On the second day after the media meeting ended, the filming of the promotional film for the Olympic bid officially began. The script of the promotional film for this shooting was written in advance. Not much, only appeared for more than 20 seconds.

These 20 seconds are mainly at the beginning of the film. Yu Dong will pick up a brush and write calligraphy. Every time he finishes writing a character, that character will transform into a human form. Some play football, some play table tennis, some lift weights, some high jump...

Therefore, Yu Dong's recording is also very fast, as long as the scene of him writing is recorded, the rest depends on the post-production synthesis.

In fact, Zhang Yimou originally wanted Yu Dong to do a piece of Tai Chi in the promotional video, but Yu Dong really can't, since he can't, there is no need to do it, otherwise it will have a counterproductive effect.

The promotional film for the Olympic bid was assisted by Deep Space Corporation, and Yanjing Studios did not have to worry about capital or technology.

Before the participation of Deep Space Company, the Olympic bid committee originally planned to shoot only one promotional film, but now with the participation of Deep Space Company, the number has directly increased to six.

The six promotional films for the Olympic bid are planned to be filmed before April next year, which is almost one film per month, but according to Zhang Yimou's progress, one film can be filmed in a week.

Yu Dong was the studio that NO.13 entered in the morning, and he finished filming at noon that day.

After wrapping up, Zhang Yimou still wanted to stay in Yu Dong for a meal, but Yu Dong didn't argue with him, and went back to Jinling directly on the company's business jet.

The reason why he came back in such a hurry was because NO.14 was Yu Yi's first birthday.

According to the custom of the Cheng family, grandma and grandpa take care of the child's first birthday, so Yu Yi's first birthday party was also hosted by Yu Dongyue's parents.

In addition to relatives and friends in Jinling, that is, some direct relatives will come, but even so, there are seven or eight tables of people.

The current situation of Yu Dong's family is like this, either no one is invited, as long as they are invited, there are a bunch of people who invite them casually.

For example, Yu Hua and the others, as long as they invite one, the others will definitely be invited.Yu Hua and the others called in this group, and Liu Changmin and other good colleagues naturally couldn't be left behind.

After lunch, there was a meeting to catch the week. Qin Fang spread a very large red cloth on the ground, and placed a lot of things on it, such as paper, ink, brush and inkstone, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, gold, silver and jewelry. People are dazzled.

After everything was laid out, Yu Yi was placed in the middle of the red cloth.

Yu Yi, who just turned one year old, is chubby, wearing a purple children's cheongsam, sitting in the middle of the red cloth, his small face is full of doubts.

The guests gathered around the red cloth, carefully watching Yu Yi's movements, wondering what she would catch.

Aunt Cheng Yanqiu said with a smile, "Father is a great writer, he will definitely grab a pen or a book."

Chen Tao raised a different opinion, "I feel that Zhenzhen should follow my sister and definitely grab an instrument."

In fact, judging from the layout of the things on the red cloth, Yu Yi has the greatest possibility of catching pens, books or musical instruments, because when placing these things, Yu Yi's grandma and grandma deliberately put these things away. Put it near the middle, so it's easy to grab and go.

The ones that are close are basically elegant things such as brushes, ink, paper and inkstones, piano, chess, calligraphy and paintings, and gold, silver, jewelry, abacus and scales are placed relatively far away.

But Yu Yi was a relatively "rebellious" child. Instead of grabbing the elegant things close to her, she crawled to a place near the edge of the red cloth and grabbed a whistle.

"Really, this, this."

Qin Fang was obviously dissatisfied with her granddaughter's grasping the whistle, so she deliberately picked up the pen to tease Yu Yi, hoping that Yu Yi would be able to grasp the pen, but Yu Yi ignored her grandma at all, and just put the whistle in her mouth and started blowing.


After the whistle sounded, Yu Yi giggled.

Seeing Yu Yixiao, Qin Fang lost her temper and laughed too.

Someone asked, "What is the meaning of grasping the whistle?"

"I haven't heard of catching the whistle." Everyone didn't know what it meant to catch the whistle.

With the change of the times, the things used to catch the Zhou rituals have changed a lot. Today, these things are also searched by Qin Fang from home. In order to make things appear more, so even the whistle is brought over, of course, the whistle is used to make up the number At that time, Qin Fang didn't expect her granddaughter to catch the whistle.

Bi Feiyu said with a smile, "This whistle can also be regarded as a musical instrument. Zhenzhen will definitely have musical talent in the future."

Hearing Bi Feiyu's words, everyone secretly gave a thumbs up, thinking that this guy can really talk.

Sure enough, these words were very helpful to Qin Fang, she nodded quickly and said, "Yes, yes, the whistle can also be regarded as a musical instrument. Zhenzhen will definitely become a musician like her mother in the future. When she grows up, she will play the piano for grandma."

As if he understood what grandma said, Yu Yi whistled and blew a few more times, which made everyone laugh.


After lunch, Yu Dong and the others chatted in the reception room.

Yu Hua leaned on the bamboo couch and asked Yu Dong, "Is the science fiction novel you mentioned last time related to expressionism and Kafka finished?"

Yu Dong nodded while making tea, "Well, it's finished."

Hearing that Yu Dong had finished writing, Yu Hua sat up straight, and everyone else looked at Yu Dong.

"Is there any manuscript here?" Yu Hua asked.

"It's really there, but it's an electronic file. It's in the computer in my study." Yu Dong laughed.

Yu Dong sent the manuscript of "The Ninth District" to the company a long time ago. After the company proofread the manuscript, it entered the manuscript into the computer, and then gave Yu Dong an electronic file.

Now the manuscript of "The Ninth District" has been sent to the translation teams in various languages, and it will be put on sale after the translation work is completed.In fact, if it weren't for the delay in the sci-fi theme activities and the delay in the start of school for a while, this novel could have been written long ago.

"I'll get it." Bi Feiyu stood up directly.

Yu Dong glanced at him, "How do you get it? Could it be that you brought my computer here? My computer is desktop."

Bi Feiyu took out a transparent box, which contained a small black card, "There is something called an SD card."

Seeing Bi Feiyu take out the SD card from his pocket, Yu Dong couldn't help giving a thumbs up, "You're so good, take this with you."

If the sd card appeared on a person in the computer industry, Yu Dong would not be surprised, but Bi Feiyu, as a teacher and writer, although carrying this thing is a bit miraculous.

The sd card is actually a new thing, and many people in China don’t know about it, not to mention the sd card, even the mmc card that appeared earlier than it, many people don’t know about it, after all, even the mmc has just been introduced into the country Not two years.

"You have a card, but you don't have a computer, how do you read the card?"

Hu Changqing who was sitting opposite said with a smile, "It's okay, I brought the laptop, it's in my car, I'll get it now."

Hearing that Hu Changqing brought a laptop, Yu Dong was not too surprised. This guy is an electronic product enthusiast. He will change his mobile phone for a computer soon, and he will indeed carry the computer with him.

Now that the equipment was brought, Yu Dong didn't say anything, and took Bi Feiyu to the study to copy the novel's electronic files, while Hu Changqing also went out to get the computer.

When Dong and the others came back to the reception room, Hu Changqing had already turned on the computer.

The novel was opened on the computer, Yu Hua and the others all came together and squeezed in front of the small computer screen.

"Enlarge the font size, old Hu, you're so self-proclaimed that you're a computer expert, so buy a computer with such a small screen." Yu Hua complained.

Hu Changqing said angrily, "What do you know? This kind of notebook is easy to carry. I have one with a big screen at home, so I didn't bring it."

"I didn't take you to say a fart, just make the font bigger, the font is so small, it's almost blinding my eyes."

"It's good to be blind." Hu Changqing muttered, but still enlarged the font.

However, after the font size is increased, there is another problem, that is, the screen is too small, and the entire screen cannot fit a few lines of text, which is very uncomfortable to watch, especially for people who are fast readers.

Not being able to see clearly is the most important thing. The most important thing is that the computer is only so big, and there are so many people, there is nowhere to look when they are crowded together.

Later, it was Yu Hua who slapped his head and said, "Mr. Wai, isn't your home a projector? Why don't you connect Lao Hu's computer to the projector, so that we can all watch it."

Hearing Yu Hua's suggestion, Yu Dong couldn't help but twitched his lips.

His house does have a projector, and it is still the most advanced, and it is placed in the room on the corner of the reception building.

The reason why a projector is installed is also to increase entertainment activities. When everyone is free during the holidays, they can watch some movies to pass the time.

However, the proposal to cast the novel with a projector is a bit of a nonsense.

But other people don't care about this, they think this proposal is good.

Bi Feiyu was the first to chime in, "Yeah, why did you forget about this, the projector at Yuanwai's house is the most advanced projector now, the picture effect is amazing, and the screen is so big, enough for all of us People watch it together, and it doesn’t have to be as crowded as it is now.”

Hu Changqing also nodded, "That's right, that's right, let's go there now."

After finishing speaking, it didn't mean that Dong responded, Hu Changqing directly walked towards the room where the projector was installed with his computer in his arms.

Seeing Hu Changqing get up, the others also got up.

"Let's go, let's go read." Yu Hua yelled as he walked.

Seeing that all the troops had left, Yu Dong shook his head slightly and followed suit.

The room where the projector is installed is quite large, and for the convenience of watching movies, there are several rows of comfortable seats, which are the kind of chairs that can be put down and lie down. When the curtains are drawn, the room is like a small movie theater. The shadow effect is very good.

It's not the first time Hu Changqing has done screen projection. After coming here, he connected his computer to the projector with ease, opened the novel, and projected the novel on the screen.

Looking at the words on the screen, Wang Xiaobo couldn't help but sigh, "I haven't read a book like this before, let alone, it's really impressive."

"Well, I really feel it, but it would be great if there is some music. Isn't this book related to expressionism, Lao Hu, let me have some angry music." Yu Hua said.

Hu Changqing shrugged his shoulders, "That will disappoint you, I only have one Ode to Joy in my computer, nothing else, do you want to listen to Ode to Joy?"

"Forget it, that's it."

Everyone chatted and laughed for a while, and soon quieted down, concentrating on the words on the screen.

Hu Changqing is in charge of controlling the computer to turn the pages, but he reads the book very quickly. After he finished it, many people didn't finish it. So when he turned the page, many people shouted: "Don't turn the page, don't turn the page, you haven't finished it yet."

Hu Changqing waited until the next page.

After flipping through several pages, Hu Changqing found that Wang Xiaobo was the last to read each time.

Hu Changqing went directly to pull Wang Xiaobo to the computer, "You turn the page."

Sure enough, if the slowest reader was asked to turn the pages, no one would say they hadn't finished reading, but the others could only silently wait for the slowest Wang Xiaobo to turn the pages, but this was better than someone not finishing the book.

The novel "The Ninth District" was born out of the movie "The Ninth District", but the plot is not exactly the same as the movie. The protagonist in the novel is not a senior civil servant with some background like in the movie, but a 30 He is an ordinary man who just got engaged to his fiancée. He used to work in other companies, but through his own efforts, he became a full-time employee of a large multinational company.

After becoming an employee of a multinational company, he was sent to the Ninth District to participate in the on-site management work. The so-called Ninth District is the place where aliens are placed.

Decades ago, a group of aliens fled to the earth. The aliens who came to the earth did not seek to invade, but to seek asylum.

After discussion, the countries on the earth decided to set up an area in South Africa as a temporary refuge for these aliens. In fact, these aliens were detained together for centralized management.

At the beginning, it was the governments of various countries who discussed to manage District [-]. Later, they simply outsourced the management of aliens to a well-known multinational company, which is the company that the male protagonist entered.

After coming to District [-], the male protagonist was accidentally infected with a strange virus and became more and more like an alien.

Because it is different from the setting of the hero in the movie, the attitude of the hero in the novel towards aliens is a process of constant change, from curiosity and fear at the beginning, to a trace of sympathy mixed with disgust, and then to Ended up being as numb as everyone else.

This difference in setting is also related to the form of expression. After all, movies have market restrictions, and it takes a lot of space to show the psychological changes of men's football.The novel is different, not only has enough space, but also has more advantages in expressing psychological changes in words, and the efficiency is faster.

In fact, in the first few chapters of the novel, Yu Hua and the others did not feel that the novel had anything to do with expressionism. They were only attracted by the aliens and their special experiences mentioned in the novel.

It wasn't until the male protagonist came to the Ninth District and came into contact with the ulterior secrets of the Ninth District that the direction of the novel began to change, and it became bloody and violent.

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