Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 900 1 way to save money

Chapter 900 One Hundred Ways to Save Money
Giving free tickets to users seems to be a lot of investment, but in fact the real big investment is still in ticket replacement.

As a ticketing website, if the box office wants to attract more movie fans, increasing ticket subsidies is the best way.Movie fans buy movie tickets through ticketing websites, not only for convenience, but also for saving money.

There are also many ticketing websites now, so only tickets can stand out if there are more tickets.Movie fans are very realistic, no matter how much your website does, how smooth your search engine and recommendation engine are, or how tasteful your artwork is, what they care most about is how much money you can save by buying tickets from you.

If you don't save as much money as other sites, I can only say sorry to you.

However, Box Office has an advantage over other platforms, that is, they are the same boss as Deep Space Company. Later, when Dongdong really takes the top spot in European and American social software, Yu Dong and the others are likely to be in There is an entrance on the top of Dongdong that leads directly to the ticket office.

At that time, Dongdong users do not need to open other websites, and can directly find the ticket office entrance on Dongdong to enter the ticket office.By then, tens of millions of users of Dongdong will provide a large number of users for the box office.


On the night of December [-]th, after Selena returned home, she suggested to her husband to go to the cinema to watch "The Martian" on the day it was released.

"I heard that tickets for the first day are not very easy to buy, should we buy tickets in advance?"

Husband Paul said disapprovingly, "No, no matter how popular movies are, Giant Cinemas can buy tickets."

After the payment was over, Selena stretched her head over to take a look, "Have you already bought the ticket?"

"Really?" Selena leaned next to her husband and stared at the computer screen, "How much cheaper can it be? Can I buy tickets for the Giant Theater?"

Paul quickly calculated in his mind that he and his wife would go to the cinema two to three times a month on average, that is to buy six to eight tickets, and 36 to 48 tickets in six months. If you buy a gold membership, The discount of these [-] tickets can be used completely.

Hong Xingtong has been a science fiction fan since he was very young, and he is also a science fan. He always looks for science in science fiction stories.

Although the male protagonist has been suffering setbacks, this is obviously a comedy, as can be seen from the audience's intensive laughter. At least in terms of making the audience laugh, "The Martian" is successful.

When they arrived at the cinema, there was a long queue at the box office, but these people were destined not to be able to buy today's tickets.

Lottery draws and membership purchases are the most basic, and users can also make up their bills for full discounts.

Paul nodded, "Okay, I'll buy it now, I just have PayPal."

Nick helped netizens do the calculations. If done well, it is absolutely possible to buy tickets without spending a dime.

Secondly, they send the money to the website first. The money is cash flow. Even if the website does not use the money to operate other things, it can get interest if it is deposited in the bank. The importance of cash flow, Paul But clearly.Many companies would rather lose money and have cash flow, because cash flow also represents the value of a company to some extent.

The last time movie theaters were this lively was when "Titanic" was released.

In such a short while, in addition to the two tickets they bought, three tickets were sold. If there is no accident, the remaining seven tickets will be sold soon.

They were lucky and got two tickets. After discussing it at home, they finally decided to let Dad accompany him to see it.


In fact, due to the thin air on Mars, it is basically impossible for such a violent sandstorm to occur.

Paul smiled and said, "Well, I bought it, and the two tickets only cost eight dollars."

Especially after meeting Yu Dong in the Deep Space Park and receiving a model of Tianwen-[-] as a gift, his heart has been strengthened, and he must be a physicist when he grows up.

After finding the box office website, Paul skillfully registered an account for himself, followed the prompts to select a region, and then found the Giant Cinema near their home.

There are no tickets for the next show from [-]:[-] to [-]:[-], so if you want to watch it, you have to wait until the show after [-]:[-].

Seeing that his wife was a little upset, Paul said with a smile, "No problem, I'll buy it now, but we don't have to go to the cinema, we can buy it online. I just launched a ticketing website, and I heard that Deep Space Corporation made it themselves. Yes, the fare must be cheap."

According to the website, there are only twelve tickets left for the first show on Friday afternoon, and not even one ticket for the evening show.

Seeing that there were only [-] tickets left, Selena quickly took Paul by the arm and said, "Buy it quickly, buy it quickly, or there will be no more tickets later."

Of course, Paul doesn't think the box office will lose money.

There are two kinds of memberships in total. The first is the silver membership price of five dollars. Buying this kind of membership will get four coupons, and each coupon can save $[-]. The validity of the coupons is one month.If you buy this membership, you can buy four tickets in one month, and you can save an extra $[-].

After buying the tickets, Paul refreshed the page again, and the website showed that there were only seven tickets left for the Friday afternoon show of "The Martian" at the Giant Theater.

The whole film is not much different from the novel, but some plots in it have been modified, and some literary stalks have not appeared, but it is more straightforward, and the jokes are also very good.

After all, the prequel of the planet is a sequel, and it has the foundation of the previous works, so the premiere was very popular. At that time, they wanted to buy the previous tickets, but they couldn't buy them.

The membership discounts, plus the original ticket supplement, they can save tens of dollars within half a year, which is still very cost-effective.

Without him, the discount is indeed great.

When Yu Dong was writing "The Martian", he obtained a large amount of research materials from the Sichuan Science and Technology Association, and he also extracted useful information from these materials and put them in the book.

Although the background of the story has been changed, the plot at the beginning is the same as in the novel. The protagonists encountered a sandstorm when they were on a mission to Mars.

However, Hung Xingtong can understand, because if the filming is done according to the original work, the picture effect must be mediocre, not as attractive as it is now.


After checking the tickets and entering the theater, after a short wait, the movie started.

In addition to the support of ordinary movie fans, "The Martian" has also received support from many units. The Sichuan Science and Technology Association publicly stated that it is recommended that middle school teachers take students to watch "The Martian", which will help develop students' interest in aerospace, etc. field of interest.

Paul also secretly heaved a sigh of relief. If he hadn't listened to his wife, he might not have been able to buy tickets for the first day.

When the movie is released, the unit that provided the research materials that year will also be specifically mentioned at the curtain call.


Paul was also a little uncertain, "It should be possible. I heard that there are many movie theaters that cooperate with each other. Let me take a look first."

On the second day after the box office website was launched, Nick updated a new strategy "One Hundred Ways to Save Money at the Box Office" on his personal blog.

Coupons are very convenient to use. You can click directly on the ticket purchase page. He bought two movie tickets and was prompted to use two coupons.

Giant Cinema is a cinema near their home. This cinema is very large, and the residents around them are not too dense, so under normal circumstances, this cinema can buy tickets at any time at any time, and there will be no situation where tickets cannot be bought.

But the sandstorm in the movie is too violent, which doesn't match the original description.

Paul's way of saving money by purchasing a gold membership is still the most basic, and many people have already researched other ways to save money.

Thinking of this, Paul didn't hesitate to buy a gold member directly.

In this guide, Nick explains in great detail how to save money.

First of all, after buying a membership, he will have to buy tickets at the box office for a long time later, which will continuously bring transaction volume and traffic to the website. This is a very effective way to retain users.

After buying the gold membership, the system immediately issued [-] discount coupons of US$[-] to his account. These coupons indicate that there is no threshold for using them, and they can use them regardless of the price of the movie tickets they bought Coupons, but only one coupon can be used per ticket.

After all, this is a sci-fi movie, not a documentary.

"That's right, a total savings of five dollars."

"The Martian" was released on the same day in China and North America. While everyone in North America was still discussing about the box office, Chinese movie fans still had to go to the cinema to buy tickets.

Some theaters will offer a full discount on the number of shows. For example, the same account can get another five dollars off for a one-time purchase of $[-] tickets.

Selena raised her eyebrows, and said in surprise, "Is it so cheap? I just saw that the original price of a ticket is [-] dollars."

There is also a gold membership, the price is [-] dollars, gold members can get [-] coupons, and the time limit is six months.If you buy this membership, you can save $[-] by purchasing twenty coupons within six months.

Later, when this novel was adapted into a movie, although the plot and the background of the story have been changed, the scientific knowledge involved in it has not changed, and everything that should be there is still there.

Selena curled her lips and muttered, "Isn't it because we didn't buy the prequel of the planet last year, and we didn't see it until the third day after it was released."

In major cities, the movie tickets for the first day of "The Martian" were sold out as soon as they came out. Many people waited in line for half a day at the movie theater but were told that they could only buy tickets for a few days later.

At this time, China's drama also began.

In the second half of the movie, the movie gradually became passionate from being relaxed and funny at the beginning. The hero found the hope of returning home, and the earth was doing its best to rescue him.

It's still the famous Internet celebrity, strategy master Nick.

In order to rescue the male protagonist, many countries joined forces, and the China Space Administration also actively joined the team to rescue the male protagonist, and Yu Dong's name even made a cameo appearance.

Later, when these people find that the coupons can't be used up, whether they force themselves to go to the cinema to watch movies or leave the coupons unused, it will be profitable for the website.The former stimulates consumption, while the latter directly picks up money at the box office.

In addition, the Pauls are basically sure to be able to use up to [-] coupons within half a year, but there are some people who can’t use them. These people may only watch ten or even less than ten movies in half a year, but I still bought a membership for the discount.

When seeing the storm in the movie, Hung Xingtong couldn't help muttering that the sandstorm was too big, and there was also a sandstorm in the original book, but Yu Dong made some side-by-side explanations. In fact, the storm was not that big, but because There was too much dust, which greatly affected the activities of the astronauts. In addition, the protagonist was smashed into the sand and there was no sign of life, so the colleagues left.

Paul was thinking in his heart, this order has already saved 20 yuan, and he can earn [-] yuan back by watching movies three times later, and earn the rest of the coupons.

"Let's see... a ticket that normally costs $[-] is now $[-] on the website, saving the two of us $[-]."

With the emergence of the box office, Deep Space Tribe did not take the initiative to do any promotion, but it still became popular in Deep Space Tribe.

While Paul was calculating the bill, he was preparing to check out, but the moment he entered the order, the system reminded him that he could purchase a membership, and this order could save more money.

After the others left, the protagonist "resurrected from the dead". He found that he was alone and had no way to communicate with the outside world. The most urgent task was to survive.

"How much is a ticket here?" Selena asked.

From this point of view, the Sichuan Science and Technology Association certainly hopes that more people will watch "The Martian".

On the evening of December 22, Hung Xingtong's father picked him up by bike and went straight to the cinema instead of going home.

Some people are like this. When encountering any promotional activities, they feel that they are losing money if they don’t spend money, even if the things they buy are not of great use to them.

Users can also participate in the questionnaires on the website, and can get a random number of beans. The beans are divided into copper beans, silver beans, and gold beans. How many beans can be redeemed for certain discounts.

In fact, he didn't care if it was the first day he saw the movie, but if he didn't buy it, he would definitely be muttered by Selena, which would be uncomfortable.

In addition, the system also prompts that his account has already purchased a gold membership, and he cannot purchase any more memberships within half a year.

The reason why China can provide help is because a Chinese writer named Yu Dong once wrote a "Mars Self-help Guide" and put forward the hypothesis of self-rescue on Mars. This matter was discussed within the China Space Administration before. Unexpectedly It really came in handy.

In the end, it was China who selflessly contributed the important equipment in the "Wentian" project to help the hero return to Earth.

In the command hall I saw, when aerospace workers from other countries saluted the Chinese representatives, all the audience in the theater were excited.

Although I know that this is a movie and it is fictional, it is worth seeing such a scene in a Hollywood movie.

(End of this chapter)

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