Wu Changxin only told Yu Dong about the university town in the morning, and he never thought that there would be news in the afternoon, so when Yu Dong talked about the university town, he curled his lips and said, "I don't know if the university town can be done."

Liu Changmin raised his eyebrows, "What university town, is it in the Xianlin area?"

Wu Changxin nodded, "Well, the government hopes that we can settle in the university town, but the conditions have not yet been negotiated."

"What conditions? Could it be that the asking price is high? No way, the Xianlin is so remote, the cost of land should not be high, how much do they want?"

"Fifty thousand and one mu, to be paid within three years after the official settlement."

Liu Changmin rubbed his hands and analyzed, "Fifty thousand and one mu is not expensive. Of course, it also depends on how well they build. It will be paid in three years after moving in. The project has not yet started, and it will take several years to officially move in." Yes, plus three years, there should be no pressure to pay, so why didn't we negotiate, and what conditions are there?"

"The main reason is that the campus planned for us is a bit small, only [-] mu."

Hearing that the campus was only planned for [-] mu, Liu Changmin quickly waved his hands, "That [-] mu is definitely not enough. This has not taken into account the development of our school in recent years. In my opinion, at least [-] mu is needed. OK."

"Tsk tsk, you are more courageous than me, so I dare to ask for [-] mu." Wu Changxin said with emotion, "Changmin, you used to be a steady person, but now you open your mouth so much."

"No way, our school is different from other schools. Studios like ours need space very much. We haven't asked the school to provide us with accommodation yet."

"It's okay to provide accommodation. Anyway, I go home to live every day. The room allocated by the school is empty and empty. Let it be used as a dormitory for your studio."

Liu Changmin looked at Yu Dong, "Yu Dong, look, every time he tells the principal about this, he always uses this trick with me."

Yu Dong said with a smile, "The matter of the university town has been resolved. When the supervisor heard about the situation of our school, he was very generous. He not only met our request, but also increased the area a little bit on the original basis."

Wu Changxin was taken aback: "Really?"

"Of course it's true."

"I only... so fast in the morning?"

"The leader in charge of this matter is also a vigorous and decisive person. He just called me and finalized this matter."

"Then how much area did he promise to increase for us?"

Yu Dong stretched out two fingers.

"Twenty acres?" Wu Changxin shook his head, "If twenty acres is not worth it, then it is two hundred acres? Not bad, if there are seventeen hundred acres, the planning space will be larger, Changmin said. That's right, several studios are in great need of space, and it is reasonable to arrange accommodation. The extra [-] acres can just solve this problem."

But Yu Dong shook his head and said, "It's not two hundred acres, it's twice as much. They are willing to plan three thousand acres for us."

Hearing the figure of [-] mu, both Wu Changxin and Liu Changmin were surprised.

Although Liu Changmin opened his mouth to say that he wanted [-] mu, he was actually bragging to some extent. He didn't think he could plan to reach [-] mu, but what he didn't expect was that his layout was still small.

Looking at Yu Dong, he is worthy of being the boss of Deep Space China. The layout is huge, and he asked him for three thousand acres when he opened his mouth. The key is that it is really coming.

They all knew that Yu Dong's name was easy to use in Jinling, but they didn't expect it to be so easy to use.

Wu Changxin helped the chair. Although he knew that Yu Dong would not joke with them, he still asked, "Do you really want to give us three thousand acres?"

"Sure." Yu Dong nodded with a smile, "The leader in charge has already promised me personally, principal, don't worry, even if there is any change in the future, they can't make it happen, I will get you [-] acres of land privately, okay?"

It might be considered bragging for other people to say this, but Yu Dong's words are still very convincing.

Looking at the current development of Hexi, you can know how strong Shenkong's ability to manage the city is. A few years ago, Hexi was still barren, but after Shenkong came, Hexi immediately became prosperous.

From work to housing, from housing to commerce, from commerce to people's livelihood, the supporting facilities in all aspects have kept up.

Despite the fact that Shen Kong has much less land in Hexi than in Xianlin University Town, but the amount of money invested is not small at all.

Wu Changxin said with a smile, "I didn't expect it. What I was worried about in the morning can be solved in the afternoon, and there are unexpected surprises. Yu Dong, you have helped the school solve a big problem."

Liu Changmin smiled and said, "Principal, doesn't Yu Dong solve too many problems for the school?"

"A lot, a lot, I keep it in my heart. By the way, when will their university city be officially launched? When will it be officially put into use? The person who came last time told me that it will take more than a year to start. If it takes more than a year to start, it will take at least three or four years before it can be officially launched, right?"

Yu Dong smiled, if Jin Yi was in a hurry to go in, it would probably be at this point in time.

In fact, there is already a school in Xianlin, which is Jinling Normal University, which was the first to go there. If Jinyi was the first to go there, it would not be too lonely.

It's just that it may not be a good thing to go there first, because the infrastructure of the university city will definitely not be able to keep up at the beginning, let alone other supporting facilities.

Take Jinling Normal University, which has passed away. The students who go to school there are no different from those who go to school in the countryside. It is not easy to go to the city.

When the construction of the university town starts later, there will be construction sites everywhere around, and it will be quite chaotic.

Yu Dong believes that although the school is currently short of space, it can still be maintained if it finds a way. It is entirely possible to postpone the time to settle in Xianlin University City by two years.

After six or seven years, when the university town has taken shape, the psychological gap of the students who move there will not be too great.

In addition, the courses arranged by the school for students can also be optimized, allowing students of various majors to stagger the courses as much as possible, so that the least number of classrooms can be used to meet the class needs of all students.

Jinyi students still have a lot of classes when they reach their senior year. In fact, they can put the senior class in the first three years, and let the students arrange freely in advance in the senior year, which can also save a lot of classrooms.

Also, there are too many courses for several majors planned by Jin Yi, and some courses can be changed into public courses, so that students from several majors can take it together, and the general education courses are all in the evening, so that they can be vacant Many classrooms.

There are also various methods, which should be able to meet the needs of the next few years if fully optimized.


After chatting with them in Wu Changxin's office for a while, Yu Dong returned to his office, and not long after he sat down, he received a call from Yu Yu.

Yu Liang first asked about the new campus, and after hearing that it had been finalized, he said with a smile, "Boss, I have some good news to tell you."

"What good news?"

"The release date of "Plants vs. Zombies" has been confirmed."

"When?" Yu Dong asked.

Yu Dong has been paying attention to the progress of "Plants vs. Zombies". After the game was completed, he tried to play it. Although the game was released many years earlier than the previous life, the feeling of playing is not bad at all. A better feeling than the first edition that came out later.

Yu Yu replied with a smile: "November NO.11."

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows and asked, "Why is it set on this day?"

"It was Saturday, and the Williams and his wife at the space were already in a hurry, and they had been urging Shinji Mikami and the others to launch "Plants vs. Vibrate."

Speaking of the Williams couple, Yu Dong asked, "How about the new game made by Roberta?"

"I heard that the progress is relatively slow, but that game is still very difficult."

Yu Dong nodded. This is what he expected. This kind of sandbox game looks simple, but it is not easy to make the game with a high degree of freedom.

"If NO.11 is released in November, there is less than a month left. Will the time be too tight, and can the publicity keep up?"

"That's not a problem. Space has been warming up for this game since half a month ago, and even sold more than 200 copies."

Yu Dong wondered, "How did he sell it?"

"Ken Williams launched an activity on space, as long as you buy packages of different levels, you can get a lucky draw chance, and the lucky draw guarantees you can get a [-]% discount coupon for new games. This trick not only stimulated sales, but also attracted Players are paying attention to new games."

Yu Dong said with a smile: "This Williams is quite courageous. He started selling coupons before the game came out. He is not afraid of any problems with "Plants vs. Zombies"?"

"He doesn't have to be afraid, because the announcement on Space only said that it was a [-]% discount coupon for a new game, and didn't say which game, game name, game type, or even the game company. Even if Plants vs. Zombies If something goes wrong, he can also play other games, and now they actually have games that can be played at any time."

"There is still a risk. Since it is a game that can be played at any time, but Ken Williams did not play it, it must be because this game is relatively tasteless and will not be very attractive to players. If Plants vs. Zombies comes out Problem, the platform releases such a tasteless game to the players, and the players still have a [-]% discount coupon in their hands. They must be unhappy that they have to pay [-]% of the money for a game they don’t like. A bit of a loser."

"Indeed, there is such a risk, but it seems that Ken Williams has succeeded. With the preparation of more than half a month ago, as long as we announce the upcoming release of "Plants vs. Zombies", it will definitely be released quickly. Attract the attention of the players. Tomorrow at noon, at zero o'clock in New York time, the promotional video of "Plants vs. Zombies" will be uploaded on the space, and various channels of our company will also help push the news."

"Well, I see, tell me about the situation the next morning."


Steven Case had just chatted with his daughter who was far away in Nihong for a while on DD, and when he was about to turn off the computer and go to sleep, an official message popped up on the main page of DD.

On the back of a small speaker is written: "Plants vs. Zombies" will be officially released on the space platform on November [-]th.

Steven Case blinked. He had heard about the space platform. It seemed that Xue Leshan had a new game sales platform.

The reason why he pays attention to such a platform is not because he likes games, but because he pays more attention to deep space, and it was not long before deep space acquired Sierra Mountain.

Steven Case also found out that the space platform is related to the deep space computer.

However, this game platform is still too inconspicuous for Steven Case, who is at the helm of AOL, so he didn't pay attention to it for a long time, but he didn't expect to see this name again in this way.

So "Plants vs. Zombies" is a game?

Deep Space Company always likes to use DD to promote its own company's stuff. The official small speaker will have new news every day, sometimes even two or three a day.

The most important thing is that although this small speaker can be turned off, it is easy to turn it on when doing other things, which makes Steven Case feel very annoying.

But I have to admit that although the small speakers are annoying, they really bring a lot of benefits to deep space.

Just like now, if Space releases a game, millions or even tens of millions of people can see the news through DD.

Some people may ask, as the helm of America Online, why doesn't he use his own icq, but uses the chat software of his opponent? Steven Case is also very helpless, mainly because his daughter doesn't use icq, but prefers dd.

If he wanted to chat with his daughter online, he could only use dd.

Although I don't want to admit it, dd is indeed more convenient to use than icq.

After thinking about it for a moment, Steven Case still turned on the small speaker and read the detailed information inside.

It turns out that this game is not only released on Space, but also produced by Deep Space Games.

Although he was not very interested in the game, Steven Case couldn't help but downloaded the space platform according to the guidelines in the announcement.

It took a while to download the platform, and Steven Case even drank a small glass of red wine in his spare time.

After the platform was downloaded, he registered an account according to the guidelines, and then saw a very large cover on the homepage of the platform. On the cover, a zombie that didn't look very scary was stuffing a sunflower into its mouth .

Left-clicking on the picture, Steven Case discovered that there was a video link hidden behind the picture, leading him directly to a video page.

The video is very short, just over 20 seconds.

In the 20-plus seconds, the video demonstrates the gameplay of this game. It seems very simple, that is, put various plants on the ground, and then these plants will attack the approaching zombies.

After the demonstration gameplay was over, Steven Case curled his lips. Is it such a simple game?I haven't seen where the game is fun. Is it worth sending a small speaker announcement?
Just when Steven scoffed at this game, he suddenly saw two big letters flashing in the list of creators - YU.

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