Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 886 Solving Difficulties

Chapter 886 Solving Difficulties
What Wu Changxin said is correct, Jinyi’s place is too small, and if you want to increase the building area, you can only build very high buildings, but it is not a good thing to build too many high-rise buildings in the school, let alone the greening requirements.

Yu Dong thought for a while and asked, "Is there anything I can do for you?"

The implication is to ask Wu Changxin if he needs financial support.

For Wu Changxin and the others, building a new campus may be a relatively difficult task, but for Dong, it is not a problem.

Wu Changxin also knew the meaning of Yu Dong's words, but he still shook his head, "You have already supported the school a lot. If it weren't for your support in all aspects, our school is no different from ten years ago. Sometimes, when I Walking in the school, looking at the buildings in the school now, I am also trying to remember which buildings existed ten years ago. After thinking about it for a long time, I only think of a few buildings. Hard work can make a big difference.”

"Principal, you are joking. The changes in the school over the years are mainly due to you, the locomotive. We have worked together to create everything we have now." Yu Dong said modestly.

"You're just too modest." Wu Changxin shook his head with a smile, "You don't have to worry about funding, our school's funding for the past few years is quite good, Liu Changmin and his studios can still pay some money to the school every year. I came to see you, mainly because the city government sent people to ask if we want to build a new campus in Qixia District."

"Qixia District?"

"Well, Xianlin, the area on the east side of Zijin Mountain, I heard that it was going to be planned a few years ago, and there has been no movement. That is, two days ago, the city government sent people to talk to me about this matter. According to what they said, there has been some The school has decided to build a new campus in that area, including Jinling University and Jinling Normal University. I heard that the government plans to vigorously develop that area, and wants to develop that area into a nationally famous open university town.”

University town is a new word in China, and it is also a hot word. Just last year, China's first university town, the Eastern University Town, was officially put into construction.

For China, a university city is a novelty. In the eyes of most people in China, a university is a university, and a city is a city. How can a university become a city?
Someone has made a vulgar explanation for college students. A street with shops on both sides is called a food stall. If there are universities on both sides, it is a college student.

The concept of a university town has long existed in the West, and the more famous ones are university towns such as Oxford and Cambridge.

Of course, Oxford and Cambridge are mainly formed naturally, and slowly formed after a long history.

There are also some university towns that are actively built, such as Charlottesville and State College in the United States, and the neon Tsukuba University Town, etc. These college students are all led by the state, local governments or well-known companies.

Yu Dong is naturally no stranger to Xianlin University Town. It would be a good thing if Jinyi can really become the first batch of schools to enter Xianlin University Town.

Compared with other schools, Jinyi actually needs a university city more. Their school buildings are too tight, and the cost of building on the original basis is high, and the school's construction every three days will also greatly affect the students' learning.

Although the school's projects are put on holidays as much as possible, there are still constructions during the school year. The opinions of students from other colleges are not too big, and the biggest opinion is the Conservatory of Music.

In the conservatory of music, if there is too much noise outside, the experience will be very poor.

Yu Dong nodded and said, "This is a good thing. Since the government has the will in this regard, and we happen to be short of school buildings, it's a win-win situation."

"But there are two problems. One, the fairy forest is a bit out of the way, and the traffic is not convenient. If you want to build traffic, it won't be completed in three or two years. Have you visited that area? It's all farmland. .In addition, the place they are willing to give is also a little smaller, and they are only willing to plan a thousand acres for us."

Yu Dong asked strangely, "Xianlin University City is directly planned, shouldn't it be listed for land transfer?"

"List the land for sale?" Wu Changxin was stunned. He had never heard of it.

People from the government only told him that if their school moved in, they would plan a 5-acre campus for their school, and the price per mu would be 5000 yuan. Calculated, it would cost about [-] million yuan to settle in Jinyi at the initial stage. Not too high, of course Jin Yi can accept it.

In fact, Yu Dong misremembered this matter. He used to read the news and always saw that the land in Xianlin University City was listed for sale, and he thought that all the land in the University City was for sale.

The [-] mu of land reserved for Jinyi in the University City is indeed a bit small. Jinyi has developed too fast in the past few years, and there are many more students.

Moreover, many majors have been added in the past two years, and these majors now only have low-grade students. When there are senior grades later, the pressure will be even greater. One thousand acres is definitely not enough.

"Then how many acres do you want?" Yu Dong asked.

Wu Changxin gestured, "It takes at least 1000 mu. Looking at it now, [-] mu is enough for our school, but in two years, our school will have many more students than now. [-] mu is enough for our school. It’s crowded. Now the university town is still under planning, and when it’s built, at least three years later, there may be more than [-] more students and faculty members in our school. I roughly calculated, [-] One hundred acres, it should be usable."

"Then the demands of both of you are too different, and they must not agree."

Wu Changxin twitched the corners of his mouth, "It's not just disagreement, they just clung to the figure of [-] mu, and they didn't want to go up at all. I told them, how can there be such a business? Guess how they told me? said?"

Speaking of this, Lao Wu subconsciously took out a cigarette from his pocket and prepared to light it, but suddenly realized that he was not in his office, so he put the cigarette in his hand and did not light it, "They told me that this is a college student, who is engaged in education, not Doing business. I don’t agree with this statement, since we have set up a university town, we must have the thinking of doing business, and don’t always think about innovation, but the thinking is still stuck in the past.”

Yu Dong laughed, "That's right, you didn't tell them about this?"

"I said it, it's useless. Those who come here are all dead-headed, and it doesn't make sense."

"If someone insists on a thousand acres, will you still go?"

Wu Changxin shook his head, and said firmly, "What the hell, you can't eat raw rice for anything. One thousand mu is enough for us for a few years. Don't move there and think about finding another place even if the paint hasn't dried."

Hearing what he said was interesting, Yu Dong smiled and asked again, "Then you are looking for me because you want me to help you make a deal?"

Wu Changxin said with a smile, "I have this idea. Don't look at the fact that they are building a university town that is very lively. What will happen to the university town in the future is still up to you."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Principal, where do you start with your words? Our deep space park is not close to Xianlin. How can we affect their university town?"

"It doesn't matter how far it is, because the students in the university town will go to Hexi to work in the future. If Hexi is not a small place, I think it would be better to put the university town in Hexi. After graduation, students can walk to their workplaces. seamless connection."

Yu Dong curled his lips, Old Wu is usually very serious, why is he always talking about jokes today.

If the government builds a university town in Hexi, it will be a waste. The land price in Hexi is very expensive now, and there is no need for the blessing of a university town.

The reason why the university town is placed in Xianlin is not because it is relatively remote and there is a lot of land. Although the university town is built there, although the initial investment is high, when the local area becomes lively, the land can be sold.

"Did you say when it will be finalized?" Yu Dong asked.

Wu Changxin shook his head: "That's not what I said."

Yu Dong pondered for a while, "Well then, I'll go and ask for you, but if you really want 500 acres, you need to invest at least [-] million yuan. Is there any problem with our school?"

Wu Changxin made an ok gesture: "There is no problem at all. The money is not handed over to them in a day, and it is easy to solve. Let alone [-] mu, even if it is doubled to [-] mu, there is no problem at all. "

Yu Dong nodded, "Well, then I know."


After Wu Changxin left, Yu Dong called Yu Yu and briefly told Yu Yu about this matter.

After Yu Dong finished speaking, Yu Yu smiled and said that this matter would be handled by him.

The remaining work efficiency is very high, that is, in the afternoon, the leader in charge of this area in the city called Yu Dong himself.

When he received the call, Yu Dong thought that the other party would exchange a few words, turn a corner, and then discuss with himself.

But what he didn't expect was that after the call was connected, the other party asked Yu Dong a question directly.

"Mr. Yu, are you sure that your school will not waste the [-] mu of land?"

"The average area is less than [-] square meters for each student. Even if it is not wasted, if it is [-] acres, it will take about [-] students."

"In other words, as long as there are more than 2 people in the school, it is not a waste?"


Yu Dong said with a smile: "That's no problem, just give us another 15 years."

"15 years...well, if that's the case, I'll arrange it."

15 years may sound like a long time, but for a school, it is not a big deal. If the university city cannot even plan for 15 years, then the vision is too short-sighted.

As for whether to waste or not, it is actually just an excuse. When the government plans, the standards for each school are different, and it is impossible to calculate according to the average land occupied by students.

For example, Jinling University, this time the government has planned more than 3000 mu for them, and there is room for it. If it is expanded in the future, it can be expanded to a maximum of [-] mu.

If the average area occupied by students is less than 3 square meters, Jinling University must have more than [-] students in the Xianlin campus.

In fact, the plan for Jinyi is not only one thousand mu, it should be between one thousand mu and two thousand mu. Even if Yu Dong does not go out, Wu Changxin can talk to them by himself, and there is hope that it will reach two thousand mu. After all, Jinyi's current situation The development situation can also be seen by the government here.

However, the Deep Space Company came forward, and the government was naturally not stingy, and directly added another thousand acres to the original plan.

Yu Dong's face is not worth a thousand acres of land, besides, the thousand acres of campus is not given away for free, and Jinyi also costs money.

As long as Jinyi students can have more than [-] students in the future, the [-]-acre campus will not be considered a loss.

After several years of development, Jinyi now has nearly [-] full-time students, and will enter a period of rapid growth in the next few years.It is estimated that in the next four to five years, Jinyi's students are likely to exceed [-].

Therefore, there is still hope for the Xianlin campus to exceed [-].

In fact, the government still very much hopes that Jinyi can set up a campus in the soon-to-be-constructed Xianlin University, because Jinyi is an art school after all, with its own characteristics, and it has been very popular in recent years, and it is often in the news.

Here, after Yu Dong got an affirmative answer, he went directly to Wu Changxin's office to tell him the good news without delay.

When Yu Dong arrived at Wu Changxin's office, Liu Changmin was there. As soon as he entered the door, Yu Dong heard Liu Changmin say: "Principal, our studio is really too small. A few more computers have come in these two days. In my office... you can't even say it's my office, how can I have an office, isn't it just a grocery store? Why don't you go with me now and see what's the mess in my place?"

Wu Changxin frowned and said, "Solve it? How do you think I can solve it for you? Your studio is difficult, but I have given you three rooms. The Science Fiction Association had three rooms before, so I forced them to cut them. One, and the Cucumber Garden Poetry Club, they are still in the same room, and spend most of their time wandering around the various classrooms. How about I give you my office?"

"Principal, why are you saying this? I don't mean that..."

What else did Wu Changxin want to say, when he looked up and saw Yu Dong standing at the door, a smile immediately appeared on his face, "Teacher Yu is here, come in and sit down."

Liu Changmin shook his head with Yu Dong as a greeting, and then complained to Wu Changxin, "Principal, you are biased, why do you look sad when you see me, and look happy when you see Yu Dong?"

Wu Changxin said angrily: "It's not that I saw the frowning face, it's that every time you come here you say something that makes me frown. If you are like Yu Dong and say good things every time you come, I will definitely smile at you too. How much do you say? Just show a few teeth, okay?"

Liu Changmin murmured, "Then who told me that it is really difficult? Our studio pays a lot of money to the school every year, and I don't dare to expect too much. After the new building comes out, just give us two rooms."

"The new building is a dormitory building, how can I distribute it to you?"

"We don't mind."

Wu Changxin snorted, "You don't mind."

"Aren't there still some vacant rooms in the complex? You can share them with us."

"You mean the sixth floor?"


"The rooms on the sixth floor are reserved for new majors. They are already nervous enough, so I'll give you back."

Liu Changmin said with a crying face: "This is not okay, and that is not okay, what should we do?"

At this time, Yu Dong said, "I think after the dormitory building is built, they can let their studio stay in the dormitory building for a while to make a transition."

Wu Changxin sighed, "The dormitory building will be put into use after it is built. Many teachers can't get a room, so they can only share a room with other teachers. The problems of these people must be solved. And you, I also want to mention something. Raise the bar."

"We're fine."

"That won't work, this must be there."

"Even if we have it, there should be some left."

"There are some leftovers, but we can't give them office. There are teachers who will definitely move in if they meet the requirements. And you said transition, when will the transition be over? Our school has no other plans to build buildings for the time being."

Yu Dong smiled, "Isn't there a Xianlin University City?"

(End of this chapter)

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