Chapter 899 Ticket Office
Because Manchester United fans have long known about the opening performance, some people even came here for the opening performance, so although the opening performance lasted for four to 10 minutes, the fans felt that it was too long.

If it wasn't for today's opening performance, where would they have the opportunity to watch the performances of the two legendary musicians of the Beatles and Queen?

After the experience of the first two games, the Chinese team has undergone great changes, just like the silly boy in a martial arts novel who was opened to the second line of Ren Du. The Chinese team performed particularly fiercely in the first half. He took several risks and almost broke the gate of Manchester United several times, which directly stunned the fans.

Manchester United was obviously caught off guard by the Chinese team. The players were relatively relaxed when they played, thinking that this game would not be too strenuous for them.

But what I never expected was that the Chinese team played very proactively after the opening, and the team's strength was not as bad as they imagined.

However, the strength gap between the two teams is too large, which cannot be compensated by energy and tactics. After the first two, three, and 10 minutes of confusion, Manchester United also quickly adjusted their state. By the end of the half, they had slowly controlled the rhythm. .

Seeing that Manchester United's rhythm has slowly come out, the head coach of the Chinese team, Milu, also quickly adjusted and began to insist on defensive counterattacks, leaving only a small number of troops behind Manchester United to contain them.

In the previous two games, the spears of the Chinese team had been polished and shiny. Now that Manchester United started to organize an attack, Milu wanted to take this opportunity to exercise the Chinese team's defense and polish the team's skills. shield.

They have to prepare for the tough battle ahead.

If you want to win the game, you rely on offense, but if you want to win the championship, you rely on defense.

After the Chinese team's trip to the UK, the players all went back, while Yu Dong and the others stayed in England, waiting for the premiere.

"What about the other two teams, Arsenal and Nottingham Forest? How much would you score for these two teams?"

The most important thing is that the search engine of this new ticketing website is very easy to use.

It has to be said that Jimmy was different as soon as he made a move, and the eyes of the media reporters were all on Zheng Zhi.

Third, the website's search engine and recommendation engine are much easier to use than before, and they are completely similar to those of Deep Space Tribe.

Seeing this scene, the reporters on the sidelines picked up their cameras and aimed at the two of them.

Reporters all know that as long as it is related to Beckham, it will definitely attract readers.

The last sentence is completely representative of nonsense literature, but the reporters all think that this answer has a high emotional intelligence.

Beckham also knew that Zheng Zhi's English was not very good, so he smiled and pointed to his own jersey, and then pointed to Zheng Zhi's jersey.

After being acquired, the website has undergone earth-shaking changes, especially the display of ticket information, which is more concise and intuitive than before, and there are more movie theaters in cooperation with it than before.

After the game, all Chinese players sat on the ground, including the goalkeeper.

The reporter of "Manwan" was very cooperative, and asked questions related to the Olympic bid, "Hi Yu, we all know that you just became the ambassador of Yanjing for the Olympic bid a while ago. First of all, I would like to congratulate Yanjing for being able to invite you Serving as an ambassador for the Olympic bid will greatly improve Yanjing's confidence in the Olympic bid. The Chinese football team's trip to the UK organized by Deep Space Company is very effective. What are your plans for the next step? Will you continue to play in England?"

But it doesn't matter, Manchester United still has a lot of stars, and they still have to change.

"What advantages do you think Yanjing has in applying for the Olympics?"

A team can only have the last laugh if it defends well.

Of course the reporter also knew about the premiere ceremony, he just asked this question just to bring up this topic.

After the game, Yu Dong also participated in the post-match interview, three games, today is the first time he participated in the post-match interview, because today is not only a post-match interview, but also a summary of the Chinese football team's trip to the UK.

But after the game, he had exhausted all his strength and could only lie on the grass.

Especially the teenager Zheng Zhi, because of his outstanding performance in the last game, Milu entrusted him with a heavy responsibility in this game and started the game directly.

Yu Dong thought for a while and said, "If it was a ten-point system, I would give them seven points. As a fan, I am quite satisfied with their performance in these few games, but they still have a lot of room for improvement. The three points left for them to continue to fight for in the future."

However, now netizens don't care whether this website is owned by Shenkong, and their attention is all on the discounts of box

He was originally a defender, but Milu boldly raised him to the position of the defensive midfielder. This adjustment has achieved miraculous results. He has been fighting with Keane and Beckham several times to stabilize the situation.

On the day the ticketing website went live, many people speculated that the website was owned by Deep Space Corporation.

Yu Dong laughed, "Ten for sure, no one will play anything other than ten for a team with superstars like Keane, Beckham, Solskjaer, Giggs, Scholes, Neville, etc. I give them [-] points, not because they are only worth [-] points, but because this is a [-]-point system, and [-] is the upper limit."

On December [-]th, a ticketing website called Ticket Office was officially launched. This ticketing website was re-opened after the previous ticketweb was acquired.

And in less than ten days, they played a total of three games. If Milu hadn't boldly used new players in the next two games, they would have been exhausted.

From the audience's point of view, it was a very graceful thing for Beckham to pull Zheng Zhi up and take the initiative to exchange jerseys. After all, the Chinese player looked very young. This is also the care of the senior players for the younger players.

This is provocative, Yu Dong said with a smile, "If you want to score all the teams in the Premier League, I don't think there is enough time for today's interview. As the birthplace of modern football, there are many aspects of English football that are worthy of China. If there is not enough time, I want the Chinese team to play a match with all the Premier League teams. I believe that our two countries will have more exchanges in football. If Yanjing is lucky enough to host the 2008 Olympic Games , I hope to see you all appearing in Yanjing at that time, Yanjing welcomes you professionals."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Thank you for your approval. I will stay in England for the next week, because I will attend the premiere of "The Martian" in a few days."

Jimmy believes that someone must be highlighted so that the audience can remember the football team better.

So I had to find another way to introduce Zheng Zhi, a rookie who had just been promoted from the Olympic team. People always like to hear this kind of story of becoming famous with one goal.

Seeing Beckham's gesture, Zheng Zhi was a little dumbfounded, "You want to change the jersey with me?"

The young rookie, who was not optimistic at first, was lucky to get the chance to play, and then used his performance to conquer the coach. He became the starter in the second game and was finally affirmed by Beckham.

Zheng Zhi also reacted, and quickly took off his clothes and handed them to Beckham.

This is not a difficult task for Beckham, and it can earn him a good reputation, so he agreed.

If these 100 million movie tickets can bring millions of active users to the box office, then they will make a lot of money.

In the end, when the game came to No.809 minutes, Beckham extended the score to 1-[-] with a long shot. However, in the last minute, Manchester United was a little lax and aggressively suppressed the situation. One was stolen by the Chinese team, and the final score was fixed at [-]-[-]. one.

The Mandarin he used was completely incomprehensible to Beckham, so he took off his jersey and handed it to Zheng Zhi.

But few people know that Beckham's initiative to exchange jerseys is also a marketing operation.

Recently, the handsome blond Beckham behaved very well. It is not easy for reporters to find some news about this topic king. Now this picture is quite interesting.

The key is that the number of 100 million sounds too domineering, and many people have drawn free movie tickets after registering as a user. It feels as if they can win prizes just by registering.


Even if you are unlucky, you can get discount coupons of different amounts, and users can use the discount coupons to enjoy discounts when buying tickets.

As for the number of 100 million tickets, it will definitely not be faked. In the eyes of ordinary users, 100 million tickets seems to be quite a lot, but it is nothing to Deep Space Corporation.

After exchanging jerseys, Beckham patted Zheng Zhi on the shoulder again, turned around and walked towards the locker room.

Zheng Zhi held Beckham's jersey and didn't know whether to wear it or not, so he could only hold the jersey naked, and the flashlight kept shining on him. The big stage made him a little flustered.

"What about Manchester United? How much would you rate Manchester United?"

Only a few people knew about this matter, and Zheng Zhi himself was completely unaware of it.

This operation was led by Jimmy himself. It was Jimmy who asked Beckham to encourage Zheng Zhi after the game and take the initiative to exchange jerseys.

"As a famous cultural city with a long history, Yanjing has all the conditions to host the Olympic Games. There are sports facilities that can support the Olympic Games, and Yanjing's Olympic bid has received strong support from the Chinese government and the people of the whole country..."

If you are lucky, you can get free movie tickets, which can be exchanged in most cities across the country.

There is still a gap between the strength of the Chinese players and the top players. Even a player like Yang Chen who is playing in the Bundesliga can hardly attract the attention of fans. After all, they watch Premier League superstars every day.

Zheng Zhi was fierce when he played football, but he was very shy off the court. His English is not very good, but Beckham’s words are relatively simple. If he can understand him, he is praising him. He forgot the fatigue on his body for a moment, just stupid Smiling, "Thank you, thank you."

During this trip to England, the national football team performed really well and was recognized by many fans, but this kind of recognition for the whole lacks effect.

After these people win free movie tickets, they will help promote it and attract more people to register as members.

The world premiere of "The Martian" was finally scheduled to be held in London on the afternoon of December 21st. Today is December NO.18, and there are only three days left.

This kind of payment is not too much at all. PayPal rewards ten dollars per person in order to attract users.

As long as you register on Box Office, you will be able to get a chance to draw a lottery, and you will definitely get a prize in the lottery.

Second, the art style of the website is very similar to that of Deep Space Tribes.

Combining these three points, it is impossible not to guess the relationship between this ticketing website and Deep Space Corporation.

After pulling Zheng Zhi up, Beckham patted Zheng Zhi on the shoulder, "You performed very well today, your style is very suitable for England."

For the players of the Manchester United team, this is just an ordinary commercial game, but for the players of the Chinese team, this is comparable to a life-and-death battle. They have exhausted all their strength for this game.

The other players of the Chinese team looked at Zheng Zhi very enviously. Who wouldn't envy Beckham to change his jersey on his own initiative?

There are three reasons for this speculation.

At this moment, Manchester United's superstar Beckham slowly walked to Zheng Zhi's side, stretched out his hand and pulled him up.


In the first 10 minutes of the second half, the defense of the Chinese team really made Manchester United a little distressed. However, in the 23rd minute of the second half, Manchester United's stars began to shine. Beckham's perfect 45-degree long pass found the substitute Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, whose header gave United the lead.

After falling behind, the Chinese team was not in a hurry at all, they still played steadily, and the defensive formation was not messed up at all.This also surprised the Manchester United coach. He thought that once the Chinese team, which was strictly guarded, was scored, it would be like a deflated ball at the mercy of others.

Why did he choose Zheng Zhi? This is also a helpless move.

In order to celebrate the opening of the website, Box House issued an announcement that 100 million free movie tickets will be distributed to registered users of the website.

After Dong finished talking about the advantages of Yanjing's Olympic bid, the reporters began to ask other people's questions, but whether it was Ferguson or Milu, after talking about today's game, they would also bring the topic to Yanjing's Olympic bid.

This trick of throwing money is useful no matter what.

He came here mainly to bid for the Olympic Games, and of course he had to ask a few questions.

"If you were asked to rate the Chinese team, how much would you rate for them?"

First, the first payment method recommended by the box office is PayPal, and Confinity has just released news that they were acquired by Deep Space Corporation.

In addition, Deep Space Company can also promote the movies under its own name while invoicing.

Among the 100 million movie tickets, at least two-thirds are tickets for "The Martian". That is to say, the activities of Box alone can bring 70 million moviegoers to "The Martian".

Not to mention, there are still many people who will take the initiative to buy movie tickets for "The Martian" after registering at the box office.

The money distributed by the box office eventually went to "The Martian".

(End of this chapter)

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