Chapter 878

Spielberg said that the Transformers project would take at least two or three years, and neither Yu Dong nor Jimmy objected to it. Even in their view, it would be impossible for this movie to come out in two or three years.

Although it is adapted from anime, many of the characters in the movie have to be redesigned, and the story also needs to be rearranged. This step alone will take a long time.

When these things are done, they still need to consider technical issues. Deep Space Company has also made an internal evaluation. There are still many technical difficulties to be overcome in order to shoot the live-action Transformers, which cannot be shot immediately.


After talking about Transformers, Spielberg talked about shopping at street stalls on Jinling Street. He especially likes to go shopping at street stalls. .

"I saw a lot of fantasy novels with Chinese characteristics at the bookstall today. They are all from your Deep Space Company, and they are all pirated."

Hearing that it was a pirated version, Yu Dong and Jimmy didn't find it strange at all, but it was strange that the street stall didn't sell pirated versions.Even for their deep space books, even in Jinling, there is no way to stop piracy.

The fantasy novels with Chinese characteristics that Spielberg mentioned are actually those online novels on the Deep Space Chinese Website.

Since Zhao Yan became popular on the website, many people have followed suit and started writing fantasy novels.

Mitarai Mia seemed to be used to being complained by her brother, looked up at Mitarai Nanaya, and said with a smile, "Didn't my brother like to read this kind of books before, I learned from my brother."

Mitarai Nanaya tapped Meiya's forehead with her fingers, "Don't worry about children's business."

But after the Deep Space Company except the physical book, these pirates never went to the website to copy the electronic file, but directly stole the original version of the Deep Space Company.

Not only "The Life Book of Fairy Eleven", but also several novels of gods and monsters, all of which have the logo of Deep Space Company on the cover.

"Aiko is on the second floor."

Mitarai Nanaya glanced at the title of the book, and then was attracted by a pattern on the upper left corner of the cover.

"Well, that's why I asked you if the author is Chinese, but it may also be Neon Man who signed a contract with Deep Space Corporation." Mitarai Nanaya put away the pen and continued, "This manga is from Aiko's house. Did you buy it from your bookstore?"

But even so, Neon people think Yu Dong's achievement is a miracle, never before has a foreign writer achieved such dazzling results in the Neon book market.


"Thank you brother."

As soon as Mitarai Nanaya entered the bookstore, the young cashier greeted her with a smile, "Mr. Mitarai is here, long time no see."

Mitarai Nanaya curled her lips, "That pigeon is not the logo of Deep Space Company, but the logo of Dongdong, and this is the logo of their company."

In China, such novels are called fantasy novels or fantasy novels, but in Neon, whether they are fantasy novels or fantasy novels, they are collectively called ghost novels.

But what really made this kind of novel popular was the pirated novels on the street stalls.

"Is the story good? I think you've read two-thirds of it."

Spielberg wondered, "Why, as far as I know, your company's novels are the least shipped in Neon, right? Why do you want to change your strategy now?"

Meiya shook her head and said, "I don't know, it's possible, the story in it has something to do with China, do you know this author?"

After graduating from a short-term university, Aiko found a job in Osaka, but she resigned after only working for half a year and went home to help her family take care of the business in the bookstore.

Many of the comics that Mitarai Meiya read were obtained from him.

Picking up one at random and reading it, he soon understood that these were the online novels from Shenkong

"Is this a Chinese writer?" Mitarai Nanaya asked.

"So that's the case. So, this comic is also published by Deep Space Company?"

After doing this, Mitarai Nanaya ran to take a bath, and when he came out, he found that the high school student sister Mitarai Mia had returned.

And because Li Qiuhao's mythological novels are relatively famous, some people combined fantasy novels with domestic mythological novels and created several systems.

However, apart from "The Life Book of Fairy Eleven", there are only novels and no comics.

"Of course, I'll get it for you."

The reason why Deep Space’s novels are less sold in Neon is simple. It’s not that Deep Space doesn’t pay attention to the Neon market, but because Neon people are relatively xenophobic in literature, and foreign books are hard to sell in Neon. have to move.

In the past few years, Chinese literature has made some achievements in Europe and America, but the response in the neon market is still mediocre.

Now that it has discovered that such novels can open up the neon market, Deep Space will soon follow up and prepare to continue translating more ghost novels.

Meiya took the box, looked up and down, and asked curiously, "What's inside?"

Meiya opened the box with great anticipation, but when she saw the contents inside, there was a hint of disappointment in her eyes. There was a pen inside.

But Mitarai Nanaya couldn't refute it, because he was indeed like this before, when he was as old as Mitarai Mia, he was more playful than Mitarai Mia.

After Mitarai Nanaya returned home, she first boarded the Deep Space Tribe and left a message for the "housing agent" and "my grandson Chen Tao", telling them that she has arrived home safely, so they don't have to worry.

"Then what are you reading?" Mitarai Nanaya took advantage of the situation and stretched her head to look at the comic book in Meiya's hand.

Seeing Mitarai Mina reading a book with a colorful cover, Mitarai Nanaya couldn't help complaining, "If you can put one-tenth of your thoughts on reading these books on the textbook, you don't have to worry about going to college. Something happened."

Spielberg curled his lips and said, "I can't read Chinese, so why buy it back?"

"I learned it from my brother."

"Are you looking for Sister Aiko?" Meiya asked inside the room.

In fact, before the Deep Space Company released entities for these books, there were already pirated books.

The novel that received the best response in Neon was called "Demon King Eleven". When it was translated to Neon, the title of the book became "Life Book of Fairy Eleven", and now it has published comics.

Mitarai Mia would say this every time Mitarai Nanaya taught her sister a lesson.

The bookstore of the Yugong family is the largest and oldest bookstore nearby, and it has been open for more than 50 years.

The sales of Yu Dong's novels in Neon are very good, but compared to other countries where the book dominates the list as soon as it is published, it is a little flat on Neon's side.

Although this pen looks quite exquisite, Meiya really doesn't have the slightest interest in pens, and she doesn't know how to use them usually.

In addition to the text version, Deep Space Company also published a magazine called "Xuan World", which specially serialized the comics adapted from these novels.

The reason is simple. The physical book produced by Deep Space Company has not only proofread the manuscript, done a good layout, and even has illustrations.

Mitarai Nanaya got up to find her backpack, and found a box from it.

Meiya smiled and said, "The story has just begun, and this is the first book. I heard people who have read the novel tell me that there are many more stories to come, and even the novel version is not finished. Oh, By the way, brother, you are going to China, did you bring me a gift?"

"There is also English, you can go to the Internet to look at it later. We have translated a lot of online novels this year. Besides English, the most translated ones are neon, but it won't be long before the number of neon editions should surpass that of English. Edition." Yu Dong said.

Meiya directly flipped to the cover, pointing to the words on it: ""The Life Book of Fairy Eleven", a comic that has become very popular among my classmates recently. There was a novel published before, but I haven't read the novel."

Mitarai Nanaya smiled and said, "You will know when you open it."

At the beginning, everyone wrote fantasy novels with similar styles, but gradually, some people started to make adaptations, and derived a set of different things.

Some people say that these novels are somewhat nondescript, but they have a large audience. At first, they were just read by netizens on the website. Later, Deep Space Company picked out some high-quality novels that are more popular with netizens and made them into physical versions. The audience offline Also gradually increased.

Some experts have made statistics, and there are very few foreign literary works that can be included in the neon, and there are not many people who have more than four works by the same foreign author that are included in the neon.

Some pirates will copy the novels on the website, and then find a printing factory to make pirated books with poor quality and poor typesetting. Some of these pirated books don’t even have decent book covers, and are missing pages. It is more common.

Meiya showed a surprised expression: "Isn't the logo of Deep Space Corporation a dove? I see it every day."

"We know, but the newly arrived books are also on the second floor."

Jimmy explained, "Because from the previous experiments, this kind of online novel has a very good market in Neon."

Mitarai Nanaya pointed to the starry sky logo on the manga, "Here, this is the logo of Deep Space Corporation."

The so-called short-term colleges, that is, two-year or three-year colleges, are similar to junior colleges in China.

Compared with genuine books, although these pirated books are not high-quality, they are absolutely cheap, so as long as a set of genuine physical books is released in Deep Space, there will be relative pirated books.

Mitarai Nanaya glanced at the direction of the stairs, then ran to the place where new books were put on the first floor as if fleeing, and then saw the "Life Book of Fairy Eleven" at a glance.

Meiya looked at the small blue ring on the top of the pen case, about one centimeter wide, with a blue background, giving people the feeling of a starry sky.

Seeing that Meiya was a little disappointed, Mitarai Nanaya smiled and said, "Meiya, don't underestimate this pen, it is very commemorative. The brand of this pen is called Hero, and they customized a thousand pens for Deep Space Company , each pen has a number on it, and the number on this pen is 46, which is already very high, and YU has signed with it. Look at the small blue ring on the top of the pen cap, Is it a bit familiar?"

Sometimes, Yu Dong's novels can be squeezed out of the top position by other novels in the new issue, and sometimes they can't even enter the top three, which is very difficult to see in other regions.

Meiya smiled and nodded, "Sister Aiko asked you today if you came back from China, did you bring her a gift? Why don't you go to the bookstore now, she must be very happy to see you."

Although he has experienced it many times, Mitarai Nanaya still feels embarrassed, he smiled awkwardly, "I just came to see if there are any new books, not..."

"Desert adventure is not my type."

When it was decided to translate online novels abroad, Deep Space had done research, so the novels translated to Europe and the United States were more fantasy, while the ones translated to Neon were more of gods and monsters.

Jimmy looked at Spielberg with a smile, "Didn't you buy a few copies and go back and read them?"

Ordinary books will only have the logo of the publishing house on it, and the logo of the author's agency will not appear, but the books of the deep space are different. Most of the books under the name of the deep space company will have the starry sky logo of the deep space company.

After finishing speaking, Mitarai Nanaya looked at the time, then took a bag from her schoolbag and walked out the door.

No one will steal magazines, because there is really no profit.

Because of the scandal between Mitarai and Amamiya Aiko, the employees in the store knew Mitarai, and every time Mitarai came over, those little girls would tease him.

Mitarai Nanaya waved her hand and walked away.

But the amazing thing is that those web articles on the Deep Space Chinese website were translated into neon language and sold in neon, and the response was quite good.

Seeing that the direct lessons didn't work, Mitarai Nanaya decided to change her strategy. He sat across from Meiya and asked, "Are there any good books recently? Does Akira Toriyama have any new works?"

Seeing the starry sky logo, Mitarai Nanaya looked at the author column again: Xia Ye.

"It looks familiar."

Yu Dong's novels have achieved some success in Neon, mainly because of "Resident Evil", "Old Book", "Golden Dreamland", works such as "Cursed", "Westward", "Death of the Widow" Neon's response is very general, and it can even be said to be poor.

The bookstore of Amamiya's house is not far from Mitarai's house, and it takes about seven or eight minutes to walk there unhurriedly. Aiko Amamiya is a high school classmate of Mitarai Nanaya's, but she is not good at studying, and finally went to a short-term college , has now graduated.

Even if it is a pirated version, readers are more willing to read this.

Mitarai Nanaya usually visits not only the Deep Space Tribe, but also the English version of Shenkong, where she has read many translated Chinese online novels.

It's just that he didn't expect that he would be able to see these novels in Neon, and they were still physical editions.

Just as he was seriously studying these books, a gentle voice came from behind, "Qiye, are you also interested in these books?"

Mitarai Nanaya looked back and saw Amamiya Aiko in a white dress, and smiled, "Compared with the contents of these books, I am more interested in deep space."

(End of this chapter)

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