Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 874 Motherland Version Transformers

Chapter 874 Motherland Version Transformers

Liu Chuanzhi chatted with Huang Wenxun in the office for a while, when someone knocked on the door suddenly.

"Come in."

Liu Chuanzhi's assistant opened the door and came in, glanced at Huang Wenxun, the assistant said, "Chairman, I have something to report to you."

Huang Wenxun was very knowledgeable, and immediately said, "If Mr. Liu has no other orders, I will go back to work first."

Liu Chuanzhi nodded, "Well, it's hard work, you go back first."

After Huang Wenxun left, the assistant said, "Chairman, I just got the news that Xoceco and BenQ Dentsu are negotiating the transfer of mobile phone production licenses. Jimmy James, the big boss of Deep Space, personally brought people to Yanjing for talks. Yes, if there are no accidents, it should be settled in these two days."

Liu Chuanzhi narrowed his eyes, "Are you sure that Jimmy James came here to discuss the transfer of mobile phone production licenses with Primavera? Why didn't they discuss such an important matter in Xiamen or Jinling, but why did they come to Yanjing? How did you get it?" news?"

The assistant shook his head, "It's not clear why he came to Yanjing to talk, but Qi Chenggong of Xohua Electronics did come to Yanjing, and the source of the news is Qi Chenggong's accompanying team."

Hearing that Qi Chenggong had also come, Liu Chuanzhi's expression became heavy.


"Of course, it seems that when I have time later, I will give you a popular science about the history of Transformers."

"In addition to owning the film and television adaptation rights, can we also obtain peripheral copyrights, or even all copyrights?"

"Actually, I really want to ask you, do you have any specific shooting ideas?"

Since there is no way to attend the Galaxy Awards Ceremony, it doesn't make any difference to come one day sooner or one day later.

In fact, this is a good thing for Xoceco Electronics. The current Xoceco Electronics has no spare capacity to support the mobile phone business. If they insist on continuing to struggle, it will only make their company consume more and affect their traditional business. development of.

Knowing that Jimmy was not busy at the moment, Yu Dong started talking about the Transformers, "Spielberg came to my office just now and asked about the Transformers, and he was taken aback by the question, Transformers Did you negotiate the film and television adaptation rights?"

If the deep space company and Xohua Electronics are really allowed to reach a cooperation, then Lenovo will be one step slower.

As for purchasing film adaptation rights in advance, Yu Dong had been asked before, but Hasbro demanded that the filming be made within three years, so this matter was not negotiated. Unexpectedly, Jimmy secretly managed this matter.

"The people at Hasbro told him."

"Jimmy should decide this matter, he didn't tell me, but our company probably won't shoot in the short term, otherwise I will definitely know."

On the morning of the second day after the sci-fi themed event started, Yu Dong was writing "District [-]" in his office when there was a knock on the door, Yu Dong looked up and laughed when he saw someone coming, "Steven, you are here .”

"I have this idea. Even if I don't think about it from a commercial point of view, I like the Transformers series very much. Now that it is going to be made into a live-action movie, I definitely want to participate."

Spielberg smiled, "You are playing dumb with me, I think you should be considered as the leading actor in the next movie, your acting skills are better than many professional actors."

This series of toys is very famous all over the world, including China. Yu Dong remembered that Transformers became popular in China when he just graduated.

"Not yet."


Yu Dong nodded while holding a teacup. Spielberg is a very pragmatic person, and what he said was very real.

In order to cooperate with tomorrow's on-site activities, Yu Dong will also attend, and Shenkong Company will provide ten sets of "Tianwen" models for distribution to the public.

"There is no difficulty. The general direction has been discussed. The rest is up to Li Kunyao to talk to them. It should not be a big problem. In the afternoon, Li Kunyao and the others will hold a meeting to talk about the details. If there is no problem, We can start signing the contract tomorrow. When the contract is signed, BenQ can start making mobile phones."

Among the many projects in deep space, this is just a small project.

Seeing that Yu Dong didn't seem to be pretending to be stupid, Spielberg was also very surprised, "You really don't know? Your company just got the film and television adaptation rights of Transformers from Hasbro a few days ago. Hasbro People told me that they can’t lie to me, and there’s no need to lie to me. To be honest, I also thought about buying the film and television adaptation rights of Transformers before, but before I made up my mind, you took the lead.”

This time "The Martian" was released almost simultaneously in China and the United States. Spielberg also values ​​the Chinese market, so he deliberately arranged several promotional activities, and he will bring several creative personnel to attend.

Jimmy wasn't disappointed, after all, it was a small project for them.

As the most watched sci-fi movie this year, it is obviously a very reasonable thing to put the promotional activities at the scene of sci-fi themed events.

After thinking for a while, Liu Chuanzhi stood up and walked towards Yang Qing's office.

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows, he really didn't know about this.


"I arrived yesterday, but it was too late when I arrived, so I didn't come. Did anything special happen at the event yesterday?"

"He has this idea, but I told him to understand the situation with you first."

In the end, they decided to give up the mobile phone and computer business, and put all their energy on their traditional business color TV.

When Spielberg approached, Yu Dong looked through the mouth of the bag to see what was inside.

"I'm afraid I'll have to ask Jimmy about this. I don't know which copyrights we bought for "Transformers", and I don't know if Jimmy has other plans. After I ask these things, we can talk about it Let's cooperate."

Originally, Yu Dong wanted Spielberg to arrive one day earlier so that Spielberg could attend the Galaxy Awards ceremony, but Spielberg still had things to do in the United States that he couldn't make it.

Spielberg was holding a red plastic bag in his hand, and the contents inside were vaguely visible.

Passing the teacup to Spielberg, Yu Dong looked at the Autobot toy on the coffee table, "Since you know it's a pirated version, why do you have to spend money to buy it back? I remember you said you like Transformers, right? I thought you would hate this pirated toy when you saw it."

"I thought it was up to you to buy the film and television adaptation rights of "Transformers". After all, most people would not think about it...Of course, Transformers is very popular, but it is not easy to make a live-action movie. Both the script and the technique were difficult," Spielberg said.

Hearing that things are going well, Yu Dong is also very emotional. He thought that Xoceco would last for a while, but he didn't expect that they decided to give up the mobile phone business after only a few months.

"You want to talk to me about Transformers now, do you want to cooperate with us to make this movie?" Yu Dong asked.

For example, regarding the purchase of "Transformers", unless Hasbro sells the copyright of the entire Transformers series to Deep Space, otherwise, the amount involved in the purchase of film and television adaptation rights alone will not be too high.

Without waiting until the afternoon, after Spielberg left Yu Dong's office, Yu Dong called Jimmy.

"There's no need to be in such a hurry. I'll stay in Jinling for a few more days, and we've arranged a few promotional events for "The Martian."

"Li Kunyao should be very happy."

Jimmy laughed, "How can I have the time to talk about the film and television adaptation rights of a movie? This is done by our company's copyright department. Isn't it because you mentioned this before? I always remember that I finally got it a few days ago, and I was about to go back and tell you about it this time, but I didn’t expect Steven to be very well informed, I already knew it, and I even went to tell you about it.”

Spielberg took the toy out of the bag and said with a smile, "That's right, and it's the latest Autobot. I saw this in a small shop on the side of the road. It's obviously a pirated toy, but it must be Not to mention, it’s really cheap, only ten yuan.”

Yu Dong invited Spielberg to sit on the sofa, and poured tea for him himself, "I thought you would come over yesterday, didn't you say you arrived yesterday?"

"Haha, what do you see in my hand?"

"That's not true. There is actually no difference between your arrival yesterday and today."

"Not at all, after all, I didn't lose a dime."

Spielberg held the teacup and blew on the froth, and said again, "The reason why I bought it back is because I want to talk to you about Transformers."

"Nothing is impossible. As long as there is enough money, Hasbro will not refuse, but we don't need to spend a lot of money to buy all the copyrights. As for peripheral copyrights, we don't have copyrights for characters in animation, but After the film is made, the surrounding copyrights are shared.”

The amount involved in purchasing a film and television adaptation is not high, but if it is going to be filmed, the investment is not low, so I must tell Yu Dong.

Yu Dong showed a surprised expression, "Will you talk to me? Do you want to cooperate with our company to obtain the copyright of Transformers?"

This was obviously teasing Yu Dong, but Yu Dong felt wronged, "What do you mean by that?"

Yu Dong took the toy and looked at it in his hands. This toy is cheap, but the workmanship is also rough.However, this thing is not called a pirated version outside, but a "motherland version".

They contacted Prima, trying to get Prima's mobile phone production license, but Primo refused and refused to talk to them.

Spielberg also knew that it was inconvenient to talk now, so he nodded, "No problem, we will talk about this matter after you have talked, Jimmy should be in Jinling now, right?"

"Well, I know he has a good relationship with Hasbro. He asked you to talk about this. Does he want to cooperate with us to shoot Transformers?"

As for why Spielberg thinks that Yu Dong must know, it is also very simple, because the previous projects operated by Deep Space Company have basically been nodded by Yu Dong, which makes such a stereotype formed in Spielberg's mind.

"Is this the latest model?" Yu Dong asked.

Originally Xoceco was still hesitating, but after signing the agreement with BenQ, their mentality began to tilt slowly.

"Well, let's talk about it when you come back. How are things going with you? Have you encountered any difficulties?"

Yu Dong nodded, "I see, as long as the peripheral copyright of the movie characters is available, the rest doesn't matter."

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that there is nothing strange about it. The deep space company has too many businesses now, and it is impossible for Yu Dong to know everything.

The first event will be held in Tomorrow's Deep Space Park, which coincides with the sci-fi themed event.

Yu Dong shook his head, "He's in Yanjing now, and he still has some things to deal with over there. He can probably come back tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, but don't worry, I'll call him to ask about it when I find time in the afternoon."

However, there are many names for Transformers, and there are many versions, such as Beastman, Autobot, Hermit Warrior, and Super Warrior.

What Spielberg said was also Yu Dong's thought. He did think about shooting Transformers before, but it may not be a good time to shoot Transformers at this stage.

"The situation is like this. The film and television adaptation rights of Transformers and some miscellaneous things add up to a few million dollars, but Hasbro agrees to pay in installments. In addition, if the filming does not start within five years, they have the right to Take back the copyright. The latter condition is nothing, the condition is very vague, and Hasbro will not take it seriously. I think so, if our company has no idea to shoot within three years, it will definitely not sell the film and television adaptation rights. We will lose money, and we will still pay in installments.”

Lenovo later contacted Kejian, and Kejian was willing to talk, but now Samsung in Korea is also in contact with Kejian.

"It doesn't matter. Since Steven is interested, I will ask him what he thinks after I return to Jinling. Maybe he will come to us after he has figured out how to shoot. If he can come to direct, isn't it Is it better?"

"No, last night this guy was so excited that he couldn't sleep all night. It doesn't matter to us whether to make a mobile phone or not, but it means a lot to him. Li Kunyao has always wanted to get BenQ Dentsu out of the shadow of Acer Group, and To achieve this, it is not enough to be independent or even be acquired by us, BenQ must have its own brand. Making mobile phones is obviously a fast track.”

Yu Dong murmured, "Passion is a good thing. I'm worried that Li Kunyao's head is getting hot and his steps are too big. Although we are not in a hurry to make mobile phones, since we have already started, we should pay more attention. Others Not to mention, the general direction must be grasped for him."

"Don't worry about this, I've been watching, otherwise I won't come here in person this time."

It stands to reason that this kind of business negotiation can only be done with Li Kunyao at the scene, and Jimmy does not need to be there at all, but Jimmy went anyway, showing that he attaches great importance to this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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