Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 871 Housing Agent and My Grandson Chen Tao

Yu Dong was in a good mood after meeting Guo Fan.

For a long time, Yu Dong has been consciously cultivating domestic commercial film directors.

The original excellent directors, such as Zhang Yimou, were originally good at making literary and artistic films, but under the guidance of Yu Dong, they also began to enter the field of commercial films, and Zhang Yimou performed very well.

In addition to the original well-known directors, Yu Dong also intends to train some new directors, such as Lu Xi who graduated from Jinyi.

Lu Xi shot many works when he was in school, including the short film "Bring Her Eyes" that Guo Fan was obsessed with, and later filmed "That Mountain, That Man, That Dog", which became famous in the industry in one fell swoop.

In the middle, he shot a lot of short films and commercials to practice his hands. Later, he went to the crew of "The Martian" as an assistant director, and completed the filming of "The Martian" with Spielberg.

Lv Xi's path as a director is a step-by-step approach, and he is very solid, and he is an all-rounder, able to control movies of any theme.

When Lu Xi succeeds in leveling, Yu Dong will arrange for him to enter Hollywood and start his own career.

It is not easy to train a Lu Xi, and a lot of resources need to be paid, but if there are young people like Guo Fan who later proved their talents, then the training has more goals and is much simpler.

Guo Fan has potential, as long as Yu Dong gives a little guidance, he will be able to come out, even better than in the previous life.


At the entrance of the sci-fi themed pavilion, Mitarai Nanaya watched the lively scene inside the venue through the glass, and felt a sense of pilgrimage in her heart.

After hearing on the Internet that Jinling had a sci-fi themed event in August, Mitarai Nanaya made up her mind to visit Jinling and the Deep Space Park.

The atmosphere at the scene was even more lively than he expected. Some people on the Internet said that the Deep Space Park was huge, and Mitarai Nanaya thought that the netizens were exaggerating. After watching the scene, he realized that what the netizens said was quite conservative.

Every theme pavilion here is comparable to a modern science and technology museum, but there are more than a dozen venues of this scale in the park.

Mitarai Nanaya really wanted to enter the venue now and join other tourists, but he had to guard the door, because before coming to Jinling, he met a netizen.

The netizen met on the Deep Space Tribe, and his name is a housing agency. The two met because of science fiction, and they chatted quite well. The other party told him that he was from Kyoto and was studying abroad in China.

Hearing that Mitarai Nanaya wants to come to Jinling to play, the real estate agency expressed a warm welcome. The two met today at the gate of the science fiction themed pavilion. In order to facilitate their recognition, they also agreed on a token. curse".

The cover of the neon version of "Curse" is blood red, very conspicuous and easy to recognize, so he proposed to use this as a token.

After staying under the sun for a long time, finally a young man in his 20s came running over with sweat on his head and said in Japanese, "Are you Mitarai?"

Mitarai Nanaya looked at the other party with a look of surprise, what surprised him was not the other party's appearance, but the accent.

The real estate agent clearly stated that he was from Kyoto, but his accent was nothing like that.

"Are you a house?" Mitarai Nanaya asked.

The other party smiled, "Yes, yes, I am the real estate agent, have you been waiting for a long time?"

The accent of this sentence is even more wrong. Not only is it as simple as not having a Kyoto accent, but it sounds like a foreigner, but Mitarai Nanaya is too embarrassed to ask, so she can only say, "I also just arrived. how long."

The real estate agent scratched his head, "Haha, that's good, let's go in. I've been to the Deep Space Park twice, so I'm familiar with it. Let me show you around."

"Okay, sorry to bother you."

Mitarai Nanaya nodded. Although the accent of the real estate agent made him feel a little strange, seeing the familiarity of the real estate agent made him feel quite at ease.

In fact, the real estate agent was more familiar with the Deep Space Park than he said. After entering the sci-fi themed pavilion, the real estate agent began to introduce the layout of the venue and the information of each booth to Mitarai Nanaya.

"Some of the stalls here are just here today, and I'm not familiar with them, but you don't have to worry about them. After all, there are too many stalls here, and it's impossible to figure out all of them. We only need to figure out a few. For example, the Cucumber Garden Science Fiction Association, or the YU Umbrella Association, I remember you are also a member of the YU Umbrella Association?"

Mitarai Nanaya nodded and said, "Well, I am an online member of the YU Umbrella Association."

In principle, the YU Umbrella Association only recruits members in North America, but there are also some science fiction fans in other countries who want to join the association, so the association launched a special member, that is, the online member.

In fact, an online member only has one title, which proves that you are a member of the YU Umbrella Association, but the benefits of the association basically have nothing to do with online membership.Network members also have obligations. For example, if the association has any activities on the network, network members must actively participate, and sometimes there are even rigid regulations.

For example, before the official deep space tribe released the release news of the new book "Wall-E", the association stipulated that every online member must repost and comment on this news.

Although there is no supervision, most network members consciously abide by these rules.

The real estate agent smiled, "I'll take you to the YU Umbrella Association in a while. Their booth is very big. The two vice presidents who led the team this time are also very familiar with me."

Mitarai Nanaya was surprised, "Do you also know the vice president of the Yu Umbrella Association?"

"Haha, we have chatted many times on the Internet."

Mitarai Nanaya couldn't help but sighed, "House, your communication skills are too strong. By the way, you said that you are studying at Jinling University, right? So you are familiar with the deep space park?"

The real estate agent nodded with a smile, "I've been in Jinling for a long time, and I'm not only familiar with the Deep Space Park, but I'm also familiar with other places in Jinling. Don't rush to leave this time, I'll take you to other places .”

"It's really troublesome for you."

"No trouble."

The two chatted while walking, and Mitarai Nanaya suddenly saw two cosplayers cosplaying Saint Seiya, and said strangely, "Isn't it a sci-fi themed event? Why are there still cosplayers playing Saints?"

The real estate agent shrugged, "Anyway, the organizer has no restrictions, they can pretend to be whatever they want."

Mitarai Nanaya shook her head and sighed, "House, this kind of behavior is very inappropriate, and it will make people resent Saint Seiya. For this event, we Neon should have many people coming, right?"

"Well, there are quite a lot, but don't worry, this kind of situation is also rare..."

The real estate agent was about to continue talking, when suddenly a staff member wearing a badge greeted the real estate agent, "Hi, Xiaotao, are you here?"

"Brother Hongfei, bring a friend over for a stroll, it's his first time here."

Ren Hongfei glanced at Mitarai Nanaya, and nodded, "Then you have fun with your friends, and I won't accompany you. If you need anything, you can mention it at any time."

"Okay, Brother Hongfei."

After Ren Hongfei left, Mitarai Nanaya looked at the real estate agent, "House, was that person a staff member of the Deep Space Company just now? I think he has a work permit hanging in front of him."

Although Mitarai Nanaya didn't understand Chinese, she knew the Chinese characters for "work permit".

He felt more and more strange about the real estate agent. The real estate agent seemed to be too familiar with the Deep Space Park, not only familiar with the environment here, but also familiar with the people here.

The real estate agent said with a smile, "I come here often, and I know the staff here. It's nothing. If you come here often, you can also get to know them well."

"You seem to be fluent in Chinese."

"Normally, do you understand?"

"I don't understand, but I feel very fluent. It feels more natural when you speak Chinese than when you speak Neon. In addition, although it is very rude, I have to say that your accent is a bit heavy in Neon. .”

The real estate agent looked at Mitarai Nanaya with a smile, "I didn't expect that you still have such doubts. I thought that as soon as you saw me, you already knew that I was Chinese, and you deliberately didn't tell the truth."


"Which neon man have you ever seen called a real estate agent?"

Mitarai Nanaya scratched her head, "Is the real estate agency strange?"

From Mitarai Nanaya's point of view, the name real estate agent is really normal, and there are many people who call it "intermediary" in Neon.As for surnames, Neon has 10,000+ surnames, and it is not surprising that the surname is Fang, and there is a family with the surname of Fang near Mitarai Nanaya's house.

"Uh, so you didn't have any doubts about the name 'my grandson Chen Tao' before?"

Mitarai Nanaya's eyes widened, "Isn't 'my grandson Chen Tao' also a neon person? We really have a grandson named my grandson there, and there is a tailor shop about 100 meters away from my house, and the proprietress in the shop calls me grandson Meiren. "

Chen Tao twitched his lips, "The surnames in your place are really small."

Isn't it? It's "my grandson" and "Mitarai" again, both of which are niche surnames.

"Maybe it's because there are too many niche surnames, so it's not surprising to see these niche surnames, and the surname 'my grandson' sounds quite noble."

"Of course I am Chinese." Chen Tao said with the corners of his mouth raised, "I didn't intend to deceive people at first, because I thought this kind of name could not deceive people, but I didn't expect it to. I am not a real estate agent, my name is Chen Tao."

Mitarai Nanaya blinked her eyes: "So, you are 'my grandson Chen Tao'?"

Hearing Mitarai Nanaya's words, Chen Tao gritted his molars. He was a little unsure whether Mitarai Nanaya was really innocent or just pretending.

"My name is Chen Tao. In China, there is no one named my grandson."

"Is that so?"

"Of course." Chen Tao smiled, then patted Mitarai Nanaya's shoulder and said, "Let's go, I'll take you to my site."

"Your territory?"

"That's right, my site. I'll take you to the Detective Reasoning Pavilion next door. I have several activity rooms there."

"But the sci-fi themed pavilion..."

"Hey, these things can't get away. The sci-fi themed event will be held for a week, and there will be plenty of time to watch it later. Don't you really like Liu Cixin and Yu Dong? I'll take you to meet them later and talk to them."

"Really?" Mitarai Nanaya couldn't believe it.

"Of course it is true. I have a very good relationship with them."

"Why do you have such a good relationship with them?"

"You will know later, I will take you to my site first."


The detective reasoning theme pavilion in the deep space park is located at the back, far from the main building, and this venue is newly opened, and there are relatively few things in it, so there are not many tourists coming.

When entering the building, Mitarai Nanaya was a little disappointed to see the empty lobby on the first floor, but after going up to the third floor, everything changed.

There are four houses on the third floor that are very well decorated with various equipment and props. When they arrived, someone in one of the rooms was playing "Script Killing".

Script Killing is a game in which players play roles, search for clues, discuss reasoning, etc. under the background of the set story to solve the modus operandi. This type of game has been around for decades, and it is not a novelty.

However, before Chen Tao and the others, not many people in China were exposed to this game, let alone organized players to play the game.And even in foreign countries, the script of this type of game is very simple, and usually the player's game experience relies on the player's improvisation.

And the people in this room are not just playing games at this time, they are also trying scripts.

Yuhua Reasoning Club now has two main games, one is Werewolf Killing and the other is Script Killing.

Compared with Werewolf Killer, Script Killer relies more heavily on scripts and needs to launch new scripts regularly, but Chen Tao and the others do not pursue quantity, they hope to polish high-quality scripts through continuous experiments.

In Chen Tao's opinion, as long as the script is well polished and every detail can be considered, it can create a sense of reality and avoid the problem of poor entry experience for rookies.

The popular "Murder Mystery" in Europe and the United States relies too much on the player's impromptu performance, so when the player's level is relatively low, the game experience will be relatively poor, not only for rookie players, but also for other players.

Chen Tao planned and polished up a few scripts, and Yuhua Reasoning Club took these scripts to Europe and the United States to open board game stores.

Chen Tao also told his brother-in-law Yu Dong about this, and Yu Dong expressed his support.

For opening a store, Yu Dong didn't give much advice, but he suggested that their reasoning agency could find celebrities to make demo videos to advertise their scripts.

Or, simply hold a variety show in Europe and America, and invite some celebrities to come and play their scripts together. As long as the ratings of the show are good, it will definitely drive the business of the board game shop.

In addition, Yu Dong suggested that they should not hide it, and directly make the edited script into a book for publication and sale.Because this thing can't be hidden, players will know it after playing it a few times, it's better to release it openly, it can make some money, and it can also clear the name. Anyone who wants to play a similar script in the future can be said to be from from their book.

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