Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 869 This Marghini Looks Like a Leader

Chapter 869 This Marghini Looks Like a Leader
After Yu Dong finished speaking, there was silence on the other end of the phone for a while, and Yu Dong thought it was a problem with the signal, which is normal for cross-border calls.

"Hello?" Yu Dong asked.

"Cough cough." A soft cough came from the opposite side, "I'm here, listening."

"Oh, you don't make a sound, I thought it was a bad signal."

"I am... Yuanwai, can you really lend me "The Da Vinci Code" in advance at a price of 650 million?"

Hearing Zhang Yimou's words, Yu Dong was taken aback.

Yu Dong was actually joking when he said that he gave Zhang Yimou "The Da Vinci Code" on credit, because he didn't think Zhang Yimou would listen to it.

This kind of empty-handed white wolf practice is actually very common, and many people are doing it, but Zhang Yimou is only a director after all, and he has never done this kind of thing before.

But now it seems that Zhang Yimou listened to the words and showed great interest.

Yu Dong pondered for a moment, then said, "If you want, of course I can lend you "The Da Vinci Code" on credit, and then you can find investment with the right to adapt it, but you have never done this kind of thing. I'm worried that you will be tricked by someone."

"President Qu still has a childlike innocence." Yu Liang said with emotion.

The sci-fi themed event officially started today, and the two of them also made some disguises and came out for a "private visit" to see the scene.

"A lot of neon people came to this event. It seems that this kind of event is quite attractive to them."

"I know this, so we can't follow the old path and open up another market."

To put it another way, this is a means of monetizing his fame and his relationship with Yu Dong, because he has a good relationship with Yu Dong and got the film and television adaptation rights of "The Da Vinci Code", and because he directed "Golden "Dreamland" gained fame, so some people were willing to believe him and give him the money to make a movie.

"I want to buy the film and television adaptation rights of "The Da Vinci Code."

"Of course I'm in a hurry, sign the contract early, and we can get back the film and television adaptation rights earlier."

"Well, I wrote down the names of these people, and I'll look for their information later."

Jimmy nodded, "Matthew McConaughey is indeed inappropriate. First of all, the age is wrong. Professor Langdon should be over 40 years old. In fact, Bruce Willis, Tom Hanks, Kevin Spacey, Robin Williams... No, Robin is a little short, and Mel Gibson is fine too, but he may not have time, he's been busy recently."

At first, Zhang Yimou was a little worried. After all, he was afraid of any risks with such a big project.

But after listening to Jimmy's analysis, he found that there was no need to worry too much, because even if the movie ended up losing money, he would not lose a dime personally, and he could earn a director's fee.

"It's still too hot during the day, otherwise there would be a lot of people outside the stadium."

"Well, I know, the boss you are talking about is an online novel. We are doing all of these, and it has achieved some results. I just saw a neon man cosplaying Zijin God of War. That is the character in Zhao Yan's novel "The Hammer King" .”

In addition, the Cucumber Garden Science Fiction Association also produced many short sci-fi films, and a TV was set up at the scene to play them back and forth.

Just like recruiting funds, it doesn't mean that after he gets the right to adapt the film and television, someone will rush to invest in him, but he needs to do some preparatory work.

After walking for a while, Yu Yue smiled and pointed to a booth on the east side, "That seems to be the booth of the Cucumber Garden Science Fiction Association."


After approaching the booth, Yu Dong shrugged his shoulders with a smile when he saw several staff members who were too busy to touch the ground, "It seems that they don't have time to talk to us."

Hearing that Qu Aiguo had brought people to distribute leaflets, Yu Dong raised his eyebrows and was a little ashamed. He was wrong about Qu Aiguo, this guy was not playing, but was working hard.

Jimmy smiled and said, "You've already talked to him, well, since he said to sell it, he will sell it to you, but do you have so much money? You have a share of "Golden Dreamland", but not so much, and these Haven't you got the money yet?"

Compared with winter, summer is the peak season of the deep space park. With various activities, it is not surprising that the number of visitors exceeds the annual meeting.

"So, this is not to come to you to learn from the scriptures."

In fact, they are not all sci-fi fans, there are also some fantasy fans, fantasy fans, and many sci-fi fans.

"Okay, no problem, I'll go straight to Jimmy."

Yu Dong curled his lips and said, "That kid must have gone to play by himself."


"Haha, I know this even if you don't tell me. Besides, there are only so many actors I know. I thought about continuing to use Matthew McConaughey, but the role of Langdon is not suitable for Matthew McConaughey. .”

However, Zhang Yimou is quite confident. He believes that he is fully capable of making "The Da Vinci Code", just like making "Golden Dreamland".

The only thing he has to worry about is that if the movie is not shot well, it will damage his brand, but in fact, no matter whether he recruits funds or not, as long as he directs, the film will damage his brand if the movie is not shot well.

Zhang Yimou has watched many American movies, but some actors look familiar to him, but he can't name them.

Yu Dong said with a smile, "I see that there are so many tourists in your booth, why are there only a few of you?"

There are many booths on site, displaying various sci-fi books and sci-fi peripherals, some of which are privately furnished, and some are set up by sci-fi associations from various countries.

The young man explained, "The president took a few members to other places to distribute leaflets."

If he wants to attract high-quality funds, he still needs to determine the script, shooting plan, etc., and it is best to get investment from a film company first... This is not difficult, and it can be handed over to Deep Space Company.

"Okay, then I'll sell "The Da Vinci Code" to you for $650 million, just tell Jimmy about it."

The booths in the venue are of different sizes. After each unit applies, the organizer Deep Space Company will allocate booths to them according to the actual situation.

Zhang Yimou laughed and said, "I didn't come here for the box office of "Golden Dreamland", I have another matter."

Because Zhang Yimou was not familiar with this set before, Jimmy told him from the most basic, and Zhang Yimou also listened very seriously, he is indeed very interested in this set of Hollywood.

Jimmy nodded, "650 million US dollars, this price is reasonable, it seems that you have carefully understood it."

The association shoots sci-fi short films, not mainly for profit, but mainly for the purpose of cultivating relevant talents and allowing some new directors and actors to gain experience.

Yu Dong turned his head to look, then nodded. It was indeed the booth of the Cucumber Garden Science Fiction Association.

After the NO.14 Galaxy Awards ceremony, the sci-fi themed activities officially started, and the number of people in the venue reached a peak, even more than the number of people in the annual meeting.

After receiving the investment from Deep Space Corporation and signing the contract, Zhang Yimou can bring the contract and the preparation materials to solicit investment.

"Gentlemen, is there anything I can do for you?" the young man asked.

After listening to Jimmy, Zhang Yimou also realized that things were not that simple.

Leaning back on the sofa, Jimmy held a teacup and said with a smile, "Old Mouzi, call me at this time. What's the matter? I want to ask about the box office of "Golden Dreamland". Didn't I tell you about these things? Just ask Link directly, he is responsible for the data.”

Yu Yu nodded, "There are a little less people, why don't you see President Qu?"

"Go and have a look."

"Good, keep trying."

At the end, Jimmy said, "For such a movie, the movie itself may not be as important as the commercial operation. Since it is a commercial operation, it is natural to consider more commercial aspects. In this way, you need to consider some Actors with box office appeal, try not to use new actors, then the production cost of this movie will not be low."

There were quite a few people around the booth, from various countries. Several staff members of the booth were busy introducing the Cucumber Garden Science Fiction Association and the works promoted by their association to these tourists.

The Cucumber Garden Science Fiction Association has developed very well in recent years and has a large scale, so they were allocated a relatively large booth. They were very willing to spend money themselves, and they even built a large billboard behind the booth, which said a row of The big characters "Cucumber Garden Science Fiction Association" allow people to see them at a glance from a long distance.

"It's not strong enough. The influence of our film and television and animation works in Neon still hasn't met expectations. We have to work hard in this regard."

"That's right, the staff told me that they are willing to lend me "The Da Vinci Code" at a price of 650 million US dollars, and I will give you the money after I get the investment." Zhang Yimou explained.

"Don't worry about it, let them go. There are no booths for these works, and there are not too many people, so they don't pose any threat."

"In such a hurry?"

Hearing Jimmy say such a long list of names, Zhang Yimou has never heard of some of them.

The two looked down at the books and peripheral works on the booth, and after a while, a tall and thin young man came over with his head full of sweat.


Jimmy thought for a while and said, "In this way, you first set up a company, then find some interested companies to jointly produce, and then pay yourself, the compensation consists of two parts as before, one part is a fixed salary, and the other part is You can decide how much you want to share the revenue, and you can even out the money you owe on credit. Of course, before that, you have to calculate the production cost of the movie, so that when others come to invest, you can It’s easy to calculate how much to give them. Movie revenue is divided into several types, and the share you give to investment companies should also be broken down into..."

If we say that the deep space park in July is full of flowers, then the deep space park after August [-] will be a world of science fiction.

"It's not that I have seriously understood it, but I talked with the staff, and he said that he sold it to me for 650 million U.S. dollars."

The Cucumber Garden Science Fiction Association has produced many sci-fi short films over the years, but the most famous of them is the award-winning "Bring Her Eyes". After all, this novel was later made into a feature film and won a high award box office.

"We are working hard, but we are far behind in some aspects, and it will be difficult to catch up for a while."

"There are so many people here. If it weren't for the opening of the other two venues, a sci-fi themed pavilion would definitely not work."

"I just saw some people cosplaying neon cartoon characters, do you want to take care of them?"

Jimmy suddenly realized, "Oh, it turned out that I wanted to be an empty-handed white wolf, old schemer, you have learned badly when you look at the honesty. But this will work, "Golden Dreamland" has performed well at the box office, and you have been in Hollywood recently. Hong, if you go out and sell the film and television adaptation rights of "The Da Vinci Code", you will definitely be able to attract investment. But Lao Mouzi, attracting investment is only the first step, and it is also a very simple matter. How to make the benefits How to maximize your own rights is the most important thing.”

Although it is summer now, considering that many cosplayers will wear thick clothes, the air conditioning in the venue is very full.

Jimmy smiled and said, "Don't worry about it, I'll find the information for you, and you can see which actor is suitable. In addition, come over sometime, we signed the contract for the transfer of film and television adaptation rights of "The Da Vinci Code" .”

Although the Galaxy Awards ceremony was held on August [-]th, and the sci-fi themed activities started after that, a large number of sci-fi fans came from all over the world before that, until August [-]th, the park was basically closed. Occupied by sci-fi fans.

Among the bustling crowd, two men wearing makini zombie hoods walked and chatted. They were none other than Yu Dong and Yu Yue.

Therefore, people can often see some strange scenes, such as a little playboy standing next to the makini zombie.

Yu Dong smiled, this matter made him feel very interesting.

"another thing?"

Zhang Yimou blurted out, "650 million dollars."

In fact, Zhang Yimou is quite successful in adapting novels to movies. His previous successful movies were basically adapted from novels.

Jimmy raised his eyebrows and said in surprise, "You want to buy the film and television adaptation rights of "The Da Vinci Code"? Lao Mouzi, we are old friends, it's not that I underestimate you, you know "Da Vinci Code" How much does the film and television adaptation rights of "Code" cost?"

There are still many details in it, and Jimmy told Zhang Yimou one by one, which simply opened the door to a new world for Zhang Yimou.

Zhang Yimou said with a smile: "It's okay, I won't be able to go to Jimmy to teach me, he must be very familiar with this matter."

But even so, the young man was still sweating profusely in short sleeves, which showed that he was really busy at the moment.

Jimmy had just finished talking with Spielberg about the filming of "A Game of Cat and Mouse" when he received a call from Zhang Yimou.

"Leaflets need to be handed out, but the booths must also be guarded. Later, we need to add more staff. Are you short of manpower?"

"That's not true. There are still some members, but they won't arrive until a while."

"Yeah." Yu Dong nodded.

Seeing Yu Dong like this, the young man couldn't help but patted his head, thinking, why do these two makinis look like leaders?Especially this red-faced markini, I always feel that I have seen this temperament before.

(End of this chapter)

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