Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 875 Coming and not being indecent

Liu Chuanzhi found Yang Qing, asked about the situation of Xohua Electronics, and immediately asked Yang Qing to call Qi Chenggong of Xohua Electronics.

"We're running out of time, so call him directly and ask him about it."

Yang Qing nodded and dialed Yang Qing's phone number.

The first time, the phone hung up.

"Hang up." Yang Qing said.

Liu Chuanzhi looked at his watch, "Call again in 2 minutes."

Two minutes later, Yang Qing called Qi Chenggong again, and this time, the call was connected.

On the other end of the phone, Qi Chenggong said with a smile, "Mr. Yang, why do you have time to call me today?"

Yang Qing didn't exchange pleasantries with Qi Chenggong either, and cut straight to the point, "Mr. Qi, I heard that you're in Yanjing now, and you're talking about cooperation with BenQ?"

Qi Chenggong was silent for a moment, and said, "Mr. Yang, you guys are very well informed. I didn't tell anyone when I came here this time."


In Liu Chuanzhi's view, not to mention the conditions mentioned by Qi Chenggong, the conditions he gave just now are a bit high. If there is no competition from BenQ Dentsu, the conditions he can give is to invest 9000 million, and then Xoceco Electronics The investment is 7000 million, Lenovo holds [-] shares, and Xoceco holds [-] shares.


The two parties had originally agreed to meet at two o'clock, but Xoceco was already half an hour late. Li Kunyao called, but Qi Chenggong just apologized, saying that something had delayed him and asked Li Kunyao to wait for them for a while.

Qi Chenggong made an excuse that he felt sick to his stomach after eating in the morning, and he had to go back to rest at noon and not eat with them.

Before Qi Chenggong finished speaking, the phone in his pocket rang. Before he took the phone out of his pocket, he knew it was Li Kunyao who was calling. He took out the phone and was about to apologize, but he heard the call from the other end of the phone. Li Kunyao first apologized: "President Qi, I'm really sorry, there is something in Jinling and we need to go back immediately. President Ji and I are already rushing to the airport. Let's talk about the rest, anyway. Don't worry, Mr. Ji and I left, but I left someone at the scene, and I can talk to them about anything. If Mr. Qi is busy with you, don't worry Yes, take your time."

At 02:30 in the afternoon, Xohua Electronics did not show up for a long time.

Li Kunyao frowned tightly, Lenovo suddenly appeared, and things changed a lot.Originally thought that the trip would be very smooth, but unexpectedly such a moth would appear when it arrived.

But Liu Chuanzhi didn't believe what Qi Chenggong said at all, and BenQ Dentsu's money didn't come from the wind.

Qi Chenggong thought for a while and said, "Mr. Liu, Mr. Yang, I won't play around with you anymore. The condition given by BenQ Dentsu is that they invest 6000 million, we invest 4000 million, and then they take [-] million." shares, we have [-] shares, and the conditions you gave are quite different from theirs."

Qi Chenggong turned to look at Liu Chuanzhi, "Mr. Liu, let me confirm for the last time. Are you sure that the conditions you gave cannot be raised further? Lenovo invested 6000 million, we invested 5000 million, and gave us 35% of the shares. If this condition can be met, this matter can basically be settled, and I don’t need to go to BenQ again.”

Yang Qing and the others also knew what Qi Chenggong meant. Lenovo can also want a license, but the conditions must be higher than those offered by BenQ.

"Mr. Yang, Lenovo's strength is obvious to all, but we signed a letter of intent with BenQ Dentsu before. Under the same conditions, we need to give priority to cooperation with them. This is no longer a matter of trust, but clearly written in black and white. "

Qi Chenggong stared at Liu Chuanzhi for a while, and suddenly smiled, "Dong Liu, I will definitely consider your conditions carefully. It's not early today, so let's stop here."


"Liu Dong, how about this, you..."

As a seller, XoChina Electronics certainly hopes to have more buyers so that they can sell things at a good price, which is understandable.

What makes Qi Chenggong insincere is that he insists on doing this when the contract is about to be finalized.

The conditions offered by Lenovo are slightly worse than those offered by Deep Space, but Qi Chenggong believes that they should be able to negotiate further. A grinding price.

Liu Chuanzhi didn't know why Qi Chenggong suddenly became so anxious, but he knew it must have something to do with the phone call just now. What did Li Kunyao say to Qi Chenggong to make Qi Chenggong so anxious?
As for the conditions that Qi Chenggong said, it was impossible for Liu Chuanzhi to give, "For the same investment amount, we will give up to 30.00% of the shares."

"President Qi, there is nothing we can do. It happened so suddenly that we had to go back. It's not a coincidence that our two affairs have come together. If you didn't delay the time first, we might have already The contract is finalized, alas. Let's talk later, my mobile phone is almost dead."

Qi Chenggong was taken aback, "President Li, you guys..."

Hearing Liu Chuanzhi's voice, Qi Chenggong didn't dare to neglect, "Liu Dong, hello, hello, I didn't expect me to come to Yanjing to alarm you."

Li Kunyao nodded, "Well, now we can only talk about it when I meet Qi Chenggong in the afternoon."


"Excuse me, are you talking about cooperation in mobile phone production licenses?"

Liu Chuanzhi's pupils shrank slightly. If what Qi Chenggong said was true, then the conditions they offered were indeed much worse than BenQ's, and they couldn't offer higher conditions at all.

The matter has not been discussed yet, which means that the cooperation has not been finalized.

However, Qi Chenggong's performance at noon made Li Kunyao suspicious.

But this is only a rough idea, because calculating the cost is very complicated. In addition to cash and shares, the original mobile phone business of both parties must also be included.

After pondering for a while, Yanagawa gritted his teeth and said, "We will offer 4000 million, and you will offer 5000 million. We will take 65 shares, and you will take 35 shares. How about it?"

Li Kunyao was a little bit reluctant at first, after all, it was not easy to come all the way, and he was about to succeed.

Qi Chenggong definitely doesn't believe the statement of several hundred million yuan, but Qi Chenggong also knows that Lenovo has indeed spent a lot of money on the mobile phone business.

Hearing Qi Chenggong's hesitation, Liu Chuanzhi continued, "If you are worried about Mingji, it's okay, I'll come and talk to Li Kunyao and the others, if not, I'll call them together, let's all sit down and chat."

Li Kunyao knew in his heart that Qi Chenggong must have had a deeper conversation with the other party, otherwise it would be impossible for him not to come back for so long.

"Mr. Ji, it's not time to retreat yet, is it?"

As a last resort, Qi Chenggong could only choose to go to Jinling together.

At noon, Li Kunyao told Jimmy about the matter.

Because it was too sudden, he couldn't even judge whether Li Kunyao was deliberately releasing pigeons, or something really happened. Even if Li Kunyao guessed that he came out to discuss cooperation with others, he wouldn't be so decisive. Could it be Li Kunyao's strategy?
Liu Chuanzhi asked next to him, "Success, what's wrong?"

During the reunion period, Qi Chenggong went out to answer a phone call, and Li Kunyao always felt that things might be complicated.

Qi Chenggong quickly calculated in his mind that this time Yanagawa's conditions were a bit higher than that of BenQ Dentsu.

Liu Chuanzhi said with a smile, "Success, didn't you slap me in the face when you said this, how can there be a guest here, and the reason to invite the host instead. I know you are talking about business, but you also have to eat when you talk about business. If you find it troublesome, tell me where you are now, and I will set up a place to eat next to you, and you can spare half an hour for us to sit and sit together. It's only half an hour, so it won't delay your business discussion."


After hearing this, Jimmy narrowed his eyes, "I'm afraid your guess is right. The call Qi Chenggong answered in the morning is probably from one of our competitors, and the company is probably in Yanjing. On the phone There are only a few companies in need of production licenses, which can be counted on one hand in Yanjing."

Moreover, the agreement signed by the two parties at that time did not have any binding force on Xohua Electronics, Xohua Electronics could choose not to cooperate with Deep Space Corporation.

Here, Qi Chenggong had a secret meeting with Liu Chuanzhi and Yang Qing in a nearby hotel. The conversation had gone very deep, and the two sides had already discussed the terms of cooperation.

"Of course it can."

Liu Chuanzhi smiled, leaned close to the phone and said, "Success, it's me, Lao Liu."

Qi Chenggong didn't hide it from Yang Qing, and said directly, "Yes, we came here this time to discuss this matter."

Although the agreement between the two parties is to jointly start a company, in this business, Xoceco is the seller and BenQ Dentsu is the buyer.

After the matter was settled, Li Kunyao hung up the phone, and then said to Jimmy, "It seems that the conditions offered by Lenovo are not satisfactory to Qi Chenggong."

"Boss Ji, guess what?"

"No, Mr. Liu, let me tell you the address. Let's have dinner together from 12:30 noon to 01:30, okay?"


Li Kunyao was not surprised that Lenovo knew about the negotiations between them. It was [-]% leaked by Qi Chenggong.

"Let's do this." Liu Chuanzhi said, "According to the model you mentioned, our two companies will cooperate to establish a new company. We Lenovo will invest 4000 million, and you Xohua Electronics will contribute 5000 million. We will hold [-] shares. You Accounting for thirty, is this really sincere?"

Here, when Li Kunyao told Jimmy about the matter, Jimmy simply waved his hand, "There is no need to wait, let's go back to Jinling directly, and tell Qi Chenggong that there is something urgent to go back, and the rest of the cooperation will be discussed later. "

Li Kunyao talked with Qi Chenggong and the others all morning, and talked through most of the details, and then finished the rest in the afternoon.

"I'm not telling you to back down, but I'm telling you not to be too persistent, stick to the reserve price, and don't talk to them if it exceeds our reserve price. It doesn't matter if you give your phone to Lenovo for taking pictures. But generally speaking, we still have the advantage. We The conditions given are already very better, and it is unlikely that Lenovo wants to exceed it.”

Liu Chuanzhi and Yang Qing have also been trying to find out the conditions given by BenQ. As long as they know the conditions of BenQ, they will be able to negotiate easily.

After the phone call was connected, the two of them had a good discussion, and they both agreed. They continued to talk according to the original conditions, but Li Kunyao still said that he would go back to Jinling to handle business, and the process would take a few days before leaving, or Qi Chenggong could go to Jinling .

Yanagawa's Jiujing shopping mall is a full-fledged old fox. When he saw the successful response, he knew that the price given by BenQ Dentsu was here. He said with a smile, "Our group's original mobile phone business has already cost hundreds of millions of yuan. , and these will be incorporated into the new company.”


On the way to the airport, Li Kunyao hung up two successive phone calls, and only picked up the phone on the third call.

Yang Qing and Liu Chuanzhi looked at each other, and Qi Chenggong's sentence was almost intriguing, as if he wanted to refuse and welcome.

Looking at the mobile phone that was emitting a blind tone, Qi Chenggong's mind was confused for a while, and he thought that this kind of thing would happen.

Qi Chenggong said hastily, "Dr. Liu, today is really not good. The matter here has not been finished yet. Otherwise, after I finish talking here, I will treat you and Mr. Yang to dinner later."

Liu Chuanzhi said with a smile, "I didn't know you came to Yanjing until I heard from others, so I asked Yang Qing to call you for no other purpose, just thinking that since you came to Yanjing, we should naturally Do your best to be a landlord. How about this, let's have a meal at noon, and I have already asked someone to book the hotel."

"To what extent has it been discussed? Has it been settled?"

But Li Kunyao also knew that there was no need to get used to Xohua Electronics at this time, otherwise they would suffer in future cooperation.

Li Kunyao can only wait for success. It is impossible to say that he will not cooperate with Xoceco. After all, they have a letter of intent. Xoceco can activate the agreement unconditionally within two years.

Seeing that Li Kunyao was frowning, Jimmy laughed, "Kunyao, calm down a little bit, you are not a newcomer in the business field, and you naturally know that the more you care, the worse it will be for us. Mobile phone production licenses are in short supply. Goods, but it is not that Xohua Electronics will have it in the future, if it is not good, we don’t want it, and we will think of ways from other places.”

Yang Qing said with a smile, "Mr. Qi, if BenQ can give it to us, we can give it here. If BenQ can't give it, we can also give it here. BenQ has a mobile phone business, but they are just a foundry. , there is no research and development capability at all. After the cooperation between the two parties, BenQ can't bring you anything except the production line, and you have no shortage of production lines at Primoelectronics. But Lenovo is different. Although we have never made mobile phones before, However, the research and development capabilities in the PC area are obvious to all, and the cooperation between our two companies is completely complementary and win-win."

After finishing speaking, Qi Chenggong stood up, bent over with Liu Chuanzhi and the others, and led them away.

"Are you sure it's Lenovo?"

"Well, sure, Qi Chenggong mentioned something."

Jimmy nodded, "Okay, I see. You guys will go back to Jinling in a while, and I'll go to Pengcheng."

Li Kunyao asked in surprise, "What are you doing in Pengcheng?"

"It's not rude to come and go, I'll go to Kejian."

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