Chapter 872
Chen Tao opened his hands, smiled and said to Mitarai Nanaya, "Look, how is my territory?"

Mitarai Nanaya couldn't help but nodded, "Very good, are you a detective agency?"

Mitarai Nanaya can recognize a lot of characters on the sign hanging next to the door, so she can guess some.

"We are the Yuhua Detective Reasoning Agency. This reasoning agency was established by me and another friend, but he is busy recently, so he doesn't come here very often."

Mitarai Nanaya raised her eyebrows and said, "The friend you mentioned is my grandson Chen Tao?"

Chen Tao pursed his lips and said, "You guessed it, it's him. After he finishes his work, I'll bring him to meet you. But he is very active on the Internet, but usually he is quite boring. Seeing him Don't be disappointed after him."

"Really? The impression he gave me on the Internet is quite lively, otherwise he wouldn't have named my grandson Chen Tao." Mitarai looked at the members who were immersed in the game and asked, "Are they playing? What kind of game is it, is it a werewolf? It doesn't look like it."

"It's a script game, like a murder mystery game." Chen Tao explained.

Mitarai nodded suddenly, "So it's this kind of game, which is very in line with the temperament of the detective reasoning agency. I wondered why you guys are more familiar with Yu Dong. It turns out that it is because of this detective reasoning agency. It seems that your reasoning agency is still in China. Quite famous."

"It's okay, it's well-known in Jinling. Our club mainly organizes members to play Werewolf, and we have our own ranking system, so those who have played Werewolf in Jinling basically know our club."

"So, you are more like a game club..."

Chen Tao shrugged his shoulders, "It can be said that at this stage, but the goal of our agency is not just to make games. Usually we also organize some detective and mystery reading clubs, and the response is very good. Mystery novels are popular in the domestic market. There are still some, and the market potential is quite strong.”

"In Neon, mystery novels are a big category, and they are very popular among the public."

Neon people like to read mystery novels. This is a well-known fact, and because people like to read them, there are more such works.

Someone once said that the reason why Nihong people like to read mystery novels is because the punishment in Nihong used to be heavy and the crime rate was relatively low. On the contrary, mystery novels with criminal attributes were favored by the public.

There is some truth to this statement, but there are many reasons why Neon people like to read mystery novels, and it is definitely not just because of the heavy punishment in the past.

"Then in your Neon, are there many detective and reasoning agencies?"

"There are quite a lot of detective agencies, but unlike your detective reasoning agencies, they usually provide investigative services."

Chen Tao laughed, "I know, Kogoro Mori's detective agency."

"It's similar, but normal detective agencies can't investigate cases. Usually, the commissions accepted by detective agencies are to investigate extramarital affairs. Anyway, some detective agencies I know do these things. There are also clubs like yours. But basically they are in the school, some interest clubs, they will not get such a spacious venue like you in the deep space park. As for werewolf killing, there are many people playing in Neon, but basically they are in It is impossible to have a complete ranking system like you in a specific board game store, or to organize people to play by yourself."

"Then you said, would a club like ours be welcomed in your Neon?"

Mitarai said uncertainly, "It's hard to say, because I don't know your specific model. If all the activities of your club are free, you will be popular everywhere. Actually, I still don't understand how your club operates. Are you a profit-making organization? If it is a profit-making organization, what means do you use to achieve profit? If it is not a profit-making organization, then what are you doing for? It is not just to promote the Werewolf Killer Let's play."

"Does Werewolf Kill need to be promoted again?"

"Of course not. This game has already traveled all over the world, and it has spawned many versions, so I wonder what kind of organization you guys are like."

"We are an organization that is not yet profitable, but aims to be profitable."

"How are you going to make money?" Mitarai asked.

Chen Tao shook his head, "Don't say it, don't say it, you will know later."

Mitarai shrugged, "Then I can't tell you whether your club will be popular in Neon."

"Haha, it's okay, I will go to Neon to do research after a while."

Mitarai said unexpectedly, "Are you going to Neon?"

"Of course, why do you think I, a student of mechanics, would learn neon language?"

"Could it be that you learn Neon language just to go to Neon research?"

"No way, who made your Neon mystery novels famous? I also want to learn. I have watched a lot of Neon mystery novels and movies. The movies are okay, but the translation of novels is always a bit strange, and There are still many mystery novels that have not been translated into Chinese, so I can only learn the neon language by myself."

Mitarai looked at Chen Tao in surprise, he didn't expect that Chen Tao, who looked like a fool on the outside, was so active.

Chen Tao's neon language level is not low. Although he has an accent, his oral expression is already very good, so it can be seen that he did not learn it casually.If it weren't for Chen Tao's high level, Mitarai wouldn't have been unsure that he was Chinese after the first meeting.

There are many Chinese who have been studying in Nihong for a long time, and they may not be able to express Chen Tao's level, let alone those students majoring in Nihong language. Many students majoring in Nihong language are dumb foreign languages.

Mitarai also had contact with some Chinese students who went to Nihong to study abroad before. Chen Tao was obviously different from these students. Many students who studied abroad in Nihong hoped to stay and work in Nihong after graduation. They learned the culture of Nihong in order to integrate into Nihong Rainbow society.

But Chen Tao is different. Chen Tao recognizes the advantages of Neon and learns Neon language for this purpose, but his ultimate goal is to learn the advantages of Neon detective and reasoning works, and then develop his own detective reasoning classification.

Chen Tao has a calm and confident temperament, which is not possessed by many people.

"If you really go to Neon to do research, you must tell me in advance." Mitarai said very seriously.

Chen Tao said with a smile, "Don't worry, when I go to Neon, I will definitely contact you and let you, the landlord, take me to have fun in Neon."

"If your club opens a branch in Neon, I will definitely join."

"Which way to join, I will let you be the president of the branch at that time."


After Chen Tao took Mitarai around the Detective Reasoning Pavilion, he took him back to the Science Fiction Pavilion. He walked around the booths one by one until he reached the booth of the Cucumber Garden Association.

When they arrived, a lot of people gathered at the Cucumber Garden Association's booth, and Qu Aiguo also led the members to receive tourists on the spot.

Qu Aiguo's eyes were sharp, and he saw Chen Tao at a glance, and waved to him with a smile, "Tao'er."

Chen Tao walked over with a smile, "Brother Aiguo, you sit at the booth in person, and my sister-in-law, she didn't come to interview on such a big event?"

Qu Aiguo touched his head, and said distressedly, "Isn't your sister-in-law promoted? She usually doesn't go out to work, but this time she didn't come. So, it's not a good thing to be promoted."

"This is the trouble of happiness, but my sister-in-law is not here, so if you have nothing to do, you can go to the Shanghai branch of the association to have a look."

Qu Aiguo rolled his eyes, "Just talking nonsense, am I the kind of person who seeks personal gain out of public affairs?"

Chen Tao waved his hand, "Of course not, it should be changed. The next time you go to Shanghai to meet my sister-in-law, don't forget about your work. You must go to the branch of the association to inspect the work."

"That's right." Qu Aiguo laughed, then looked at Mitarai next to Chen Tao, "Who is this?"

"Netizen, Neon man, Mitarai Nanaya." After speaking, Chen Tao turned his head and said to Mitarai in neon language, "This is Mr. Qu Aiguo, the president of Cucumber Garden Science Fiction Association."

Mitarai said very happily, "Oh, I read about Mr. Qu Aiguo on the Internet, and I heard from many Chinese that the Cucumber Garden Science Fiction Association is the largest science fiction association in China."

Qu Aiguo asked Chen Tao, "What did he say?"

Chen Tao translated, "He said that he had heard of the Cucumber Garden Science Fiction Association and your name, and that you are so powerful that you can develop the Cucumber Garden Science Fiction Association into the largest science fiction association in the country. He has been looking forward to seeing you for a long time , I finally saw you today, and my wish has been fulfilled, and this trip to China is worthwhile."

Qu Aiguo raised his eyebrows and said, "He said so much?"

"Neon's words are more concise, saying less, but expressing more meaning."

"Really? I haven't learned neon language, don't lie to me."

"Give me ten guts, and I won't dare to lie to you."

"The point is, you have more than ten guts, do you want to find a stool for the two of you to sit for a while?"

"No, I'll take him around. By the way, have you seen my brother-in-law?" Chen Tao asked.

"Brother Dong, I saw him once. He came with Mr. Yu, wearing a makini headgear, and doing private visits in micro clothes. He stayed with me for a while, and then he left. I don't know where to go now." Yes, I guess it should still be in the venue."

"Both of them are markini headgear?"

"Ang, one red and one blue headgear, they are very recognizable, if they haven't left, you can definitely find them."

"Then I'll look for it."


Chen Tao searched around the first floor and the second floor, but couldn't find the makini. After reaching the third floor, he was startled by the scene before him before he searched for a while.

Originally, he only wanted to find two markinis, but he didn't expect seven or eight markinis to come to him.

They are all one version of the makini headgear, and there are only two colors in total, red and blue.

This group of makinis is still quite conspicuous in the crowd. There are not many people who cosplay makinis, and it is even less perfunctory as if they only wear a headgear. Now there are seven of them gathered at once, which is not conspicuous.

Although there were seven or eight makinis, Chen Tao recognized at a glance that the one standing at the front of the crowd was Yu Dong.

And Yu Dong obviously saw Chen Tao, and stepped up to walk in front of Chen Tao.

In front of Chen Tao, Yu Dong said, "Why are you here, boy? Didn't you say that you are polishing the script of the script killing? I thought you were at the Yuhua Reasoning Agency."

"Isn't there an event here, let's join in the fun, and I have a friend coming over, so I want to do my best as a landlord."

Yu Dong glanced at Mitarai Nanaya next to Chen Tao, and said unexpectedly, "Neon man?"

Chen Tao was also surprised, "Is it so obvious?"

"It's pretty obvious."

Although they are all East Asians and have similar looks, they can still be distinguished from the Chinese when they stand side by side.

In addition to some differences in appearance, the biggest difference between Neon people and Chinese people is their dress.

"He's a fan of your book, can you sign him?"

Yu Dong nodded, took out a pen, "Yes, where do you want to sign?"

Chen Tao turned his head to look at Mitarai, and then asked, "Where's your "Curse"?"

Mitarai asked strangely, "It's in my bag, what's wrong?"

"Take it out to me, it's useful."

Although he was puzzled in his heart, Mitarai still took out the neon version of "Curse" that had been used as a token from his bag.

After receiving the book, Chen Tao handed the book directly to Yu Dong, "His name is Mitarai Nanaya, the imperial sword flying, the hand of siblings, the washing of washing..."

After Yu Dong signed his name, he handed the book back to Chen Tao. Chen Tao smiled while holding the book, "I signed my name, can I take a photo together?"

"Don't push yourself too hard, kid." Yu Dong glanced at Chen Tao angrily, and then said, "Go to my office in the evening, I have time then. Also, I have something to say about going to the United States to do variety shows." Tell you. Now I have something to do, so I don't care about you. "

"Okay." Chen Tao smiled, and waved to the makinis behind Yu Dong, "I can't recognize them all wearing hoods, so I'll say hello together."

Those makinis all knew Chen Tao, and they all waved back.

After Shi Shidong and the others left, Mitarai Nanaya came up, looked at the "Curse" in Chen Tao's hand, and asked with a puzzled face: "Chen Tao, what's going on? Who was the one talking to you just now?"

Chen Tao opened the title page of "The Curse" with a smile, and pointed to Yu Dong's signature on it to Mitarai: "Look at this signature, does it look familiar?"

Mitarai stared and was stunned, he was too familiar with these two Chinese characters.

"Yu Dong, he is Yu Dong!"

Chen Tao quickly silenced his voice, "Hush, keep your voice down, do you want everyone to know that Yu Dong is here?"

Mitarai quickly shut up, he knew exactly what the consequences would be if people knew that Yu Dong was there.

On an occasion like today, Yu Dong is an absolute superstar, no big star can do anything for Yu Dong.

Mitarai believes that if people know that Yu Dong is here, within 3 minutes, the place will be completely surrounded.

(End of this chapter)

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