th day of the twelfth lunar month, Yu Dong arrived at Julu Road very early.

Because he came too early, he did not immediately go to the editorial department of "Harvest", but went to the writer's bookstore first.

When he got to the writer's bookstore, a little girl was cleaning behind the counter.

The little girl probably didn't expect this kind of weather, so someone came to the bookstore long ago. She held a rag in her hand and rushed to Yu Dong with a smile: "Welcome."

Yu Dong nodded in response, and then turned around in the bookstore.

The current writer's bookstore is completely different from the ones that have been renovated in later generations. Not only is the area smaller, but the decoration is also much older.

It didn't even look like a bookstore at all, and there wasn't even a sign outside.

If an unfamiliar person walks by the side of the road, they will only think it is a cafe.

The reason for this is because this bookstore was opened by the Shanghai Writers Association.

Although the bookstore is also open to the public, it mainly provides services for members of the Writers Association.

The first floor is a coffee shop, and the second floor is a bookstore. In fact, this arrangement can also show the intention of the Writers Association. They did not want to let more ordinary people know about this bookstore.

Yu Dong lifted his feet up to the second floor again, found a copy of Lord of the Flies on the bookshelf, then found a place to sit down and read the book.

This "Lord of the Flies" was published by Shanghai Translation Publishing House in 85. I bought a copy in Dongdong before, but I lost it when I took it to Yanjing.

The book "Lord of the Flies" has a special charm. When I first read it, I just felt it was mediocre. Every time I read it later, I found something that I didn't find before.

Yu Dong understands that this is actually a characteristic of symbolism.Since it is a symbol, the reader needs to dig deeper to know what these symbols represent.

Even sometimes, the reader can read something that the author did not intend to express.

Symbols are sometimes so confusing.

Yu Dong just read a few pages when thick footsteps came from the stairs.

The owner of the footsteps, a middle-aged man, stopped at the last step of the stairs. He looked a little surprised when he saw Yu Donghou.

He probably didn't expect someone to come so early.

The middle-aged man walked around the bookshelf twice, and finally chose a magazine of "Harvest" and sat not far from Yu Dong.

Time passed little by little.

When the sun shines on the pages of "Lord of the Flies" through the glass, it has been an hour since Yu Dong entered the writer's bookstore.He suddenly remembered that he still had business to do today, so he hurriedly put down the book and walked towards the Writers Association Center behind him.

When he went to Cheng Yongxing's office, Ge Fei had already arrived.

Cheng Yongxing said with a smile: "It's still young people who are active, and it will take a while for others."

Then he introduced Yu Dong and Ge Fei to each other, and the two got to know each other.

Ge Fei is not a few years older than Yu Dong, and he is less than 30 years old this year, but he has been teaching at East China Normal University for seven years, and he is Yu Dong's senior in terms of qualifications.

Moreover, Ge Fei has already emerged in the literary world. After his "Brown Birds" was published a few years ago, it once caused controversy in the literary world.At that time, East China Normal University also held a seminar and conducted various studies on this novel.

Ge Fei likes to make a fuss about the structure of the novel, constructing the novel like a labyrinth, which is also the charm of his works.It seems that in his eyes, only complex structure and profound language can preserve the meaning of language to the greatest extent.

However, Ge Fei himself gave people a different feeling from his novels. He seemed humble, low-key and peaceful, and he didn't like to talk much. When Cheng Yongxing introduced each other to them, he just smiled and nodded.

There is an incomprehensible slyness in his eyes, but his face is full of honesty and honesty, and the two are placed on the same face, but it does not make people feel inconsistent.

After hearing that Yu Dong was working in Jinling, he became interested and asked Yu Dong something about Jinling.

He is a native of Suzhou himself, but he has been studying in Shanghai and rarely returning home since he went to college, so when he heard that Yu Dong was working in Jinling, he regarded him as half a fellow countryman.

After chatting for a while, Yu Dong found that Ge Fei was not reticent to talk, he might just not be used to talking too much with strangers, and now that he is familiar with it, it is difficult to close his chatterbox once he opens it.

After all, he has been a teacher for several years. Once he speaks, it is difficult for others to interject. Moreover, once he is happy, the speed of speech will become faster. In addition, he is lazy in his articulation, and his mouth opening and closing is relatively small, so in some places Yu Dong couldn't understand what he said.

At this time, listening to him speak, the feeling somewhat coincides with the feeling of reading his novels.

Later, the three of them chatted, and other people came over one after another, and Ge Fei's words began to decrease again.

Most of these people who came first were relatively young. Some Yu Dong knew it, and some had never heard the name at all.

There are not many well-known writers in Shanghai, but because there are well-known magazines such as Harvest, Germination, and Shanghai Literature under the Shanghai Writers Association, many writers come to Shanghai with dreams.

Some people simply live in the vicinity of the Writers Association, live a life of hardship, and look forward to their manuscripts every day.Probably they think that if they are closer to the Writers Association, they can also get help in literary creation.

But as far as Yu Dong knows, many young writers have worked so hard that they are not famous, but they get together to play mahjong every day.And I always play mahjong during the day, and then write at night.

Yu Dong also saw a "familiar face" among the people who came, and this "familiar face" he had just met this morning.In the bookstore before, the middle-aged man who came to the bookstore at the back of Yudong.

Through Cheng Yongxing's introduction, Yu Dong realized that the other party turned out to be Sun Ganlu.

Sun Ganlu is still well-known in Shanghai's literary circles. Later, he also served as the vice chairman of the Writers Association and the president of the "Granny" magazine.

It's just that Yu Dong has only heard of his name, but has never met him. Today is the first time I have seen him.

Sun Ganlu was also a little surprised when he saw Yu Dong. The two of them had just met at the bookstore in the morning, but they didn't expect to see each other again.

Not long after Sun Ganlu came, Wang Anyi and Yan Geling also came.

Yu Dong thought it was quite interesting. The order from everyone to the magazine seemed to imply an unspoken rule. Generally speaking, the more famous, the later.

And Wang Anyi and Yan Geling came together, it seems to solve another trouble: everyone does not need to judge the fame of the two of them in the order of arrival.

When Wang An saw Yu Dong, he was very happy, and even ran to Yu Dong to talk to him: "Little, I should have thought that you would come too. When I saw your "Mending the Sky", I was even more surprised for a while."

Yan Geling also gave Yu Dong a special look, it seems that Wang Anyi's performance caught her attention to Dong.

(End of this chapter)

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