Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 865 Blowing out new tricks

Chapter 865 Blowing out new tricks

The audience applauded for Yu Dong's answer, but Shang Chuan Zhenxiu was obviously very dissatisfied with this answer.

Uekawa Masahide continued to ask, "Can I understand that you think the Nobel Prize for Literature is no different from other literary prizes? In "Aesop's Fables", there is a fox who can't eat grapes. He treats the Nobel Prize for Literature, Do you have the same mentality as this fox?"

After Shang Chuan Zhenxiu finished speaking, the host said, "Sir, everyone can only ask one question. You have already asked a question, and Yu has already answered it."

The program team certainly hopes that someone can ask some more tit-for-tat questions, but they can't be too obvious, so after Shang Chuan Zhenxiu asked the question, the director asked the host to stop it.

Of course, Yu Dong also knew what the program crew was thinking, and he was not annoyed, just said with a smile, "I have one thing in common with the fox in the fable, that is, neither of us got grapes—if you compare the Nobel Prize for Literature, If it is a grape. But the difference is that I did not say that the grape is sour. Only those who have eaten the grape have the right to say whether it is sour or sweet, and anyone who has not eaten it can evaluate it. Whether it is sour or sweet is unreasonable."

Speaking of this, Yu Dong turned his head to look at Oe Kenzaburo again, "I think, among all the people here, only Mr. Oe Kenzaburo is qualified to judge whether the Nobel Prize for Literature is sour or sweet."

Oe Kenzaburo saw that Yu Dong threw the topic to him, so he could only say, "In my opinion, if the Nobel Prize in Literature is compared to grapes, it has both a sour side and a sweet side. This one from Neon Sir, I don't know what purpose you are asking these questions, but your behavior makes me feel ashamed, you should not use an award to embarrass such an excellent writer, and in fact, he has the same relationship with this The distance between awards may be closer than the distance between you and your university degree certificate. When you try to use an award to judge a writer, it proves that you do not know enough about literature. In this case, I think , you can give this opportunity today to other friends who are more in need. There are many friends who love literature more than you, but there is no way to come to the scene.”


Uekawa Masahide wanted to say something else, but Oe Kenzaburo waved his hands and continued, "Please don't say anything for me, it will make me feel even more ashamed. I suggest you read YU's works after you go back, and wait for you After reading "The Curse", "Old Book", and "Xiang Xi", I believe that you will also feel ashamed of your behavior today. At that time, you will realize that what you are attacking today is a person who is currently A writer who has made great contributions to human civilization."

After Oe Kenzaburo finished speaking, the applause at the scene became extremely loud, even louder than the applause that Yu Dong had just finished speaking.

Yu Dong, who was sitting by the side, never thought that Kenzaburo Oe would say such an exaggerated sentence.

Yu Dong has heard many words of praise, but in public, this is the first time he has heard such a powerful passage, especially the last sentence "a writer who has made great contributions to human civilization". Dong Du felt a little ashamed.

The director in the studio couldn't help applauding. If he didn't know something about Kenzaburo Oe, he would have doubted whether the Nobel Prize winner had been bought by Deep Space Corporation.

Blow, you can't blow like this.

But that's good too, at least the material is there, and I will cut Oe Kenzaburo's words into the show later, and cooperate with the news that YU will release a new book, the ratings of this episode of the show will definitely not be low.

In addition, in this way, their program group can also please Deep Space Company, and maybe there will be more cooperation opportunities in the later stage.

Now the deep space company has a lot of resources and has signed many well-known stars, and I heard that they are still signing some potential sports stars, and they have begun to enter all walks of life.

As long as you can have a good relationship with Deep Space Company, you will naturally have the opportunity to interview the stars who signed with their company later.

Uekawa Masahide was completely dumbfounded. He didn't expect Oe Kenzaburo, who he tried his best to protect, to give such a high evaluation of Dong. This is no longer what a senior evaluates a junior.

At the same time, being reprimanded by Oe Kenzaburo, Uekawa Masahide also lowered his head. At this time, he especially wanted to find a crack in the ground to get in.

Uekawa Masahide felt very wronged. He was clearly defending Kenzaburo Oe, but he didn't do well with Kenzaburo Oe, and he didn't have the courage to refute Kenzaburo Oe.


After Oe Kenzaburo finished speaking, although there were still a few questions left to ask, the host ended the final questioning session in a timely manner, announcing that today's program recording is over.

After the recording of the program, writers like Yu Dong and others will sign some books as a bonus, and the program team will arrange where these books will go.

The program team will distribute some of the signed books to the college students who came to the scene, and they will open a lottery on the Deep Space Tribe for the remaining books.


Not long after Yu Dong and the others left the ABC building, ABC's official account posted the news of the lottery draw.

This wave of ABC has really made a lot of money. The writers who participated in the talk show are very popular. In addition, most of them are signed with the deep space company, so these tribes of ABC are all popular among the deep space tribes. .

In addition, they will release more than 200 books signed by various authors this time for netizens to draw.

That night, ABC's official account gained [-] fans, and the number of fans continued to increase, showing no signs of abating.

In addition to ABC, Hosseini's personal account has also increased by more than 3 fans, and the speed has not stopped.

Not only did Hosseini increase the number of followers on his personal account by more than 3, but he also received two calls from the publishing house that afternoon.

When he received the call, Hosseini was very surprised. He did not expect that the publisher could find his phone number.

It was later learned that these publishers found him based on the information he had filled out before.

Hosseini spent a lot of time on the Internet, but he didn't actually have much experience in the Internet. When he applied for the account of the Deep Space Tribe, he not only wrote his real name, but also the hospital where he worked.

If others want to find him, they only need to call their hospital and say that they can find Dr. Hosseini, and the people in the hospital will give him the phone number of Hosseini's office.

The two publishing houses had the same meaning, and hoped that Hosseini could expand this short essay into a novella or even a long novel. They were willing to sign a contract with him before the work was completed, and provide various benefits to guarantee his writing.

Hosseini did have the idea of ​​expanding this short article into a full-length article, but he did not know the two publishing houses. Out of caution, Hosseini did not immediately agree to them, but told them that he would consider it.

After returning from get off work, Hosseini told his wife about the matter from beginning to end. After hearing about it, his wife was very supportive of his writing career, but the premise was that it would not affect his job.

Hosseini hadn't thought about how much money he could make. After all, he had a good family background and a good job, and ordinary amounts of money were not attractive to him.

What he longs for is the joy of sharing and the identity of a writer.

After dinner, Hosseini turned on the computer again and logged into the Deep Space Tribe.

There are many more private messages, but what is different from the daytime is that among the many private messages, there is one private message that is at the top.

"Private messages can also be pinned?"

Hosseini couldn't help muttering that he had been playing Deep Space Tribe for a long time, but he didn't receive many private messages, so he didn't know the situation of Deep Space Tribe's private messages, and he had never seen a private message that could be topped.

After a closer look, this private message turned out to be from the official Deep Space Tribe.

[Dear Mr. Hosseini, our company is very interested in your novel "The Kite Runner". May I ask if we can provide a contact number so that we can contact you by phone.If you agree, just click the private message to reply. 】

Seeing the content of the private message, Hosseini's heart beat faster.

Compared with the two publishing houses that contacted him during the day, Deep Space Company is definitely a giant, and the reason why his novels are famous is also because of YU's appreciation, so he was very excited when he saw the letter from Deep Space.

Moreover, this is a private message directly sent by the Deep Space Tribe official, the possibility of fraud is too small.

Without much hesitation, Hosseini directly sent his home phone number to the other party in a private message.

The reply from the other party was also very fast, and they wrote back in less than half a minute.

[Okay, received, the company will arrange professionals to contact you. 】

After receiving the reply, Hosseini browsed the website for a while, and then went to the study. During this time, he was actually preparing to expand "The Kite Runner" into a novel.

It's just that the work efficiency during this period is very low, and he only does a little every day. After what happened today, he suddenly became passionate.

About half an hour later, the phone at home suddenly rang.

The wife who was watching TV in the living room answered the phone, then covered the receiver and shouted to the study, "Honey, I'm looking for you, come out and answer the phone soon."

Hosseini got up and walked out of the study, asking his wife, "Who is looking for me?"

The wife shook her head, "I don't know, it's a young man, he just said he was looking for you."

Perhaps one of his patients, Hosseini thought.

Although it is rare for patients to call home directly, it is not uncommon.

After answering the phone, Hosseini said, "This is Hosseini, who are you?"

The person on the other end of the phone smiled and said, "Hello, Mr. Hosseini, I'm YU. I'm sorry to call to disturb you at such a late hour."

"YU?" Hosseini whispered.

The wife on the sofa heard Hosseini's voice full of surprise, her eyes widened, and the meaning expressed in the eyes was very obvious: Who are you talking about?
"Well, I'm YU, and I asked the staff of the Deep Space Tribe to ask for your contact information." Yu Dong, who was opposite, explained.

Really YU!

Hosseini took a deep breath, calmed down his excitement, and said casually, "I'm glad to receive your call, Mr. YU. Thank you for recommending "The Kite Runner". Thanks to you, so many People know the short text."

Yu Dong said with a smile, "gold will shine wherever it is buried. Even if I don't recommend it, it will be known to everyone sooner or later. What I do is to let people discover it earlier. I am calling you for the purpose of It’s very simple, on behalf of Deep Space Corporation, I would like to express your willingness to cooperate with you. If you have an idea to expand this short article into a novel, Deep Space Corporation is willing to help you complete all other things other than writing, so that you can concentrate on writing.”

Husseini and his wife looked at each other, "Of course I hope to cooperate with Deep Space Corporation, and I am also willing to expand "The Kite Runner" into a full-length novel. In fact, I am already doing this. Picking you up I was writing the outline of the story in the study before the phone call."

"I'm very happy to hear such good news. I can't wait to see the full-length novel. If you have time, I will have someone discuss the details of the cooperation with you this week."

Although Husseini was very excited, he still maintained his rationality. Hearing what Yu Dong said, he asked with concern, "Excuse me, will our cooperation affect my job?"

Yu Dong laughed, "Whether it will affect my job, I can't give you a clear answer, but I believe that after the staff discuss the details with you, you will have your own judgment. In fact, objectively, we have Writers do not have any constraints, so there is no situation that affects their work. But subjectively, whether it will be affected or not depends on yourself.”


After Hosseini hung up the phone, his wife, who had been holding herself silent for a long time, finally called out, "That was YU just now?!"

Hosseini nodded, "Well, didn't you hear everything?"

The wife said excitedly, "I didn't expect that I would talk to Yu one day. My dear, will we have a chance to meet him in the future? Apart from him, will we have the chance to meet Yuan and Hao?"

"Yuan and Hao? Who are they? Are they also writers?" Hosseini looked puzzled, these two names made him feel very strange. .

"It's the hero and heroine in the TV series "Song of the Stars and the Moon" that I have watched several times, and I cry every time. Don't you know, this TV series was filmed by Deep Space Company, and I heard that YU is from Deep Space Company One of the bosses, if you can see him, you should be able to see Yuan and Hao."

Hearing his wife's words, Husseini couldn't help curling his lips.

That's YU, a world-class writer, and his wife actually wanted to meet two TV drama actors through him.

But seeing his wife so happy, Hosseini was also very happy. He smiled and said, "It should be fine."

The wife said again, "Then do we have a chance to attend the Deep Space Annual Meeting? Then we will be able to see a lot of stars."

" should be fine."

The wife's eyes have begun to shoot stars, and she has begun to imagine the scenes of seeing those big stars. She will introduce to others: I am the wife of the great writer Khaled Hosseini.

(End of this chapter)

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