Chapter 897: Many Stars

Regarding the story about Jay Chou who was accidentally discovered by Yu Dong and his wife when he was a food delivery boy in a restaurant, many other versions have been developed from the original original version, and there is a more outrageous version circulating in Europe.

In this outrageous version, Jay Chou is still the delivery man, but the difference is that there is a small leader in the restaurant who manages their delivery staff who has been bullying Jay Chou, and even embezzling Jay Chou's wages, Jay Chou is the pianist on duty The money basically went into the pockets of the small leaders.

After Yu Dong and the others left the restaurant, when they returned to the restaurant for the second time, it happened that Jay Chou was slandered by the little leader as a thief who stole money from the restaurant.

Faced with the framing, Jay Chou could not argue with anything and could only bear it silently. Just when the boss was about to fire him, it was Yu Dong and his wife who fell from the sky and saved Jay Chou...

This story has more characters than the original version, and the story is more twists and turns, but it is very popular in Europe. Many people believe that this story is true. Some directors even contacted Deep Space. The company, wanted to film the story.

Moreover, Deep Space Company conducted a questionnaire survey. Many women in Europe over the age of 35 know Jay Chou from this story. They think Jay Chou is the kind of good baby who needs protection.

Due to time constraints, Jay Chou only sang "Dao Ma Dan" with Shakira and then walked off the stage.

Many audience members were booing and asked the two of them to play another song, but they could only smile apologetically.

After the two of them walked down, Paul McCartney, the last guest of today's opening performance, also walked onto the stage holding a guitar.

Although Paul McCartney has rarely appeared in the public eye recently, when he appeared on the stage, he was recognized by tens of thousands of fans at the scene, and cheers rang out instantly.

The Beatles has extraordinary significance in the UK, especially after John Lennon was killed, people's feelings for this band have added infinite regret.

Paul McCartney sang a total of two songs on stage, "Black Pig" and "Golden Dreamland".

Looking at the fans who sang along, Defoe couldn't help but sigh in his heart, today's ticket price is really worth it, who would have thought that he could see such a wonderful performance for a few pounds?
Is this the essence of business competition?

At this time, the audience in front of the TV was also dumbfounded. Some viewers who had just turned on the TV thought that they had tuned to the wrong channel or remembered the time of the game incorrectly.

After the show ended, the commentator of CCTV 5 said with a smile, "The audience friends who just turned on the TV, don't worry, this is a friendly match between the Chinese football team and the Premier League club Arsenal. What you saw just now is this The opening performance of the game. Next, there are still [-] minutes before the game will officially start. We can see that the players from both sides of today’s game have re-entered the field. Next, let me introduce the starting lineup of the two teams today personnel and formation arrangements."

"Let's talk about the home side first. Arsenal have formed a 4231 formation with a single arrow..."

The commentator had just finished introducing Arsenal's lineup arrangement, and suddenly the live shot was shown to Yu Dong again. This time, Yu Dong was alone in the shot, and Wenger had already gone to the coach's bench.

Seeing Yu Dong on the camera, the commentator stopped introducing the players, and said with a smile, "We saw Yu Dong in the camera again. It can be seen that the director on the scene likes to shoot Yu Dong very much today, oh, Yu Dong Dong also realized that the camera was filming him, and greeted us. As far as I know, besides Yu Dong, there are several other writers present today, but they probably didn’t sit with Yu Dong. Do we hope to see them on TV? In addition, to make a digression, Yu Dong is the ambassador of Yanjing's Olympic bid. This time he went to London with a mission. Let us cheer for him... ..."

After Yu Dong finished talking, the commentator introduced the lineup of the Chinese team again, and then the game was about to begin.

While waiting for the referee's whistle, the commentator chatted with the audience, "Arsenal ranks second this season, second only to Manchester United. It can be said that they are definitely one of the top teams in the world. It is also the strongest team that the Chinese team has encountered so far. As a Chinese, of course I hope our national team wins, but it is not easy to win against such an Arsenal. I think this game is very important to the national team. In other words, we should learn something from it...Okay, the referee blows the whistle, and the visiting team, the Chinese team, kicks off first..."

After the official start of the game, both sides were testing for the first 5 minutes, and the scene was not particularly intense.

But to the surprise of the audience, this humble national team played in a decent way, playing defensive counterattacks, and occasionally threatening Arsenal's defense. The ugly scene originally thought did not appear.

Yu Dong had expected this kind of situation a long time ago. Although the Chinese team is far behind Arsenal in terms of strength, they still have some strength. If they can show their own things, it will be no problem.

Besides, Arsenal has a mission to play against the Chinese team. It can be said that this is a coaching game, and the rhythm of the game is controlled by Arsenal.

Arsenal, who have mastered the rhythm of the game, know when to put pressure on the Chinese team and when to attract the Chinese team to attack. In this way, the Chinese players can not only know the gap between themselves and the opponent, but also gain confidence in the game and dare to play. Play to your own level.

The first goal came in the No.305 minute of the first half. After seven consecutive one-foot passes, Arsenal brought the ball from the backcourt to the goal of the Chinese team.

Such a beautiful goal not only cheered the fans on the scene, but even the players of the Chinese team couldn't help applauding.

After Arsenal's celebration ended, the director suddenly showed the camera to Yu Hua and the others next to the scene.

Seeing the people in the camera, CCTV's commentator was stunned for a moment, and then quickly began to introduce: "The people who appear in the camera are Yu Hua, Bi Feiyu, Wang Xiaobo... The camera passed too fast, There are too many people, there should be some people, wait a while to see if the director will show the camera. Looking at the expressions of Yu Hua and the others, they are still very relaxed. The state of the Chinese team today is still very satisfactory. The ball, but there were a few chances, it's a pity that I didn't grasp it."

The one-to-zero score continued until the end of the first half. After the halftime whistle blew, the camera was shown next to Yu Hua and the others.

Looking at the person appearing in the camera, the commentator said with some uncertainty, "This should be JK Rowling, the author of the "Harry Potter" series of books. She is British, and she is the author of the Deep Space Company. She appeared at the stadium. It’s not surprising at all. I have to say, today is the first time I’ve watched football for so long and saw so many writers on the sidelines…”

Before the voice of the commentary fell, the camera suddenly turned again, and he couldn't help shouting, "George Martin, this bearded writer actually appeared on the scene. He is not British. I believe many audiences are very impressed by this. He is no stranger, and his "A Song of Ice and Fire" is also selling well in China. The person next to him may also be a writer, I am really sorry, but I can't recognize who he is."

Knowing that Yu Dong and the others will appear on the scene today, the commentator did some homework in advance, so he was able to recognize Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu. He has also seen photos of JK Rowling and George Martin.

But he didn't recognize the man next to George Martin.

After about another minute, the commentator said with a smile, "Our staff gave me a piece of news. The man who appeared next to George Martin just now is the famous French writer Marc Levi. This "If This Is True" has become one of the best-selling authors in France in the past two years. He is also an author under the banner of Deep Space, and he was discovered by Yu Dong before..."

Next, for half an hour, the camera was shown on some of the guests at the scene one after another. These people were either stars in the film and music circles, or writers.

The celebrities who appeared one by one also made the commentator very nervous. After all, it is very embarrassing to not recognize them. Fortunately, he has seen many of the people who appeared in it. Even if he has not, someone will give him the information soon. .

After introducing Guy Ritchie, the commentator breathed a sigh of relief, and then said with a smile, "I think the names of these celebrities who came to the scene may appear in tomorrow's sports news, I have never seen a game There will be so many celebrities, and the director will give so many shots. Such a game can attract so many people to watch, we Chinese fans should be very happy. Of course, what makes us even more happy is that we The Chinese team played at a very high level today, although we lost in the end, we still scored two goals."

Today's game can be described as a goal war. The two sides scored a total of seven goals, but Arsenal scored five of them, and the Chinese team scored two goals.

In fact, according to the previous plan, Arsenal will not score so many goals, but the Chinese team performed well today, and Arsenal also played high, so they scored a few more goals.

However, because of the high kick, Arsenal's defense was a little bit slack, allowing the Chinese team to score two.

And the Chinese fans don't care how many goals Arsenal scored for the Chinese team, not to mention five goals, even ten goals. They are happy for the two goals that the Chinese team showed today and scored.

Although there is a gap in strength, the spirit of the Chinese team today is very good. Facing the strong teams, they did not appear to be discouraged or overwhelmed. But those are understandable, and those two goals would not have been possible without those brave drives and passes.

The final score was fixed at five to two, and both sides were very satisfied.

The Chinese team played their own technical and tactical content, and Arsenal also completed an offensive and defensive practice match. The most important thing is that the players are not too tired, let alone injured, and they scored five goals, which is reasonable.

After the game, the players of the Chinese team ran to the Arsenal stars to ask for jerseys, and Arsenal's head coach Arsene Wenger also gave Yu Dong a No. 1 jersey.

Arsenal's No. 1 is the goalkeeper, but the jersey sent by Wenger is not the goalkeeper's clothes, but an ordinary home jersey with the signatures of all the players of Arsenal's first team, including the coach Wenger's.

After handing the jersey to Yu Dong, Wenger said with a smile, "I heard that you usually wear No. 11 when you play football, but why do you want a No. 1?"

"I don't want this jersey. It's for a friend of mine. He likes your team very much, but he can't come to the scene for some special reasons."

"Really? I would like to express our team's gratitude to him. If there is a chance, we will definitely invite him to watch the game."

"I hope there is such an opportunity, but if you can have a trip to China next year, I can take him to watch the game live."

"Okay, hopefully we can go to China."

While the two were talking, Milu, the head coach of the Chinese team, also came over.

Milu is still very happy today. The Chinese team is now preparing for the 2002 World Cup qualifiers, which will start in more than four months.

Because the two host countries, Neon and Korea, mainly occupy one place in the finals, the Asian qualifiers in our home country actually only have [-] places, and the competition is still relatively fierce. If you want to get the final place, you basically have to keep winning.

According to the current strength of the Chinese team, it is still a bit unsafe, so Milu hopes to use these few months to improve the integrity of the Chinese team.

Today's game may not be able to improve the technical and tactical strength of the Chinese team, but it can definitely improve the mentality of the Chinese team players. It is definitely beneficial to play against high-level opponents.

Just now Milu went to chat with the players on purpose. He found that the players were already looking forward to the next two games. Even though they knew they would lose, they still wanted to learn about these strong teams and feel the difference. Differences in tactics between teams.

Milu believes that these games will definitely open the eyes of the Chinese players.

If it wasn't for the fact that the Chinese don't have this custom, Milu would have wanted to run to kiss Yudong.

Yu Dong was also very happy to see Milu, and said with a smile, "Mr. Coach, your team performed very well today."

Milu was happy in his heart, but after all, he was the loser today, and it was not good to be too happy, so he said modestly, "Our team still has some gaps with Arsenal, and we need to learn a lot from Arsenal. Mr. Wenger's men There is a group of very good youngsters and I believe that in the next few years Arsenal will definitely make all other Premier League teams fear."

(End of this chapter)

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