Chapter 881

After hanging up the phone, Yu Dong rolled up his sleeves and was about to wash the dishes, but Cheng Yanqiu was already doing the dishes.

Yu Dong ran to the kitchen and feigned anger, "Look at you, how can you deprive me of the right to wash the dishes?"

Cheng Yanqiu gave Yu Dong a blank look, and said, "In our family, Olympic bid ambassadors have the privilege of not having to clean the dishes."

Yu Dong laughed, "That's a good thing, just focus on this point, this Olympic bid ambassador is not in vain."

In Yudong's family, cooking is easy to talk about. They are both willing to cook, but when it comes to washing dishes, they push back and forth.

Seeing that Yu Dong was proud, Cheng Yanqiu added, "Only before the end of the Olympic bid."


On September [-]st, Yu Dong was busy with the start of school, while Jimmy on the other hand returned to Jinling after his trip to Yanjing. His next stop was BenQ, the newly established company of BenQ Dentsu and Xoceco. Mobile Communication Technology Co., Ltd.

The new company built a small five-story building in the newly built Xincheng High-tech Industrial Park next to the Deep Space Park, and it was also the first batch of companies to enter the industrial park.

This new industrial park is very popular because it is close to the deep space park and the planning for the next few years is very good. If you change to other companies, you will definitely have to queue up if you want to enter.

However, BenQ Dentsu and Xohua Electronics are already well-known in the whole country, coupled with the relationship with the deep space company, the Jinling government is also a special case, and quickly approved their office locations.

Although the company has moved in, the facilities are not yet complete. When Jimmy arrived, except for the fifth floor, the other four floors were empty, and the fifth floor was mostly empty.

In the next period of time, some people from Wuxi and Baodao will be transferred to Jinling, but most of the positions still need to be recruited again.

The Jinling government arranged an office location for BenQ Mobile so quickly, hoping that BenQ Mobile could help Jinling solve some employment problems, or attract talents from other places to settle in Jinling.

When Jimmy arrived, Li Kunyao had just finished a meeting with the administrative department. Originally, the meeting would take a while longer, but after hearing that Jimmy was coming, Li Kunyao condensed the content of the meeting and quickly ended the meeting.

Back in the office, seeing Jimmy drinking tea, Li Kunyao said with a smile, "Mr. Ji, I didn't expect you to come so early. The matter at Yanjing is over?"

Jimmy put down his teacup and said with a smile, "It's not the end, I can only say that it's over. You've been very busy recently. The new company has just been established and there are many things to do. The group can't do without you. It's not easy to run."

"Actually, the group side is okay. After all, we are on the right track. We just need to move forward along the track. BenQ Mobile needs a little more trouble. Now let alone the business, a lot of chores have not been done yet. Our side It’s all okay, mainly because the integration of the mobile phone business of Xohua Electronics is more troublesome.”

Jimmy nodded, "Trouble is trouble, but don't take it lightly. I know very well that the production line of PrimoChina is not important to us, and you certainly don't pay much attention to it, but I want to tell you that the production line must be taken seriously. Pay more attention to it, don’t think about weight loss. In the short term, weight loss is beneficial to the development of the company, but it will greatly affect the reputation of the company. The production line at Xoceco must be taken over, and optimization must be done step by step. If you look at it sharply, it is very likely that you will cut it on yourself in the end."

The so-called optimization is actually streamlining employees.

The combination of Xoceco Electronics and BenQ Dentsu, the most indispensable thing is the production line, and there is even a situation of overcapacity. In this case, some business leaders will consider optimizing the production line and reducing some employees.

And Jimmy is worried that this kind of thing will happen. Laying off employees will naturally save the company money, but the social impact it will cause is not ordinary.

Li Kunyao nodded and said, "I know this well, and we are trying our best to arrange it. If it is not a last resort, we will definitely dismiss the production staff."

Hearing Li Kunyao's reply, Jimmy squinted his eyes and said, "There is no last resort. If you don't fire employees, the company will never go bankrupt. That's it. I don't want to read in the newspapers that the new company will be dismissed as soon as it is established." News about the employees. I read the business plan you submitted earlier, and it was well written and considered carefully."

Seeing Jimmy talking about business planning, Li Kunyao cheered up.

Regarding the business plan for entering the mobile phone market, Li Kunyao has already submitted it to Jimmy, but Jimmy has not given any feedback before.

Li Kunyao really wanted to know Jimmy's opinion on the planning document. After getting in touch with Jimmy for a long time, he believed in Jimmy's vision very much.

Jimmy first gave affirmation, and then said, "It's just that your plan lacks some impressive things. If it's other businesses, such a plan is definitely enough. But we want to enter The most important thing is the mobile phone market, which is a market with a very fast iteration speed. If we only want to develop steadily, we will definitely be eliminated by other manufacturers, but if we want to make progress, if we go in the wrong direction, we may fall into a catastrophe.”

Li Kunyao was confused by these words. Is it wrong to seek stability in co-authorship, and is it wrong to be aggressive?
Jimmy continued, "Haven't you ever thought about how to make a BenQ mobile phone memorable as soon as it appears in the market?"

Li Kunyao thought for a while and said, "Beautiful appearance, powerful functions."

But Jimmy shook his head, "You have fallen into a misunderstanding, what is a beautiful appearance? Does the straight panel look good, the clamshell looks good, or the slide cover looks good? Is the keyboard straight or sloped? Is the finish silver or black? This year, Motorola has There are two new models, one is the L2000, which focuses on tri-band, straight, and has three colors, black, gray, and blue. Its slender model is loved by many customers. The other, LD188, is also straight and has a wide screen One point, the side should be a little squarer, the buttons are strips, and there are only two colors, black and silver, and there are more people who like this one. And the appearance of these two models is designed by us. Through these two examples, One thing we will find is that there are many possibilities for looking good.”

After talking about the appearance, Jimmy said again, "Let's talk about the function, and I still talk about the two examples I gave. One of these two phones is mainly tri-band, and the communication function is very powerful, while the other has almost no communication function, but the body is lighter. Higher. Tell me, which of the two phones is more powerful?"

Li Kunyao pondered, "Whether the function is powerful or not is related to the needs of consumers. There are requirements for communication quality, especially those who make many long-distance calls will definitely choose the former. If the communication requirements are not very high, they should choose the latter. In this way Come on, we still need to understand the needs of consumers."

Jimmy waved his hand, "If you are in an already stable industry, you can be invincible if you understand the needs of consumers. But the problem is that the mobile phone industry is changing with each passing day, and even consumers themselves don't know their own needs. What is it? Now there is a consumer who says that his requirement for a mobile phone is to be able to make calls and have a longer battery life. But tomorrow, a mobile phone that can watch TV, do you think he will still insist on his demand?”

Li Kunyao understands what Jimmy means, but the problem is that they can't make that kind of cross-generational product.

Seeing that Li Kunyao was silent, Jimmy said again, "Of course we can't make a mobile phone that can watch TV, but can we make a mobile phone that can play music?"

"A mobile phone that plays music?" Li Kunyao frowned, "This should be possible, but I heard that the upcoming mobile phones of Samsung and Siemens can play music. The suspicion of following the trend may not be impressive."

"It doesn't matter. If Samsung and Siemens can do it, we can do it too, but they are also mobile phones that can play music. We still need to make some features. Moreover, I have read the promotion of Samsung and Siemens, and there is no promotion for music. Not too much, and did not attach great importance to music. But we are different, we can emphasize the concept of 'music phone' from the very beginning, as long as this concept is hyped, our mobile phones can be sold. In addition, we are more than Samsung and Siemens have one more advantage, that is, we have a lot of music copyrights on hand. As far as I know, Siemens’ mobile phone will put a 32mb memory card, just put songs into the memory card and it will play, but Siemens The card is empty, and people need to download the music themselves."

Speaking of this, Yu Dong laughed, "How many people do you think can download music by themselves after getting this card? Not everyone is very familiar with these things, and not everyone has been online. "

The situation that Jimmy mentioned is particularly obvious in China. In the past two years, a kind of store has appeared in the Chinese market. This kind of store has no other business, but to help customers download things, because most people do not know how to download. No chance to download either.

Of course, Li Kunyao also knows this situation, and he is even quite optimistic about the development of this kind of store in the next few years.

"Mr. Ji, I understand when you say that. We can put the music in the memory card when we donate it as a gift, saving users the trouble of downloading music by themselves."

Speaking of this, Li Kunyao suddenly realized, "Mr. Ji, you came to me to sell music, right? Put the music in the memory card, and Deep Space Music will definitely not charge us money."

Jimmy laughed, "Old Li, your reaction is really fast. That's right, the plan I mentioned has another advantage that it can help distribute music in deep space."

Li Kunyao said with a smile, "Mr. Ji, it stands to reason that Deep Space Music shouldn't charge us money. After all, we put the music in the memory card to promote the music of Deep Space Music. We don't want to promote it." Fei, Deep Space Music doesn’t need licensing fees, isn’t that what everyone is happy about?”

Jimmy shrugged his shoulders, and said indifferently, "The palms and backs of your hands are full of meat. I don't care whoever you charge. You can talk to those music companies about the fee. If you can persuade them to give you money, then it's you Awesome, I don’t have any opinion, I’ll give you a thumbs up.”

"It's too troublesome for us to talk about it ourselves. It's better for the Deep Space Group to package and authorize us directly."

What Li Kunyao said is correct, the copyrights under the Deep Space Group are quite complicated, and various copyrights are scattered in several companies. Jay Chou, Sun Yanzi, and Shakira, the music copyrights of several of them are not in the same company.

"Don't be afraid of trouble. Anyway, you still have a lot of time. You can't decide to make a music phone today. You can make the phone tomorrow, right? You still need to plan carefully and how to do it."

Li Kunyao nodded, and asked again: "What do you say about this matter?"

Regarding the mobile phone, Li Kunyao has always wanted to ask Yu Dong for his opinion, but he has never found a chance.

Recently, Li Kunyao has been in Jinling, and the company is not far from the Deep Space Park.But the key point is that during this time, Yu Dong was busy at school and had never been to the Deep Space Park at all, so it was difficult for Li Kunyao to meet Yu Dong, let alone discuss cellphone matters with him in depth.

The reason why Li Kunyao wanted to listen to Yu Dong's opinion had a lot to do with "Second World".

"Second World" involves a lot of things related to future mobile phones, and even made a movie later. Yu Dong led a team to design several mobile phones for Motorola. The updates and iterations of Motorola over the years are related to Yu Dong and his previous designs. .

Jimmy said with a smile, "Yu Dong proposed the music phone. He meant that we can use the music phone concept to help the brand quickly build a reputation, and then use the music phone to complete the transition."

"Transition?" Li Kunyao was stunned for a moment, "Could it be that Mr. Yu is not very optimistic about music phones?"

"Whether you are optimistic or not depends on the times. Yu Dong believes that there should be no problem in making music phones for a few years."

Li Kunyao was a little surprised and disappointed when he heard that he could only do it for a few years.The disappointment is that this is not a long-term strategy, and the surprise is that they have already thought of the market in a few years.

"Then Mr. Yu thinks, what should we do in a few years?"

Jimmy laughed, "You think Yu Dong is a god, how can we predict so far now? Let's not think too much, just make the music phone well. Except for the memory card to store genuine music, we are the best Work hard on the system and develop the function of managing music files in mobile phones. If we can develop this function earlier, then we will be able to take a big step ahead on the road of music mobile phones.”

Li Kunyao doesn't know much about mobile phone technology, so he doesn't know whether it is difficult to realize the function Jimmy said, but he still nodded firmly, "Don't worry, Mr. Ji, we will definitely solve this problem as soon as possible, no matter what. In this way, as long as there is a direction, everything will be easy to manage.”

"Well, anyway, think of ways to do it. Just adding more music to the memory card can only be regarded as a small selling point, not a core competitiveness."

(End of this chapter)

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