Chapter 877 Endorsement
In order to keep Kejian's path, Liu Chuanzhi finally decided to go to Pengcheng himself.

Although Hao Xuejian rejected the proposal of cooperating with Lenovo in the mobile phone business several times, but when Liu Chuanzhi came, he couldn't neglect it, and even personally brought someone to greet him at the door of the company.

Seeing Hao Xuejian leading someone to greet him at the door of the company, Liu Chuanzhi felt a little more relaxed, at least the situation was not as bad as he thought.

After the two parties exchanged pleasantries, Hao Xuejian smiled and invited Liu Chuanzhi to the company, "It's still early, please come to my office and sit down, Dong Liu, I've already asked someone to prepare the tea."

After arriving at the office, without saying a word, Liu Chuanzhi said straight to the point, "Mr. Hao, you also know the purpose of my coming to Pengcheng this time, so let's go straight to the point. How are you talking with Shen Kong? There is a lot of noise outside now. .”

Hao Xuejian said with a smile, "Which aspect is Mr. Liu referring to? Mr. Ji came here this time for nothing else. I took him around the company and after chatting with him, he went back. He must have arrived in Jinling by now. "

Liu Chuanzhi raised his eyebrows and said, "Jimmy has left Pengcheng?"

Hao Xuejian pushed his glasses, nodded and said, "Well, I left yesterday morning, and Shen Kong Company is also very busy now, so I didn't stay longer. Director Liu must have thought that Ji always came to talk to me about mobile phone production licenses. ?”

"Yeah." Liu Chuanzhi nodded, and then asked, "Isn't it?"

"I thought so at first, and I was thinking about how to refuse. Who would have thought that he never mentioned this from the beginning to the end. When I sent him away yesterday, I almost couldn't help but mention it. I I want to ask why he didn't mention this matter."

Liu Chuanzhi asked in surprise, "Really?"

Hao Xuejian laughed, "It seems that Director Liu doesn't believe me."

Liu Chuanzhi waved his hand, "Boss Hao was joking, our two companies are brothers, and there is no trust problem. I was just surprised. I didn't expect Jimmy to come all the way here just to chat with you. Now the outside world is Guess what you talked about, if you tell them that he came here just to chat with you, I am afraid few people will believe it."

Both Lenovo and Kejian belong to the enterprises under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, so it is no problem to say that they are brother enterprises, but when Liu Chuanzhi said that, Hao Xuejian secretly thought it was funny.

Everyone knows Sima Zhaozhi's heart, and everyone knows that Liu Chuanzhi wants Lenovo to leave the Chinese Academy of Sciences and let him control the group himself.

"It's understandable, because I was also surprised, but that's the fact. Mr. Ji came here to play for two days, and didn't mention anything about the mobile phone production license. It can be said that this is the most surprising thing for me this year." Speaking of this, Hao Xuejian suddenly laughed, "Of course, if Director Liu didn't mention this when he came here today, I would be even more surprised. I wonder if Director Liu can give me a chance to be even more surprised?"

Anyone can see that Hao Xuejian doesn't want to talk about the mobile phone production license, but Liu Chuanzhi came all the way, so it's impossible not to talk about it.

However, after learning that Jimmy did not discuss the mobile phone production license with Kejian, the focus of Yanagawa's conversation also began to change, and he was not so anxious to cooperate with Kejian in the mobile phone business.

At this time, Liu Chuanzhi hopes that Kejian can cut off the idea of ​​cooperating with Samsung Electronics.

Although Kejian has already rejected Samsung, but with the relationship between Hao Xuejian and Samsung Electronics, maybe one day he will agree to Samsung Electronics.

Hao Xuejian started out as an agent of VCD products. He has represented Sony and Panasonic. Later, catching up with the rise of Samsung Electronics, Hao Xuejian switched to the agent of Samsung's VCD products.

With the help of Samsung Electronics, Hao Xuejian quickly realized the freedom of wealth. It is said that at the peak, his daily profit could reach tens of millions.Because of the previous cooperation, Hao Xuejian also gained the trust of Samsung Electronics.

Two years ago, after Hao Xuejian took over Kejian, the relationship between Kejian and Samsung was very good, and the rumor of OEM came out at that time.

Yanagawa first affirmed that OEM can indeed make money, but then he said a lot of disadvantages of OEM.

"Original label production can make considerable profits, and you don't have to worry about it, but after a long time, there will be problems such as too short product lines and lack of new products, but other manufacturers will not wait for you. When it comes to your product line, unless Samsung can keep branding your new machines, you will end up falling behind in the competition.”

"Of course." When it comes to OEM production, Liu Chuanzhi still has a lot of experience, "You can also go all the way to the black, and enrich your product line by OEM for other mobile phone manufacturers, but it's just drinking poison to quench your thirst. If science Jian has the ambition to become the number one mobile phone brand in the country, so I don’t think it’s a good idea to cooperate with Samsung on OEM production.”

Hao Xuejian said with a smile, "I really want to thank Director Liu for being so considerate of our Kejian, but we haven't thought about OEM Samsung machines for the time being. We still have confidence in our research and development capabilities and production capabilities."

"Mr. Hao, don't misunderstand me. Although I say so much, I am a little selfish, but I still don't want to see our nation's number one brand finally go down, and I don't want foreign companies to shine behind our national brand. To be honest, Even if you cooperate with Deep Space Corporation, I think there is no problem, but Samsung Electronics is really not a good match."

Hao Xuejian narrowed his eyes, "Dong Liu really thinks that it doesn't matter even if we cooperate with Deep Space Corporation? In fact, it is not impossible for us to cooperate with Deep Space Corporation. After all, BenQ Dentsu's production line is very complete and advanced. With their In cooperation, we only need to consider R&D and design, and we can worry less about production.”

The corners of Liu Chuanzhi's mouth twitched. He mentioned Deep Space Company just to say that he had no selfish intentions, which was obviously duplicity.

"Hehe, if Kejian finally cooperates with Deep Space Corporation, I will definitely send my blessings. But when it comes to the production line, our Lenovo is not bad. Besides, BenQ Dentsu has just cooperated with Xoceco Electronics, and it is impossible to cooperate with it again. Cooperate with other mobile phone manufacturers. You can cooperate with Deep Space, but even if Deep Space holds BenQ Dentsu, it cannot move BenQ Dentsu’s production line there. Also, Deep Space has created many brilliant achievements, but Their business is mainly in the Internet and cultural and entertainment industries, and they have never proven themselves in the industrial field. To them, your Kejian is just a test field, or a basket to share eggs."

Hao Xuejian said with emotion, "Actually, Deep Space doesn't need our basket to share the eggs. After all, BenQ Dentsu has already cooperated with Primoceco. What they need to do now is to cooperate with BenQ Dentsu to integrate Primoceco's business and complete the new project. The establishment of the company. BenQ Dentsu has a strong production capacity, Xohua Electronics has a license and certain research and development capabilities, and Deep Space has a strong marketing capability. The three of them together are a threat to any mobile phone manufacturer, including We are Kejian."

Hearing Hao Xuejian's words, Liu Chuanzhi frowned, because this was also what he was worried about.

Seeing Liu Chuanzhi's frown, Hao Xuejian smiled and said, "Director Liu, let's work hard and try not to be left behind by the Deep Space Company."


Liu Chuanzhi only stayed in Pengcheng for one day. Although he didn't negotiate any cooperation with Kejian, he was sure that Shenkong Company didn't cooperate with Kejian, so he was in a good mood on the way back.

But when Liu Chuanzhi returned to Yanjing, the Internet was already full of news about Kejian's cooperation with Deep Space Corporation.

[Kejian Company officially announced that it will invite Sun Yanzi to be the image spokesperson of its brand. This move may be related to Jimmy James' visit to Kejian. 】

Although Kejian Company didn't say it clearly, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Kejian Mobile must have asked Sun Yanzi to be the image spokesperson of their brand because of Jimmy James.

Kejian, as the first echelon of domestic mobile phone manufacturers, naturally has a lot of ambitions. Under normal circumstances, they would definitely not find a female singer like Sun Yanzi who has just debuted as the image spokesperson of the brand.

The image spokesperson for Bird next door is Li Wen. Although Sun Yanzi's first album performed very well in the market and attracted a large number of fans in just two months, it is still not enough for Li Wen.

In addition, Sun Yanzi is not outstanding in appearance, not the kind of big beauty that makes people shine.

Of course, it is impossible for Ke Jian to find Sun Yanzi to be her image spokesperson because of her potential. Many people are speculating whether Deep Space promised Ke Jian something, so that Sun Yanzi got such an endorsement contract just after her debut.


On the top floor of the Deep Space Building, Yu Dong looked away from the computer screen, looked at Jimmy who was leisurely drinking tea on the sofa, and said with a smile: "I thought you could take Ke Jian down this time." , I didn’t expect to talk about endorsement for Sun Yanzi.”

Jimmy waved his hand, "It's very difficult to win Kejian. Hao Xuejian should be more inclined to cooperate with Samsung Electronics. He made his fortune by relying on Samsung Electronics. Of course, he will not let Samsung Electronics go. So I didn't pick up my phone after I went there." Regarding the production license, I focused on talking to Hao Xuejian about the endorsement."

"Unfortunately, although OEM can make money in a short period of time, it is by no means a long-term solution. If Kejian really chooses to cooperate with Samsung Electronics, the final result will definitely not be very good." Yu Dong sighed slightly.

Jimmy shook his head, "It's no pity, everyone is OEM, and it's only a matter of time before Kejian OEM. The profits that OEM can make are too considerable, who would not be tempted, after all, as long as there is a license I can sit and collect money, but on the other hand, I spend too much money on research and development, and no one will choose it. This thing is the same as joint venture cars. After the release of joint venture cars, domestic car companies have made money, but domestic cars It must be hopeless. In this respect, TCL has done a good job, instead of choosing OEM, it has developed its own products, but I am not optimistic about them either, because the supply chain is too bad, and they can’t play at all.”

"Can the industrial chain in Wuxi be established?" Yu Dong asked.

"There is still hope, let's take it step by step." Jimmy looked at his watch, "It's already 10:30, why hasn't Steven come here yet?"

Yu Dong couldn't help laughing and said, "You let him go for a few days, and you're getting impatient when he's late for such a short while? He guessed... Hehe, Cao Cao will be here when he said Cao Cao."

Hearing this, Jimmy turned to look at the door, which Spielberg had just entered.

"Jimmy, I've been waiting for you for several days." Spielberg began to accuse Jimmy before the man approached.

Jimmy laughed, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm really delayed by something. I can't eat or sleep well when I think of you waiting for me these two days. I'm so happy to see you now."

"If you say that, I can't blame you."

In fact, Spielberg didn't wait for Jimmy for a long time. He has been running around in the past few days, participating in various "The Martian" promotional activities.

After taking his seat, Spielberg couldn't wait to ask, "How about it, would you like to hand over the Transformers to me?"

Jimmy smiled and asked, "Do you already have a script?"

"No." Spielberg shook his head.

"Then do you have any specific ideas?"

"There are ideas, but not specific."

Jimmy curled his lips, "Then will you take pictures by yourself?"

"Of course I'd like to do it myself."

Spielberg is a ghost, and he didn't give Jimmy a positive answer at all. His idea is very simple, and he also depends on whether there is a good script. If the script is good enough, coupled with the IP of Transformers, he will definitely be willing. taking pictures.

Of course Jimmy knew what Spielberg was thinking, "Well, as long as you can provide us with a script that satisfies us, we will hand over the Transformers project to you—no matter who you hand it over to shoot."

Of course, Spielberg was not satisfied with this, "We can develop it together. As for the script, we can also find it together. Good scripts are rare, but with Transformers in hand, it is impossible not to find a good story. How about it, You entrust this matter to me, and I will be responsible for finding the screenwriter."

Jimmy shrugged his shoulders, "Steven, don't forget what our company does, do you need your help in finding a screenwriter?"

"Of course I know that your company has signed a lot of excellent screenwriters. How about this? You choose the script for me. If the script can impress me, I will shoot it."

"Of course you can, but can you really be busy now? You have a plan on hand now, don't you?"

"Are you talking about "Catch Me If You Can..."? The script is being written, and it may take some time to write. As for Transformers, it may take a long time until you come up with the script, and for such a movie , the preparation time must be very long, and these two films will not affect each other."

Jimmy nodded, "As long as you can come over, I will find the right person to write the script."

"Well, don't worry, I believe this will be a long-term plan, and it won't be completed in two or three years."

(End of this chapter)

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