Chapter 888
At the end of the game's trailer video, the two letters YU are intentionally enlarged, otherwise Steven Case wouldn't be able to see it all at once.

Originally, Steven Case thought this game was not worth watching, but after seeing YU's name, he was a little uncertain.

Since YU participated in the production of this game, then this game should not be too bad, could it be that there is a problem with his own judgment?

Although I don't want to admit it, in fact, as long as there is a project with YU's participation, there is basically no difference.

Steven Case recalled the several games that YU participated in before. "Lianliankan" and "Xiaoxiaole" are the kind of games that look simple but are very good to play, not to mention any subjective factors. The sales of these games have already explained everything.

At the beginning, many people thought that games such as "Lianliankan" and "Xiaoxiaole" could only be popular for a while, and after a while, the popularity of the games would drop when players got tired of playing the games.

But this is not the case. These two games have been out for a long time, and the popularity has not only ceased, but has spread more and more widely, basically becoming the same national game as Tetris.

And different from Tetris, Xiaoxiaole and Lianliankan will have version updates every once in a while, and there are many ways to play.

Deep Space Game Company has gained a firm foothold in the game industry with the help of "Escape", "Resident Evil", "Lianliankan", and "Xiaoxiaole", and has become a name that cannot be avoided in the game industry.

Other game companies spend several years producing a game, but they are not as profitable as this seemingly simple game.

Is "Plants vs. Zombies" the same as the previous games, a game that looks simple but is very attractive to players?

Steven Case, who doesn't play games very much, also has some expectations for this game, but the game will not be officially released until NO.11 in November, so if he wants to play, he will have to wait for a while.

However, the space official is very considerate. The game can be reserved in advance on the platform. As long as the reservation is made in advance, there will be no need to queue up to buy on the day of NO.11 in November.

After thinking about it for a long time, Steven Case still paid [-] dollars to make an appointment on the space. He couldn't remember the last time he hesitated because of the cost of tens of dollars.

The main reason is that when he thinks that the money he spends will be used by Deep Space Corporation to develop and strengthen himself, he feels uncomfortable. This is completely an act of capitalizing on the enemy, which is a step higher than his use of DD.

After making the reservation and exiting from the space platform, Steven Case was still relieved, because he had just seen the words "buy packages and new games enjoy a [-]% discount" next to the reservation, so he almost clicked in.If he didn't hold back and clicked in, it might cost an extra one or two hundred dollars.

I have to say, Sierra... No, it should be said that Deep Space really understands how to get users to pay.

This is why Steven Case has been paying attention to Deep Space Corporation. As the top presence in the industry, AOL must be better than Deep Space Corporation in terms of technology and operations.

But in the past two years of confrontation, America Online has always been weaker than Deep Space, because Deep Space can always be one step ahead.

Of course, AOL has not been able to devote too much energy to Deep Space for a long time, and most of their energy has been devoted to the acquisition of Time Warner.

The picture for mergers and acquisitions is not ideal.

At the beginning of the merger, although the stock price fell, everyone was still optimistic, believing that the two companies would have a chance to take off again after the merger.

As long as the merger and acquisition plan is fully completed, the work of the two companies can be on the right track.

But this optimism began to change in April and May of this year. The performance of the Internet industry in the stock market was very poor, and online advertising revenue declined rapidly, making it difficult for AOL to meet the financial forecasts based on the exchange.

At the same time, the world began to rapidly switch to high-speed Internet access, putting AOL's proud dial-up service in jeopardy.Speaking of high-speed Internet access, we have to mention Deep Space Corporation. It seems that Jinling, where Deep Space China is located, has already been deployed in this area.

If the whole world was like Jinling and completed high-speed Internet access so quickly, AOL would probably be finished by now.

In addition to these external factors, after the merger of the two companies, there were also many internal problems.

AOL's working atmosphere is relatively free, while Time Warner's is more rigorous. When the two sides are put together, they can't see each other. AOL employees think that Time Warner's people are rigid, dogmatic, and unimaginative, while Time Warner's employees think AOL's employees were undisciplined, disorganized, and considered themselves elitist.

Although AOL dominated the acquisition, Time Warner employees felt that their talent should stay in management.

Recently, the company had a headache for Steven Case. The "Washington Post" reported a news report, saying that an anonymous phone call was made to them. The content of the call was revealed by a mid-level executive suspended by AOL. AOL improperly inflated advertising revenue.

Now the US Securities and Exchange Commission and the Department of Justice are investigating them, and eventually their company may face huge fines.

In fact, fines are secondary. The main reason is that as soon as this incident comes out, everyone will know that their company’s advertising revenue will not work, which will cause a series of problems.

The buying and selling market pays attention to the relationship between supply and demand. In the past, AOL’s advertisements were easy to sell. When others wanted to come and place advertisements, they naturally had to offer a higher price, and the highest bidder won.

But it’s different now. When everyone knows that your AOL ads are not selling well, they will definitely lower the price. This will make the already reduced advertising revenue even lower, and enter a vicious circle.

This is why they exaggerate advertising revenue, because only by convincing others that their ads are selling well can they really sell more advertising space.

Under such circumstances, AOL has no time to spare extra energy to compete with Deep Space Corporation, otherwise, the development of Deep Space Corporation will definitely be more difficult.

And now Steven Case, when he comes to observe Deep Space Corporation, he has more of an attitude of learning from each other's strengths and absorbing the essence.Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to focus on a small game.


Just because Steven Case resisted the temptation to buy a package and get a discount doesn't mean everyone else can too.

After seeing the word "[-]% off", many people couldn't help but click in.

The activity on the space platform this time is indeed very favorable. There are specific packages for different users, and try to let old customers and new customers enjoy the discount. Basically, all games on the platform participated in the activity.

Originally, it only cost 12 US dollars to buy a "Plants vs. Zombies", but in order to enjoy the 150% discount and save [-] yuan, many people still spent [-] US dollars to buy the basic package.

In fact, this event is relatively economical for new members. New members first enter the space to buy games, and some packages are full of popular games.

This is the case for Luke. Although he has heard about the space platform before, he has never logged on to the platform to take a look. That is to say, this time the DD official suddenly sent a message saying that there is a new game, and he has nothing to do. Just downloaded the space platform.

Originally, he was just curious to see what "Plants vs. Zombies" was and didn't intend to buy the game, but after seeing YU's name appearing in the creator list, he decided to buy the game, and then he paid attention to the platform's activities.

Buying one is also buying, and buying two is also buying. Luke simply bought a popular package, which contains popular games such as FIFA.

After buying the package, Luke wandered around the space platform for a while, trying to find more news about "Plants vs. Zombies", but he couldn't find it after searching for a long time. After that, he went to the Deep Space Tribe to watch those famous Tribal pigs have any gossip.

When Luke arrived at the Deep Space Tribe, the topic of Plants vs. Zombies was already very hot. Nick the pig, a well-known tribe he followed, had already posted about the game Plants vs. Zombies.

Nick is the first tribe pig who became famous on the Deep Space Tribe, and he is good at making strategies. The first strategy he released was to teach new users how to use the Deep Space Tribe.

At that time, Deep Space Tribes had just opened. Although Nick's strategy was rough, it still helped many new users, which also allowed him to gain a lot of fans.

Afterwards, he released various strategies, and many of them were related to Deep Space Corporation, so many netizens speculated that Nick might be an internal employee of Deep Space Corporation, otherwise it would be impossible to make those detailed strategies, but for this Guess Nick has been in denial all along.

Just reading the article posted by Nick, he doesn't seem to know much about the game "Plants vs. Zombies". Nick is a space user, and he already knew that there is a new game in space, but like ordinary netizens, he saw the game on dd After reading the official news on the space platform, I realized that the new game was actually produced by Deep Space Games, and YU also participated in the production of the game.

The information he obtained is no different from other netizens.

But unlike ordinary netizens, Nick discovered many details in the short 20-second video, such as the production of sunlight, the types of zombies, and the ways of using various weapons. He even made a list, listing All the plants and zombies appearing in the video, and also tried to analyze the characteristics of these plants and zombies.

Seeing the list made by Nick, netizens were shocked.

[Nick, do you dare to say that you are not an insider of Deep Space Corporation? 】

[I really didn’t notice these things when I watched the video just now, Nick, you are really amazing. 】

[I didn't expect this game to have so many details. So, this is a strategy game? 】

【Obviously, this is a strategy game. The key is how strategic this game is. 】

[Whether the strategy is strong or not depends on the setting of the item attributes. If the item attributes are set well, the strategy is very strong. 】

[Who paid thirty dollars to make an appointment? 】

[I, I can't help it. This event is too unfriendly to us old users. I have basically bought all the games in the space, and I don't want to participate in the event. 】

[I think there should be another event, collect all the games in the space, and get new games for free. 】

[Hahaha, when there are more games on the space, it is estimated that such an event will be launched. 】

[You said, YU really participated in the production of the game, or was it just a name? 】

[Shouldn't it be just a name, isn't everyone saying that YU is a game design genius?The previous games were also dominated by him. 】

[If it is named, it will usually be listed as a xx guide. 】

[It will definitely not be a name, YU will not be a name easily.And it doesn't matter if it's named, anyway, based on past experience, he wouldn't name a game with no potential. Since his name is on it, it must mean that the game is very fun. 】

[I want to know, can this game be played against?Can players control zombies better than me? 】

[Looking at the video, there is no picture of manipulating zombies, so it should be impossible. 】

【In this case, we won’t be able to fight, sorry. 】

[I'll know when the game comes out. 】

[If there is no battle mode, Nick can suggest to Deep Space Company to let them join the battle mode. In fact, I prefer to control zombie characters to eat plants, Jie Jie. 】

[Yes, it is more competitive if there is a battle. 】

[Speaking of competition, have you paid attention to this year's WCG? 】

[You can only go to the scene to watch the city competition, and you can only see the battle report in other places. 】

[The Deep Space Tribe has an official wcg account, and they will update the game information regularly. 】

【Okay, let me pay attention. 】


That night, Ken Williams kept staring at the data in the backstage until two or three o'clock when he finally couldn't stand it anymore and went to sleep.

At seven or eight o'clock the next day, he ran to stare at the data again.

Seeing that the data didn't count as rising, he felt that he wasn't sleepy at all.

Half a month ago, the space platform launched an activity to buy a package to get a [-]% discount on new games. In the past half a month, many people have paid attention to the new game news, but not many people bought the package.

But after the trailer of "Plants vs. Zombies" came out last night, the purchases of the packages increased dramatically. Until noon, the purchases of the packages in the twelve hours had already exceeded the purchases in the previous half month.

Ken Williams knew that this statistic would be even higher in the future. Players who bought packages and "Plants vs. Zombies" today all went for YU's name.

When "Plants vs. Zombies" is officially launched later, if the player's feedback is good, more players will be attracted.

To put it bluntly, no matter how good the marketing is, it ultimately depends on the quality of the game.If the quality of the game is not good, no matter how much marketing is done, it can only be a waste of money.

The real data explosion must wait until after NO.11 in November.

(End of this chapter)

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