Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 892 I want to see you sour

Chapter 892 I want to see you sour
Ariel Lin and her mother went to the Treasure Island branch of Shenkong Entertainment that evening. The mother and daughter read the contract of Shenkong Entertainment several times, and only after making sure that there were no problems, Ariel Lin signed her name.

Seeing the cautious look of the mother and daughter, Hong Kewen smiled secretly. If the company really wanted to cheat Lin Yichen and tamper with the contract, the mother and daughter would not be able to see the problem even if they read it a hundred times, unless they found out Come to a professional lawyer to help check, otherwise you can only be cheated.

After the contract was signed, Ariel Lin said with some embarrassment, "Minister Hong, I want to apply for the company's living allowance and study allowance, is that okay?"

Hong Kewen said with a smile, "You don't need to apply for the living allowance. It will be sent to the designated account every month on a regular basis. The amount is written in the contract. If you think it is too little, you can submit an application to modify it. As for the study allowance, that's it. It’s time to apply, you are now in the third year of high school, I suggest you directly apply for the university’s study grant.”

"But I haven't been admitted to college yet."

"It doesn't matter, apply first. If you pass the exam, you can get it directly. If you don't pass the exam, it will be void."

"Oh, ok, I see, then I'm applying to college."

Hong Kewen nodded: "No problem, I will help you submit the application, and I will tell you when the results are available. You will need to submit some materials later."

"No problem, just tell me what information you need."


After Lin Yichen's mother and daughter left, Hong Kewen called the headquarters, told about Lin Yichen's situation, and made a record.

After completing the filing, he still needs to call the general manager and report the results.

Before signing Lin Yichen, Hong Kewen had already told Yu Liang about it, because signing a contract with a middle school student in Deep Space Company required the general manager's nod.

After the call was connected, Hong Kewen reported the signing result, and then asked, "Mr. Yu, how did the head office decide on the rectification of our division of labor?"

"The plan has been handed over to the boss. The boss probably won't have time to read it in the past two days. Don't worry, there should be a result in a few days."

For the rectification of this kind of thing by the branch, the margin is naturally to be reported to Yu Dong, and the plan has already been submitted to Yu Dong.

Hong Kewen wanted to ask what the specific plan was, but in the end he didn't ask, because he knew that even if he asked about the margin, he wouldn't tell him.

But he was still not reconciled, "Then is there anything on the boss's side that I need to report?"

"No, I have already reported everything that needs to be reported, and today's situation is not suitable for reporting to the boss."

Hong Kewen was taken aback, "What happened today?"

"The news from the mainland should lag behind yours. You can go to the Deep Space Tribe to search the literary newspaper or the Contradictory Literature Award, and you will know. Okay, let's just say that, I still have something to do, let's talk about it later .”

Yu Yu hung up the phone, Hong Kewen frowned, ran to turn on the computer and logged into the Deep Space Tribe to search for the Contradictory Literature Award.

Soon, he saw a report published by "Literary News" today, announcing the list of winners of the Fifth Contradictory Literature Award.

A total of four works won awards, namely Zhang Ping's "Choice", A Lai's "Dust Settled", Wang Anyi's "Song of Everlasting Sorrow" and Wang Xufeng's "Tea Man Trilogy".

Hong Kewen stared at the list and looked again and again, but he couldn't find Yu Dong's name. He immediately understood what the margin meant.

Their boss, Yu Dong, was originally a big favorite for the Mao Dun Literature Award. Many people thought that this year's Contradictory Literature Award would be for Yu Dong, but the result was different from what people thought.

Hong Kewen has always been in the entertainment circle, and he doesn't know much about the literature circle. If it wasn't for their boss, Yu Dong, he wouldn't have clicked on the report of the literature and art newspaper, so he didn't know what the situation was. -
But no matter what the situation is, this is not a good thing for Deep Space Company, so it is better not to go to the boss to feel uncomfortable at this time, Hong Kewen immediately dismissed the idea of ​​reporting to Yu Dong.


After the "Literary News" report came out, it quickly aroused heated discussions.

This year's Mao Dun Literary Award has been attracting everyone's attention since the start of the selection process, because the most popular works have more audiences, and these works have also entered the list of candidate works.

Many people believe that regardless of whether the Contradiction Literature Award will be awarded four or five awards this year, one of the awards will definitely go to Yu Dong, because Yu Dong has all the conditions to win the award except for his age.

But after the results came out, people were surprised that Yu Dong did not appear in the list of winners.

It is precisely because of such a contrast that this Contradictory Literature Award has aroused more heated discussions.

In the past four Mao Dun Literature Awards, when the report was published, only the award results were announced, but this year is a little different. In addition to announcing the award results, the judges of the jury also attached the judges' comments on these award-winning works in the report. comments.

Although the sudden addition of comments this year can make people fantasize, but the matter of adding comments is also understandable.However, what is puzzling is that in addition to giving comments on several award-winning works, the judges also gave comments on several other selected works, including Yu Dong's "Curse".

The comments on "The Curse" are very simple. I kept praising the novel as very good. In the end, I regretted that the number of awards was limited and could not take into account all works. I hope the author can make persistent efforts and bring you better works in the next year.

Although there are several unsuccessful works for comments, people with a discerning eye can tell that it is mainly for "Curse", which feels a bit like there is no silver 300 taels here.

This kind of "comforting" comment that is not nutritious and avoids the important and trivial also makes Yu Dong's readers feel angry. If you don't give an award, you won't give it. Even if the readers are not reconciled, they can't say anything. After all, literature is inherently subjective. , The literary award itself is also relatively small.

In particular, the Mao Dun Literature Award, the previous list of winners was criticized by many media and scholars because it was too divorced from the public. The works shortlisted this time are obviously more famous than the previous one. It was time to change the strategy. I didn't expect this to be the case. I changed it, but not completely.

They did give awards to some well-known works, such as "Dust Settled" and "Song of Everlasting Sorrow". Both of these works have a large number of readers and their sales are very good.

However, the most well-known "Curse" in the shortlist was not selected in the end, and the award was given to two other works that were not as famous and industry-famous as "Curse".

Many readers were filled with righteous indignation, and they blocked the account of "Literary News" on the Deep Space Tribe that day, and the official "Literary News" had to issue a disclaimer, stating that they were only responsible for publishing news and did not represent Mao Dun. Jury for the Literary Prize.

The Deep Space official also issued an announcement at this time, if there are different opinions on the results of the Mao Dun Literature Award, I hope readers can discuss rationally and not act impulsively.

The first celebrity to stand up for a rational discussion was Zhang Zuohai, a professor of East China Normal University. He has been studying Yu Dong for many years and is a well-known "Dong scholar". Naturally, he also paid attention to the selection of the Mao Dun Literature Award.

After learning that "The Curse" did not win the award, Zhang Zuohai published an article called "A Letter to the Judging Committee of the Literary Award to Mao Dun" that day.

In this article, Zhang Zuohai, who is a front-line teacher, said that the Mao Dun Literature Award, as one of the highest honored literary awards in China, has won two consecutive awards. It is hard to say that it represents the highest level of novels today. The style of writing is relatively traditional and conservative, without proper consideration of the diversity of themes and artistic innovation.

Too much preference for traditional realism and traditional historical novels, and lack of profound reminders of human nature in terms of aesthetic connotation.

He also said that more than half of the works that won the Mao Dun Literature Award were rarely mentioned or never mentioned in the literature textbooks of colleges and universities.

"If the works of the Mao Dun Literature Award cannot enter the university's academic communication channels, they may enter a small circle that is difficult to be recognized by most people in the literary world and the majority of readers."

"Literary awards should stand the test of readers and the elimination of history."

Zhang Zuohai mainly talked about his views on the results of this Mao Dun Literature Award from his own experience. The central idea is that, as a literary award, it is normal to have preferences in the selection, but it must not be a small circle, divorced from the general public or even from universities. Academic circles.

If even the vast majority of college students who have received higher education or even majored in related majors seldom read these award-winning works, then the award will lose its meaning.

Zhang Zuohai, as the leader of "Fish Jelly", once he spoke out, other readers ran over to cheer him on.

[Hu Jichao: Professor Zhang is right. Although the sales volume is very common, but if you still can't achieve better sales results after winning the literary award, there is something wrong with the work itself. 】

[Liansheng: I always thought that "The Curse" was the novel that best met the selection criteria of the Mao Dun Literature Award, but I didn't expect it to fail. 】

[Princess Yuezhi: I still feel that Teacher Yu is too young. If Teacher Yu is 40 years old now, he should be able to win this award. 】

[Pencil head: It should be because of age, but since the rules don't stipulate age, why bother to consider age? 】

[Liu Jinfa: How many novels can an author publish in a lifetime, maybe after this time Teacher Yu will have no chance. 】

[Hei Ya: Ahem, it’s okay for others to say that, but Mr. Yu probably won’t, how prolific he is. 】

[Xiao Bailong: It's hard to say, the style of Mr. Yu's works is more for the public now. 】

[Number One Under Heaven: Forget it, forget it, what Mao Dun Literature Award, do you want to eat it?I would rather have "Cursed" sell [-] million copies abroad, it doesn't matter if it wins an award or not. 】

[Guaziren: I think it is better to focus on the Nobel Prize for Literature. Given the environment of the domestic literary world, I feel that it is more reliable for Mr. Yu to win the Nobel Prize for Literature. 】

[Mouse: Don't talk nonsense, recruit gangsters. 】

[Blooming on the wall: Others are award-winning people, but Teacher Yu is definitely a human achievement award. Not giving Teacher Yu an award is a loss for the Mao Dun Literature Award. 】

[Thick notebook: Let’s just say you are young. The Mao Dun Literature Award originally hoped to increase the popularity of the award. This time, the popularity of not giving the award to Teacher Yu will definitely be higher than the popularity of giving him the award. I was hiding under the blanket and laughing for a while. 】

【Motorola: I said, is it true or not?Is it so insidious? 】

[Quick access: This world is more complicated than you imagined. Depending on the teacher's current influence, this matter may spread abroad. At that time, many people will know that there is also a Contradictory Literature Award in China. 】


No matter when it is, conspiracy theories are very popular. Ever since someone suggested that the Mao Dun Literature Award Committee deliberately refused to award Yu Dong in order to increase the popularity of the topic, this kind of theory has been circulating.


No matter what the outside world said, Yu Dong acted as if nothing happened at home, as if what everyone was discussing had nothing to do with him.

In the past two days, he has been busy planning his itinerary for his Olympic bid, and he will start running around to promote Yanjing in late December.

For this Olympic bid, Yu Dong spends at least two hours every day to exercise these days.

There are all kinds of sports, football, basketball, netizen, table tennis, volleyball... as long as there are people playing in school, he will try it. Of course, he does not expect to learn some sports that he has never played before in a short time. I want to communicate with teachers or students who play these projects, and learn some information related to these projects.

The most basic rules, which countries are stronger, which stars are there, and how much attention is paid to the game, these are all he wants to know.

Because Jinyi sports are not his strong point, sometimes he would go to Jinling University to have a look. The students of Jinling University are happier these days because they often meet Yu Dong.

Yu Dong got the news from Yu Hua that he didn't win the prize.

Yu Hua is not a person who likes to read news, and he also saw the news that Yu Dong didn't win an award from the Dongdong group.

When he logged into Dongdong that morning, he saw many people in the group chatting about this matter, and then he ran to knock on the door of Dongdong's house and told him the news.

Yu Dong was grading students' homework. When he heard the news, his expression was calm and he just replied, "Oh."

Seeing that he didn't respond, Yu Hua asked, "You already know?"

Yu Dong shook his head, "No, I just listen to what you say."

"Then you didn't react at all."

Yu Dong smiled, "Then what do you want me to do?"

"Disappointed? Angry? Unreconciled? Wronged? Doubtful?" Yu Hua said a few words in a row, and finally curled her lips, "It's fine even if it's just disdain."

Yu Dong looked at him with raised eyebrows, "I didn't win the prize, how do you feel?"

Yu Hua turned her head and thought for a while, then said honestly, "Although it's a bit unreasonable, I'm inexplicably relieved. If you really win the award, I'm probably going to die of sourness."

Yu Dong said with a smile, "Hearing your words, I'm a little bit unwilling. If I win the award, I'll be able to see your sour face."

(End of this chapter)

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