Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 893 recommended payment method

Chapter 893 recommended payment method

Yu Dong actually knew that the reason why Yu Hua said sour words was just to comfort himself in a special way, but he really didn't pay much attention to the Mao Dun Literature Award.

It's not that Yu Dongduo is arrogant and thinks that the Contradictory Literature Award is not worthy of him, but his attitude towards the award is the same now. It's my luck to get it, and my life to lose it. You can't force it.

With this time, it is better to think about more realistic things.

"You came here just to tell me about this?" Yu Dong asked with a smile.

Yu Hua took advantage of the opportunity and sat down on the sofa in the living room, and said with a smile: "What can I do, just come here to tell you this, by the way, I heard that you are giving extra classes to the students of Xichuang recently?"

Yu Dong explained, "It's not extra classes, it's about adjusting classes for them. All classes after mid-December will be transferred to the front. I want to finish the classes quickly, and then I can spare time to do the Olympic bid." Work, since I am an ambassador for the Olympic bid, I can't just do nothing."

Yu Hua said with a smile, "It seems that you really attach great importance to the Olympic Games. I think some experts have analyzed that the success rate of Yanjing's Olympic bid is quite high."

"It's quite tall." Yu Dong nodded.

Yu Dong was not too worried about Yanjing's successful bid, because the situation in this bid was much better than in the previous life.

Both foreigners' impressions of China and China's economic strength are stronger than those of the previous life. Except for the Jinling area, there may be obvious gaps in economic strength in other places, but foreigners' impressions of China are definitely much better.

This will not only affect the Olympic bid, but also affect the income and popularity of the official Olympic Games in the future.

"I heard that the company is going to organize the Chinese team to play a commercial match with the Premier League football team?" Yu Hua asked again, he was quite concerned about the football match.

Yu Dong nodded, "Well, we have already made an appointment. There are three games in total, not all Premier League games, one is Manchester United, one is Arsenal, and the other is Nottingham Forest, which was relegated just last year."

These three teams are very well-known in England. Although Nottingham Forest was relegated, it has also been brilliant. After all, it is a team that has won the Champions League twice.

"Damn it, how many teams are you looking for?" Yu Hua was shocked.

Yu Dong said with a smile, "The two games between Manchester United and Arsenal are performances. Play a game with Nottingham Forest with your heart and learn."

"It's interesting, take me with you when the time comes, and I'll show the water dispenser to the Chinese team."

"Okay, you can go and talk to Yu Yue, don't talk about looking at the water dispenser, it's fine to let you play when the time comes."

Yu Hua gasped, "It's great to be rich, but I still won't be able to get in. It's too embarrassing. I'll just let me go to Old Trafford and Highbury to step on their grass."

Yu Dong said with a smile, "It's okay to watch the football, but when you arrive in Europe, I will arrange some other activities for you, such as signing sales and interviews, and you can't just go for fun."

Yu Hua immediately rolled her eyes, "Sure enough, there is no such thing as a free lunch, and to go to the game, I will do everything for you."

"It's all voluntary for me here, it's up to you whether you go or not."

"Go, of course I'm going, I'll tell Feiyu and the others later on." Yu Hua stood up, then thought of something, and said, "The Martian will be released soon, help us get tickets in advance, Haiguo heard that a movie was coming out, and clamored to see it. This kid doesn't like reading books, he just likes watching movies, and he said every day that he wants to be a director in the future."

"It's good to have something you like. The movie is still early, don't worry, the company will book a place to watch it."

"Well, nothing else, I'm leaving first."


The matter of the Mao Dun Literature Award attracted a lot of attention on the first day, so much so that the content related to the results of the Mao Dun Literature Award can be seen everywhere on the Deep Space Tribe.

But on the second day, the situation suddenly changed. Many netizens found that there was a lot less news about Mao Dun Literature Award on the Deep Space Tribe. If you didn’t search for it, you would never see Mao Dun on the homepage and hot news. Literary award a few words.

On the second day, the official account of Deep Space Corporation posted several news in succession.

The first one is related to movie theaters. There are 28 movie theaters across the country that will release some movie tickets online for netizens to book online.

After the reservation is successful, you must go to the local cinema to complete the payment and pick up the tickets at least two days before the movie screening.

This booking mode sounds inconvenient at all, because the audience needs to go to the cinema to complete the payment and pick up the tickets in advance, which is one more trip than going directly to the cinema to buy tickets.

But for some tight shows that are difficult to get tickets, netizens can grab tickets online, which can be regarded as a benefit for netizens. They don't have to go to the cinema to queue up by the window to buy tickets.

The second tribe in deep space is still related to movie theaters, because "The Martian" will be released in more than a month. In order to give back to fans, Deep Space will soon give away [-] movie tickets online.

However, there is also a small problem with the ticket delivery this time, that is, it will be difficult to get the tickets, because these tickets are only limited to the specific 28 movie theaters. .

Of course, even if you don't like it, it can still be transferred.

The third tribe is related to football. During the winter break, the Chinese team will go to England to play a commercial match with Manchester United, Arsenal and Nottingham Forest.

The fourth tribe, in order to ensure the experience of tourists at the Deep Space Annual Conference this year, an appointment system is implemented. Tourists who want to come to the Deep Space Park can make reservations in several ways online and offline.

As soon as these tribes came out, and the website deliberately limited traffic, the number of netizens who paid attention to the Mao Dun Literature Award decreased a lot.

In just two or three days, there were basically not many people who paid attention to the Mao Dun Literature Award at night. Many people paid attention to the award because of Yu Dong. Since Yu Dong didn't win the award, although everyone was unhappy, there was nothing they could do about it. , I can’t just look for qishou every day.

The most important thing is that Yu Dong himself did not make any response, and Deep Space Company did not make any response.

In this way, the popularity of the Mao Dun Literary Award has gone through peaks and troughs with huge gaps within a few days, which was also unexpected by the award committee.

This matter was handled by Jimmy. When he first learned that Yu Dong did not win the award, Jimmy regretted for five seconds and then decided that he would make a wave of "regret". Knowing that Yu Dong did not win the award, even the public opinion deliberately led in the direction of "Yu Dong may have encountered a shady scene".

But one day later, Jimmy found that something was wrong with the Mao Dun Literary Award Committee. Many netizens criticized them, but they didn't resist at all, and even greeted them with smiles.

Seeing this, Jimmy probably knew that the award committee also hoped to stir up a wave of enthusiasm through this matter and enhance the reputation of the award.

Then Jimmy will stop doing it. It has always been the only thing for them to take advantage of others. How can there be any reason for others to take advantage of them?So he asked the company to cool down the matter.

Jimmy also figured it out, it doesn't matter if he wins the prize or not, making money is the most important thing now.

Therefore, he just asked casually about the awards, and most of his thoughts these days were on two companies, one was Cat Doctor, which he and Yu Dong reopened.

Doctor Cat has just acquired pets and is in the process of digesting. There are many things that he needs to ask himself.

The pets company has only two and a half things that are more valuable to Doctor Cat. One is the website. Although setting up a website is not a special technology, pets itself is a mature website that can be used directly. Saved a lot of things.

The other is the pets company's warehouse. It is very important to have a complete warehouse system for the pet supplies mall that will be integrated soon.

The other half is the sock puppet, the mascot of pets. Jimmy is ready to launch a series of development plans around this mascot. To develop the IP of sockpuppet, the resources of Deep Space Corporation must be used.

Apart from Cat Doctor, Jimmy’s rest of his mind is on another company called Confinity, which is just established two years ago and specializes in providing online transaction tools for individual users. Last year, it just launched email payment, payment After the party registers their account, as long as they know the other party's email account, they can make free payments.

As for the company's profit, it comes from the interest on the user's account balance placed in the bank.

The company performed very well in the first half of this year and gained many users on ebey.

For the sake of Deep Space Corporation's electronic payment territory, Jimmy hopes to win the company.

This company seems to be on the rise now, and it may not be easy to win, but Jimmy has also analyzed that Confinity is too dependent on eBay, even if it temporarily defeats eBay's own payment system billpoint, it still faces huge competition pressure.

At this time, Confinity has only two ways to go, either to be acquired by eBay, or to find another way for itself.

Compared with eBay, Jimmy can obviously provide a broad road for Confinity. In addition to the points system arranged by Deep Space, which can be directly grafted, Amazon, which is controlled by Deep Space Corporation, can also be used by Confinity.

As long as Confinity is willing to embrace deep space, their development will definitely be better than being with eBay.

But this matter encountered a little trouble. The boss of Confinity, a young man under the age of 30, Musk, and his partners were willing to hand over the company to Deep Space, but Musk proposed that all shares in Confinity should be exchanged for one $[-] million in Amazon stock, and the price Jimmy is willing to give is $[-] million in cash.

Of course Jimmy didn't want to do it. Wouldn't he lose 4000 million US dollars in this way?

Originally, Jimmy was going to take some time to have a good chat with Musk and the others, but unexpectedly, Musk proposed that Amazon’s stock was no longer needed, and he wanted a 15.00% stake in Deep Space Computer.

Jimmy will definitely not do this condition, and the Deep Space Computer is now on the market, and it is impossible to be worth this little money.

Of course, Musk is also very powerful. He even sent an analysis report to Jimmy, listing a series of benefits of Deep Space Corporation’s acquisition of Confinity, and proposed that if Deep Space Corporation misses this opportunity to acquire Confinity, what will happen later The payment is definitely more than [-] million US dollars.

Seeing this analysis report, Jimmy knew that he had met the right master this time.

It was also because of this analysis report that Yu Dong went to Musk again, had a frank and honest discussion, and finally decided to complete the company's merger and acquisition by means of equity replacement. Confinity's stock was worth [-] million Amazon's stock.

Equity replacement mergers and acquisitions have a lot of benefits for Musk and the others. Not only has it increased from [-] million to [-] million, but the transaction process can also achieve tax planning.

However, after the agreement was reached, Jimmy still asked Musk very curiously, "Why did you choose Amazon's stock? The market for this stock is not very good now, and most people are afraid to buy it. If I put the stock today After giving it to you, the stock price will fall, and you will lose money."

Musk shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile, "I don't care about Amazon's stock price at all. I only care about the development of your company. You are Amazon's largest shareholder. If the stock price falls, you will lose the most. But are you really If you believe in Amazon's future, or if you find a way to get out in the future, this stock will rise."

Jimmy nodded, that's fine, if you exchange the stocks directly to Confinity, you can also leave 5000 million in cash, and you can do whatever you want, even if you use the money to buy back stocks later, you won't lose money, after all It's all cash.

In fact, what Jimmy admires most about Musk is not the courage to take stocks, but that he was able to persuade other partners to agree to his stock replacement plan, which shows that several other partners believe in him very much.

After the company's merger and acquisition, Peter Thiel will still serve as CEO, and Deep Space will focus on the development of electronic payment systems.


November [-] is a very important day for many game lovers, because today is the official release date of "Plants vs. Zombies".

After waiting for so many days, players can finally see the true colors of this game.

Players who have already pre-ordered do not need to enter the purchase screen again, and can download the game directly.

However, players who have not purchased this game before, when they are about to pay, they find that space actually recommends a new payment method. Players can register for a PayPal account and pay through their email account.

Many players who have used eBay know what a paypal account is, and some of them have this account, so they are no strangers, while some have never seen this payment method, so they are curious.

Space only recommends players to use this payment method, and there is no mandatory requirement. Some people tried it because it was a novelty, and some people thought it was troublesome, so they didn't try it. But overall, it still added a lot of new users to Confinity.

(End of this chapter)

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