After Yu Dong's speech was over, Zhang Yimou followed up on the stage and said a few words.

Lao Mouzi's speech was very simple. He just talked about the shooting time and cycle of the promotional film, and when he could meet with you. After he finished speaking, the reporter said a few more words, and then came to the reporter's questioning session.

After the questioning session, the leaders of the Olympic Bidding Committee basically left, leaving only the spokesperson Wu Chongyuan to answer the reporters' questions with Yu Dong and the others.

Before asking questions, Wu Chongyuan briefly said a few words.

"There are a lot of friends from the media at the scene today. It is certainly impossible for everyone to get the opportunity to speak. After a while, everyone will actively raise their hands and we will choose. In addition, everyone should think carefully when speaking, because the video shot on the spot will not be able to speak." On TV, and today there will be a live text broadcast, and every question you ask will be seen by the majority of netizens. Okay, let’s start asking questions now, raise your hand if you have any questions... this gentleman in a blue shirt and glasses."

The reporter who was named stood up, "I want to ask Mr. Yu Dong a question. I heard that Deep Space Company is planning to bring a certain domestic football club to England to play a commercial match with Manchester United?"

"There is indeed a commercial competition, but I don't know which two teams will play together. If you are interested, you can pay attention to the official tribe of Deep Space Company. If there is any new news, the official tribe will be updated in time .”

After getting the answer, the reporter didn't sit down and continued to ask, "Teacher Yu, I just heard from your speech that you often play football. If this is the case, will Deep Space Company be more inclined to support football projects? Because I haven't heard it yet. Said that Deep Space Corporation has actions on other projects."

"It's not about support. The purpose of holding commercial competitions is for publicity. Naturally, football is chosen because the international influence of this project is relatively large, and the publicity effect is relatively good. Of course, for other sports, we are not without action at all. In terms of football, We want to learn from those football powers, and we will also increase opportunities for international exchanges in our own strong sports such as table tennis, and you will definitely see what kind of actions are in the future."

"Thank you, my question is over."

Wu Chongyuan nodded, "Next, this lady in a black T-shirt."

The female reporter stood up and said in English, "Hello, I am a reporter from the New York Daily News. My name is Helen Detter. I would like to ask YU a question. Does the company have anything to do with it?"

Yu Dong smiled and replied in Mandarin, "Hello, lady, today is the press meeting held by the Yanjing Olympic Bidding Committee of China. I hope to hear some questions related to the Olympic bid. If you have other questions, you can Deep Space Corporation or Jinyi, whether it is Deep Space Corporation or Jinyi, has a fixed media interview day. If you don’t know how to contact, you can ask a domestic reporter for consultation. I believe that the domestic media friends present here should all Yes, or you can directly call the hotline of Deep Space Corporation at 025-6********."

An interpreter was arranged at the meeting, and after Yu Dong finished speaking, someone translated his answer into English.

Without getting the answer she wanted, the female reporter sat down very disappointed. Wu Chongyuan smiled and nodded: "The gentleman in red in the first row."

Reporter: "Hello, Chairman Wu, I would like to ask, what is the reason and opportunity for you to decide to invite Yu Dong to be the ambassador for the Olympic bid?"

Wu Chongyuan: "The reason is very simple. Few people can match Yu Dong's international influence. During internal meetings, everyone agreed that he is more suitable. In addition, Yu Dong has always been very supportive of the Olympic bid. The airline company has done a lot of work for us and relieved us a lot of pressure."

Reporter: "Director Zhang Yimou, the global box office of "Golden Dreamland" directed by you is about to exceed [-] million US dollars. This is a very remarkable achievement. Will this achievement affect your filming of the Olympic bid promotion film?"

Zhang Yimou smiled: "Maybe it's because I've been with Yu Dong for too long. Now I don't feel any disturbance when I hear [-] million US dollars, and I even feel that it's only [-] million US dollars. What a great achievement. As for whether "Golden Dreamland" will have an impact on the filming of the Olympic bid promotion film, I can say with certainty that it will. But the reason for the impact is not because of the results, but because shooting this film is for me It is also a learning. I also believe that for directors, every time a work is completed, it is a growth. Since it is growth, it will naturally have an impact."

Reporter: "It is rumored that you are preparing to shoot "The Da Vinci Code". Is this true? Will this affect the shooting of the promotional film?"

Zhang Yimou: "I will do my best to make a good promotional video."

Reporter: "Mr. YU, after you become an Olympic bid ambassador, will you often go to other countries and regions to help promote it?"

Yu Dong: "I will fully cooperate with the work assigned by the Olympic Bidding Committee. If there is a need to go to other countries and regions to assist in publicity, I will definitely go. After all, this is my responsibility as the Olympic Bidding Ambassador."

Reporter: "As an ambassador for the Olympic bid, will it affect your writing?"

Yu Dong, "No, I will allocate time reasonably, and the output can definitely be guaranteed."

Reporter: "Mr. Yu Dong, director Zhang Yimou, do you two have confidence in Yanjing's Olympic bid?"

Yu Dong: "I am very confident that Yanjing is fully qualified to host the Olympic Games, and has unique advantages compared to other cities. Moreover, our country and our cities are still making progress. Eight years later, China will definitely have A fresher look."

Zhang Yimou: "Like Yu Dong, I am very confident in this Olympic bid, and I will do my best to show Chinese culture to the world through the camera."

Reporter: "If Yanjing really becomes the host city, what kind of results do you think China can achieve in the Games in eight years? Can you predict the number of gold and silver medals for us?"

Wu Chongyuan, "This problem is difficult for the two of them. Even for professionals, it is even more difficult to predict the results in eight years. Our country has been working hard to catch up with other sports powers in terms of sports. It has been quite effective, and we have achieved cornering overtaking in many events. Therefore, we are sure that we will win enough gold medals for the future Olympic Games. Eight years later, if Yanjing is really lucky to be the host city, then in the support of the people in our hometown Under the watchful eye, it is natural to show good results and explain to the people of the whole country."

Reporter: "Hello, Yu, may I ask if becoming an ambassador for the Olympic bid will affect the strategy of Shenkong Company in the stock market alone? Is there any relationship between Shenkong Company's recent operations in the stock market and Yanjing's Olympic bid?"

Hearing this question, Yu Dong was stunned for a moment, but it was not easy to refuse this question directly. After all, the question was very clever, and it had something to do with the Olympic bid.

However, it is impossible for Yu Dong to tell them about the stock market strategy, so he just said, "Deep Space Company's investment strategy is in charge of a professional person in the company. I rarely have contact with it. If you want to know the answer to the question, I suggest you go Ask Jimmy"

Reporter: "Mr. Yu, you will definitely meet many athletes in this Olympic bid. With this experience, will you be inspired to write a novel about Yu Dong?"

Yu Dong: "It's hard to say, but I don't have any thoughts about it for the time being."

Reporter: "Can you name a few athletes who have left a deep impression on you, whether they are domestic or foreign."


Because Yu Dong was on the scene, most of the reporters put the question on Yu Dong, and many reporters turned around to care about Yu Dong's private affairs.

The most important thing is that Yu Dong is very kind today, and he treats reporters with a pleasant face.

Some reporters who are familiar with Yu Dong are a little surprised to see Yu Dong speak so well today. Although Yu Dong is not bad-tempered, he usually has a cold face to the media and rarely smiles. Smiling to the reporter, it is very rare to cooperate with any question.

In fact, it is easy to understand. After all, this time Yu Dong is for the glory of the country, not for himself. As long as the questions are not too excessive, Yu Dong will try his best to answer them. Even if he doesn't want to answer, he will explain to the other party with a smile.

Not only the reporters on the scene were surprised, but also the netizens who were watching the text live broadcast of the Social Horror Tribe were also surprised.

[Liu Jinfa: Are all the original texts posted live?Is that what Yu Da said in his answer? 】

【Wheat King: I also find it strange that Yu Da is really cooperative today. 】

[Headphones only listen to half of it: It's not surprising, even Yu Da would be a little scrupulous on this occasion. 】

[Shannan Youshui: I still like to listen to Teacher Yu's stories. What I just said about them taking Teacher Shi Tiesheng to play football sounds very pleasant. 】

[Non-mobile magician: It sounds a bit exaggerated. It doesn't seem like a real thing to have people guarding the gate in a wheelchair. 】

[Princess Yuezhi: This is indeed true. Someone has already confirmed it. She played at Yan Normal University back then. 】

[Follow the network cable to hack you: It is true, I was the person involved, at that time Senior Brother Yu and the others were not as famous as they are now, many of us got autographed books after the game.Teacher Shi Tiesheng and Guo guarded the goal. We were worried at first, but later found out that it was actually okay, and playing with them, we don't care about winning or losing. 】

[The pen refill is so black: I remember a few years ago, Senior Brother Yu and the others went back to school several times, and they all played football. 】

[Gourd Wahaha: How are they playing? 】

[The pen refill is so black: It's okay, they are all fans, and Ruan Xiaohu's level is very high, among other things, he is definitely the main force in the school team. 】

[Shu Biao: If you want to participate in the Olympics, is there still time to prepare? 】

[Three Kingdoms Yingzheng: If you reincarnate now, it is a bit late, and there is still hope for participating in the 2016 Olympics. 】


After the press conference, the Olympic Bidding Committee held a relatively small celebration banquet. Except for Yu Dong and Zhang Yimou, only a few main leaders were present.

During the dinner, Liu Jingming smiled and said to Dong, "You will have to work hard during the Olympic bid. If the Olympic bid is successful, you will also need to worry about the Olympic torch relay later."

In fact, the Olympic Games has two main publicity stages. The first stage is the Olympic bid. At this stage, the Olympic Bid Committee does all kinds of publicity with the aim of winning the right to host.The second stage is after winning the right to host and before the official start of the Olympic Games, or after the end of the previous Olympic Games. More people come to watch the Olympics.

Liu Jingming has already talked about the torch relay, which is enough to prove that he has very strong confidence in this Olympic bid.

Wei Jizhong said with a smile, "It's not just Yu Dong who needs to worry about it personally, the Deep Space Corporation may also need to worry about it. The Olympic torch relay needs the support of all parties. The Yanjing Olympic Organizing Committee will definitely hope that Being able to find reliable partners, like, like Deep Space Corporation.”

Hearing Wei Jizhong's words, Yu Dong's expression didn't change much, but Zhang Yimou who was next to him raised his eyebrows high.

Wei Jizhong has actually said it very clearly, he is throwing an olive branch towards Yudong and the deep space.

If Deep Space Corporation can become a partner of the Yanjing Olympic Games, the benefits brought by Deep Space will be very obvious, and the attention of the 08 Olympic Games is still quite high.

The current Deep Space Corporation is actually not very eager for such cooperation opportunities, but it will be hard to say in seven or eight years.

Seven or eight years later, if there is no accident, BenQ Dentsu's independent brand has been established. At that time, BenQ Dentsu's hardware equipment can be included in the Olympic Games. This is a very hard-core advertisement.

In addition, if they can undertake the selection of torchbearers and escorts, it will be a great thing for deep space, and there will be a lot of room for them to operate.

Yu Dong said with a smile: "It would be a great honor for Deep Space if we can become a partner of the Olympic Games. Then we will definitely try our best to promote the Yanjing Olympic Games to the world and let the world understand China's culture and development. Assist in the Olympic torch relay in terms of technology and marketing."

"Haha, the capabilities of Deep Space Corporation are obvious to all. If there is really help from Deep Space Corporation, Yanjing will definitely get twice the result with half the effort. However, it is still too early to talk about the torch relay. Let's do a good job in the Olympic bid. Let’s wait until the Olympic bid is confirmed.”

Yu Dong nodded: "Okay."

Although it stands to reason that after the Olympic bid is successful, their Olympic Bid Committee will be disbanded on the spot, but the Olympic Organizing Committee will be established immediately, and the staff of the Olympic Organizing Committee will basically not change much.

Liu Jingming is now the vice-chairman. Not surprisingly, if the Olympic bid is successful and the Olympic Organizing Committee is established, he will still be the vice-chairman, and he will even take a step forward.

In other words, you can still talk to Liu Jingming about the cooperation between Deep Space Corporation and the Olympic Organizing Committee.

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