Chapter 870
Seeing that the two of them had nothing to help, the young man was about to turn around to receive other tourists when the blue-faced Maggini spoke.

"Young man, do you give away these manuals and CDs for free?"

The young man smiled and said, "These manuals are free, but the CDs are not. These CDs cost five yuan each."

"It's so cheap." Yu Yu said unexpectedly.

The young man explained, "The production of these discs is not for making money. The main purpose of collecting money is to cover the cost. Originally, the president wanted to give it away for free, but later found that he couldn't afford it, so he changed it to a fee."

Yu Dong nodded, knowing that free is good for publicity, but the problem is that free consumes too much.

However, in Yu Dong's opinion, this thing still has to be free. If you are worried about the cost, you can increase the gift threshold.Otherwise, few people would be willing to pay for it.

Five yuan is indeed very cheap, but the short films in it are all made by the Cucumber Garden Association, which is actually useless to others.Since it is useless, let alone five yuan, it is only one yuan, and most people are not willing to pay, that is, those science fiction fans are willing to spend money.

But if only sci-fi fans are willing to spend money, then it is meaningless. Their original purpose is to make more non-sci-fi fans fall in love with sci-fi.

The margin was similar to Yu Dong's idea, and he asked, "Then how many CDs have you sold?"

Hearing the question about the remaining amount, the young man gave a wry smile, "I don't know how many were sold, but when we set up the booth, we brought a batch of goods, about [-] pieces, and now there are so many left."

"I can't do that." Yu Liang sighed, "The purpose of making this disc is for publicity, but now it seems that charging this five yuan has blocked the road."

The young man pushed the frame of the glasses, "We know the truth, but I really can't afford to give it away for nothing."

"Is the funding of your association so tight now? How many dollars does a disc cost at most, and 10 copies are sent out every year, which is only a few [-] yuan. You can't afford it? Like this week's theme event, the most before and after In half a month, how many copies can be sent out? Twenty to thirty thousand are the best?"

The young man couldn't help being speechless. He didn't expect that a few hundred thousand yuan was so light in the mouth of this blue-faced markini.In the past two years, the economy has developed rapidly, and households with ten thousand yuan are not uncommon, but hundreds of thousands are still a huge sum of money in the eyes of ordinary people. After all, the wages of ordinary workers are only a few hundred yuan, and they can earn less than 10 yuan a year. Yuan money.

Although he didn't know the identities of these two markinis, the young man still patiently explained: "The cost is one aspect, and there is another aspect. I'm afraid that someone with evil intentions will come to us to 'buy'. This kind of situation happened, some people came to pick up CDs many times, and then transferred them to the street stall, labeled them as Hollywood science fiction blockbusters, and sold them for two yuan a piece, and the business was pretty good. Knowing this situation at the time, our president wanted to follow They have learned to go out and set up stalls."

Yu Dong and Yu Liang glanced at each other, and they all laughed under the mask. It turned out that the Cucumber Garden Science Fiction Association had been plucked by someone and had a psychological shadow.

"That can also set a threshold, or give it away with other things. A while ago, Yu Dong just released a new book, so you can carry out activities, as long as you buy a copy of "Wall-E", you can get a CD. In this way, no Can it prevent people from buying goods from your association, and it can also promote the sales of Yu Dong's novels, killing two birds with one stone." Yu Yu said.

"The president has also thought about this move, but it is not easy to accomplish this. We must first talk to those bookstores one by one, and the owner of the bookstore agrees. It stands to reason that this is a good thing. After all, we don't want the boss to come out It's a penny, but it's so good that the bookstore owner doesn't want to do it. In addition, we handed the CD to the bookstore owner, and there is no way to be sure that the boss will definitely give it away. A takeaway, after all, we don't have any means to restrict the boss."

Yu Yu thought for a while and said, "To solve this problem, there is a way, that is to directly seal the CD and the new book together, or wrap them together with tape."

The young man smiled, "Sir, you really know how to joke, how can this be done, and it's not appropriate to bundle the CD with Teacher Yu's new book."

Yu Yu shook his head, "It doesn't have to be tied to Yu Dong's new book, but it can also be tied to other authors' new books, isn't there a short film adapted from Fushui and Liu Cixin's works on your CD, waiting for them to release a new book At that time, you can discuss with the publishing house to bundle the CD with the new book. And you can’t bundle every book, only the special edition can be bundled. Now you sell a CD for five yuan, no one buys it, and He also lowered his own value. Although the discs are full of short films, the quality is not bad, so there is no need to make yourself so cheap."

The young man blinked, "Sir, have you read the contents of the CD?"

Yu Yu nodded and said, "Well, I've seen it. I got it for free before. I think this series can be done frequently."

"Yes, we also hope that this series can continue. It was because I saw the short film "Bring Her Eyes" before that I decided to come to Jinyi to study." The young man said with emotion.

Hearing the young man say that he is from Jinyi, Yu Dong asked in surprise, "Are you from Jinyi? Drama Academy?"

The young man shook his head, "No, I majored in animation at the School of Media and Communication, and I just enrolled last year."

"Oh, no wonder."

At the beginning, Yu Dong heard young people say that he decided to come to Jin Yi after watching "Bring Her Eyes". He thought he was in the drama department, and wondered why he looked strange at the other party.

The students in the drama department basically all take Tai Dong's class.

The young man said again, "I loved drawing when I was young, so I have to take the art test when I take the art test, unlike animation, which can be directly tested."

Yu Yu smiled and said, "Jin Yi's unified recruitment of animation majors is not low now."

"It's not low, I almost failed the exam."

Jinyi now has many majors that are not limited to art candidates. For example, animation majors can also be recruited in a unified way, but the score line is very high. In the past two years, it is basically the same as the score line of Jinling Agricultural University in the same city. do not come in.

Students and parents are very realistic when applying for the school. Jinyi has a good job now, and the professional prospect of the set is very good. Naturally, they are willing to fill in Jinyi.

Take the animation major as an example. At first glance, it seems that this major is average in the current domestic market, and it is not easy to find a job after graduation. However, there are few talents in this field in China, and after graduation, you can go to the deep space company directly, so there is no employment pressure at all. .

The two chatted with the young man for a while, when Qu Aiguo suddenly ran over sweating profusely.

Walking to the edge of the booth, Qu Aiguo dragged a chair over, sat down on his buttocks, and said out of breath, "It's really not a place for people to stay outside. I just went out for a while, and my body was sweating like rain. Xiao Guo, do we still have water, bring me a bottle."

The young man smiled and took out a bottle of mineral water from under the booth and handed it over, "President, why don't I go out and help distribute the leaflets for a while? Do you want to rest here for a while?"

Qu Aiguo gulped down his saliva first, then waved his hands and said, "No, I'll let them all in later, and there's no need to hang out outside."

"President, didn't you say that you want to seize the opportunity and deliver the leaflets to tourists before other booths?"

"That's what I said, but it's too hot outside, and the body is more important." Qu Aiguo saw the two markinis standing there, and said with a smile, "My buddy's headgear is very chic, and it's red One blue."

Yu Yu said with a smile, "There is no way, the funds are limited, so we can only perfunctory."

"Hey, it's not bad if you can get the whole headgear. I saw a little boy just now to be perfunctory. I just put a cloth strip on my head with the words "little boy" written on it..."

"It's really perfunctory."

"Hahaha, isn't it, they... Hey, buddy, your voice sounds familiar to me."

Yu Yu had deliberately lowered his voice, but now he didn't, and said with a smile, "We just talked yesterday, don't you remember?"

Qu Aiguo jumped up all of a sudden, "Mr. Yu! Why do you—"

Yu Yu made a silent motion.

Qu Aiguo hurriedly shut up, "I understand, I understand, private visits on Weifu, but you are here, so I will..."

In the middle of speaking, Qu Aiguo suddenly looked at the red-faced Maggini, "Could it be possible?"

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Yu Liang and I will see if you go to play by yourself."

Qu Aiguo quickly waved his hand, "No, no, absolutely not. I have been leading the way and leading them to distribute leaflets. Xiao Guo can prove it to me, Xiao Guo, don't you think so?"

At this time, Xiao Guo was already stunned. Although Qu Aiguo did not call Yu Dong's name, he had already guessed who the two people in the hood were, and Yu Dong even called Yu Yu's name.

The name Yu Yu is quite famous among Jin Yi's students, after all, he is the helm of Deep Space China.After graduation, Jinyi students will become employees of Deep Space Corporation and subordinates of Yuyu.

"Xiao Guo, you are talking." Qu Aiguo slapped Xiao Guo on the shoulder.

Xiao Guo nodded quickly, "Yes, yes, the president has been leading everyone to work."

Yu Dong smiled, "Xiao Guo already said it before coming here, it is naturally worthy of praise to take the lead, but as the chairman, there are many other things that need to be considered and resolved by you. As for the matter of the CD, Mr. Yu just made some comments , you go to his office later, you two have a good chat."

"Okay, I'll definitely go."

"Well, you are busy, let's go to other places to see. Add more people to the booth, Xiao Guo and the others are too busy."

"Well, people will come soon, don't worry, Brother Dong."

"Okay, let's go."

After finishing speaking, Yu Dong was about to leave the booth with Yu Liang, but Xiao Guo suddenly said, "Teacher Yu, can you sign me?"

Yu Dong turned around to look at Xiao Guo, nodded with a smile, "Of course, where can I sign?"

Xiao Guo grabbed a copy of "Second World" from the booth, and took a pen, "Just sign it."

Qu Aiguo rolled his eyes, "This belongs to the public, you have to pay it back later."

Xiao Guo nodded again and again, "I'll go to the second floor to buy a copy in a while."

Yu Dong took the "Second World" with a smile, first wrote his name on the title page, and then asked Xiao Guo, "What's your name? I'll just write Xiao Guo?"

"No no no, Teacher Yu, my name is Guo Fan, Guo of the city, Fan of Fengfan."

"Guo Fan." Yu Dong read out the name and stared at Xiao Guo again.

Xiao Guo in front of him is about the same size as Yu Dong, about 1.8 meters tall, thin, wearing a pair of glasses, looking energetic, a little shy in the sun.

Yu Dong didn't think this kid looked familiar at first, but after hearing the word "Guo Fan", he took a closer look and recognized it. This seemed to be Guo Fan, the director of "The Wandering Earth".

At this time, Guo Fan looked very young, only about 20 years old, and his eyes were still a little green.

Not long before Yu Dong passed away, he watched this movie on a video website. He heard that Guo Fan was planning to make "The Wandering Earth 2", but he didn't know if he would make it later.

After pondering for a while, Yu Dong wrote "To Guo Fan" on the title page, and then returned the book to Guo Fan.

Guo Fan loved it as if he had found a treasure, "Thank you Teacher Yu."

Yu Dong looked at the happy Guo Fan and asked with a smile, "Are you interested in making movies?"

Guo Fan was stunned for a moment, "Why does Teacher Yu ask such a question?"

"Oh, it's nothing, I just heard you say that Jin Yi came here because she watched the short film "Bring Her Eyes", and wondered if you are interested in making movies."

Guo Fan nodded, "I'm quite interested. In fact, I'm studying animation now, which has something to do with making movies."

"Well, it has something to do with it." Yu Dong smiled, "You guys should be busy."


After Yu Dong and the others walked away, Qu Aiguo patted Guo Fan who was still in a daze, "Don't look, everyone has disappeared. You don't see Brother Dong every day at school, what's so strange."

Guo Fan shook his head, "How could it be possible to see him every day? The students from the School of Drama see Mr. Yu a little more often. He usually doesn't go out except for class. Moreover, seeing is seeing, close contact like this Not the same."

Qu Aiguo pouted, "What is this? When I was in school, I went to Brother Dong's dormitory every day. He really liked me."

"It is said that Teacher Yu is very strict. It seems that Senior Sister Yan Danchen and the others have been scolded and cried by Teacher Yu before."

"Hey, that's for others. Brother Dong treats me differently. Brother Dong is the only child at home. I'm no different from his own brother."

Guo Fan raised his eyebrows and asked doubtfully, "President, aren't you a year older than Teacher Yu?"

Qu Aiguo said unhappily, "What's wrong with being one year older? I can't be his younger brother if I'm one year older? Your book is public property and cannot be taken away. I will confiscate it for you."

Saying that, Qu Aiguo was going to get the "Second World" in Guo Fan's hand, Guo Fan hurriedly took a few steps back, and ran away, "I'll go to the second floor to buy a copy now."

(End of this chapter)

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