Peter Thiel is also paying attention to their Confinity background data at the moment. Since the launch of "Plants vs. Zombies", PayPal's payment data has increased slightly.

Although the increase is not particularly obvious, it also surprised Peter Thiel, after all, this is just a game.

For a payment system like theirs, the daily payment flow is very high, and it is difficult to have a clear reflection in such data.

In fact, their PayPal payment flow has been increasing, but after the game was released, the increase was higher than before. Without further analysis, this increase must be related to the sales of the game.

Their company is engaged in mergers and acquisitions with the Deep Space Group, and when the merger and acquisition work is completed, their Confinity will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Deep Space Group.

After the two parties reached an agreement, Jimmy proposed to let them log in to Space. Of course, Peter Thiel and the others couldn't wish for more merchants. They quickly connected with Space and connected the payment.

After the payment was connected, Peter Thiel didn't take it too seriously. After all, Space is just a game sales platform that has just been launched, and their daily transaction flow can't be compared with a website like eBay.

Peter Thiel still hopes to start an in-depth cooperation with Amazon as soon as possible. If they can become the preferred payment method for Amazon merchants, then there is no need to rely on eBay.

But what Peter Thiel didn't expect was that the flow performance of space was so good.

He also paid attention to it. There are not too many games on the space, and the number of users is slowly increasing. When the number of games and the number of users increase to a certain level, the transaction volume will definitely increase significantly.This channel, which Peter Thiel didn't pay much attention to originally, gave him a little surprise.

This is also the benefit of becoming a subsidiary of Deep Space Corporation. They can provide a lot of assistance to Confinity. Although such companies as Space cannot bring about a qualitative change in PayPal, if the number increases, the impact on PayPal will be considerable.

Now there are rumors in the market that the cat doctor who just acquired pets is behind the deep space company. If this news is true, then the cat doctor will also become an important channel for PayPal.

In addition, the star card of Deep Space Company has gradually built a very complete branch system, which can completely become a boost for PayPal.

On the sixth day after the launch of "Plants vs. Zombies", Peter Thiel had a phone call with Yu Dong.

There is nothing important about making this call, but Confinity is about to become a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Deep Space Group. According to the procedure, CEO Peter Thiel will also have a chat with Yu Dong, one of the bosses.

After the call was connected, after a brief exchange of pleasantries, Yu Dong smiled and said, "Actually, I was quite surprised when I heard that Jimmy said that he wanted to acquire your company, because I had this idea before, but at that time, you just wanted to buy your company." Already have a good cooperation with ebay."

"Our cooperation with eBay may be affected by mergers and acquisitions. Next, they should vigorously develop their own payment system billpoint."

"It's understandable to have a little impact, but don't worry, eBay's turnover is just the tip of the iceberg in the payment market, and we have to take a longer-term view. Next, you have to do two things, one is to carry out in-depth cooperation with Amazon, To strive to become the preferred payment method for Amazon users, the second is to cooperate with a ticketing website called Box Office.”

Peter Thiel wondered, "The ticket office? Is it a new ticketing website?"

The ticketing websites in the United States have only just been developed for a few years. There are only a few ticketing websites that can be named. Peter Thiel has never heard of a ticketing website called Box Office.

Yu Dong smiled and said: "It hasn't come out yet, a company I started with Jimmy, this new company has just acquired Ticketweb, and by the end of the year this ticketing website will be renamed as Ticket Office and will be back online."

"Is ticketweb actually acquired by you?" Peter Thiel was very surprised.

Ticketweb is also well-known in the ticketing network. This year, it was acquired by a company named Aitao for 500 million US dollars. The industry is still guessing who made the purchase. Unexpectedly, behind Aitao is Yu East and Jimmy.

This is very important news for Peter Thiel. If they can cooperate with a mature ticketing website, it will be very beneficial to their Confinity business development.

"Well, this is also done by Jimmy. He should talk to you about it in a short time. You just need to be prepared. Amazon, do you have any problems with the connection?"

"There is no problem at all, it will be completed soon, and it will be up to us next."

Although Amazon will help Confinity promote their payment system, it still takes some thought to make users willing to use their payment system.

In fact, Confinity's way of attracting customers is very simple, that is, by throwing money at them. This is what they did on eBay before. Every time they recommend a new user, they can get a reward of ten dollars.

This trick was very useful and quickly attracted a large number of individual users to Confinity.

With a considerable number of individual users, it will naturally attract more merchants to use Confinity as their preferred payment method.

Yu Dong didn't know much about technology, so naturally he didn't have an in-depth chat. Peter Thiel was good at chatting, so he started chatting with Yu Dong about literature.

Peter Thiel doesn't usually pay much attention to literature, but he can talk endlessly when he chats. His knowledge is very wide, and he knows everything he talks about.

Yu Dong was not too surprised by this, he also knew a little about Peter Thiel, this guy is definitely a genius.

Peter Thiel has been good at chess since he was a child, and he ranked seventh in the United States at the age of 12. Just when everyone thought he would continue to go along with chess, he ran to Stanford Law School, and then established Investment company, and established Confinity with Musk.

For a man like Peter Thiel, he can't forget the books he has read.

In order to have a more pleasant chat with Yu Dong, Peter Thiel read some literature-related articles in the past two days, and then chatted with Yu Dong with knowledge based on the viewpoints drawn from the articles.

After chatting about literature for a while, Peter Thiel turned the topic back to

"When readers want to buy a book, their first reaction may be to go to Amazon, because they know that they can buy any book on Amazon. But there is a downside, that is, users cannot buy any book from the website. Get some useful information in the comments for them to choose the book that suits them. In the comment area, it is basically the evaluation of the quality of the book, and few users will seriously talk about the content of the book. "

Yu Dong said with a smile: "Amazon is an online shopping mall. When people buy something in the store, they are more likely to evaluate the quality of the product, because they know that whether a book is good or not has nothing to do with the Amazon platform."

"This is the problem. In order to stimulate book sales, Amazon actually does some book recommendation, which proves that they still want to guide users' reading taste. Even so, no one is going to Amazon specifically to find a book, they only log on to the site after they are sure what they want to read.”

Yu Dong smiled, but he didn't think there was any problem with it. Each platform has its own characteristics. Amazon is a product sales platform, and it is impossible to kill

The Deep Space Literature Network under the Deep Space Corporation has this function. Many people who want to find a book will choose to go to the Deep Space Literature Network to find it. However, most people will read electronic books after finding a book on the Deep Space Literature Network. version, the conversion rate of the physical version is not too high.

On Deep Space Literature Network, there is a good recommendation mechanism and scoring mechanism.

However, Peter Thiel's words also reminded Yu Dong that there are only books copyrighted by Deep Space Company on the Deep Space Literature website, and there are no other books, and the library is relatively thin.

And most of the users who enter the Deep Space Literature Network are looking for popular literature and popular works.

They can create another website, like, which specializes in recommending and reviewing books and movies. Netizens can find books that suit them on this website, and then go to Amazon to buy them.

After pondering for a while, Yu Dong asked: "Do you think Amazon should solve this problem? Or, you already have a good solution to this problem?"

"Haha, I think Amazon can add some book recommendation content, which can attract more users to stay on the website. The longer users stay on the website, the more it can increase the sales of the website. In addition, you can also post in the comment area Putting the reviews that comment on the content of the book in a more prominent place can also make more people make up their minds to buy the book."

Peter Thiel's suggestion is very good, and Amazon is indeed doing it, but he still only thinks of working on Amazon, and has no idea of ​​​​opening another website.

The reason why Yu Dong asked such a question was to find out if Peter Thiel had any thoughts. Now it seems that he hasn't thought about it yet.


After talking on the phone with Peter Thiel, Yu Dong called Jiang Jie.

"Hey, Brother Dong, why did you call me so early? Are you coming to the park today?"

Yu Dong said with a smile: "Have you gone to work?"

"Not yet. I'm having breakfast in the cafeteria. My wife has been back to my hometown these two days, so I'm eating in the cafeteria."

Jiang Jie just got married in the first half of the year. His wife is the editor of Shenkong Books. After they got married, they were allocated a house in the Shenkong talent apartment and have already lived in it.

The talent apartment is very close to the company. Most employees live in the apartment, but all their meals are taken care of by the company.

"Merry cooks for you every morning?"

"Oh, that's not true. When she is at home, I want to cook for her. Now that she's back home, I don't want to do it, so I come to the cafeteria. The cafeteria is so good, you don't have to do it yourself, you don't need to spend money, and there are many tricks , it tastes good, I really don’t know what she thinks, she wants to eat it at home every day.”

Yu Dong laughed, "She has just started her own small family, she should feel that cooking at home will make her feel warmer, and she will be fine after a while."

"I hope so, Brother Dong, you haven't said anything."

"That's right, I hope you can create a website. I hope this website can achieve the following functions..."

Yu Dong briefly talked about the needs of the website, and Jiang Jie on the phone said, "Comments, searches, and ratings are all very simple functions. With a little effort, reading notes can also be realized, but the requirements for the website are higher. Is the profit model of this website mainly through advertising, or what?"

"Advertising is one aspect. There are also paid subscriptions and cooperation with some e-commerce websites. We don't need to think too much about the specific income for the time being. Let's set up the website first."

"Okay, I see, how about this, I will go to the office after breakfast and start working on the proposal, and I will hand over the proposal to you within three days." Jiang Jie said.

Yu Dong smiled and said: "Don't be so anxious. This is just a temporary thought. You should mainly do what you are doing. During this period of time, you still have a lot of things to do with Deep Space Computer. It is the end of the year. The traffic will definitely increase sharply, which is not a small test for your technical department."

Every year to the end of the year, Deep Space Corporation has a lot of things to do, especially this year, their cooperation with cinemas requires the technical support of Deep Space Computer, WCG competitions, Deep Space Annual Meeting... a series of activities are inseparable from Deep Space Computer .

The business model of Deep Space Computer has become somewhat outdated in the past few years. Recently, Yu Dong and Jimmy are also considering restructuring Deep Space Computer, dispersing some of the business of Deep Space Computer, and reducing the pressure on Deep Space Computer. Develop several major businesses of the company.

"Brother Dong, don't worry, we have already made preparations, and there will be no problems at the end of this year." Jiang Jie said very confidently.

"Well, let's put it this way, after you get out the proposal, send it to me for a look, and if you have any questions, feel free to call me."

"By the way, Brother Dong, do you want to tell Mr. Ji about this?"

"Talk to him, and send him a copy after the proposal is ready."


Before Jiang Jie's proposal was made, Jimmy called Yu Dong, and the two chatted in detail about the new website.

For the new website, Jimmy wanted to add many functions at the beginning. If Jimmy's vision is followed, the new website will become an e-commerce website.

However, after chatting with Yu Dong in detail, the two sides reached a consensus that the new website should be simpler and made into a social networking site for netizens to discuss literature, film, and music. It is actually an upgraded version of the forum.

As for e-commerce, let's leave it to a dedicated website, anyway, they have no shortage of such websites.

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