Chapter 864
Looking at the news page that could not be dragged to the end, Hosseini couldn't help feeling that the influence of YU and ABC is really strong, of course, the influence of YU is stronger.

Hosseini took a look at it, and it took more than an hour for ABC to forward his tribe, and his number of fans rose from single digits to four digits.

The reason why YU is more influential is because Hosseini observed the tribes released by ABC before. As an official tribe, ABC's tribes are not low in popularity, but compared to the past, this time the popularity is obviously higher higher.

A tribe posted by ABC usually has hundreds or thousands of comments, but the tribe reposted this time has reached the popularity of the ordinary tribe posted before in an hour.

Looking at the comments of netizens, Hosseini seemed to be dreaming.

The reason why he wrote this article "The Kite Runner" was because he read a piece of news a while ago that Tali b forbade the public to fly kites. This news reminded him of the kite-chasing game he used to play when he was a child, and also thought of playing with him. A partner to play with.

Many netizens said that this is not a novel, but a memoir. Hosseini is powerless to refute it. To some extent, this is indeed a memoir.

When writing this essay, Hosseini had no extra thoughts. He would never have thought that this essay would be read by YU, and YU even made a recommendation for this novel.

He even had some doubts, is his essay really that good?So good that even a great writer like YU admires it?
Hosseini is a very confident person, but his self-confidence is obviously not enough in front of the name YU.

Seeing Hosseini's surprised expression, Fergie leaned over to the computer screen and said with a smile, "I was even more surprised than you when I saw ABC retweet your tribe just now. I was also surprised by the short article you posted. I saw it, but didn't pay attention to it."

[I don’t really read YU’s novels other than sci-fi. May I ask, is expressionism common in YU’s works? 】

[YU's novels cannot be bad. 】

Nearly two hours passed, and the entire program was only half recorded.By the time all the recording of the show is over, it will probably take close to four hours.

Because "The Wandering Earth" did not win an award, many of Liu Cixin's readers were reluctant. They protested, but it was of no use.

As the most influential writer in the science fiction world today, he has not won a Hugo Award and a Nebula Award, which were considered to be the most influential science fiction awards before, which makes it difficult for many people to understand.

Uekawa Masahide said directly, "The question I want to ask YU is, do you think you are qualified to sit with a Nobel Prize winner in literature?"

After Fergie left, Hosseini wanted to close the webpage and concentrate on his work, but he couldn't calm down. He could only look at the computer screen again and read the comments of other netizens.

There are five other questions that students can ask freely.

Moreover, the questions that the person in front stood up to ask were all rubbish questions, with no level at all. He even wondered if it was specially arranged by ABC.

Yu Dong has never seen any scene before. After hearing this question, he didn't get angry. Instead, he smiled and looked at Kenzaburo Oe next to him, "It seems that someone is fighting for Mr. Kenzaburo Oe."


These questions can also be adjusted at any time. For example, in the early stage, Alice Munro made few speeches, so she will be assigned two or even three questions. Other writers have more shots, so they can only arrange one question.

【Oh, this Hosseini is YU's trumpet? 】

【You can be simply understood as bloody, grotesque, violent, inhuman...】

The audience at the scene slowly calmed down and focused on Yu Dong on the stage. Although this question was quite rude, they all wanted to see how Yu Dong would answer.


[Heavy announcement, YU's new work. 】

[Actually, I don’t feel strange about any elements appearing in YU’s works. In addition, what is expressionism? 】

The purpose of these questions is to let the writers say more, so they are some leading questions, and soon, these ten questions will be over.

In the past few years, Yu Dong suddenly stopped writing science fiction novels. This is a good thing for the Nebula Awards and Hugo Awards. They no longer have to be blamed by the audience for not awarding the award to Yu Dong.

Just as he was browsing ABC's comments, a new ABC tribe suddenly popped up.

[It doesn’t feel like science fiction. After all, today’s interview will be attended by traditional writers, and as mentioned above, there are also Expressionism and Kafka. 】

The host smiled and looked at Yu Dong. He had already expected this situation. After all, among the writers, YU was absolutely the most popular among the public.

"No. 11 lucky ones."

This arrangement can avoid too few shots of Alice Munro when the show is broadcast, and the effect is too poor.

What expressionism, what alien civilization, what Kafka, what African culture...

"Doctor Hosseini, like other netizens, I am very much looking forward to the follow-up story." Fergie dragged out a long ending, turned and left with a smile.

【How old is Yu Hua, she's in the later stages...】

There are many places that need to be adjusted. In different situations, different lighting and seat positions are required... many details that ordinary people don't notice and don't care at all. The program team attaches great importance to it.

From his debut to the present, Yu Dong has not won any Hugo Award or Nebula Award except for the article "Falling Mars" co-authored with Hu Changqing.

Hearing the words in the earphones, the host could only smile and say, "It seems that other friends at the scene were as surprised by this friend's question as I was. Let's listen to YU's answer first. Of course, this During the session, guests can also choose to refuse to answer a certain question, and we can skip directly to the next one. The questioner has the freedom to ask questions, and the guests also have the freedom not to answer."

This year, "The Wandering Earth" did not win an award, and some readers protested that it was unfair.

The host looked at the script in front of him and breathed a sigh of relief. Later, he didn't have to think about who should stand up to ask questions, he could choose the questioner at will.

When the production of the program was completed and broadcast to the audience, the program only lasted more than one hour, and this hour-plus also included some introductions by the authors and materials recorded outside the field.

This last comment is a joke.

[Yu Hua's works must be clearly distinguished between the early stage and the late stage. The styles of his works in the two periods are very different. 】

[I didn’t expect that one day we would discuss literature under ABC. 】

This year, Yu Dong suddenly broke out, and he will release several science fiction novels in succession.

[I don't really care about the genre of literature, I only care about whether the book is good or not. 】

Calculated, in the end, the nearly four-hour interview may have to be cut for three hours.

"The man in the green suit, you have been raising your hand since this session, congratulations, now this opportunity is yours."

When Yu Dong saw the face of the man in green at first, he still thought it might be a Chinese, but he didn't expect a neon smell when he opened his mouth.

"Excuse me." Yu Dong said with a smile.

[Now the pressure is on the Hugo Award jury and the Nebula Award jury. 】

Therefore, seeing that Yu Dong was about to release a new book today, someone mentioned this.

There is still a difference between recording a program and a normal literature symposium. Compared with a normal literature symposium, recording a program is obviously much more troublesome. During the recording, you often have to stop to listen to the scheduling of the on-site personnel.

This is a very strange thing.

Uekawa Masahide looked at his green clothes with surprise on his face. He did raise his hand from the beginning, but no matter how hard he raised his hand, the host did not choose him.

The title is short and the content is not long, but in this short tribe, there are many messy elements.

If this is the case, it will be too difficult to cut the later programs.

[This understanding is a bit too rough and one-sided. In fact, what you said is just a means of alienation.Expressionism is difficult to explain in a few words. If you want to understand it, I suggest you read Franz Kafka, and then look for Yu Hua's works. 】

In this session, ABC arranged a total of [-] questions for writers like Yu Dong and the others. Ten of the questions were pre-determined by them.

After being tapped, a staff member handed over the microphone, took the microphone on the fax show, and went straight to the point, "I want to ask YU a question."

In the tribe of ordinary people, once the number of words exceeds a certain number, other people will skip it after reading the title at most, and will not read it carefully at all.

Just when he was about to give up, the host pointed to him.

Oe Kenzaburo also smiled, but the smile was a bit awkward. If the accent of the questioner was not the accent of Neon Country, perhaps the embarrassment would be alleviated a lot.

[I'm so happy, I just read the short article recommended by YU, and got the news of the new book. 】

The second half went on for more than an hour. When the authors on the scene were a little tired, they entered the interactive session with the audience.

It doesn't matter what the subject of the new book is or what the state of mind of the ABC staff is, as long as there is a new book to read, everyone is happy.

As soon as this question came out, the audience was in an uproar. No one expected that someone would ask such an offensive question on an occasion like today.

Alice Munro still has many fans in North America. If there are too few shots, some viewers may object to it.

In fact, it's not that she didn't read it seriously, but just skipped it after reading a title, not knowing what was written in it.

Before ABC forwarded "The Kite Runner", the number of views of this article was more than 100, but in fact, I am afraid that only single digits have actually read this article, and there may even be no one except Hosseini himself. No.

Someone mentioned this matter during the internal meeting of their program group before. If the people who ask questions and the questions to ask questions are not arranged in advance, a situation may arise, that is, most of the questioners will ask questions about YU and other guests. Very few people asked questions.

In the deep space tribe, as long as the user scrolls across a tribe, no matter whether they click in and read carefully, it will be counted as a pageview.

The host was even more taken aback, and quickly glanced at the backstage, but the director said in the headset, "It's okay, go ahead, stabilize the scene."

But no matter for the judging committees of the Xingyun Award or the Hugo Award, the pressure not to award the award to Liu Cixin is far less than the pressure not to award the award to Yu Dong.

In what kind of mental state did the staff of ABC write such a text, Hussein believes that it needs to be studied.

But no matter how difficult this text is to understand, it still ignited the enthusiasm of netizens.

[Is the name of this new book "The Kite Runner"? 】

There was a halftime break of about ten minutes, and the second half continued.

Under such circumstances, some readers joked that they will see if the Xingyun Award and the Hugo Award can not be awarded to Yu Dong next year.

Hosseini never expected that he would see so many elements put together in such a short tribe. What kind of novel is YU going to write?Sound like science fiction?But what does it have to do with Kafka and expressionist literature, and besides, what does African culture mean?

The ten questions arranged by ABC are all well-regulated questions. This session was originally to make up for the lack of individual shots in the previous session.

[Not often, but it is not surprising that he wrote an expressionist work.Quite a few of you present today probably prefer Kafka. 】

Although the Deep Space Tribe has launched the long-post mode, for ordinary people who use the Deep Space Tribe as a social tool, the long-post mode is not often used. Generally, those who post long posts are those big tribe pigs or official accounts.

[It's science fiction, sci-fi fans are having a blast today. 】

[This friend came a bit late and didn't figure it out. "The Kite Runner" is not YU's novel, but someone else's novel recommended by YU. For details, please refer to a tribe on ABC. 】

Being from the same country as such a superficial person was the main reason for Kenzaburo Oe's embarrassment.

"I'll answer the question first." Yu Dong turned to look at the questioner, "I feel that I am qualified to sit with anyone, and similarly, anyone is also qualified to sit with me, just like you It’s like being in the same studio as me.”

"Then, let me talk about the Nobel Prize in Literature. For me, there are two kinds of prizes in this world, one I have won and the other I have not won. The Nobel Prize in Literature belongs to the latter. For the awards I have not won, I have always maintained a kind of awe and respect. From the perspective of awards, Mr. Kenzaburo Oe is a writer who has won the Nobel Prize for Literature that I have not won. He must have needs for me. A place to study."

"But apart from awards, Mr. Oe Kenzaburo is a person I really admire. His noble character is more important than any award. Whether he can win the Nobel Prize in Literature is decided by the judges of each session, but The charisma of Mr. Oe Kenzaburo cannot be judged by a few judges sitting together."

(End of this chapter)

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