Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 87 Can Writers Be Trained?

Chapter 87 Can Writers Be Trained?
After everyone came, Cheng Yongxing led everyone to the lounge.

Cheng Yongxing said that Yu Dong and Ge Fei are young people. In fact, the writers who came here today are basically young people, and Wang Anyi is a little older, but he is not yet 40 years old, which is the time when he is in his prime.

It can be said that today is a gathering of young writers in Shanghai, and it is also a gathering of living forces in Shanghai's literary circles.

Wang Anyi and Yan Geling naturally sat together, and everyone's attention was on the two of them.

Different from Wang Anyi's cheerfulness, Yan Geling feels more quiet.She was well-dressed, with a slight smile on her face all the time, and she never relaxed for a moment.

She permed her hair in a big curl, trimmed her eyebrows as slender as willow leaves, and exuded a petty bourgeoisie atmosphere that Shanghai people talked about.But in fact, this petty bourgeoisie atmosphere was not cultivated in Shanghai, it is probably related to her career in the United States in recent years.

In fact, Yan Geling's life is not as decent as it seems on the surface. She has just been divorced for a few years, and now she is studying in the United States alone.

She has probably spent almost all the royalties she earned for her previous works. She had to work and study hard in the United States, and she couldn't focus on her studies and writing.

It is not easy for most domestic writers to live a prosperous life with their manuscript fees. For example, Yan Geling, she has published many well-known works in China, but she has not made much money.

She didn't make a lot of money until Li Tuo asked her to buy the copyright of "Little Fishing Girl" and wanted to make a movie.

And it's just Li Tuo, if he were replaced by other domestic directors, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to give much money.

At this time, Baodao did spend a little more on cultural products. For example, when "Girl's Little Fishing" was published on Baodao, the bonus was 3000 US dollars.

Because of Wang Anyi's special treatment, Yan Geling became interested in Dong. She asked Wang Anyi, "Mr. Wang, what works has Mr. Dong made?"

Her voice was not low, and she didn't ask anyone behind her back.Such a direct questioning method somewhat subverts other people's first impression of her.

Wang Anyi answered her with a smile, "You have been abroad for the past few years and have not paid attention. Yu Dong posted an article "Mending the Sky" in "Zhongshan" before, and it seems that he recently wrote a novel on "Harvest". , I didn't look at the specifics."

Because Wang Anyi is currently stationed at the Writers Association Creation Club, and is regarded as a family with "Harvest", so she knows a little about the news of the magazine.

Cheng Yongxing on the side continued: "It's "The Death of a Widow", which will be published in March. The editor-in-chief of this novel has also read it and has a high evaluation."

After hearing Cheng Yongxing say that the editor-in-chief spoke highly of "The Death of a Widow", other people's expressions became a little different.

At present, the editor-in-chief of the magazine is also held by one of the founders, the literary giant Ba Jin. Ba Jin's position in the domestic literary world is obvious to all, and everyone knows what his evaluation represents.

This young man named Yu Dong may really be famous.

On the other hand, Yan Geling showed a regretful expression, "I'm going to the United States again soon, I'm afraid I won't be able to read this novel in time. But you can buy a copy of "Zhongshan" and read the "Mending the Sky" "."

Cheng Yongxing pretended not to worry and said, "Mr. Yan, you are standing on our "Harvest" site now, why are you going to buy "Zhongshan"?"

Yan Geling laughed: "I see that editor Cheng also has several copies of "Zhongshan" in your office?"

Wang Anyi also smiled and said: "He doesn't only have a few books. If you open his drawer and open the bookcase, you will find that "Zhongshan" is basically one issue."

"This is called being in Cao Ying and being in Han." Sun Ganlu on the other side made a concluding statement.

"Haha, I'm not joking." Cheng Yongxing smiled and waved his hand, "Actually, Chief Judge Li was also coming today, but some things were temporarily unavailable. She also asked me to apologize to you, saying that there is a chance. I want everyone to have tea."

The chief judge Li in Cheng Yongxing's mouth refers to Li Xiaolin, the daughter of the editor-in-chief Mr. Ba Jin.

Because Ba Jin is old and his health is not very good, he often does not stay in the club.

A lot of the work in the club is shared by several other leaders.

In fact, Cheng Yongxing can only be regarded as the top four in the club, including Ba Jin, Li Xiaolin, and another deputy editor-in-chief Xiao Yuanmin.

But a lot of practical work is done by Cheng Yongxing. After all, he is young and energetic.

A bunch of writers are sitting in the same room, and the things they talk about are not too far from the masses, and everyone is talking about trivial things.And many people are not very familiar with each other, so the things they talk about can only be superficial.

Yu Dong would like to thank the two ladies who were there. The men who smoked were very restrained. If they wanted to smoke, they would take the opportunity to go to the toilet to go out.

After chatting for about an hour, the topic gradually shifted to the direction related to literature.

And because of the change of topic, the focus of the speeches on the scene suddenly shifted.For example, Ge Fei, who didn't talk much at first, began to talk more.

He graduated from the Chinese Department and became a teacher. He is very familiar with the concept of literature and has his own opinions.

There are different types of writers, such as Ge Fei, and naturally others like Yu Hua.

In the early stage, Yu Hua was actually writing based on his own feelings, and asking him to talk about literary theories would kill him.

In China, such writers are not rare.There is a saying in China that writers cannot be cultivated.

Now this statement still has a market, but everyone's concept has also changed.

Ge Fei put forward his own views. He did not say that writers can be cultivated, but that writers need to be cultivated.

He still believes that literariness is difficult to cultivate through technical means, but if writers want to better express literariness, they need to be cultivated.

Ge Fei's statement was endorsed by many people at the scene.In fact, this is also a trend. Now many writers are also seeking to improve their writing. These improvements have little to do with literary quality, but can improve the expressiveness of their works in certain aspects.

After Ge Fei finished speaking, Yan Geling also opened her mouth to express her opinion: "I have come up with some different ideas in the past few years in the United States. They have a systematic writing training method, and they have a completely different way of cultivating writers. Way……"

She then spoke roughly about what she had experienced in the United States.

After listening, the expressions of the other writers present were different, and it could be seen that most people did not agree with what Yan Geling mentioned.

In Yan Geling's words, she did a lot of purposeful reading in the United States, and at the same time copied famous masterpieces and conducted vocabulary association training.

 Thank you [Bookworm zore] for the 400 reward
  Thank you for the 100 reward from the big guy
  Thank you [reader 20201019091405921501373] for the 100 reward, why is this number so long...

(End of this chapter)

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