Chapter 896
At the beginning of December, Yu Dong finished all his school courses and embarked on a journey to England.

Many people went together this time, not only Yu Hua and the others, but also family members.

In addition, there are more than 40 people in the national football team, more than 20 players, and the rest are staff from the coaching staff, medical team and logistics support team.

After the plane arrived in London, Manchester United executives personally brought people over to greet them.

When everyone got off the plane, they could see the banner hanging in the airport, which probably said welcome YU and welcome the Chinese team.

Seeing the banners hanging in the airport, the teenager Zheng Zhi who came with the team was amazed, "The most I can think of is hanging the banners in the arrival hall, but I didn't expect them to drag the banners into the airport directly."

Zheng Zhi has just been promoted from the National Olympics to the national team. He is a full-back. This time he is here just to feel the atmosphere. There is a high probability that he will not play. Even if he does, he will not have much time. If the structure is up to standard, Zheng Zhi will not bring it over.

What he said was also what the other team members thought, but the others were more reserved, and their performance was not as exaggerated as Zheng Zhi.

Seeing the bilingual banner, these players are still quite proud, and the anxiety before coming here is also diluted by this red banner, at least they are taken seriously when they come here.

Of course, they also knew that Yu Dong was not the one who valued them.

Yu Dong is of special significance to Manchester United. Manchester United did not perform well for a while, but they won when Yu Dong went to watch the game. Ferguson personally invited Yu Dong to go to the game again, and the game won again. Many Manchester United fans think that Yu Dong is their lucky star.

In the past few years, as long as Manchester United suffered a losing streak, when the team encountered a trough, some fans called Yu Dong to watch Manchester United's games, hoping to rely on Yu Dong, the deputy general, to turn the tide.

This matter was actually actively hyped by Manchester United. At that time, "Second World" was very popular, and the Premier League wanted to open up the Asian and American markets, so they chose to bind with Yu Donglai for a wave of hype.

It's just that Manchester United didn't expect the effect to be so good. Ferguson invited Yu Dong to watch the game and they really won.

Of course, if it was just because of Fu Xing, the top management of Manchester United would not go to London to pick them up with a banner, at most they would pick them up at Manchester United.

The reason why he ran so far is related to Yu Dong's other identity-he can be regarded as a major shareholder of Manchester United.

Deep Space America holds [-]% of the shares of Manchester United Club, which can be regarded as a major shareholder of Manchester United, and Yu Dong is a shareholder of Deep Space America, so he is naturally a shareholder of Manchester United.

In addition, this time Deep Space Company arranged for the Chinese national football team to play a commercial match with Manchester United, and also paid a considerable amount of appearance fees, so Deep Space China is also the sponsor of Manchester United.

Combining these situations, Manchester United must of course show enough attention to East.Originally, Manchester United planned to go to Spain to complete two friendly matches during the winter training in Spain in December, but because of the invitation from Deep Space, they adjusted their plan, and they would not leave for Spain until after playing with the national football team.

The top management of Manchester United came to greet them, but Yu Dong and the others will not go directly to Manchester. According to the schedule, they will first complete a commercial match with Arsenal in London, then go to the home court of Nottingham Forest, and finally go to Old Trafford .


On December [-], after one o'clock in the afternoon, Carl finally finished his homework. He looked at the time, smiled and said to his friend Defoe next to him: "There is still time, let's go to Highbury."

Defoe blinked and asked puzzled, "What are you doing at Highbury? There is no game today."

"Why is there no game, today is a friendly match with the Chinese football team."

Defoe pouted, "What's so interesting about the match between the club and the country."

"The ticket price is cheap, and there is also the possibility of sitting in the front row. This is a rare opportunity."

Hearing that the fare was cheap, Defoe's eyes lit up, "Really? Are you sure you can sit in the front row?"

"Because most people are just like you, they are not interested in this game, so the seats must be very empty. Why don't you just sit there?"

"Then if there are a lot of people going, why can't we sit in the front row?"

William said with a smile, "If there are a lot of people going, wouldn't it be better? At least the atmosphere at the scene is worth our visit, isn't it?"

Defoe was stunned for a moment, although he felt that William's words were not quite right, but he couldn't find fault.

That's right, if there are a lot of people going, it means that they won't suffer a loss if they go. After all, have everyone gone? After all, no one wants to go to a game that no one is watching.

As for the competition, as long as there are enough people, even if the process is not very exciting, the atmosphere of the scene will not be too bad.In a game without spectators, no matter how high the level is, the atmosphere on the scene is not good.

After thinking about it, Defoe nodded and said, "Okay, then let's go there now."


After arriving at the stadium, Defoe and William found that there were quite a few people watching the game, which was basically the same as the usual official game.

William couldn't help but sigh with emotion. Sure enough, the cheap ticket price can attract people. Anyway, everyone stays at home on weekends and has nothing to do. It's better to spend a little money to watch the game.

The official has already issued an announcement in advance. Although today is just an ordinary business match and the opponent is still the Chinese team, their starting lineup is not bad at all. Basically all the stars in the team will play.

Just looking at these stars is worth the ticket price.

After finding a seat and taking a seat, William said with a smile, "Did you know that there is an opening show today."

Defoe asked in surprise, "What's the opening program?"

"I don't know. I only said there was an opening show, but the program schedule was not announced." William shrugged.

"Maybe it's just a few words from the team's top management. It's just an ordinary commercial game. What kind of opening program can there be?"

William looked around the auditorium on tiptoe, as if he was looking for someone, "I heard that YU is here today, it would be great if he could appear in the opening show."

Defoe twitched his lips, "If YU comes, he will definitely be in the VIP box. How can you find him like this? Besides, can YU perform on stage? Could it be writing a book on the spot?"

"It's good for him to talk."

Seeing William's appearance, Defoe shook his head secretly. In fact, his good friend is not a fan at all. He usually drags William to watch the game, and William always looks reluctant.

This time it was the other way around, William actually dragged him to the stadium to watch the game, mainly because he heard that YU was coming.

Defoe felt unreasonable, so he came here, anyway, YU is also going to hold a signing event in London, so it’s fine to go to the signing event, why come to the stadium, is it possible that YU can still play in the stadium?
But when Defoe was about to say something, suddenly there was a change on the big screen beside the field, Arsenal coach Arsene Wenger was chatting and laughing with Yu Dong.

Yu Dong didn't sit in the box, but was behind the coach's bench, and Wenger didn't sit in the coach's bench at the moment, but ran to sit next to Yu Dong.

Seeing the two people appear, there was a burst of cheers at the scene, most of them cheered for Wenger, and a small number of people cheered for Yu Dong. In fact, there were not so many people who could recognize Yu Dong's face at a glance. At least on this pitch, there must be more people who know Wenger than Yu Dong.

Hearing the loud cheers from the stadium, both Wenger and Yu Dong raised their heads in surprise, and then saw the picture on the big screen.

Wenger laughed, "YU, say hello to the Arsenal fans."

Yu Dong nodded with a smile, then waved to the camera.

Seeing this scene, many fans are asking: Who is this person?

Some people can get the answer, but some people can only continue to wonder.

The camera lingered on the faces of Yudong and Wenger for a while, then shifted to the Arsenal star who had just entered the field.

Wenger said with a smile, "There is no such a modern big screen at Old Trafford."

Yu Dong smiled. He didn't expect Wenger to compete with Manchester United in this matter.

Before Dong could speak, Wenger continued, "Not only will we appear on the big screen today, but the live broadcast is also going on. I heard from Sandy that the live broadcast rights for this game are sold quite quickly."

Yu Dong was not surprised that the live broadcast rights sold quickly, because today there was not only a football match, but also an opening performance that lasted nearly half an hour.

"This game will also be broadcast in China. I believe that after watching the Arsenal game, more people will like your spirited team."

Wenger said with a smile, "Of course we also hope to be loved by Chinese fans. In fact, Sandy has said more than once that he wants to take the team to China to see, just like Manchester United, but he has never had this opportunity."

Sandy is the general manager of Arsenal. When Yu Dong entered the field just now, Sandy personally sent him in.

Yu Dong also understood what Wenger meant, and nodded with a smile, "Of course there is no problem. If you want to travel to China, you can go there anytime. Deep Space Company will definitely receive you and arrange itineraries for you. I will talk to you later. Sandy said, if possible, I will arrange for you to go to Jinling next summer."

Wenger said with a smile, "I think Sandy would laugh very happily if he heard what you said. We also responded very positively when we heard that you are coming to England..."

Listening to Wenger's words, Yu Dong raised his eyebrows with a smile. The news he heard before coming here was not like this.

When Deep Space was selecting an opponent for the national football team, apart from Manchester United, the first choice was Arsenal. However, after telling Arsenal about this, Arsenal did not reply for a long time. It took a long time before they replied and said they agreed. .

After the three teams were settled, Yu Dong and the others heard that after they contacted Arsenal at that time, the Arsenal management was very willing. After all, playing commercial games with the national football team can not only get appearance fees, but also improve their performance. Popularity attracts Chinese fans.

However, the team coach Arsene Wenger put forward different opinions. He believed that the league schedule is relatively close and the team should not arrange extra games. This will only make the team more tired and increase the possibility of injuries.

Even if you want to play a commercial game, you shouldn't send a main lineup, just send a substitute.

Because of this matter, the management discussed with Wenger for a long time, and in the end Wenger took a step back.

In fact, the reason why Wenger has concerns is also related to Manchester United, because Deep Space is one of the shareholders of Manchester United, which means that they are with Manchester United. Who knows if they will use dirty tricks during the game.

If the Chinese players move more during the game, it is likely to cause a lot of consumption to Arsenal. Now in the league standings, their two teams are ranked first and second, and Arsenal are still chasing Manchester United.

If Arsenal suffers another injury at this time, it will be impossible to catch up with Manchester United, and the championship will be handed over to Manchester United again this season.

Wenger's concern about Arsenal's management has also been considered, but Deep Space has indeed given a lot. Even if they did not win the championship for this reason, the loss is not that big. Besides, even if there is no injury, their team won this season. The possibility of winning the championship is relatively small, and it is even possible to lose the runner-up.

The two were chatting when suddenly music sounded, which was the prelude to "shape of my heart".

In England, the song was so popular, there was cheers immediately, and at this time, sting holding a guitar appeared on the big screen.

Defoe in the stands was dumbfounded. He never expected that the opening performance would be of such a level. Even a king like Sting appeared. This was an ordinary commercial competition, and the tickets in their hands were only a few pounds.

Even if the subsequent competitions are not held, just by stinging a song live, the few dollars can be earned back.

But this is not over yet. Sting sang a song and went down. Then the energetic new-generation female singer Shakira came on stage. She sang "whenever", which is also very popular in the UK. And catchy, many fans at the scene sang together.

After the song ended, Shakira didn't leave, and another young man wearing a peaked cap came up. This young man had just stepped up, but before he showed up, someone called his name: jay chou.

It has to be said that Deep Space Corporation's promotion of Jay Chou in Europe is still very effective, otherwise it would be impossible for so many people to call out his name as soon as he came up.

After Jay Chou took the stage, he sang a Chinese song "Dao Ma Dan" with Shakira.

Obviously, there are fewer choruses for this song. On the one hand, it is because it is a Chinese song, and on the other hand, it is more difficult to sing along with this song, but even if you cannot sing along, it does not affect everyone's feeling that this song is awesome. force.

The persona created by Deep Space Company for Jay Chou is cool and trendy. He fits the character very well, and European audiences are quite fond of it. Some stories related to Jay Chou reported by special media are very popular among European audiences. favorite.

Europeans believe that Jay Chou was discovered by chance when Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu were having dinner in a restaurant.

(End of this chapter)

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