After the first few chapters, Yu Hua and the others discovered that the bloody elements in the novel began to increase.

And later on, the writing style of the novel has also undergone tremendous changes.

In the previous chapters, the perspective is mainly on the hero. After all, he is a young man who just got engaged and got a good job opportunity. He is full of hope for the future, so from his perspective, the world is full of colors everywhere.

Even though he was sent to the Ninth District by the company, he was full of passion, thinking that he could do a good job there, get the appreciation of his boss, and finally get promoted and raise his salary to reach the pinnacle of his life.

But when the hero set foot on the land of District [-], the perspective suddenly changed, becoming more distant and more indifferent.

A famous French literary theorist once wrote an article called "Zero Degree of Writing", in which he put forward the term "Zero Degree of Writing".

The so-called zero-degree writing means that the author does not mix personal thoughts when writing, and states completely mechanically.

Among the writers present, Yu Hua liked this writing method very much.

Zero-degree writing advocates not mixing personal feelings, but it does not mean that the author should eliminate emotions. In fact, the focus of zero-degree writing is to reduce the passionate emotions to freezing point, so that the author can write objectively, calmly and calmly.

However, only the author can be calm. When readers read such words, they will be aroused by such cold words.

Carrion, dead bones, and fresh corpses are mentioned indifferently like kindergarten toys, giving readers a sense of sharp contrast, as if in a place like District [-], these things are rare and commonplace and can be seen everywhere.

In such a world, the male protagonist's three views were violently impacted and broke into pieces. He tried to pick up these scattered pieces on the ground and put them together, but in the end it was a strange , contradictory and alienated views.

The story began to reach its climax after the male protagonist was infected with a mysterious virus.

It was also at this time that everyone in front of the projector discovered the relationship between this novel and "The Metamorphosis"—the male protagonist seemed to be turning into a "prawn".

After the alienation came, the male protagonist was captured by the company's armed forces and captured in the laboratory. They were going to dissect him to unlock the secrets of aliens, but fortunately, the male protagonist escaped.

When they saw this, everyone present thought of another novel, which is the original novel of the same name of the movie "Golden Dreamland", which was just released not long ago.

The male protagonist, like the male protagonist in "Golden Dreamland", started his own journey of escape.

But the difference is that in "Golden Dreamland", the hero gets help from many people on the way to escape. His friends and relatives all believe that he is innocent, and readers can feel the touching warmth from it.In "The Ninth District", the male protagonist gradually saw the hypocrisy, indifference and selfishness of human beings while fleeing, just like "Metamorphosis".

Even, the company slandered him on TV for having a relationship with aliens.


When everyone saw the male protagonist returning from the spaceship to eat other prawns, there was a messy sound outside the door. After a while, Qin Fang opened the door and came in, saying, "Take a break, it's getting dark, come out and eat." Let's have dinner."

"Okay, okay, we'll be there in a while." Everyone agreed.

Although they said they were going, no one moved their ass.

Yu Dong looked at the remaining pages, guessing that he would not be able to finish reading in half an hour, so he turned on the light in the room.

As soon as the light was turned on, the text on the screen was hard to read, and everyone complained immediately, "What's the hurry, I'm almost done."

"Yeah, look at it for a while, it's almost over, we're not hungry, we can eat later."

"Wang Xiaobo went to eat, and when he left, our reading speed increased."

"Why should I go to dinner, the computer is mine."

Yu Dong was not used to them, so he went directly to turn off the projector, and then chased them outside like ducks, "Go out, it's okay for you to eat later, don't let other guests wait for you. If you really want to see it, wait to eat Let's talk after dinner."

Although everyone wants to stay here and read the rest of the content, they all know that Yu Dong is right. There are not only these guests who came to Luoyuan today, but also several other tables. It's really outrageous for other people to eat.

Everyone complained and walked out the door.

At first, everyone was complaining about Yu Dong pushing them out, but after they got out, they started complaining about Wang Xiaobo again. Everyone agreed that if Wang Xiaobo's slow reading speed didn't drag them down, they would have finished the novel long ago.

In fact, what they complained was right. If Wang Xiaobo's reading speed was not too slow, they would only need three or four hours to finish the novel.

But because Wang Xiaobo dragged them down, they read the book for nearly five hours without finishing the book.

On the way to the restaurant, Yu Hua asked, "What's going on next? Did the hero save the alien? Did he survive?"

After he finished asking, Bi Feiyu and the others stared at him with a look of disgust.

Yu Dong was about to tease Yu Hua a few words, when a young man walked up to him and greeted him respectfully: "Hello, teachers."

Seeing the boy, Bi Feiyu asked, "Why, you left school so early?"

The young man replied with a smile, "It's not over yet, I took a class off and came here specially."

"No wonder."

Hu Changqing asked, "Why are you already in college?"

"No, I'm only a sophomore in high school this year."

"You're only a sophomore in high school." Hu Changqing showed a surprised expression, "It feels like you are already very big, but I didn't expect you to be a sophomore in high school."

Yu Hua smiled and said, "Mo Wei gives people the impression that he is old-fashioned. When we first met him, he was still a primary school student. At that time, he gave people the impression of a young adult."

Recalling the scene when they met Mo Wei back then, many people present were very moved. Before they knew it, the elementary school student had grown into an adult.

After a few years, it may not be particularly obvious when they are adults, but it is very conspicuous when it is Mo Wei.

The primary school student who was only a little taller than the counter back then is almost as tall as Yu Donggao now.

When New Year's Eve was approaching that year, Yu Dong and the others went out to eat together, and happened to get into the gear of Mo Wei's house, and then discovered Mo Wei, a young genius.

Mo Wei, who is in the sixth grade, can write thousands of words of mystery novels, and he looks decent. Everyone agrees that Mo Wei is a genius.

After that, whenever Yu Dong passed by Mo Wei's house, he would go in to see Mo Wei, chat with him, and ask him what he had seen and written recently.

After coming and going, the relationship between Mo Wei and Yu Dong became very good. Although Yu Dong didn't say anything, he and Mo Wei have always been getting along in a teacher-student mode.

Hu Changqing asked: "Have you written anything new recently?"

Mo Wei shook his head, "I haven't written anything recently, and I have a lot of homework, so I read books when I have time."

Homework is one aspect. The key is that Yu Dong has been telling Mo Wei to write less and read more. He is indeed talented, but at his age, talent is easily squandered. useless.

Many literary geniuses became famous when they were young, and wrote a lot of things, but what they wrote were all framed by themselves. If no one guided them, they could only be trapped by the frames they drew in the end.

This kind of injury to Zhongyong often happens in the literary world.

Many people who wrote well when they were young are getting older, not to mention that they have not improved, and they are becoming more and more ingenious.

Yu Dong didn't want Mo Wei to embark on this path, so he asked him to read more and write less.

Mo Wei is also very obedient. If he is not particularly eager, he will not write at all.

Hearing that Mo Wei didn't write anything new, Hu Changqing nodded, and said with a smile, "You are late, if you come at noon, you can catch up with us to appreciate your new work by Teacher Yu."

Mo Wen's eyes widened, "Have you finished writing Teacher Yu's new book?"

Yu Hua nodded, "It's not only finished, we're almost done reading it too."

Hearing what Yu Hua said, Mo Weipo regretted, "I can't help it. It's very difficult to ask for a class. It's impossible to ask for half a day off."

"What, tell the teacher that you are sick, your stomach hurts, and you need to go to the hospital." Hu Changqing suggested.


Everyone booed Hu Changqing mockingly.

Yu Dong also rolled his eyes, Lao Hu was such a dogmatic person before, he hated students who violated discipline, but now he is teaching a high school student to lie to the teacher, and he finally lived the way he hates the most.

"Don't teach the child badly, hurry up and go downstairs to eat, and we'll talk after dinner."


After dinner that day, few people went to watch "District [-]" because many people were drunk.

They were all very modest at noon, one said that they had a stomachache recently, the other said that their cervical spine was uncomfortable recently, and neither of them drank alcohol, but at night they both became stiff.

After a fierce battle, those who were moderately able to drink all got down on the ground, and even those who were able to drink well became dizzy.

That is to say, there are many houses in Luoyuan, otherwise they would not be able to accommodate them.

After the rest of "The Ninth District" was read by a few people who were not drunk, Mo Wei ran behind the computer and started to read it from the beginning.

Yu Dong glanced at Mo Wei, and said, "Nine o'clock at the latest, sleep in Luoyuan at night, go to bed early, we are going to Jinyi tomorrow morning, you can go there with our car."

Mo Wei is now studying in Jinling Middle School, not far from Jinyi, so it is convenient to drive there with them.

"Hey, yes, Teacher Yu." Mo Wei nodded, and he was not polite. He didn't stay in Luoyuan once or twice. Sometimes his parents would also stay here.

Mowei's parents also came today, but they went back after lunch. The key is that they are reluctant to leave behind the gear business.


After bragging with the drunken Yu Hua and the others for a while, after making them sleepy, he arranged them to sleep, while Yu Dong went to the study first, and dealt with work for a while, but it was not too late , I went to bed before ten o'clock.

The next morning, Yu Dong also got up quite early, and when he went to the restaurant for breakfast, he ran into Mo Wei.

Seeing Mo Wei dozing off while drinking porridge, Yu Dong frowned, "Mo Wei, you didn't sleep well last night?"

Mo Wei, who was sleepy at first, suddenly heard Yu Dong's voice and was startled. He became sober a lot, and he said embarrassedly, "Teacher Yu, I was a little late watching last night."

"Didn't I let you see at nine o'clock at the latest?"

Bi Feiyu walked over from behind, and laughed, "You let him see nine o'clock at the latest, didn't you say it was nine o'clock in the evening, couldn't it be nine o'clock in the morning?"

Yu Dong twitched his lips, "If you're playing with words, you might as well understand it as 'nine o'clock tomorrow'."

If you really want to play with words, "tomorrow" will never arrive.

Of course, Mo Wei didn't dare to play word games with Yu Dong, he said with a sneer, "I originally wanted to finish at nine o'clock, but Teacher Yu's new book is so good, I finished it without holding back."

Speaking of the novel, Bi Feiyu patted his head annoyedly, "Drinking was a mistake, I drank too much last night, and I didn't even read the last part of "District [-]". Is Lao Hu's computer still in the projection room? I'll go and see."

Yu Dong said with a smile: "I've already given the computer to Lao Hu, and even deleted the novel in it, you guys want to read it, wait until the novel is on the shelves."

Bi Feiyu was taken aback: "Huh?"

"Come on, eat and go to school later."

"Are you serious?"

"Of course it's true, who wants to lie to you?"

Bi Feiyu stared at Yu Dong's face for a long time, determined that Yu Dong was not joking, then gritted his teeth and said, "Treacherous, treacherous, this is all right, when the book comes out, we all have to go to the bookstore to buy books , contribute sales to you.”

Yu Dong said with a smile: "That's right, I will point out you guys to buy books to support me."


After arriving at school, Wu Changxin knocked on the door of his office before Yu Dong warmed up his office chair.

Equal to Dong raised his head, Wu Changxin smiled and said, "Is there nothing to do today?"

Yu Dong wondered, "There are two classes in the morning, what's the matter?"

"I know you have two classes. I'm asking, do you have anything else to do besides these two classes?"

"Well, maybe there is."

Wu Changxin said unhappily, "If there is, there is, and if there is no, there is not. What does it mean that there may be?"

Yu Dong chuckled, "Whether there is, the key depends on what you want from me, President Wu."

Wu Changxin rolled his eyes, went to the sofa and sat down, "It's nothing special, I just want to talk to you about the new campus."

"New campus?" Yu Dong also stood up, and while pouring tea for Wu Changxin, he asked doubtfully, "Is our school sure to build a new campus? Aren't we building buildings here?"

There were rumors about building a new campus in the school before, but in Yu Dong's opinion, since the school is busy building buildings, there should be no plan to build a new campus.

Wu Changxin spread his hands and said, "There's no way. It's useless to build more buildings in such a big place. Our school has a lot of people every year."

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