On the evening of August 28th, Yu Dong was preparing the materials needed for the start of school at home. He had been so busy some time ago that he was dizzy and didn't take care of school affairs, so he could only sharpen his guns now.

Of course, Cheng Yanqiu is not much better. She is also busy supplementing materials and preparing courseware at the moment, but she started doing it a few days ago, so the workload at the moment is not as intense as Yu Dong's.

At around eight o'clock, the phone in the living room rang suddenly.

Yu Dong shouted in the study, "Teacher Cheng, answer the phone."

Cheng Yanqiu didn't move his butt, and replied in the bedroom, "You get closer, you pick it up."

"Obviously you're close. I measured it. It's more than four meters from the phone to you, and five meters to mine."

"You have long legs."

Yu Dong shook his head helplessly, got up and went to the living room to answer the phone.

Before Dong could open his mouth, Shi Tieqi's excited voice came from the other end of the phone, "Member, have you read the news tonight?"

Yu Dong glanced at the TV in the living room that had not been turned on for a long time, and replied, "No, what's the big news?"

"I knew you didn't watch it. No. 20 The candidate cities for the eighth Olympic Games have just come out. Istanbul, Osaka, Paris, Toronto, and the other one is China's Yanjing, the city under my feet."

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows, but he wasn't surprised at all, after all, he had experienced this before.

Although it was not surprising, Shi Tieche's proud tone still infected Yu Dong and made Yu Dong feel a little excited.

"Good thing, let's go to the Olympics together then."

"Haha, of course we can't be too happy too early. After all, there are four other candidate cities, and the next is the critical moment. We must be prepared to avoid the regret of last time."

Although Shi Tieche said not to be too happy too soon, his tone was still very confident.

Compared with the last bid to host the Olympic Games, the people of the whole country should have more confidence in this bid. On the one hand, the overall strength of the country has improved a lot compared to a few years ago, and on the other hand, because the last bid did not lose much, so that Everyone feels that the gap between us and other countries is not as big as imagined.

This regrouping, everyone thinks it should be better than the last time.

Some people say that the Olympic Games does not make money, and is a business of losing money and making money. But at this time, the Chinese people really need money.

An Olympic Games can definitely boost the morale of the people across the country.

Shi Tieqi has a very unique plot about the Olympics. He was an athlete when he was young and had an extremely eventful past, but fate played a trick on him and made him lose his athletic ability.

The more you have had it, the more tragic it will be when you lose it.

On the phone, Shi Tieche expressed his excitement like a child. He counted down the various Olympic events, which are China's strengths, which are expected to win the gold medal, and which are China's weaknesses, which need to be prepared in advance. close gap.

Yu Dong didn't know much about those sports either. He could only interject a few words when it came to football, basketball, and table tennis.

But it doesn't matter, he doesn't need to speak, as long as Shi Tieche speaks and he listens carefully.

The phone call lasted for more than an hour, until it was almost ten o'clock. Under the urging of Chen Ximi, Shi Tieqi on the other end of the phone finally hung up the phone, and at the end he insisted that he must watch the Olympic Games together. .

After putting down the phone, Yu Dong scratched his head and couldn't help sighing, well, the job at hand became more urgent now.

When I was on the phone with Shi Tieche just now, Yu Dong wanted to tell Shi Tieche several times that he was busy tonight, and he would talk later when he had time, but he still couldn't bear to see Shi Tieche so excited.

The reason why Shi Tiesheng called Yu Dong was not because Yu Dongduo loved sports, but because Yu Dong and his company were about to participate in the production of the promotional film for the Olympic bid.The success of the Olympic bid has a lot to do with Yu Dong.

Seeing that Yu Dong finished making the phone call, Cheng Yanqiu stretched his head to look towards the living room, "Is it Brother Tieqi's call?"

Yu Dong nodded, "Well, the candidate cities for the next Olympic Games have come out, and Yanjing is also on the list, so he is very happy."

"It's something to be happy about. How many candidate cities are there? How competitive is our side? Is there any hope?" Cheng Yanqiu asked.

"Including Yanjing, there are a total of five candidate cities. In terms of competitiveness, let's rank at the top. I'm still quite optimistic."

Cheng Yanqiu suddenly remembered something, "Didn't you hear that our company is going to cooperate with Yanjing Studio to shoot the promotional film for the Olympic bid? Is it finished? I have been looking forward to it, but I haven't heard the news since then."

Yu Dong explained with a smile, "The filming has not yet started. I was not sure whether I could enter the candidate city, so I have been preparing for it, but the filming has not officially started. If I did not enter the candidate city, it would be a waste to shoot a promotional video." .”

Cheng Yanqiu nodded, "Oh, that is to say, now that you have entered the candidate city, the promotional film can start shooting."

"Yes, I guess Lao Mouzi is very busy now, and he is definitely going to shoot the promotional video. He already has a lot of things on hand, and he probably has to release them now." Yu Dong patted his forehead and stepped from the sofa. Standing up, "I don't have to worry about these things now. What I should worry about now is my unfinished preparation materials. School will officially start the day after tomorrow."

Cheng Yanqiu clenched his fists and said with a smile, "Haha, then you work hard, I've got it done."


Because Shi Tieche's phone call slowed down Yu Dong's progress, he had to work overtime until after two o'clock in the morning to complete the workload of the previous night.

The next morning, he didn't dare to sleep in for too long, and got up before eight o'clock.

Cheng Yanqiu got up earlier, and was making breakfast, when she heard Yu Dong's footsteps, she turned her head and said with a smile, "Go and wash up, we'll have breakfast later."

"Of order." Yu Dong yawned and walked to the bathroom.

Some time ago, both of them didn't get enough sleep. In addition to being busy during the day, they had to take Yu Yi to bed at night. This little girl had no problem sleeping with her grandma before, but I didn't know how to do it some time ago. , insisted on sleeping with her mother.

Although she is small, she is still quite sensitive. She sleeps until midnight, no matter how soundly she sleeps, as long as she is replaced, she will be able to react immediately, and then cry loudly to protest.

Now that they returned to Jinyi, they could only force Yu Yi to sleep with her grandma, and it took them several days to get more stable.

When they finished their breakfast and Yu Dong got up to wash the dishes, the phone rang suddenly.

Cheng Yanqiu was very active this time, "I'll pick it up, and you can just do the dishes."

Yu Dong shrugged, "I didn't say no, you're so sensitive."

But just as Yu Dong was about to wash the dishes, Cheng Yanqiu covered the microphone and waved to him, "I'm looking for you."

Yu Dong looked at the bowl on the table: "Then this bowl..."

"Wait until you finish calling before swiping."

Yu Dong pouted and went to answer the phone, "Hello."

"Yu Dong, hello, I'm Wei Jizhong."

Yu Dong heard the name quite familiar, but he couldn't remember who the other party was for a while, but soon the other party introduced himself further, "I am the special assistant to the chairman of the Yanjing Olympic Bidding Committee."

Hearing about the Olympic Bidding Committee, Yu Dong remembered who it was.

Ten years ago, when Yanjing was bidding to host the Olympic Games, Wei Jizhong was the Secretary-General of the Olympic Bidding Committee, and he presided over all affairs.

Knowing the identity of the other party, one can naturally guess the purpose of the other party's visit. The call from Wei Jizhong is most likely related to the Olympic bid ambassador.

"Hello, Chairman Wei." Wei Jizhong had served as the vice-chairman of the Olympic Bidding Committee before, so it's okay to call him the vice-chairman.

Wei Jizhong didn't get straight to the point about the Olympic bid, but he was concerned about Yu Dong's recent work, "I heard that you are very productive this year, and you have several novel plans. You should be busy these days, and I didn't disturb your work. Bar?"

Yu Dong nodded with a smile, "No, no, I was very busy a few days ago, and the sci-fi themed activities involved a lot of my energy. Jinyi is about to start school again in these two days, and there is still some work to be done on the school side , but it will be better after these few days of busy work." After talking about his recent situation, Yu Dong smiled again, "Of course, we are all busy, but Chairman Wei should be doing it for the Olympic bid. I have worked hard, and I have seen the news that Yanjing has been selected as a candidate city, and you comrades in the Olympic bid committee have made great contributions."

Wei Jizhong said modestly, "The main reason is that the other colleagues of the Olympic Bidding Committee are busy, and I will cheer on the sidelines. I am old and can't keep up with energy, so I can only retreat behind the scenes. But since it comes to the Olympic bid, I will also Let’s not go around with you. In fact, before the news of Yanjing being selected as a candidate city for the 2008 Olympic Games was announced, our Olympic Bidding Committee had an internal meeting to discuss the candidates for the Olympic bid ambassador. At the meeting, we proposed many candidates, and everyone agreed I decided to invite you to be the first ambassador for this year's Olympic bid, and Chairman Liu has also approved it, so I made this call to ask you what you mean."

Speaking of this, Wei Jizhong laughed, "The reason why I asked you if you are busy recently is because I am worried that the Olympic bid will affect your other work. Of course, the Olympic bid is a big event for the people of the whole country. I also believe that every Chinese Everyone is willing to work hard for the Olympic bid. But you cannot be delayed because of the Olympic bid. Whether it is the Olympic bid or your writing, you are contributing to the promotion of Chinese culture.

Yu Dong didn't expect Wei Jizhong to put his posture down so low. He said quickly, "Chairman Wei is serious. The Olympic bid is a national event. Naturally, I should contribute a little bit. In fact, before I received your call, I had already seriously thought about it. Having said that, I don’t have much work at the end of the year and next year, so I can take care of the Olympic bid. My personal power is relatively small, but Deep Space Corporation has some experience in publicity, and I should be able to help. busy."

Hearing what Yu Dong said, Wei Jizhong said with a smile, "Actually, it doesn't take up too much of your time, as long as you cooperate to shoot some promotional videos, and then show up at some critical moments. You are not the only ambassador for the Olympic bid, and others can also share some. If you agree If so, I will report your attitude to Chairman Liu, and I will find a time to arrange a formal appointment ceremony later, you may need to come to Yanjing, and some media reporters will be invited to the scene."

Yu Dong said very bluntly, "Of course it's no problem, just tell me when you need me to come over."

"Haha, don't worry, before you come to Yanjing, we will also send people to your side, there is nothing else, just go through the process. If there is no accident, I should be the one to go there by then. It’s been a long time since I’ve been back to Jinling, so this time, I’m going back to my alma mater for a short visit.”

Although Wei Jizhong didn't say it clearly, Yu Dong could understand the meaning.

As an ambassador for the Olympic bid, it is not enough to be famous. You also need to consider whether the person's ideological consciousness has passed the test.

"Chairman Wei studied at a university in Jinling?"

"Yes, I studied French literature at Jinling University. In a blink of an eye, almost half a century has passed since I entered Jinling University."

Yu Dong was surprised, "Chairman Wei actually read French literature?"

In Yu Dong's impression, Wei Jizhong seemed to be a professional athlete before, but he didn't expect that he actually studied French literature at Jinling University.

By this time, Yu Dong probably understood why Wei Jizhong called him.

Under normal circumstances, in order to show respect, the invitation to the Olympic bid ambassador is contacted by the chairman of the Olympic bid or the secretary-general, and the special assistant to the chairman will never be called to invite.

But Wei Jizhong was different. He had previously served as secretary-general and vice-chairman, and had studied French literature at Jinling University, so he had some connections with Yu Dong.

After talking about the business, the two chatted for a while. Through the conversation, Yu Dong knew that Wei Jizhong was still his fellow villager.

Although Wei Jizhong's ancestral home is Yuyao, he was born and raised in Shanghai, and he didn't leave Shanghai until he graduated from middle school.The Olympic Bid Committee asked him to invite Yu Dong to be the ambassador for the Olympic bid because of this consideration. After all, he is a fellow, so it is easier to talk.

"I haven't gone back to Shanghai for many years. After graduating from middle school, I went to Jinling and stayed in the Suzhou Volleyball Team for a few years. Then I came to Yanjing. I have lived in Shanghai for more than ten years, but in Yanjing Been there for over 40 years."

"Me too. Now I only go back to Shanghai once or twice a year, but my parents often go back."

"I also want to go back, but I don't know who to turn to when I go back. It's been too long, and I don't have much ties to me anymore in Shanghai."

After finishing speaking, Wei Jizhong probably felt that what he said was too sad and inappropriate, so he smiled and said, "Well, let's not talk for now, and we can talk about it when I go to Jinling after a while, and now I'm going to Liu Chairman, they announced the good news. They gave me a task before, and I must convince you that I have completed the task."

"Okay, when you come to Jinling, I'll welcome you."

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